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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8329226 No.8329226 [Reply] [Original]

That is correct.
First ever ERC223 token to be mined this way.

The supply of PHX tokens is tied directly to the Ethereum balance of the smart contract underpinning the 'EthPhoenix' decentralized application and mined using a novel, generalisable technique we refer to as proof-of-volitility

1) Model on which a queryable values from a smart contract can be used for generating Ethereum tokens (proof-of-involvement).
2) A specific instance of proof-of-involvement describing an algorithm which dictates proportional token generation according to the stake held by a participating smart contract (proof-of-volatility).
3) A smart contract detailing an ERC223-compliant Ethereum token active on the main network which can be mined a hitherto unused techniques an existing smart contract as the unerlying generator (PhoeniXCoin).

Its live now.

The release only occurred after an elaborate riddle was finally solved after a dev dropped clues all week.
The underlying contract is:

or come enjoy the futures market to earn 30x multiples, then dump into ethphoenix.

get ready for the new era of mining /biz/
whitepaper link:

>> No.8329299
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Getting in while it's still cheap for sweet sweet PHX coins

>> No.8329300

Now to explain the futures markets called pyrmex.com a little more, also a world first.

>There are 6 pots, Zerobear, Bear, Minibear, Minibull, Bull, and Infinibull, representing different ETH ranges the contract balance could be at the settlement time.

>Payout multipliers depend on market sentiment, but have ranged from 1.3x (An obvious, easy bet) to 50x+ (completely unexpected manipulation).

>Manipulation occurs by ethphoenix.io token holders (EPX) during what is called the bog hour. This is the hour right after betting has stopped...but the pot is still hot i.e. yet to be won. The game isnt over until settlement and then the winners get the payouts. IN this hour window, people buy and sell EPX to move the volume in contract to favor the bet. Creates high volatility which generates dividends for EPX coin holders, making a very nice passive means of earning eth...for life.
Contract will go forever, physically cannot be stopped. Wild bones wild ride is in effect, are you on?

>> No.8329375

Over 129 ETH has come in since this was launched, jesus fucking christ

You people need to stop, you're going to cause a financial crisis

>> No.8329392

See the post above
>Contract will go forever, physically cannot be stopped. Wild bones wild ride is in effect..

it cannot be stopped

>> No.8329455

Another 29 ETH was just dropped into the contract.

Feels good to be an EPX holder today.

>> No.8329475

Hell yeah let's do this /b/ and my axe! Rolling

>> No.8329476


Ikr? I can't wait for these new coins to mine either.

>> No.8329497

I get my new mine of coins in 10 mins AHHHHHHHH first ever mine!

>> No.8329509


Nah, we're just doing our part to remove supply from the market. You seen these weak handed newfags, dumping their Eth at rock bottom prices? It's insanity. The sooner they lock their Eth up in safe contracts like this the better.

>> No.8329526

I've made 50% on my 0.6 ETH investment. Up to 0.9 now. In less than a month. Doing nothing but holding.

Please tell me why this isn't the best place to hold your ETH right now.

>> No.8329528

Is this people from /biz/ dropping huge big balls eth pots, WHERE ARE THEY COMING FROM?

>> No.8329533

Kek, gratz! I've got like 8 hours left.....fuck....

Pyrmex was hilarious today though - infinibull fucking exploded was pretty much 1:1 haha

>> No.8329548

unironically put all my eth in this

>> No.8329565

I found 29eth boi

>> No.8329570

No way it's only /biz/ by now, I don't know where all this ETH is coming from.. Maybe it's normies?

They are launching http://pyrebirds.com/ soon, all I can see about it so far is you can collect eggs..

Do normies like eggs?

>> No.8329577


Ikr? If I wasn't in this, I'd maybe try MakerDAO (similar system, but a more "serious" focus since you're just backing DAI) but this is no shit the better hold now. It's just gone from being a great passive earner to off the charts with this mining thing.

>> No.8329602

walked away with some fresh PHX coin.
anyone else have the first ERC223 coin mined ever?

>> No.8329604


Nah, I think it's going to be an open world game with battles etc. So while there'll be a collectible element it'll hopefully have actual gameplay (amazing!)

>> No.8329622

The rebrand is shit and not normie friendly.
It's not going to take off.

