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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8352196 No.8352196[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can we all agree that communism is the best economic system there is ? The Soviet Union was perfect until it got jewed.

We need antifa

>> No.8352212

>business board


>> No.8352240

a thread died for this shitty baitpost

>> No.8352243

low quality bait

>> No.8352257

If by best you mean leading to widespread poverty and mass state induced murder, yes

>> No.8352258


Why should a Jew selling shit get more money than the guy who spent countless of ours extracting it ?

Muh buisness

>> No.8352264

For the the last fucking time communism is not an economic system, it is a political ideology. Most communist states used a COMMAND economic system but places like Singapore use a capitalistic economic system but are still communist

>> No.8352268
File: 68 KB, 490x325, IMG_0864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Until it got jewed
>implying it wasn't literally started by Jews

>> No.8352280

>The Soviet Union was perfect until it got jewed.
The heads of the bolsheviks were jews, it was not until Stalin that it got un-jewed and it was the best era for the communists. Then it got jewed again.

>> No.8352286
File: 80 KB, 429x343, 1519363008702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>70% of tokens used on the patform get BURNED
>burger founders
>U.S. certified
>you can buy into using fiat ($)
>aquired the biggest edtech provider in Eastern Europe
>DYOR pajeet


>> No.8352288

No nigger the Soviet Union wasn't poor, maybe during the war for obvious reasons, or when Stalin made a famine against Ukrainians, both reasons are nor related to communism you dumbass

>> No.8352289
File: 1.99 MB, 420x236, notrealcommunism.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your time is coming, commie scum.

>> No.8352307


What I wouldn't give to have the USSR back so I could defect and help defeat the capitalists

>> No.8352309

The Soviet Union was our last resort against Jews, they even got to 4chan and convince people that caputalism is better.


>> No.8352332

How does the Jews cock feel up your ass ?

>> No.8352339

i love this logic, somehow jews are both banks and communists, fucking dumbass

>> No.8352362


plus everyone in that pic probably froze to death

>> No.8352390

reminder to sage pathetic bait threads

>> No.8352398

its called the kosher sandwich....they control discourse on both political sides

>> No.8352404

Muh bait thread

No one proves me wrong.


>> No.8352414
File: 134 KB, 750x1334, IMG_5159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally google it, Lenin was a Jew aswell BTW

>> No.8352418


Communism is just an authoritarian dictatorship, using deflation I can redistribute resources much more efficiently with capitalism than socialism ever could. It will just make us all poorer that's why we don't do it not because we can't.

>> No.8352425


>> No.8352434
File: 370 KB, 1280x720, 1519844331555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>centralized control of money
>centralized control of money

Don't give me the brain-dead drivel of "not real communism," because that's the only way you're ever going to have equal distribution of wealth. It requires centralizing it by force before it can be distributed. And that's page fucking one of the Jew's playbook. They just happen to forget the distributing part afterward.

>> No.8352439
File: 175 KB, 1024x666, Screen-Shot-2017-05-26-at-8.18.22-AM-1024x666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much did you lose?

>> No.8352457

Not unless we make a decentralized communist government

>> No.8352464
File: 62 KB, 640x960, 1520556506014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10/10 bait good sir

oh, you're serious

>> No.8352488

I mean it's too late now, back then it was too easy to make a revolution, now there is jets protecting the Jews.

>> No.8352489

>an antifa commie from reddit is disappointed in /biz/ because a board of hyper capitalists laugh at communism

>> No.8352497

buy guns, overthrow your boss at mcdonalds put your landlord in a re-education camp and seize chad's lambo. it's the only way to still make it if you haven't made it already

>> No.8352509

Enjoy your Jewish cock, fuck reddit it's not communist it's fucking spoiled liberal cucks

Big difference, communism is pride, patriotism, conservatism, and all the hard physical work you do is paid off.

>> No.8352522

Honestly I want to join the next riot antifa makes and kill all the fascists, any advice where to start ?

>> No.8352549

Communism is literally the worst economic system, where you can't keep the fruit of your labor and your productivity is punished by others taking them away from you, while parasitism is rewarded by being able to take anything from others. Communism is absolute insanity and pure evil, which led to the predictable results of 100 million starving to death and killed under the XX century communist regimes alone. I don't expect to convince you though - it takes a special kind of genetically defective moron to not see truths so evident and to defend an evil so abhorrent.

