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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 251 KB, 674x900, 115313-Hugo-Boss-Model.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
836077 No.836077 [Reply] [Original]

Since /fa/ is full of edgy teenagers that dress like shit, ill ask here since most of you are in the finance industry. How the fuck do i dress appropriately?

long story short im almost done studying and now im doing an internship at a bank. except, ive never owned a suit, never really taken care of myself, and tbh i look like trailer trash sometimes.

i realize i need to step up my game, but does anyone have advice on dressing? what suits? what color combinations? what shoes? watch? haircut?

The fanciest shit i own is a hugo boss belt but thats about it

>> No.836082

Don't wear white socks or brown shoes with a black suit. I also think that your belt and shoes should match.

>> No.836093

uhmmm ask a boss of yours no? anyway go cheap and trust the anon above me

>> No.836101

Charcoal gray suits or very dark blue. Never wear light gray suits with a pink tie. Ever. For God's sake never wear brown shoes with dark gray or dark blue suits.

>> No.836104

.... It's irrelevant. Wear whatever will make you preform at your best.

If you need to satisfy your ego, or don't have the gumption to dismiss societies expectations, go right ahead and give your money away; with no chance of ROI.

>> No.836105

Base your fashion on bill gates, warren buffet, Richard Branson, Kerry packer. You might notice a trend. They don't give a fuck.

>> No.836106

Hey OP

Suit buing for business is fairly easy: get yourself down to a department store and try on some suits just for size. You want a jacket which has a little room in the shoulders and a thumb's gap between your stomach and top button. The jacket should not be restrictive, but the skinnier the fit, the less movement you will get (you will have to bare this in mind when weighing up whether you want a regular or skinnier fit).

Trousers should just dust the top of your shoes and shouldn't flash excessive amounts of sock. There should be about two fingers worth of room between the waistband and your waist.

In terms of colour, I was advised (as Law student) to always go for dark navy or grey. Black is saved for funerals and courtrooms. Stripes may be a bit OTT for an internship, as like other accessories like waistcoats and tie clips.

In terms of shirts, you will have t make the decision of single or double cuff yourself. If you want something which is cheaper, single cuff is usually best. Try to avoid stupidly slim collars as it is near impossible to get a tie under the,.

In terms of tie, the two golden rules are to keep it plain and to not be stupid (i.e. avoid wearing a bowtie or having a ridiculous kipper or skinny tie).

Shoes are best black, and as anon said above, should match your belt.

Shirt colouring for bankers and lawyers is the easiest bit: it is nearly always white or light blue. Your tie can be a nice bright colour to set it off. I recommend a white shirt with a red tie and navy suit.

And unless you look like your pic, please be clean shaven. Nothing looks worse than teenage bumfluff on your toplip.

Hope this helps!

>> No.836107


Black, Grey, Navy Suits

The fit is the most important thing, if you get a $250 suit altered to fit you, it will still look a hundred times better than a $1000 off the rack suit

Shirts should be white, or pastel coloured, I recommend block coloured ties.

The little details take your outfit to the next level, a crisp white pocket square and a tie clip will make you look sharp as fuck.

>> No.836109


To be fair, the people on your list who work in finance, wear suits...

>> No.836111

As another anon said, the most important aspect of real job clothes is the fit. But I don't think you necessarily need to one tailor made for you. Go to a store that sells nice clothes, and keep trying on shit until you get a few that look nice.

>> No.836117
File: 44 KB, 498x749, Peak_Lapel_Midnight_Blue_Stripes_Men_Suits_Online_118482988857264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to a tailor and get a bespoke suit made, as well as a bespoke shirt and bespoke tie with bespoke pocket square.

It'll cost you around $1500-$2000 for everything including shoes. This will become your special "fuck you money" suit.

Your socks, shoes, belt should match, that means brown brown brown, or black black black. Never wear a square toed shoe, only triangle toed. Your tie must reach your belt buckle, never go on your belt buckle, or be too short, (this takes a few tries to get right). Your pocket square must never be the same color as your tie, your pocket square is meant to add to the overall aesthetic, so make sure it compliments your tie. Your tie should never be wider than your pocket square. The right size suit jacket would give you enough space in front of your chest to fit the palm of your hand, or your wife's palm, any more space and the suit is too loose for you. Your shirt cuffs should come out a quarter inch out of your suit arms. Not more, and not less. Your watch must go on the left hand, and your watch should match your tie. Only button 1 button in your suit jacket, never two, you look like a cheap service men when you button two. After getting your first bespoke suit made, you won't want to buy anything else, so you'll start saving for more bespoke suits, once you have about 3-4, you're set for the beginning of your career, and will be far better off than many other people in your position. Then you can wait a bit and get some more made. I currently have about 11 bespoke suits, and my closet is still growing, but I only have 11 sets of clothing, because I don't need more. Some people have 20-30 pairs, and some more, it depends on how much you wear your suit.