>> No.8329628

>open world
That would be fucking huge, shit

>> No.8329652
File: 37 KB, 1146x834, stake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I'm understanding correctly they've implemented a staking system and it's already taken off

Closest thing to Proof of Stake on ETH right now?

>> No.8329658


I'm torn for what to do with them though. Hold? Or get them up on Forkdelta and try to get the first orderbook happening? I'm even think of heading to Ethlend, putting them up for collateral at the same value as EPX and seeing if I get a bite.

>> No.8329670

wrong thread bro, powh is down the hall on the right. Dont ask for a URL though since 4chan has banned them from posting EVEN THE LINK TO THEIR WEBSITE HAHHAHA

>> No.8329683


Yep. You can do crazy shit with web canvas these days. That's the rumor anyway from another thread earlier today.

>> No.8329686

forkdelta full speed ahead!

>> No.8329714 [DELETED] 
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ITT: 4-5 pajeets from the same discord talking together

>> No.8329726
File: 38 KB, 516x143, Screen Shot 2018-03-13 at 11.14.03 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unable to address any points in the thread
Has powh already implemented there shilling bot on 4chan?

>> No.8329734

how to get your shit permabanned in 1 easy step

they might be too young to remember the /b/ spambots I guess

>> No.8329745


Yep. I'm mining right now. Proof of Volatility - as well as still giving the regulare Eth divs, there's some crazy math voodoo that means you can control token issuance. So it's like PoS, but instead of voting on blocks, it's more like a delegated stake - the new contract issues the new tokens based on your holding your EPX. There's actually a real whitepaper now.

I'm so fucking confused - I kinda just threw a spare Eth in for the lols, suddenly it's like a serious hold project kek.

>> No.8329769

Your FUD just makes me want to buy more to be honest. Wish I'd put in 5 ETH or something. This is the road to NEETbux heaven.

>> No.8329775

How the fuck did a pyramid scheme implement PoS before Vitalik

what a time to be alive

>> No.8329793

vitalik butterfacein is a scamartist.

>> No.8329798

these tokens are worthless

>> No.8329806


Fuck off dumbass, I don't even use discord. Found out about this game here, bought in and today some big shit happened. Whole /biz/ does nothing but shill stinkie linkies for months then cries aboud discords. Kys brainlet.

>> No.8329809

why? can someone explain this to me?

>> No.8329812
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you are so right!

>> No.8329823


Said every boomer about everything. It's day 1 faggot, what's your point?

>> No.8329834

He's right for now if he's talking about PHX tokens (not EPX ones). The dev team are working on pairing the tokens to other cryptocurrencies and using them in games.

ITT a pyramid scheme not only implements PoS before Vitalik but also implements FUN before FUN has.

>> No.8329853


No, just a massive autist. Money skelly has given us a LOT of good things - name 1 other platform with a well developed Dapp ecosystem where shit like this is even possible?

>> No.8329865

If it's PoS it sounds like it should have value but I don't really understand this completely

Like, GAS will never go below a certain ratio of NEO? It sounds like the same thing

>> No.8329873

Ikr? Hilarious shit!

>> No.8329883

Sad that noone is gonna play pyrmex tho...

>> No.8329900


What? Why? I had a bet in today - lost badly kek.

>> No.8329902

Wtf! You guys keep pushing out new stuff all the time, glad I bought some tokens last week.

>> No.8329910

sad really inst the right word considering the onyl reason its not playable right now is because SO MANY people are fomoing into this right now..

its not the worst thing

>> No.8329945

The devs of EPX are autistic code wizards. There's more on the way. We're an Ethereum ecosystem now - the world's first. We have a gaming token based on EPX's volatility. It's an entire economy based on a perpetual motion money machine.

I said it before, but it's unironically the best place to hold your ETH, bear or bull market, if you believe in the future of cryptocurrency.

>> No.8329980


Yeah it'll level off again. Holy fuck - it's mooning though.

Ha, I just had a thought about what to do with my Phoenixcoin - an ad faucet. People love that shit - "Phoenix faucet".

>> No.8330012


Not sure about the ratio thing. As far as I can tell there's nothing like that. There's simply tokens issued based a a volatility measure - no cap really.

>> No.8330022

Shit, you post really made me rethink how I should invest my money. Maybe I should listen to some anime autism image board and put 5 ETH into a literal pyramid scheme. Good call.

