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8351684 No.8351684 [Reply] [Original]

my sister and many other attractive women around the 20 year old mark that i know have gotten 'donations' from old men that behave as if they're friends and just trying to do something nice. e.g. my sister has been given around $50,000 dollars from one man who is a millionaire but doesnt even consider giving me a penny. that guy is long gone now and travelling asia so its not like he expected anything in return. have you noticed things like this in your social group? they seem to get off on just giving money to women they think are hot.

>> No.8351745

I'm sorry I have to break this to you OP, but your sister is probably a whore.

>> No.8351748

She fucked him idiot

>> No.8351780

nah, she has a bf.

>> No.8351788

The sad part is, men nowadays are so pussywhipped that it’s entirely possible they just went on “dates” and didn’t even fuck. I know it sounds unbelievable, but it’s actually a common practice in japan (“papa katsu”) and it wouldn’t surprise me if it was spreading to the West.

>> No.8351793


>> No.8351803


>> No.8351828


>> No.8351838

no anon. that's not how life works.

>> No.8351866

That's not how it works

>> No.8351868


>> No.8351895

OP I have given women tens of thousands of dollars. It was never for free. You are being a tad naive.

>> No.8351929

She fucked the old goat, and the money is so she goes away.

>> No.8351947

>thinking this matters

oh man, you have a lot to learn. It's hilarious how dumb most people in their 20's really are

>> No.8351958

i take it that you're unaware of a streaming service called 'twitch'

>> No.8351960

only thing he gave her was a sperm donation

>> No.8352103

Sure is a lot of money for a video

>> No.8352407

Lol OP you’re just a poorfag

>> No.8352449

Op you are beyond retarded if you think a 20 year old wouldn’t fuck an old man for 50k bc she “has a bf.” It’s like borderline autism to even consider that idea.

>> No.8352455

he put his cock into all of her holes

>> No.8352480

So now there are two guys getting bad news.

>> No.8352783

nowadays women get free shit from men without even fucking them

Ive seen it happen IRL

check out something called findom

if youre an attractive chick all you have to do is make a tinder saying-send me money

>> No.8352826

there's a pizza place across the street from my apartment in which i've seen just about every form of messed up couples. 2 have been basically what you describe.

>> No.8352878


>> No.8353215

I know a prostitute who often doesn't have to even fuck to get the money
Cucks are actually paying her to just cuddle or to invite her to the restaurant or just to talk
And shes not even that attractive

>> No.8353310

This is true. My ex gets loads of money/stuff from old men. Including a few hundred Euros every few months from some old man in Greece she met on an exchange there. I know for sure she doesn't fuck them and has never fucked them. I don't blame you if don't believe me , I could hardly believe it myself.

But yeah my newly grandad also takes young girls on holidays and he's told me he's too old to fuck.

>> No.8353324

I can imagine some rich betas on 4chan doing this but your sister is a whore

>> No.8353401

>being this naive

women have to do nothing but visibly be a woman and they live life on easy mode having gifts and money thrown at them by other naive men and then when they get too ugly the state just subsidises their poor choices

water is wet

>> No.8353425

20% of the top top women. the life of the other 80% isn't like that at all

>> No.8353468

I had a guy mate who was given a car by an older guy in his 60s, the dude was retired, and very wealthy and my friend was just starting out and had just had an accident. The dude helped him. Out without expecting anything in return.