A golf shirt with golf pants is professional enough once you get to know your colleagues, so the suit becomes a lunch time meeting with a client wear, and you sometimes end up keeping one or two in your office or car to take along with you everywhere with you for surprise things.

>> No.836120

Thank you anons will take everything into account

>> No.836122

No probs OP

>> No.836131


Also, your pants must never be too long, and the extra dip at the bottom must be less than an inch, the pants should hug you.

Now colors, the suit itself should be pinstripe if possible, it will stand out in the internship. Your suit should be dark gray or Navy blue, but since you're new, and young, medium / light gray would be fine as well. Blacks are for days you don't know how you feel, or funerals. Wear the color that you "feel" that day, it'll make you look better. For shirts, light colors are great if you have mostly dark ties, but sometimes I like to wear dark red shirts with light red ties, it really doesn't matter as long as your choice of shirt "matches" your tie and your suit. Wear a few and see which one is the most eye catching and draws attention to you, then that's the one you pick. In my bank and my career the people with the more eye catching attention drawing shit are the ones that get more "lucky" with clients and such. Your belt, socks, pocket square should be the same color, brown, dark. Keep your shoes extremely clean and shiny.

That's really it, make sure to smell good, some facial hair is great as long as you take care of it, but if you don't, then fuck off with it. Again, smell good at all times. Your hair must also be short and tidy, not army style, but that works.

The more you like the suit, the more it'll work for you, you need to be able to flaunt yourself, not your numbers and all that shit, it's an internship, a time to show off and get contacts, you don't necessarily need the job from this, you just need to make a lasting impression and you're golden.

>> No.836133
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No problem, glad to help a fellow future banker.

>> No.836140
File: 61 KB, 580x871, 13acb6d285c108c037907ea923afc4c3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP after /biz/ has finished dressing him.

>> No.836142


That mans dress is terrible, inch long cuffs, messed up collar, fucked up matching skills, who is this douche? You?

>> No.836144

Who? Warren Buffett?
Read his biography. It touches on his dress sense.

>> No.836151

Can't tie a tie.

>> No.836165
File: 90 KB, 682x1024, 16af5caf19ab224019cb74688c56616afc681b824dfa7f3d41b11d04710949800180bfdf5882df7e15048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you a lot

>> No.836181


No problem Anon, glad I could help

>> No.836190

I work in Finance in Switzerland a.k.a. the place to finance. It's preferable that your tie is an Hermès one.

>> No.836198

Don't wear a black suit, period.

>For God's sake never wear brown shoes with dark gray or dark blue suits.
This is perfectly acceptable as long as it is a dark brown.

>Blacks are for days you don't know how you feel,
Or when you feel like a rube.

> sometimes I like to wear dark red shirts with light red ties
A lot of your advice is sound, particularly on fit, but this is druglord-tier.

>Your belt, socks, pocket square should be the same color, brown, dark.
This is a fairly OK combo with a charcoal or navy suit, but I don't know about turning it into a "should."

>> No.836202
File: 125 KB, 1500x1500, il_fullxfull.485631323_psi5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In the modern homosexual PC cesspool that is every major city, it would be in your best interest to dress like a raging faggot such as pic related.

Also wear a yarmulke to unlock special powers and powerful allies.

>> No.836211
File: 284 KB, 1499x992, MDws.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go, OP. Thank me later.

>> No.836213

Hermes ties are all way too casual buddy. Though they are great quality, and not that expensive at all

>> No.836217


Is there anything more GOAT than a blue shirt with a white collar?

>> No.836236

>That cutaway collar
Don't even get me started on the pinstripes

>> No.836257

Pic would be hilarious to see anybody but a male model try and wear.


>> No.836794


Underage b&

>> No.836799

check suitsupply.com in the suit section for outfit inspiration, but only go for the darker suits (blue/grey)

>> No.836822

There is not a single person in this thread who knows about suiting.

>> No.836854

This is relative to my intrests as well.
I have a meeting at a bank coming up and i want to look like i know what the fuck im talking about.
Im a simple guy wear pretty much shirt and blue jeans every day dont even own a suit or a pair of shoes outside if the boots i wear every day for work.

Should i shave? Im full beard from laziness right now.

>> No.836870

I can help you OP

Get a girlfriend.

>> No.836876

Post a pic

>> No.836877


If you are wearing a two-toned shirt anytime before you reach the rank of Associate you will get your ass laughed at.

>> No.836880


Second this. I'm currently a first-year banker in NYC and I do all my shopping at Suit Supply. They specialize in slimmer fits and they tailor very well. You can get a really nice looking suit for $400-$600.

>> No.836887

Belt or suspenders?

>> No.836890


Buddy you're not in investment banking in 80's Manhattan.

>> No.836892

Who /cut their own hair/ here?

I save so much money and best part is I can touch it up once a week to keep it looking nice without spending all that money eachtime.

