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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8351642 No.8351642 [Reply] [Original]

>120 Million Link sold to big companies in secret.
>Price singularity.
>Leaks from his meetings with big finance investors.

Good times. They always bring a smile to my face.

When do you think he sold?

>> No.8351651
File: 37 KB, 480x480, 1512322415540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's real and still holding. you'll see

>> No.8351823

haha nice pic

>> No.8351862
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>> No.8351883

So glad the LARPers have fucked off. Now just need the Decemberfags to fuck off. Here's hoping for 6 more months of bear until main net launches.

>> No.8351896
File: 164 KB, 1073x1200, bladerunner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you in the secret groups? They must be a riot tonight.

>> No.8352780

What are you taking about?

>> No.8352855
File: 193 KB, 324x358, 1518799353064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only one person can summon assblaster...

>> No.8352880

>There are actual retards who fell for the multiple larps made by Assblaster/Swissbro/Kimchi Whale
It's amazing how you guys keep buying that guy's bags

>> No.8352947

What I never got about what assblaster was saying is, wouldn't big companies buy the tokens from the rest of the supply and through private deals, seeing that only 1/3 of the supply is in circulation? I'm must be wrong, so I would be grateful to explain why that wouldn't happen and why they would have to buy on the open market instead.

>> No.8353405

how would the non-circulating supply be priced?

>> No.8353659

In that context he was talking specifically about rich individuals who want to get some chainlink.

>> No.8353788

Its easy, because delusion. Major part of link holders are deluded autists. You only need to read first page of /biz/ and you see.

>> No.8353837
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>> No.8353863

Only pajeets fall for that kind of shit.

>> No.8354554

Assblaster is legit. My guess is he is hodling or adding not selling. Same with me. Remain confident in the project.

>> No.8354591

>sold to big companies
the biggest misunderstanding by link bagholders
no company will EVER need to own any link. if you want their data, you'll have NO CHOICE but to get it from them, because the data isn't freely available. no tokens "backing up" the data necessary, take it or leave it.

>> No.8354640

Ass Blaster is Sergey

>> No.8354943

below pre-sale

>> No.8354965

Everyone keeps talking about the price singularity on Link but I think the real moon mission is the friends we made along the way.

>> No.8354970
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i feel like i need to save this, because its acutally gonna happen

>> No.8354997
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>> No.8355003

Spotted the new friend

>> No.8355063

Friendship is magic

>> No.8355268

Assblaster retweeted someone who was at the presentation so I think he's still holding. He just seemed to underestimate how long this project would take to be ready.

>> No.8355400

Satoshgey 'assblaster' Nakazarov

>> No.8356350

Link pls

>> No.8356743

that guy isnt assblaster

>> No.8356800

got me

>> No.8357665

he 100% is. Anyone who doesn't believe it has brain damage.

>> No.8357895

what is the twitter handle?