>> No.8330033

Good idea. Maybe you'll get a 50% ROI like I have. Not bad for depositing once.

>> No.8330053

this chart gave me a boner

>> No.8330095

The first dApp based on PHX is now out. PHXHell. Snowball of PHX until the timer runs out, then the jackpot goes to the holder.

That was a turnaround of less than 24 hours for the first dApp.


>> No.8330136

holy shit already? its hardly been a day...My god this team...

>> No.8330140

Okay I'm gonna take your PHX now

>> No.8330206

bwhahah so when I make coin and make "estimated" value of one to 1 ETH then it's worth that much? Shit let me make some money!

>> No.8330217

I don't think you understand how ERC tokens work...

>> No.8330258

oh, you can't argue so you tell me I don't understand. okay

>> No.8330295

The estimated value is an approximation of how much your tokens are worth. If you sold, you would get that much ETH, give or take volatility in the contract. It's a market order effectively.

Yes, theoretically you could make a token and 'say' it's 1 ETH a token. This is however backed by the math of the contract rather than whatever value you assign to your hypothetical token

>> No.8330305

it could be on the free market if someone pays for it

That's how free markets work anon

>> No.8330339 [DELETED] 

Smart contracts

>> No.8330463

good ole world first bump

>> No.8330759


>> No.8331111


>> No.8331156


third world ump

>> No.8331414

ethphoenix.io contract up to 426 ETH

>> No.8331643

last bump

>> No.8331843

How does PHXHell work?

>> No.8331878

working well as of now. the pot is up to 5 PHX. Looks like we got a live one!

>> No.8331928

You need PHX which you get by "staking" your EPX balance at https://ethphoenix.io/mine/#/

After staking you are able to claim PHX every 24 hours

>> No.8331935 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8331938

425 eth pot damn, big stakes since last night

>> No.8331969

yes, you need EPX tokens in order to mine PHX.
EPX tokens are found here ethphoenix.io

>> No.8332108

new contract incoming!!!!

>> No.8332206

thats all my money lmao

>> No.8332258

just a new PHX contract - anyone with PHX tokens or currently staking will be airdropped what they are owed in PHX

it's only been up for a day and very few people actually have tokens yet

the EPX contract is fine

>> No.8333036

PHX now listed on forkdelta, yiss

>> No.8333096

Phoenixcoin (PHX) is now listed on ForkDelta.


>> No.8333181


>> No.8333438


>> No.8333950

This sounds to good to be true.

>> No.8334344

Can someone explain this mining, I have a lot of EPX and it says I cannot mine again for 24 hours

>> No.8334346

Smart contract source code is public, go see for yourself. Crypto is gonna change the financial world bigly.

>> No.8334440

yeah so the first transaction "stakes" your EPX

every 24 hours, you can claim PHX

They're generated based on your holdings and the volatility of EPX

It's something like 100 PHX are created for every 1 ETH of volume, divided by your % share of EPX = the PHX you get per day

>> No.8334462 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8334471


Can we see the USD value per PHX on the page?

>> No.8334583

Yea I'm looking into this right now.

>> No.8334697

well, what do you think?

>> No.8334748

Well PHX, like any other crypto, have no inherent USD value - you'll be able to trade them on exchanges but the price is ultimately up to supply and demand

The price of EPX will determine a typical price people are willing to sell for at the lowest, like how the price of a GPU rig creates a hard floor for what people will typically sell a proof of work coin for

If exchange volume takes off and there is enough data to estimate that value though, there's no reason it cant be included on the page eventually

>> No.8334781

Yeah, i just want you to pull the recent price from the exhange

>> No.8334872

Still working on listing it on IDEX and other exchanges but you can trade it on delta


There's no real volume yet because most people are still in the initial mining phase

>> No.8335399

can't believe you beautiful fuckers have gone this far
lost 0.5 eth on phoenix trying to be a smartass with the futures market and i know better than to buy back in at a higher price, but i'll cheer you guys from the sidelines
homegrown /biz/ project delivering

>> No.8335486

lmao it has the literal same site design that a few of those other eth ponzi schemes do

>same site designers lmfao

i hope you fags lose all your money to this obvious scam

>> No.8335537

What part of this do you think is a scam?

>> No.8335542

the other ones? could you please give me the URL for those?