Usually the back of head looks retarded because I try to "play it by ear" but whatever.

>> No.836893

B-but what if I am?

>> No.836894

>OP somehow landed a job in finance without wearing a suit to an interview

>> No.836898

I've been to the same barber since I was two years old. I like him too much to stop going now.

I don't know what I'll do when he finally decides to retire.

>> No.836910
File: 45 KB, 300x300, eldredge-knot-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would I be a tryhard if I wore my tie like this rather than just using a four-in-one?

>> No.836916

>I've been to the same barber since I was two years old. I like him too much to stop going now.

>Tfw no old gentleman barber to keep me looking nice

I just said fuck it and decided to give myself shitty haircuts instead of paying for shitty haircuts from 20-something sluts. And honestly they don't turn out so bad once in a while. Currently growing my hair out for an undercut for a month or two then I'll change it up a bit once more.

Right now just sportin the ol easy to do and decent looking high and tight.

>> No.836939

Yes. Yes it will be. If you are in conservative circles (politics, banking, accounting, finance, business) you will be laughed out of the meeting room.

That knot is for Reddit shitlords who wear jeans with a loose fit blazer and payless nikes.

Four in hand or windsor or fuck off.

>> No.836941

Google unkempt beard and youll get the picture

>> No.837324

Bump pls

>> No.837633
File: 10 KB, 425x282, 141189-425x282-black-simple-leather-gloves[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about gloves?

>> No.837637
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>> No.837639

I suggest a top hat and a cane with a large jewel on top

>> No.838032

This guy gets it. The thing is not to dress above your station.

Intern wearing Zegna tells me he's interested in the label and showing off his (or his parents) money and not the job. Intern wearing a $500-1000 suit - be it low/midrange Brooks Bros or just something from suitsupply - as long as it was adjusted to actually fit him, tells me he's interested in looking good and getting value for his money.

This guy also gets it, although I have no idea where you can get bespoke (i.e., every piece of that garment was made for you, not just modifying an existing pattern) for under $2000.

>The fit is the most important thing, if you get a $250 suit altered to fit you, it will still look a hundred times better than a $1000 off the rack suit

As does this guy. Not only does it look good, it shows you know the difference between a suit that fits and a suit that doesn't.

(If you don't know the difference, go to a couple of tailors and ask them. They'll be more than happy to teach. It took me a couple of years before I figured it out too.)

>> No.838045

This is a great look if you're trying to abstain from sex, or if you want to project that "diligent serf" look for your supervisor.

Yes. Who has the patience? Who cares just that much?

>This guy also gets it, although I have no idea where you can get bespoke (i.e., every piece of that garment was made for you, not just modifying an existing pattern) for under $2000.
Hong Kong. But avoid the Indians. Use a Chinese tailor. If you have to specify floating canvas (as opposed to fused canvas,) leave. The right tailors don't even offer fused jackets.

>> No.838046


If were to get a $250 suit which fits decently (i.e. would wear as is with minimal qualms) off the rack, how much for a set of common alterations?

>> No.838048

I do this. Cutting hair is really easy, there's no reason why you should have to pay someone to do it for you.

>> No.838054

HK ruined me for off the rack suits and shirts at an impressionable age, so I have no idea.
I think you're budgeting too low, unless you're buying used, which I wouldn't recommend for a noob.

>> No.838168

>OP gets his big break, an interview for an entry-level management position at a fortune 500 company with the inside scoop on fast tracking to the senior executive level.
>The resume is perfect, it wouldn't shine any brighter if it were made out of the sun.
>He practices for the interview, businesses hear word of how amazing this candidate is and try to steal him, but he stays the course for the interview.
>All but one thing is in place - what to wear.
>OP goes on /biz/ to ask for advice
>"don't conform to societal expectation, wear whatever you're comfortable in"
>The day arrives
>OP walks in to the meeting that will change everything, the interview.
>Everyone stares as OP's "cockmongler" yoga shorts jiggle past, exposing every curve of his supple boyish ass.
>his bedazzled sandles, insulated with knee high socks mack a distinctive "thwip, thwip" with every step.
>The door to the conference room opens, revealing OP's rainbow flag button covered, sleeveless Green Peace volunteer shirt.
>"W-welcome to ExxonMobil"
>OP meets minority quota as trannies are all the latest rage, gives a fresh, earth friendly vibe to the once vilified oil industry.
>Makes the cover of Forbes, Time magazine "person of the year" within three months.
>"Dress comfortably, disregard society's expectations of you" is now the business mantra for every up and coming exec.

Yeah, I don't think so.

>> No.838173

You wouldn't look like a try-hard, you'd look like someone who doesn't know how to wear a tie.

>> No.838180

Yeah. Because future bankers are a close circle.

>> No.838189



>> No.838236

>Part 1

Pulled my laptop out just to reply to this thread. Some people have some good advice, but its obvious most people here don't actually work in an industry that requires a suit to be worn on a daily basis, or they are simply talking out of their ass.

