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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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836410 No.836410 [Reply] [Original]

When's the last time you had a $100 bill in your wallet?

>> No.836411

I've never owned a wallet

31 years old

>> No.836470

I'm not even wealthy

>> No.836472

When it took from some other guy's wallet

>> No.836473
File: 833 KB, 2980x3914, 20150730_141206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a serious question? Any adult male who carries less than $200 cash at all times should just kill themselves.

Shit happens in life. Sometimes you need cash to deal with it. So deal with it.

>> No.836474

When I was in Vegas 6 months ago. Why the fuck else would you have 100's?

>> No.836475

Honestly, probably like 5 years ago. I keep maybe like $200 in cash with me, but all in $20 bills because it's a bitch sometimes finding a store that will break a hundred. Any big purchases, I just use a debit/credit card.

>> No.836492

Never. Im not American

Just realised I will never be American. Life is so shit. Will never own dollars only shit toilet paper currency with some marxist or fucking rocks on the thing.


>> No.836504

I cant remember the last time I had less than $100.
Right now I have about 3k aud (~2190 usd)

>> No.836508

>big purchases on credit

>> No.836510


>Shit poorfags say

Literally no reason to just carry anything over $20 with you at any time, and even that's over kill.

Are you such a pleb that you need that much money on hand purely for impulse purchasing?

>but muh emergencies

Show me a towing or mechanic company that doesn't take credit cards

>> No.836513

this is true in the US, but at the moment I am in Germany and pretty much only gas stations and the bigger store chains take cards.

>> No.836525

Never. I live in a country that has real banknotes, not Monopoly money "bills".

Why the fuck are they called bills, anyway? They're not debts.

>> No.836530
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few days

>> No.836531
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>carries cash
>not cards
You must be ghetto as fuck, I bet you don't tip well either. People who carry lots of cash are shitty tippers from what I've heard. The most you need it $50 for emergency gas if you forget your card, everything else should be on your debit card or emergency credit card. How dumb can you be? In the real world shit happens, you can get robbed or accidentally drop a bill and not notice. If you get your card robbed or loose it no problem just cancel it and get another one, no money lost ya dingus.

>> No.836535

people period are shitty tippers
1/25 tips over 5$ ever

>> No.836540

Cash is faster and time is money.

Also cash has better negotiating power. I think its a psychological thing where they see the money in your hand and know its theirs if they say yes.

>you can get robbed or accidentally drop a bill and not notice.
Yeah cuz I live in a fucking shit hole and Im such a fucking retard I just drop money.

>> No.836548

>>carries cash
>>not cards
Huh? Of course I have cards too.

And you took the time to find a reaction image for that? Your life is shit.

>> No.836568

>being amerifag

>> No.836570

I've never carried cash in wallet always in front pocket with a broccoli rubber band (saw in in a mafia movie as a kid) I usually have 500-1000 on me at all times, im self employed and often need cash to complete transaction the people I deal with don't want a fucking check, and honestly I don't eithere

>> No.836573

Had 4k in 100s a few days ago to pay for tree service. Newfags pay attention, you can usually strike discounts with small business owners if you pay cash. Money they don't report as earnings is money

>> No.836575

This morning, I got cash for my birthday.

>> No.836580
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But than again, I only carry my debit card, and $50-60 at most, going out.

>> No.836582

I prefer 50s.

>> No.836607

Purchase peotection
Rewards cash back
Extended warrantee

Your a poorfag if you don't use a credit card as much as possible and can't pay it off every month

>> No.836826

this is now newfag poorfag thread.

>> No.836859
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>> No.836895

You don't like cash? You think $200 is too much cash? You think $200 is too little cash? You think you're being cute by posting meme photos?

Stop being a faggot. Use words, assuming you speak English.

>> No.836901

>people period are shitty tippers
>1/25 tips over 5$ ever

Right because you don't deserve it you stupid cunt.

Why the fuck would I tip some college faggot who got a job that requires no experience, no knowledge beyond remembering some meals and drinks and not physically demanding in the least?

I don't tip people who work much harder such as police officers, lawyers, doctors, professors, etc. Why would you be entitled to a tip for no reason?

Besides it's not like you people "put on a show and work hard" as you claim. Every single restaurant I've visited they just did the bare minimum to not get fired. Brought us our drinks, and brought food in a moderately timely manner.

>> No.836903

if you got the bare minimum you obviously didnt get service from me

havent waited tables in years tho fam

>> No.836914
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>he posts a reaction image
>his life is shit

>being this assblasted over greentext
>doesn't post a pic of how blasted his ass is

>> No.836930

Hello 14 year old

>> No.836935

Maybe you're the one in a million but I swear I have never even seen service deserving of above minimum wage. And this is even eating at places $50/person+ only.

If anything the kitchen guys deserve to get paid more, they're the ones actually rushing orders and making the food.

>> No.836937

kitchen already makes bank compared to servers tbh

and atleast where I worked the work load was about the same, but thats cuz servers were preppers and dish washers

quit that shit job pretty quick tbh, not worth the pay for what I put in, for non working, lazy scum it probably would be worth it though

>> No.836940
File: 49 KB, 200x200, okay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Carrying anything more that what you need + boot cash if you get kidnapped and need money to call your loved ones.