>this obvious scam
Could you go ahead and point out where anything is scammy about this?
Products do the talking around ethphoenix

>> No.8335547

you okay bro this has been running for over a month and a half

>> No.8335799


>> No.8336075

The codes ending in KG, RV, KS, is all the same group shilling this thing. These guys with different codes had the same thread yesterday. Total exit strategy built in..

>> No.8336094
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Yeah cause it's based on the EOS website you absolute nigger

>> No.8336122

>make audacious claim without supporting anything

ya i was here yesterday, so what? I m not trying to hide my ID, why the fuck would i care? Like 20 people even knows this exists yet faggot.

>> No.8336137

>426 ETH
>Still not exit scammed

makes sense

>> No.8336241
File: 66 KB, 1024x617, 1519306348091m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the webdev for the first frontend. tenmei, check the contract source.
I'm one of the first 20 transactions, starts with 0x69

There is not an exit. I don't want there to be an exit. It's for strong hands. That's the whole fucking point.

I mean, you can read the raw fucking code if you want. But you won't because you're a brainlet that can't understand solidity.

Here's the address for you. I'm making it easy.

>> No.8336260

yea 20 people know about it but there are ~10000TX on etherscan. checks out.

>> No.8336293

>thinks im talking about ethphoenix.io
Nah, ethphoenix is mooning right now, pic related.

Im saying, only 20 people even know about this new mining technique just invented. Way to stay on point!

>> No.8336312

Thats what POWH said.
I do know solidity. Show me the code. Then ill dump in 100ETH.

>> No.8336346
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Well obviously we set up 10k dummy wallets to trick people. There's actually no movement at all it's just an illusion. Don't buy in anon. Who cares if you miss out at least you'll get to btfo all these anonymous internet people.

>> No.8336360

its cant be exit scammed. There is not a function that can be called to do that...there isnt even an input to receive a function even if there was.

Someone else will say it better, but this contract is water tight. It was designed to fix all the mistakes powh made by jaded anons who got justed by them; some even twice.

>> No.8336383

I gave you the address. Look it up on Etherscan and click the Contract Source tab, Mr. Internet wizard. But you should know how to do that.

>> No.8336393
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>pic related

>> No.8336420
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here is the contract address:

And the website has a public git repo:

>> No.8336449

ethphoenix is just a reskinned site that links to the same contract because people didn't like the pyramid branding

>> No.8336456


There is already the first game released, for PHXcoins I started mining yesterday (just for the cost of gas), based on how many of my long term hold eth I parked in a pyramid that pays me dividends just to hold them there?

This is the best thing ever.

>> No.8336467

EthPhoenix and EthPyramid, is this the same thing? The websites look exactly the same

>> No.8336482


>> No.8336487

yes they are; One snek with two heads.

>> No.8336488

Yes two different frontends that interact with the same Ethereum smart contract. If you want to verify just check your metamask transactions.

>> No.8336586


I have to say that I kinda dont like it. Reason I bought into EthPyramid is because they were so blatantly transparent of what it is.

EthPhoenix looks more like a scam site.

I like scams that right out tells you they are scams. Still not a scam tho, I know. But I liked the wording.

>> No.8336632

it's just as transparent if you read the site, none of the text / warnings have been changed but alright

>> No.8336677

additionally, be warned about owning powh coin if you live in the USA. Their ref links are considered illegal and 4chan doesnt even allow them to post their URL here either because of that.
basically, if you use someones masternode, you will be giving them 30% of you dividends for life

ethpyramid.io is still up for a reason m8. Community started making some new art and its just kind of evolved from there..its still a game

>> No.8336814

No no bruh. They are literally the same contract. We just rebranded the website. Don't get EPX confused with PHX.

EPX was formerly known as EPY and it the same tokens that EthPyramid used.

PHX is the proof-of-volitility token built ON TOP of the EPX framework.

>> No.8336838
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Haha you why TF did my ID change? That's never happened to me before

>> No.8336997

yeah your phrasing is a little strange, if you bought into ethpyramid, you are already in ethphoenix because theres only 1 contract, just 2 frontends

>> No.8337119

This is so wierd. I just mined on ethpyramid but I mine for PHX coins. I have EPY coins on EthPyramid, but on EthPhoenix it says EPX coins.

Too many coins, I have no clue what I have or why Im mining.

>> No.8337209

eaaasy lad.


EPX tokens are proof of stake in order to mine PHX. got it?