I work as a commercial real estate broker. I deal with people from all sectors. Lawyers, accountants, bankers, execs, buyers, sellers etc. So I've seen what the standard is and 90% of the time. It is lacking.

>So here is how you blow it out of the water. Ignore everything else.

>First off. To be successful you need to dress for success. You get a custom suit that's fitted to you or you get nothing at all.

Off the rack? Garbage. Semi fitted? Meaning its pre-cut, pre-measured and you just take your size down? Garbage. >First rule of this game is custom or bust.

Never buy true bespoke. Even if you made as much money as me this year. A true 1920's style bespoke with one Italian tailor will run you over $5000 minimum.

You go here. - http://www.indochino.com/

They are Canada/US based. I live near the showroom. So I go in. Get a private fitting and they fit me a second time at the store. Obviously most of you buying suits won't have access to their showroom nor live near it.

>So go to a tux shop or any fly by night suit store and get them to take your FULL measurements.

Note them down. You can now buy directly off the website and they will ship to your door. Any problems? They will do 99% of alterations or fuckup's for free.100% custom, with additional custom options no one else will give you for that price range.

>I just bought a 3 piece suit with all the accessories, pocket squares, ties, cuff links, extra shirts. Ran me 1450 CAD total.

>> No.838243


>Part 2 What to actually buy/wear

I work out of Vancouver BC. Lots of wealth moving around in Real Estate here. Commercially of course. Lots of business attire.

In my experience black suits, have come and gone. Even Navy is pushing your luck. Gray and charcoal and or other variations of these, is now in. As an up and comer. I'm assuming most of you are under 30.

>Gray/Charcoal suits are your best friend.

Now ties have also come and gone in my experience. Though I am pushing it here because I still wear one with a three piece of course. But that is only for big meetings or if am really trying to project an image. The senior VP of the firm I work for came up from San Fan earlier this year. Never seen him wear a tie once. My managing broker never wears a tie. I think one guy working at our firm wears a tie on a regular basis. So it is up to you how you play that.

Now if you buy from the website I listed above. Make sure you have ALL your measurements down BEFORE you purchase.

>As for everything else here is a list.

1 - Always get french cuff. Shirts. In case you don't know what I am talking about. James Bond shit. 9 times out of 10 you will get complemented on your style. You stand out, and it looks like you have more money than you probably do. CUFF-LINKS MATCH YOUR WATCH! Keep that in mind. Silver cuff links? Silver watch!

2 - Belt and shoes MATCH ALWAYS! Gray or charcoal suit? Brown shoes brown belt. ALWAYS! NO EXCEPTIONS! POLISH your shoes/boots WEEKLY! DO not BUY the rub on brush bullshit. Buy the actual brown wax and polish them military style. 3 coats. First coat is dry and to cover the shoe in a thin layer. Second coat is wet apparatus and cover the shoe again in circular motions. Third coat is a BUFF! Completely wet apparatus and you buff like you have seen in the 1920's shoe shine movie scenes

>> No.838249

>shilling for indochino

>> No.838251


Continued list

3 - Watches. No custom suit is complete without one. I have actually used my watch to tell time, once. A watch is simply an item that enhances the look of your suit, as well as you as an individual. Now of course most of you are probably university students or entry level so you don't have 2500+ for a Stuhrling or a Longines. So what do you buy? FOSSIL. Fossil USA puts out amazing pieces for 150-350 dollars. Most of them look like they cost 1000+ when you wear them with your suit. I've had more compliments wearing a 300 dollar Fossil mechanical watch than I have wearing my 3000 dollar Breitling.

4 - Now you have your custom suit, your accessories and your watch. How do you wear a suit? Always get a 2 button suit. Forgot to mention that above. When you are walking around, traveling or standing up. Top button is done up. NEVER the bottom. When you are about to suit down you undo it. Rinse repeat.

5 - Maintaining your suit. NEVER EVER wash your suit. Even if you spilled something minor on it. Drop of wine, ketchup etc. DRY CLEAN ONLY. Even the shirts. Especially the custom ones from my source above. SUITS themselves should RARELY EVER BE DRYCLEANED. You should dry clean a suit twice a year MAX. And that is if you are seriously a fuck up/slob. The harsh chemicals used in dry cleaning will dull out some fabrics and cause them to lose their firmness in some cases as well as texture quality. ALWAYS wear an undershirt for your shirt. There is nothing worse than leaving pit stains in a 150$ french cuff shirt.

6 - Forgot about shirt colors and ties. Sorry it is late. With gray or charcoal suits. White is standard wear. Baby blue/blue works with 90% of gray/charcoal suits. Pink is CASUAL WEAR ONLY! Red is CASUAL/Date night. Black can be worn but without a tie. All other colors you disregard with Gray or Charcoal suits. As for ties. It is double windsor or single for business. Everything else is up to yourself.