>> No.8352561
File: 21 KB, 337x355, Smug Witch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pray tell how you skip the authoritarian "accumulate the wealth" step of wealth redistribution.

>> No.8352565


I'd just hold up, by the looks of the board about 80% or so of these "laughing hyper capitalists" are already on the brink of suicide

>> No.8352567

You're not going to be able to sell communism
on 4chan
on /biz/

but it's cute that you think you can
well your best bet is to keep talking about it here and on reddit, be explicit with your desires and plans so that the the people in the know can see you're the real deal, then you will be able to network and make your dreams reality

>> No.8352580

kek and all the rewards from the hard mental work is stolen from le bourgeoisie

>> No.8352603

Come on. This is the laziest bait I've seen recently. And of course communism doesn't make sense anyway thanks to human nature.

>> No.8352604

>where you can't keep the fruit of your labor and your productivity is punished by others taking them away from you, while parasitism is rewarded by being able to take anything from others

you literally just described capitalism where wealthy parasites who do no work steal the surplus value of your labor

>> No.8352607

You've got it backwards. The soviet union was born jewed, the October revolution was all Jewish. Stalon fixed it enough to make war work sort of but he didnt un-Jew it. Communism = Judaism, they are literally synonymous.

>> No.8352608

t. was so offended by a comment in /r9k/ that they raced straight over to fight for communism

protip: the majority of idiots that got burnt were brainlet newfags comparable to yourself

>> No.8352619

>"Pray tell"

I don't respond to neckbeard weebs, off to the basement

>> No.8352627

Lol kill yourself commie

>> No.8352641

Ok weebs you all got trolled, can't believe you fat autists actually took time to respond

It's so easy to Jew people holy fuck.

>> No.8352643

Fuck off and take your cuck porn with you

>> No.8352654


At least it's giving people a distraction from their rapidly depleting blockfolios

>> No.8352667

top kek good sir top kek

>> No.8352692

>its not working
>quick, tell them it was merely a ruse, they will look like fools


>> No.8352697

No, my employer isn's stealing shit from me. We made a contract, of which I am a voluntary party because his capital and facitilies are useful to me. It's the communist that wants to steal from my employer and force me into his own kolkhoz. You are brain-dead, you blame the producer and praise the parasite. How can evil like you exist?

>> No.8352707

Wtf is a ruse please kill yourself

>> No.8352739

/pol/ is calling

>> No.8352740


ok enjoy getting voluntarily wagecucked forever by your pimp

>> No.8352747

>big banks
>not in cohorts with govt

>> No.8352755

this is an over 18 website, anon

>> No.8352820

Yes, I enjoy voluntarily cooperating with people with mutual benefit very much. It's what civilized prosperous society is all about. Enjoy starving to death or being murdered by a fellow hungry communist savage, who simply takes stuff from others by force, rather than produce and exchange value for value.

>> No.8353001


wow I can't imagine living in a society where people are hungry and murders happen and people steal things. that sounds terrible wtf I'm capitalist now

>> No.8353039

Obvious bait thread ffs.

>> No.8353062

You don't have to imagine it, study the history of Soviet Russia, Maoist China, North Korea, any of them.

>> No.8353092


or I can literally just go outside and witness this all around me, right now

>> No.8353126

Its so perfect I'm willing to die killing its advocates to preserve humanity from near perpetual poverty, dehumanisation, loss of freedom of conscience, private property, tyranny and mass murder.

t. Heavily armed.

Your move commie.

>> No.8353168

No one in the US starves to death moron. Capitalism has ushered in an era of peace and prosperity never seen before in the history of the earth. Communism litterally starved millions of people.

>> No.8353196

>wow I can't imagine living in a society where people are hungry and murders happen and people steal things. that sounds terrible wtf I'm capitalist now

Just imagine the knock on the door as the political police arrive looking for your hidden potato and gang rape your kid to teach you a lesson, or maybe pick up your wife and pull her teeth out because of a typo on a list you commie fuck. You capitalist yet? Because that was the reality of that flag you posted under lenin, stalin, mao, pol pot, occupied Poland, Czechoslovakia in 68, hungary in 56 etc etc etc etc. Do you understand why people consider you so foul that they might kill you? Remember a lot of this is within living memory for half of Europe .

>> No.8353254


Cool story bro, I live in nyc and the police literally gang raped a teenager in a van recently and they break in people's houses and kill them all the time