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File: 76 KB, 636x358, video-undefined-2740AC7C00000578-885_636x358[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
832916 No.832916 [Reply] [Original]

What is your motivation /biz/?

Mine is this clip right here:


>> No.832925

Do you even know what you really want?

>> No.832936


>selfie sticks

-3/10 Absolutely haram.

>> No.832946
File: 45 KB, 453x604, PRTCO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I imagine myself as free as this scorpion.

Pretty sure this beats your snowboarding video OP

>> No.832948

That had to be the gayest thing I've ever watched

>> No.832954

Awesome video OP. Good motivation video.

I usually try to watch stuff similar to this for the good vibes but it's usually more along the lines of affirmations with music and such. Here's one for you since everyone else in this thread seems to be a negative twat.


>> No.832957

Lol You will never ball hard anon. You are just in love with the idea of balling hard.

>> No.832971

You can do this right now.

It doesn't cost all that much to do every activity in the video a few times. Unless you mean every single day, which sorry to disappoint you but most upper middle class - "rich" people, don't do, if not very rarely.

>> No.833332


Hedonism-The Video..

>> No.833338
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>> No.833357


>> No.833375

Looks pretty boring, I'd rather be here mocking people who buy bitcoins

>> No.833388


What exactly does he do to have all those instagram followers? Him and his gf both have 2 million followers... and apparently don't do any real work. What in the FUCK am I doing wrong. I can't even afford to eat 2 meals a day, let alone 3... and these people are getting money like it's nothing

>> No.833400

be born rich and appeal to idiots to get instagram followers

>> No.833404
File: 136 KB, 1365x669, water park2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it seems like he only has the life he has BECAUSE OF instagram... seems like without instagram, he wouldn't be shit. This makes me angry.

fucking captcha.. look at this shit. I am so poor, I don't even know what fucking images are waterparks.. they ALL look like waterparks to me, I never had a swimming pool nor have I been in any. TOO FUCKING POOR

>> No.833406

>mfw can't identify waterpark :(

>> No.833412

>Quotes & Replies
>Use Legacy Captcha

You're welcome.

>> No.833475

how Jay Alvarrez makes money

>> No.833534

My motivation is one day walking into a hall and hear people say "hey guys anon is here. Quick clean yourselves up and stand uo." Then they would proceed to give me handshake and kiss my ass.

Another motivation is having a personal driver that drives me to my marketing company and then have me proceed to huge celebrity figures and make deals to manage their social media accounts.

Enough dreaming. I'll be getting back to work.

>> No.833555


>> No.833557


>gf doesn't even have any tits, looks like a 12 yo boy

>> No.833563


>> No.833565
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That blonde girl is all kinds of yummy, and the way she's biting her lip - hnnng
Pic related is mine, but I'd be better dressed. For someone so rich, his fits are consistently sloppy - but I doubt he cares.

>> No.833576

Have you seen dat ass tho? With that ass she can have smallest tits in the world i dont care

>> No.833579

Idolizing THINGS isn't motivation.
Motivation comes from a place of deeper meaning, and if you don't know what that meaning is to you yet, you haven't lived enough life.

The reason poor people, fuck ups, idiots, drop outs, and drug addicts rise to the top is because they've sat at the bottom.
They've lived the worst and now realize hard work will lead them out of it.
That, and to be honest, a lot of dumb luck.

tl:dr -- motivation comes from living life the hard way, and not wanting to do that anymore.

>> No.833581

These people are either trust fund kiddies, or crooks, maybe both.
Look at people like Robert Herjavec who came from absolute poverty to create one of the world's leading cyber security companies.
He experienced how shitty life was, saw his family suffer, and worked to never live that way again.
He's not a perfect guy, but he's someone wealthy who's story I can relate and look up to.