>> No.838254


Why not? Also shilling Fossil watches.

Why spend 1000 dollars on some off the rack Armani shit suit or some Sears or Target mens department suit when you can get pure custom for a fraction of the price of true bespoke?

>> No.838256

>only wear grey suits
>only wear French cuff shirts
>don't wear ties
>only wear brown shoes with grey suits

>buy a shit watch
>dry clean your shirts
>double windsor

All of this is bullshit.

Seriously, dry cleaning shirts? Even if you take your shirts to a dry cleaner, they won't dry clean them. They'll just put them in a washing machine, unless you make a point of specifically insisting that they be dry cleaned. And then they'll either try to talk you out of it, or take your money and think you're a moron. There is literally no reason why you would ever dry clean a cotton shirt. It will cost you more, it won't clean as effectively, and it will make the shirt wear out faster.

>> No.838258


> one thread on this entire board that's actually helpful and not just NEETs flinging shit at each other
> hurrrrr report report!!!!

>> No.838265

The thread as a whole might be helpful, but one guy promoting one of the least-respected online MTM websites, along with a bunch of dubious or outright wrong fashion advice, is not really contributing to that.

>> No.838266


Its obvious you don't wear a suit or you would know the first 4 things you said is bullshit.

I would agree with the dry cleaning of shirts, and yes that is only if you have a chink dry cleaner. The nig I go to does the job properly. Though you can cold wash tumble dry most shirts as well.

>Recommend a "non" shit watch a neet like yourself could afford?
>double windsor

>> No.838269

I wear a suit every day. Some of them are grey, some of them aren't. The idea that navy suits are going out of fashion is complete fiction.
Most of the people I work with do not wear French cuff shirts. Some do, and there's nothing wrong with it, but the idea that it's some sort of requirement is bullshit. There is literally nothing wrong with button cuffs.
Of the people I know who do wear French cuff shirts, every single one wears a tie.
The vast majority of people wear black shoes with grey and charcoal suits.
Watches aren't really that important. But anyway, someone with a limited budget would be better off looking for something secondhand. Preferably something that they actually like and that suits their own style, rather than just generic crap.
I don't know anyone who does a double windsor, at least not regularly. Half-windsor is pretty much standard, it's what 90% of people do 90% of the time.

>> No.838274


> what shares should buy?
> buy these shares OP
> not shilling

> what clothes should I buy?
> you should buy these clothes OP
> shilling

>> No.838339

Funny. Look at the ID with the posts. This guy >>838266
Posted all these;

Funny how he started agreeing with the people who called his BS, then made a post criticizing the threads he posted earlier, essentially pretending it wasn't him. This my friends, is a perfect example of a samefag.

>> No.838363
File: 153 KB, 450x697, Pinstripe-Super-120s-Wool-Double-Breasted-with-6-buttons2-to-close-Suit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the suit itself should be pinstripe if possible
FUCKING NO. There can be a very very very subtle striping but bold pinstripes are for old people and 1930s gangster movies. Pic related is what you want to avoid.

Play it safe with you first 2-3 suits and stick with solid colours. Once you know what you're doing you can move on to patterned fabric.

>> No.838368

first, as a junior guy you dont need to be worried about having expensive designer stuff. nobody really expects you to put a lot of money into clothing. heres a couple of tips though :
get stuff that fits well and have at least 3 suits. get 3 cheaper ones instead of 1 expensive one if thats what is needed.
go safe. there is no need to stand out, in fact it can be negative.
get a short haircut. doesnt take a lot of time to take care of and looks professional enough.
as for watches, again nobody expects a junior guy to have nice stuff. just get something cheap and decent looking, or just don't have a watch at all. not having a watch is not uncommon most places.
whatever you do, don't get fake stuff.

TLDR; buy cheap and decent looking stuff. try to fit in, not stand out. and of course, MOST PEOPLE WONT GIVE A SHIT WHAT A JUNIOR GUY WEARS SINCE YOURE LESS THAN NOTHING TO MOST PEOPLE.

>> No.838717

Only if they match your monocle and cape.

>> No.838737
File: 72 KB, 1200x675, japanese-giant-hornet-teeth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>This fucking thread

I'm imagining 250 lb fedora tipping neckbeards walking into Men's Wearhouse for the first time

>> No.838750

I think they are less about being casual that flying the clan colours. They're popular with the upper and upper middle class in Europe.

>> No.838782


This is very important.

You gotta dress for your position and workplace. I think you'll look completely out of place as intern or working sub <$60k/yr position and wearing an $800+ suit.

You're not working on Wallstreet most likely. In fact at the few internships I've been to, the people working there wore shit you'd seen at H&M, the guy i was working directly under wore a plain colored t-shirt and jeans to work infact. If I came in looking better than him it would look weird as heck.

