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8360778 No.8360778 [Reply] [Original]

> Bearfag F5s each minute hunting for AMB threads to shit of and cause FUD for weeks
> "muh insider info"
> Takes a break from fudding to unironically shill MOD to "make it" instead of AMB
> TFW dividend token at risk of securities problems
> TFW 80% loss
> TFW MOD holders realize they were scammed intofunding a startup so it can be bought out, only to find their tokens are now worthless
> Bearfag loses all credibility instantly, and everyone mocks him... looks like a fool mod shill

MFW Bearfag was actually an elaborate AMB shill all along...

>> No.8360975

what the hell is modem and who is that kid with down syndrome?

>> No.8361046

What's a good modum?

>> No.8361197

It's the modum virgin
>pls clap

>> No.8361524
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it's always funny watching plankton with their cute reasoning

>> No.8361579

Oh look... he has the courage to show his face.
PROTIP: Plankton is a plant and cannot think.

>> No.8361614

>He unironically missed the joke

>> No.8361675

> He unironically thought I missed the joke

>> No.8362059
File: 5 KB, 211x239, biz-brainlets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This guy is so retarded he doesn't realize he realize how he fucked up and why he was the cause of over 100 new addresses on the AMB contract

>> No.8362108


I have never seen someone with an ego this fragile. If someone can bait you into responding with such an obvious troll, you're not the one winning. I see your desperation for attention daily. The reality is that nobody is going to care what you have to say, while you sell your integrity to Modum for some shitcoins that will be worth pennies.

I'm sure you're going to start responding with something trite about how you don't give a fuck, or that I'm an AMB shill or something about this "swissbro TG" that you seem to have a hard-on for. I just want you to know that I was paid to FUD programs like you obviously are, and it wasn't worth it once I realized that it was totally meaningless and that I was being paid to lie to others for my own benefit for a coin that I didn't believe in. Find a coin you like for your own reasons (not because Modum/AMB/Whoever) is paying you, and hold on to it.

Stop embarrassing yourself, you'll thank me for it later.

>> No.8362213

> being this rekd

>> No.8362235

>you're not the one winning
I'm not in a competition with you brainlets
>I see your desperation for attention daily
Projecting this hard
>I just want you to know that I was paid to FUD programs like you obviously are
FUCKING KEK you actually wagecucked to be a pajeet shill?!
>Stop embarrassing yourself

>> No.8362283


Your defensiveness speaks volumes about the reality of the situation. Good luck friend, I hope you can work on being more honest with yourself.

>> No.8362311


BearWolf brainlets gonna brainlet

>> No.8362393
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begone, ex-pajeet shill

>> No.8362612

Sooo what you are trying to tell me is to b-b-buy MOD...


>> No.8363123


>BearWolf is THIS autistic

>> No.8363273

>buying whatever biz hivemind shills and memes
How's that working for you so far? :^)

>> No.8363442
File: 10 KB, 361x335, Modum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How heavy are your modum bags?

>> No.8363487
File: 479 KB, 413x570, 1519850297616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny how you autists think I hold MOD after I suggest it to an anon as alt to AMB. STAY BRAINLET

>> No.8363504

lay off the addys bro

>> No.8363598

MrBearFag with the FUD-Shill approach. Begone pajeet.

>> No.8364059


>I-I-I'm n-not really a m-mod shill

Honestly, this is getting a little sad :/

>> No.8364281

YOU went for a curry chicken.
Nigger pajet detected.

>> No.8364445

You are still a faggot just delete that trip and blend back into the anonymous you snowflake.

>> No.8364842

You know who Sundar Pichai is? I'll let you NEETs look him up

>> No.8364940


>Shills MOD
>Bashes competitor coin
>Eats curry


>> No.8365010

What kind of a faggot calls himself mr bear wolf? You would buy mod wouldn't you cuck.

>> No.8365878


Never seen a tripfag BTFO'd so hard in my life

>> No.8366181
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>t. 16 year old

>> No.8366218
File: 23 KB, 484x188, Trollsetti2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You realize "winning" a bitchfest against you was never the goal of bumping these threads all day, right?

>Being this retarded

>> No.8366426
File: 109 KB, 588x823, 1516425349887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You realize "winning" a bitchfest against you was never the goal of bumping these threads all day, right?
>Being this retarded

>> No.8366632


I know u are but what am I?

>> No.8366671
File: 27 KB, 645x730, 1514753112788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I know u are but what am I?

>> No.8367219

Damage control

>> No.8367298

Oh shit you went full "no , you"
Drop the trip your father would be ashamed

>> No.8367305

could you ambfanboy pls get over the fact that some anon faggot insulted your favourite pokemontoken?
are you 12?

someone with half a brain shill me the modum dividend problem here

rest of you faggots better become the fan of a sportsteam or something, at least that indicates a minimum of testo you bitches