>> No.833592

I thought it was obvious that was a collage of shills and tools, mainly MLM shills, or did you realize that and was just saying

i dont know

>> No.833593

Absolutely I realized that.
I'm just making the point that many of these videos of people in expensive cars, in big fancy houses are frauds and not people who deserve looking up to.

>> No.833599
File: 146 KB, 600x600, lydia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't know what should motivate me, or why

most people are motivated by the rewards they've grown up around. in the west this is fame, money and power. for other people it is charity or community or afterlife

all of these seem as arbitrary as the next to me, and i know whatever i choose i will later regret

how am i supposed to choose?

>> No.833603

I just never want to have financial problems anymore.
I want freedom and time

>> No.833738
File: 50 KB, 500x666, BobRossPhilosophy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This. Expensive cars and mansions are a burden.

Living quietly and peacefully without worry is the best motivation.

>> No.833966


>> No.833987


Now I feel like shit

>> No.834460
File: 85 KB, 800x509, $_20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fancy Cape Town real estate inspires me

>> No.834484


>> No.834728

How can i cope with having to study and work 9-5 half of my life?

>> No.834748

>long lasting, strong


>fickle, fleeting

>> No.835031


>> No.835035


Holy shit, I needed that


>> No.835058

Anything he desires.

>> No.835071

>network marketing

Sure, if you want to go broke and lose all your friends, then desperately dig yourself into debt with the "I got rich and you can, too" gimmick.

>> No.835076

>think about what you'll do when your investments give the amount/month you can comfortably live off of

>> No.835087


>> No.835301


>> No.835318

I want to be able to provide for my family, spoil my kids, and have enough money so that even if they fuck up colossally they'll be provided for the rest of their lives and can pass down stuff to their kids in turn

>> No.835555

The thought of waking up in he morning without an alarm clock, rolling over to kiss my gf good morning before getting up to make her breakfast, and then doing whatever the fuck I feel like doing all day without worrying how im going to pay for it.

Spending $ on experiences and adventures>>>>>>expensive materialistic garbage

I'd travel to exotic places, scuba-dive with sea turtles, skydive over tropical islands, do all sorts of world class drugs, and live life to the fullest

>> No.835557

bitcoin pleb race confirmed

>> No.835902

Kek everything you said dude is doing in op clip

>> No.836048
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>> No.836051
File: 1.06 MB, 1920x1440, Land Rover Defender 90 (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.836059

He's a model him and his gf are models. They dropped out of school at 14 to start modeling.

>> No.836060


This. Every day. Puts things into perspective to me. No matter how nice I am outside week, no matter what I do in my free time, week I'm at work, I am a fucking shark and I'd you don't get out of my way I will tear you apart

>> No.836061

Wow, do I even spell check. Fat fingers, small phone keyboard

>> No.836135

or you are just dumb

>> No.836150

>not even knowing

>> No.836171

i want that dog.

>> No.836177

fuck network marketing, I hate it.

You stupid fuckers get what you all deserve. Wasted time and money.

>> No.836922

I wanted the gold and I sought it
I scrabbled and mucked like a slave
Was it famine or scurvy, I fought it
I hurled my youth into the grave

I wanted the gold and I got it
Came out with a fortune last fall
Yet somehow life's not what I thought it
And somehow the gold isn't all

>I want to find love

>> No.836942
File: 2.83 MB, 1280x720, Ace2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.836943


and when you do, she'll want your gold.

and when she has it, she will want nothing more of you

>> No.836944

To prove wrong all the people who didn't believe in me and to rekindle my old childhood image of myself and to make my older self proud.

>> No.836945

i mean younger self proud. I just think "would I have ever imagined I would be unsuccessful or lazy as a grownup when I was a kid?"

>> No.836950
File: 2.77 MB, 1280x720, Ace3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So basically you're looking to prove "someone" wrong...

I bet you they won't care 30 years from now, or even remember who you are.

What will you do then?

>> No.836951

Maybe for you, but not for everyone. Stop thinking in absolutes, little boy.