>> No.838787

>department store
>making it

>> No.838839

Well OP should look pretty to suck dick

>> No.838842


>> No.838845

Black suits always look odd outside of formal dinners, they also pick up specks of dirt like nothing else.

Get a navy blue suit, charcoal grey can work but it's less versatile - as I don't know how you look I wouldn't recommend it.
A few points on the suit: Firstly get something with a good spill resistant coating. I don't know your price range, but if it's budget have a look at Remus Uomo. You will be shocked at the number of times people spill drinks etc. on you. Sometimes maliciously at that, eg. before speaking.
Secondly, for the love of God get if finished by a tailor. You don't need a £2k tailored suit (if you do want one fully tailored just book a holiday to Hong Kong and get a suitcase full of them for the same price), but you do want something finished nicely. Have your shoes beforehand, make sure that the trousers are tailored specifically to your shoes. You'll want 2-3 pairs of shoes, and a corresponding number of trousers. Cycle them day-to-day, otherwise the trousers and shoes will discolour at different rates, and that's very visible.
Lastly, don't get a super cheap suit. It's evident if you've gone and bought something from M&S.

That's up to you, it a question of how you present yourself, an expression of your taste. Your 101 can always be black oxfords, however have a few pairs of shoes, with different degrees of formality, and different colours. I go from fully formal (and some variants), to navy & grey derby wingtips, all the way to chocolate sportshoes which I would usually pair with a poloshirt. The real question is deciding what you want to wear - who are you getting chummy with, how do you want to present yourself?

Three options. An expensive, showy, watch. £3k+.
A sports watch/versatile watch. I have one with GPS as I sail for a hobby, it was £300 or so, not expensive.
No watch.

Something that isn't messy, just remember that you're not a model.

>> No.839170
File: 998 KB, 500x281, 1435802122759.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brooks brothers for suits
>brooks brothers for fratty party douche wear
>brooks brothers for casual wear
>all black clothing rockability for when @ the club lads

>> No.839176
File: 53 KB, 480x747, A045-1041-view1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you think of this even if its cheap?

>> No.839177

Is HK really that much cheaper? I live in the neighborhood (so to speak) so I'm curious if it's actually worthwhile to go out of the way for a suit there.

>> No.839186


>> No.839245
File: 50 KB, 450x346, FerriniGrey-All-Alligator-Genuine-Alligator-Shoes-6613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone here wear exotics (ostrich/crocodile/alligator skin)? if so, what brands do you recommend?

>> No.839288

that's a ridiculous looking suit
too much contrast on the pinstripe
too shiny
the colour scheme is bad

>> No.839309

>Kerry Packer
That cunt was seldom seen in anything but a suit

>> No.839363

The safe bet.

Single brested Navy suit
Light blue/or white single cuff shirt with button down collar
Yellow, or red tie. The most extreme patern you should consider is paisley
Black belt
Black shoes lace up not loafers, oxfords are the standard.
Dark socks

I recomend buying a set of separates. Rather than a suit. Buy 3-5 pants for every jacket.

Only dry clean the jacket when it gets dirty.

If your in the south. Of america. And it is summer.

A searsucker suit is acceptable.

Basicly look seirous and somber but not funerary. Your dealing with money, it is seirous business.

Now if your just an intern cashier. Black pants, white shirt, red tie is the standard.

>> No.839368

If it looks good. Trim it up. Otherwise. Shave it atleast 1 week before . to let your skin recover and get some sun.

>> No.839372
File: 48 KB, 336x582, BadFashion1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>.... It's irrelevant. Wear whatever will make you preform at your best.


>> No.839376

They aren't called suspenders by professionals. They are called "braces".

>> No.839382

>Gray or charcoal suit? Brown shoes brown belt.
That is what you wear in the unemployment line. Surely you jest! Remanded for education. Jeez.

>> No.839386

>A searsucker suit is acceptable.
If you can buy a Sear sucker suit at Sears, you must have been shopping at Cox's.

>> No.839388

About $1000 for a two piece. Again, go for a Chinese tailor and make sure it's floating canvas. You might want to take a photograph of a suit style you like if you don't know the terminology.

You can go cheaper, but this is real bespoke at 1K. It's already a steal. Styleforum.net has tailor reviews.

>> No.839395


>> No.839404

meh you can do that in the gulf too

>> No.839442



>> No.839508

Seersucker suit from Sears

Cocksucker suit from Cox's

Get it?

>> No.840311

Can someone seriously answer a hygiene question?

I really understand washing a suit jacket every week is unecessary given you wear a shirt under it (no direct skin contact).

I also get washing your pants and jacket at different frquencies will make you look like a clown when their color start diverging.

What the hell should I do with the pants though? Direct skin contact, sitting in them all day long wearing them 10 times is not exactly a great idea is it?
What's the strategy on keeping your pants clean?

>> No.840316

Hire a style consultant. Tell them your situation and they will tell you everything you need to know.