I see why robbers don't wear masks nowadays

>> No.836994
File: 141 KB, 800x810, analocolypse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Posting images on an image board makes you a child

>> No.837003

>Being this mad at a fucking post
Thanks for making me laugh aspie

>> No.837084
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Recently did a cash job

>> No.837135
File: 29 KB, 400x400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>grocery store check out time
>swipe card

>be you
>grocery store check out time
>see total
>awkwardly pull out cash
>try to negotiate
>"no sir, your total is on the screen"
>"b-but cash is king"
>"sorry sir, no bargaining"
>whimper and hand cashier money
>they fumble to make change from $100 bill
>customers in line getting pissed
>finish checking out, cashier counts your change
>finally done, turn and wink at line behind you
>"Not my fault guys, cash is faster and time is money"

>> No.837143

i've got one in there now

>> No.837168
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Had a couple of these last week, they're worth about $150
>It is literally a week's pay for some Czechs though, so I prefer to use smaller notes

>> No.837275

Hey. Shut the fuck up.

I tried to "negotiate" a lower price on a used car by saying I had it all in cash. The guy literally didn't care. He either gets it straight from the bank, or me. It makes no difference.

>> No.837588
File: 230 KB, 768x757, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$2,300 cash baby, aww yeah. Wreck your bike and Progressive will send you money too, thanks Flo.

>> No.837591

they sent you cash?

>> No.837601

>Right because you don't deserve it you stupid cunt

didn't leave tip in tray, waitres starred at it fdor 4 seconds like trying to magic a tip

brought me my pennies

left tip anyway

her face tho

>> No.837609

Do you go to a fucking bank to get $100s? I only get $20s from ATMs ever.

>> No.837645

Walk into the bank and ask for large bills when you make a withdrawal you little bitch

>> No.837668
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>not showing fingers

The color of your skin is showing regardless lmao

>> No.837690

100€, a long time ago. ATMs don't dispense 100 euros bills, only 20s and 50s.

I had a 500 a few days ago though.

>> No.837692

I carry ~$500 in one of my wallets and $1000 in the other.

But I don't usually carry a wallet. Only what I need, usually id, phone, keys and the money I intend to spend(and nothing more).

>> No.837705


>customer buys 37 items, total 46.22 €
>hands for 51.22 euros
>gets whole 5 euros change
>10 seconds flawless transaction

>next customer buys 3 items
>4€ total
>wants to pay with credit card
>thinks about code for 10 seconds because he's an idiot and can't remember it. Wouldn't be paying 4€ with card if he wasn't one.
>finally types in code
>POS fires up, connects to the bank
>5 seconds pass
>beep, code is wrong
>tries again
>wrong again
>everyone is raging at this point
>b-b-but muh cashback

>> No.837713

The guy wrote something retarded but you are even more so.
back to >>pol you cuck.

>> No.838110

New atms with the giant touchscreens ask the denomination you want whether 100s 20s 5s 1s it's quite convenient. USA!

I only leave a tip when I have small bills. Almost never when I pay with card. I alway over tip acording to my gf but mhe. I also write thanks! On my receipt. Unless the service sucks. Fuck you lazy people.

Oh yeah I always carry 2 $100 bills folded up and tucked away in my wallet as well as a $2 bill.

>> No.838127

I have two in my wallet right now.

>> No.838134

last time i did MDMA... i wish i had money for mdma ;_;

>> No.838137

Do you specifically ask for a withdrawal in 100 dollar bills? My atm always gives 20s.

Besides it's more efficient, who in their right mind pays 100 dollars for a bj?

>> No.838147

I do my banking with a teller, not a machine.

>> No.838206

I shit brix when I came to europe and EVERY atm is like this.

>> No.838207

>the only thing this anon ever pays money for are bjs.

>> No.838951

I was kinda upset when I hit no print, then the screen changed showing all the balances on my accounts. Mfw I look like a bum but got a hefty savings account. Mfw attendant "showing me" how to use the new system does a double take. Mfw I value privacy.... I shred all my financial info and all of the sudden it was on a big ass screen in a full bank in a a bad neighborhood. Bleh

>> No.839167

>not having 2 seperate bank accts each with 1k in them in case shit hits the fan

>being a nigger and carrying hundreds with you all the time

I fucking make bank selling and shipping dab oil across the country and i have a rule of not having the 2-7 thousand on my person if its more than an hour

you are fucking poor btw

>> No.839174

Only poor people use cash here.

>> No.839180

>be me
>tip obscenely well
>get great service every time I come back

I know some of you guys are poor and putting ketchup on your ramen is a real treat, but some of us are just better.

>> No.839182

>not dollarydoos

>> No.839202

I don't like dealing with cash so I usually just carry 20. I pay everything with my credit card anyways for the cashback/points.

>> No.839208

Nah a check and I deposited it then took out some cash. Saving for something different and private sell people like cash when buying motorcycles.

>> No.839219


>> No.839389


>> No.839391

so. someone is going on holiday? That'll be nice for them, then

>> No.839878

In your wallet?

>> No.840299


>> No.840407

>>What are you talking about? Cash tips are the best tips since you dont have to delcare as much. You clearly don't understand why cash is king and why every man should carry cash

>> No.840449

Right now. It's not like hundreds are uncommon or anything.

>> No.840503

Jesus 1 200mg xtc pill is like 5 euros here, how poor are you

>> No.840511

autism tbh