>> No.836953

>So basically you're looking to prove "someone" wrong...

Yes, and mainly myself.

>I bet you they won't care 30 years from now, or even remember who you are.
But I will because I'll be successful and they won't. And I will rub it into everyone's face and be the biggest asshole around.

>> No.836954
File: 983 KB, 250x141, 1438295625656.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watching him spend money on depreciation assets made me physically ill. Also that girl probably mooches off of him, another financial burden. Why is this here?

>> No.836955
File: 1.39 MB, 1280x720, Ace4.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fueled by anger/revenge isn't really good imo..

you'll end up being afraid to see these >>835233 threads, for you'll most likely end up doing anything to be "successful".

I just want to be rich so I can live in somewhere off the coast on my yacht

Not have to deal with people/strangers

Move around past the beach when the sun is in my way

Have some kid ask their parents
>that yacht has been doing that for years, who owns it?

>> No.836959

>you'll end up being afraid to see these >>835233 → threads, for you'll most likely end up doing anything to be "successful".

I have several posts in that thread and I don't mind anything to get ahead.

People have treated me poorly for a really long time, and I had either refused or been unable to see it. I don't think I owe anyone anything at this point.

>> No.836960
File: 2.82 MB, 1280x720, Ace1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Damn, well if you sell online already and need something legit to sell, feel free to drop your fake skype.

>> No.836961

Thats a terrible motivator and youll fail

>> No.836964

Only things that aren't allowed to be sold on those websites. I personally think counterfeit goods are too low of a profit margin to bother with in most cases, but I thought the topic was somewhat interesting.

What is a good motivator then? If you really try to break it down every motivator is pretty silly...

>> No.836984

Also mirin that yacht but it's a little too big imo, don't really need all that space on the lower deck and probably eats gallons of fuel per second...

Also why don't you just smuggle cocaine on your yacht? You could probably make over a million in one trip if you used even a fraction of that room for storage.

>> No.836988


lol fuck that, If I own that beauty I'll first have the stairway removed to add an escalator, no way am I getting in any trouble that will make me lose it.

I'd probably have a trolly to have it moved around.

>> No.836992

Ok then how about a private airplane license? You could easily smuggle drugs since you don't need to go through customs or anything and it's your own vehicle.

Maybe a small boat would work better though. Since then you don't even need an airport to land in or air traffic controllers

>> No.836995
File: 985 KB, 440x247, Victory Dance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nah, my pilot would want a share or he'd sell the info to TMZ for his million.

Then I'd have to worry about someone finding his body so I'd have to buy a parachute to jump out of the plane after I cut his radio cord and tell him the fuel tank reader is showing fake readings.

Best way to smuggle would be to do it the El Chapo way....dig a hole

>> No.836997

But in this hypothetical situation you would be the pilot.

Just a small plane that you can fly by yourself and can hold 10-20kg. It honestly seems pretty foolproof. The fact that you don't have to go through airport screening(not customs, had a long day) seals the deal...

>> No.837001
File: 40 KB, 400x400, 1391780868015.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not buying it, you would end up being caught eventually. I think they weigh planes, as they weigh trucks coming in from Mexico/Canada.

So they would eventually ask why your weight was 500LB lighter than last time, how would you explain that? You didn't leave your wife...

Also, going back and forth from Columbia every month wouldn't be less suspicious...

>> No.837004

>500 lbs

That's a ridiculous amount. I'm saying 10-20kg, a negligible amount even for the smallest of planes.

And you don't have to disclose(or even be truthful) about where you flew to...

>> No.837007
File: 113 KB, 629x941, american marriage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't know how much cocaine weighs, and yes you could pay off the guy that keeps notes. But really, if you already own the plane/jet...you probably own a profitable business. No need importing/exporting drugs.