>> No.840389

A lot of fashion will depend on where you actually work. For example, I live and work in Massachusetts, and I meet people in Boston and cape cod. Bankers, real estate professionals, suppliers, and customers. Depending on where I am, I dress differently.

For example, in Boston, its all navy suits, white shirts, and power ties, from the bankers to the real estate guys. I typically wear a medium gray suit, white shirt, and my tie changes depending on my mood (red, light blue, yellow, even dark pink is acceptable here).

When I head down cape, every thing changes. Not as many dark suits, a lot of light gray with light pink dress shirts. Have one banker I meet with regularly who rocks an olive suit, cream dress shirt, and gold tie. He'll, even khaki suits are popular during the summer. And to top it off, some professionals do rock the "cape coddah" of khaki pants, pink/white dress shirt, navy blazer with gold buttons, no tie, and boat shoes (no socks). When down cape, I still wear my gray suit, but I can add a bit more color to my ties and shirts. My gray suit, sky blue shirt, and silver tie fits in, as does pink and even green or paisley ties with a white shirt.

I'd say read some of the advice here, and compare it to what you see around you in your work environment. Regional differences can make a big impact.

>> No.840392


What my father taught me was to take the trousers off when I get home and hang them on a cedar hanger to air out, gives them a chance to breathe. But this is old advice, not sure what the current advice for current fabrics is.

>> No.840394


Yes there is.

Not wearing a blue shirt with a white collar. Because wearing that shit sends the message that you think you are Gordon Gekko. 100% certainty that you are a delusional prick. You will radiate this.

>> No.840396

Have enough suits so you are only wearing it once a week and then its just biweekly

>> No.840421

Depends which continent.

Italy and USA is acceptable to wear brown shoes with navy suit. If you did that in London you would get stabbed.

>> No.840429
File: 66 KB, 400x600, 0ae49b284eab8cbcaca30a64ff1d6276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op here, massive thanks for the good thread, i hope a lot of people found advice here. one last question, what do you do with suits in a winter? what kind of jacket/coat do you wear without looking autistic? or just fuck it and just wear suit?

>> No.840431

Go to jos a bank. They'll measure you for free. Or Brooks brothers if you're nasty

>> No.840434


I work at an international law firm, so similar dress codes.

Don't wear a black suit. That's only for funerals. Dark blue or dark grey are the ways to go. I personally prefer dark gray with a very faint Prince of Wales check, but this is considered "flamboyant" and an intern will be much better off just playing it safe with blocks of colour.

Always wear a white shirt. Once you've been in the job comfortably for a few years you can start to experiment with shirt colours, but white is always safest.

Similarly, wear a conservative, safe tie. For a grey suit/white shirt, a royal purple tie is pretty safe. For a navy suit/white shirt, a burgundy tie works quite well (but is a bit daring). Don't go for patterns, stripes, or anything like that. Just solid blocks of colour. Don't wear a black tie, ever. You look like an accountant.

Shoes, oxfords, not brogues (again, not for an intern). Black shoes. Don't risk brown.

Black work socks. Don't wear a tie clip, don't have a pocket square/handkerchief.

Go for a professional haircut, which suits your head shape. A short back and sides or a full back and sides usually works for most men. Use some wax or clay (not gel or anything which makes it look more greasy or wet) to gently mould your fringe, just with a comb run the wax through your fringe to the side.

Do this for 24 months, after that feel free to experiment a bit.

>> No.840436

depends on ur body type are you skinny normal or fat?

>> No.840441


Buy two or three pairs of trousers for the same suit. In department stores this isn't really an issue, but if you have them bespoke/tailor made it is an issue.

Don't wear the same suit everyday, either. Aim for two or three times a week. That way you only really need to wash your trousers once a fortnight, or less.

Makes a suit last for a lot longer (with 2 pairs of trousers to a suit jacket, the average seems to be about 5 years until there is a discernable difference in colour (with the trousers washed relatively gently) with 3 pairs of trousers I guess this would go to about 10 years).

Or just do what I do, become best friends with an immigrant tailor who gives you good prices for handmade suits, and every year or so ask for a new pair of trousers to be made.

>> No.840550

Would I look like a cuckold if I wore chinos and an oxford shirt?

>> No.840585


i want to open a bank called jus a bank

>> No.840966

This caucasian knows of what he speaks.

>> No.841300


>> No.841566

Depends, what are you, a summer spring winter?

>> No.842065

i thought about OJ as soon as i saw the gloves too

>> No.842294
File: 51 KB, 592x512, 1344787018006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey you rich fashion kids respond this:
Do you think that every man can dress with every color?
Do you think that a man with a different tonaloty of skin color, hair and eyes can wear the same as other with different skin tonality, hair and eyes?
I'm not talking about /pol/tard bullshiet, Im talking about the different tonalities that white people have in their skin, or every race..
You are suposedly to know this, if not ask your parents

>> No.842306

Yes. The sexually impotent men who own everything and employ everyone are so silly.

Dress like a real man - baggy jeans and a t-shirt with some white trainers. Accessorize with a mop.

>> No.842513

pls respond

>> No.842528

>Yes. The sexually impotent men who own everything and employ everyone are so silly.

There's a difference between how established businessmen well into their 50's dress and how someone in their 20's dresses.

Aging yourself prematurely via clothes is downright retarded.

Would chinos and oxford shirt make me look like a cuck tho

>> No.842546

be a chubby, prematurely aging+balding white male who throws on an expensive, ill-fitting suit in the morning after sleeping 5hrs

>> No.842563
File: 164 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to work at an advertising agency (i.e. Casual dress code) and there's this one intern that always showed up in dress shirts/dress pants/dress shoes. Maximum autism. When they told him they wouldn't hire him at the end of his internship & he cried. The woman that told him felt bad and they hired him full time.

I'm so glad I'm out of that shithole.

>> No.842568

>When they told him they wouldn't hire him at the end of his internship & he cried. The woman that told him felt bad and they hired him full time.

Wow lol, how do you know that happened btw? I doubt he nor the lady would admit that he cried and got the position unless you were up there and a manager or something

>> No.843402
File: 31 KB, 350x525, n603280658_804844_21851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have no idea where you can get bespoke (i.e., every piece of that garment was made for you, not just modifying an existing pattern) for under $2000.

Hong Kong (the most famous being WW Chan), and plenty of tailors in smaller cities of France or Italy (like, say, C. Pilarczyk in Metz, Solito in Napoli, etc.)

Also, good bespoke is made at Senli & Frye in Beijing (pic related).

>> No.843426
File: 186 KB, 495x750, brown-tie-split-toe-shoes-dark-suit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and USA is acceptable to wear brown shoes with navy suit.
No. Not just no but fuck no. The dickheads on morning news shows in the US know their feet won't generally be observed by TV viewers so they wear shitty brown shoes on camera. BUT.....lately they have been seen in full stance. Viewers see shitty brown shoes on blue/gray suit wearers and a fucking fashion trend gets started!

Never wear brown shoes with blue/black/gray. It means you are a bullshit artist.

Pic related: OP in blue suit and brown shoes after falling for the ruse.

>> No.844151


>> No.844152

who is this testicle temptress?

>> No.844768

You have no idea what you're talking about. I'm interning at Merrill Lynch in wealth management right now, and plenty of people wear navy suits and dark brown shoes.

>> No.844778

I work at an investment bank.

White Brooks Brother's dress shirts everywhere. With dark pants and black shoes. That's it.

>> No.844788

You sound like one of those people who think that four in hand knots are for children.
You also seem to believe that black suits are acceptable, which is slightly worse.

The basic division in men's suits is between country and city.
These days you can dress rus in urbe, but Gordon Gekko would still look very out of place strolling an English estate.
The crucial thing is not to overdress less formal situations. This is the ultimate mark of a tryhard. This is why the only black suit that is acceptable is a dinner jacket, and this is why black shoes are strictly for sleek city suits.
That doesn't mean you can't wear a flannel suit in town or sleek brown shoes with a city suit, but it does mean you can't wear black shoes with a country suit, or a city suit in the country.

The stream flows one way. Rus in urbe, not urbs in rure.

>> No.844819

Matching navy or grey suit.

White shirt

Black tie

Black shoes


Belt needs to match shoes in color and material.

It's that easy

>> No.844822

It's pretty simple. Look at what other people around you are wearing. If you go in for an interview, pay attention to what others are wearing. A lot of places are just plain business casual and don't actually require you to wear a suit every day.

I work for a large lending company in the risk management side and most of what I wear and the people I work with wear is khakis and golf shirts. Occasionally I'll wear a button up. Make sure when buying your button up shirts that you get them fitted or even slim fit, not regular.

>> No.844823

It's August.

>> No.844874

I bet it takes a long time for you to order a coffee.

>> No.844878

Pardon me, but the last time I listened to advice from an intern was when it was noticed that my fly was open. That intern will go far. I'm not so sure about you.

>> No.844892

>All this conflicting, confusing advice

Fuck it, may as well walk into the interview with a purple zoot suit

>> No.844897


Just wear a charcoal suit, white shirt, black shoes, black belt, and a tie that isn't red.

Make sure your shit fits you and your tie isn't ugly and you'll be fine.

>> No.844902

Because I know the conventions and and adhere to the standards, you believe I'm a unconventional, eccentric person who specifies unusual mixtures?
God, it's like I'm getting analysed by Hannibal Lecter himself.

Here's an analysis for you: this is "fussy" to you because you are a prole, and none of it comes naturally to you.

You may as well ignore jumped up proles with big opinions and observe what rich people actually do. Convention is neither right nor wrong, it's just the done thing.

>> No.844942


> Pardon me

lol dog you're on 4Chan. Get a grip.