>> No.837012

Property is so cheap in South Africa compared to the U.S. or basically anywhere else. That place probably doesn't even cost that much compared to property like that somewhere else in the world. I've seen commercial vineyards sell for only 1mil USD in South Africa

>> No.837017
File: 12 KB, 400x400, aMqQYhvX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>South Africa

you do realize the Africans there hate whites?


...really hate whites


>> No.837019

It's not hate, they just know who to rob

>> No.837032


seems they only want to rob a particular type of people.

>> No.837046

Seems like none of you faggots are motivated enough to be rich

>> No.837050


I'll see you at work tomorrow Jimmy

don't forget it's your time to close too

>> No.837064

>model search
>some of these girls are absolutely beastly
>girl in the far right, middle row
christ, and she made it into the world finals.

>> No.837078

Blacks get victimized here way more often than whites

Don't get me wrong, I'm as racist as they come but I'm a fair cunt

>> No.837103


People actually aspire to be like this.
That is so sad and shallow.

I'd keep the car for myself. Those bitches are trash. Oh and I'd live secluded away from everyone in my own forest.

Beat that.

>> No.837127

>beat my autism

>> No.837563

Keking at these motivations

>> No.837605

My motivation is to be able to hold my head high, knowing at the end of the day I put in the effort, earned the respect of my community, and didn't let myself or my family down.

I grew up moderately wealthy and have friends who are insanely wealthy. I've done the ski trips, yacht cruises, sports cars, and rooftop parties. It's pretty overrated. Keeping myself in line with my own personal code of ethics and sense of worth is much more motivating.

>> No.837769

Yeah, real estate in SA is cheap, But THAT picture is taken somewhere around Camps Bay. It is probably around 3-4 million Euro which is a complete anomaly when it comes to property prices. But then downtown Cape Town is just 15 minutes away or so.

Just travel 30-40 minutes down the Peninsula and this place can be had for... like 400K Euro

>you do realize the Africans there hate whites?
Armed response, panic button and vigilant neighbours keeps the wolves at bay, at least until the revolution comes. Best park a boat nearby just in case.

>> No.837788
File: 632 KB, 1464x1986, Nietzsche187a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a shitty motivation.

My motivation is to have great power. I want to see men grovel at my feet and crush my enemies. I want to be feared and venerated, like the primitive savage worships his sky-God.

>> No.837791


Also, I just don't trust people to run shit.

If I want something done right, I want to do it myself, and that includes politics, economics, governance and grand strategy.

>> No.837796

And then you notice a small lump in your scrotum. Hey presto, it's the big C. You never managed to gain that great power. 5 people turn up at your funeral.

It's all vanity. At least seafront property gives you a nice view and some good vibes while you are alive.

>> No.837800

>And then you notice a small lump in your scrotum. Hey presto, it's the big C. You never managed to gain that great power. 5 people turn up at your funeral.
I'll die with the satisfaction of knowing I tried my best.

I do acknowledge that not all people have ambition. It's perfectly fine to be content with a nice house by the beach. It's just that I personally aspire to more than that. I don't care about material possessions, I care about changing the course of history.

>> No.837803

>Also, I just don't trust people to run shit.
That's my big weakness too.

>> No.837809

>I care about changing the course of history.
K. Good luck with that. Why are you still on 4chan btw?

>> No.837819

>brodude summer DJ music gopro video
>Vapid whores that only hang out with people for money

>Tai Lopez
Now that's a guy that actually tries to help you help yourself (just started listening to the 67 steps).

>The rest of those beaners and pakis with their bullshit "jobs"
Fuck off. These people were clearly dropped as kids.

>> No.837820

>Why are you still on 4chan btw?
Because I'm at work ):^)

>> No.837822

>And then you notice a small lump in your scrotum. Hey presto, it's the big C.

Not many people die from testicular cancer these days, dumbass.

>> No.837836

>IMHO, not knowing the mortality ratio of testicular cancer is a sure sign of being a dumbass
>I have never heard of metastasis
Got a mirror nearby?. About face height?

>> No.837840

Anyways, cancer doesn't run in my family.

>> No.837845

>Anyways, cancer doesn't run in my family.
>Meek comebacks are my forte.
You lot don't seem to be the sharpest tools in the shed though. Maybe you should all pack up and move to a more polluted city and start hitting them Lucky Strikes? Two packs a day at least.

>> No.837851

>>Meek comebacks are my forte.
What the fuck should I say? Your only argument is "ur going to get cancer XD"

Then you go on to criticize my intelligence. I find it hilarious, considering your posts reek of intellectual mediocrity.

Kill yourself.

>> No.837854

You don't know shit about testicles, bitch. If you die from testicular cancer - you're poor and stupid.

>> No.837871

>What the fuck should I say?
Something better.

>Your only argument is "ur going to get cancer
It was a philosophical statement said with a certain amount of tongue in cheek glibness regarding the vanity of human existence in relation to high ambition and delusions of grandeur among those young men that aspire to be Nietzschean supermen. Especially poignant when it later transpires that said young men are sitting around shit posting on Bhutanese meme boards while at work. So it is said with a much higher level of seriousness than what you imply.

I am sorry if you can't grok, but it really is no fault of mine.

>> No.837873

>I know a lot about nuts and balls
>I still do not know anything about metastasis
>I am probably the weakest person in this thread

>> No.837882
File: 113 KB, 520x355, a26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Meek comebacks are my forte.
>I still do not know anything about metastasis
>I am probably the weakest person in this thread


>> No.837884

>Something better.
All right, here's my answer : "smh fam tbh"

>It was a philosophical statement said with a certain amount of tongue in cheek glibness regarding the vanity of human existence in relation to high ambition and delusions of grandeur among those young men that aspire to be Nietzschean supermen. Especially poignant when it later transpires that said young men are sitting around shit posting on Bhutanese meme boards while at work. So it is said with a much higher level of seriousness than what you imply.
>philosophical statement
Not even close.

>vanity of human existence in relation to high ambition and delusions of grandeur among those young men that aspire to be Nietzschean supermen
Ambition =/= having delusions of grandeur. Of course if you're an apathetic slob who spends his days posting anthropomorphic frogs on a tibetan silk-weaving image sharing service, then I don't blame you for misunderstanding.

> Especially poignant when it later transpires that said young men are sitting around shit posting on Bhutanese meme boards while at work
What's wrong with that?

>> No.837888
File: 37 KB, 552x369, starting-to-rustle-your-jimmies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.837889

>I am really gonna make an effort
Shit son. You've really gone and done it now

>> No.837891

I don't understand your saltyness.

All I said was that I aspire to more than just material possessions. For some reasons this seems to be incredibly triggering to you.

I'm genuinely interested as to why this is the case.

>> No.837902


>I am a man that wishes to have great power, I
want to see men grovel at my feet and have my enemies crushed.
>I want to be feared and venerated.
>I am currently stuck in a pointless argument with some anon on a Peruvian incest forum
>I am getting quite annoyed

>> No.837908

>I am currently stuck in a pointless argument with some anon on a Peruvian incest forum
Still more interesting than my job tbh

>> No.838184

What the fuck you autistic imbeciles are talking about?

>> No.838253

Daddy's money hard at work

>> No.838264


> help you help yourself
> read the first and last page of each chapter of the book and you have now read the entire book!

I hope you didn't give him any money for such amazing advice.

>> No.838270

His gf is super hot, but the other stuff hardly phases me.

>> No.838285

My motivation is to travel to tropical places and have jaguar f type

>> No.838604

>they think they have enough motivation to be rich

>> No.838808

>Nigs cannot even force a metal door open


>> No.838974

Why do dumb, jealous faggots always say this?

I gotta agree with this. I think all the stuff he is doing is cool but you can do all of that on a $40k salary.
source: I earn minimum wage and have been skydiving, surfing and snowboarding.

>dat ass tho