>> No.8337277

Why do I need PHX coins?

>> No.8337370

>"smart contract" has never been audited
>"very first ever [arbitrary protocol] token"
>you will make gorrilions! just buy!
this is a fucking scam and anyone who buys into this deserves to lose all their eth.

>makers have scammed multiple people in the past
>have a shitton of eth to pad out their new coin and pump it to make people think it's a good investment
>people get scammed
>coin rebrands
>try and scam again

The wheel of crypto scamming turns and turns

>> No.8337408

They're mainly gonna be used for the upcoming:


And we also have some basic gambling dApps in the works just to play with for fun.

https://ethphoenix.io/hell/#/ - etherhell clone which uses PHX tokens

and PHX are ERC20 so you'll be able to trade them on exchanges if you want

and yeah EPY / EPX coins are the same thing since its the same contract, just the display names have been changed

>> No.8337457

lol are you retarded

these devs are so good with solidity that they audited PoWH3D too, and are even credited in their source. This was their first project, a contract which fixed all the bugs of the original PoWH

Nobody got scammed in EPY, and EPX uses the same exact contract - not a clone, not a redeployed contract, the same exact contract address

It's been running since the beginning of February

>> No.8337478

That's what we are all hoping to learn in the near future! Seriously though, they will be the currency for a new ethereum app ecosystem with games and blackjack/hookers.

>> No.8337497
File: 21 KB, 461x393, fuckoffPOWHFAGGOT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im sorry, i couldnt hear you over the sound of my gains. Stay poor.

If your looking for a scam coin, id try powh. Christ, they can even put their URL up on here they suck so hard.

>> No.8337534


>the devs ARE auditors
>cites a coin that the next replier >>8337497 calls a scam and also uses the argument "stay poor"


>> No.8337557


>dividends at 10% of DAILY buy volume

Jesus christ, it's worse than I thought

>> No.8337567

Wow. I'm going to go through your points here.

- The smart contract was tested with over 4k ETH in and out on Ropsten. It's been live for a month and a half with no problems. Hackers have stopped trying.

- Yes, world firsts. What a shame!

- You might make gorrilions. Eventually. That's the name of the game. Strong hands win.

- The developers are not the same.

- Pad out the coin? What?

- Coin rebrand because /biz/ said nobody would buy the ethpyramid name. They were right.

- This is the only contract.

Is that enough for you?

>> No.8337620

ah so you are retarded

Thats how the dividends are calculated brainlet, 10% of buy and sell volume

it's been unhacked and un-exitscammed for over a month and a half, and is at over 420 ETH in contract. nobody is hacking this. if they could, they would make hundreds of free eth

>> No.8337640

ref links ARE a scam. They are not in ethphoenix but they are in powh....Its on major differences in the two, other than the fact ethPhoenix actually puts out products.

its nice to see how upset you are.

>> No.8337670

>Coin rebrand because /biz/ said nobody would buy the ethpyramid name

>coin rebrands because nobody would buy into an obvious scam-and-proud coin
>rebrands into a scam that pretends it isn't

jee, really disproves my point.

>pad out the coin? what?
putting a bunch of money into your own coin using profits from previous endeavours to inflate market cap and form a strong upward price derivative to make it a more appealing buy to uninformed buyers

>> No.8337705

sentiment towards the new powh is that it's a scam shit-coin because

1) those devs already lost nearly 2000 eth to poor coding - not these devs

2) they have referral links, the scammiest pajeet tier shit to ever exist on the internet

the entire reason this contract exists was to fix the security bugs in the old PoWH, and it succeeded

>> No.8337722


>if anyone could steal from it, they would have done it while the contract was young and still trying to prove it's honesty!

There is no reason mt gox would have exit scammed a year prior. The stronger it looks, the more money will come in. The makers are HODLing on their contract, expecting the total to go up before they exit scam. You'd know because you're one of them

>> No.8337741

ok, you've got me on blackjack and hookers

>> No.8337750

You can literally look at the contract code and see that this isn't possible.

>> No.8337752

you are EXTREMELY confused

the site is still plastered with messages telling you that it's a transparent pyramid scheme

and these devs have no previous endeavours - you're thinking of PoWH, those guys are doing something right now, it's called PoWH3D, and it's not this

>> No.8337767

The absolute devout "bulletproof" shilling in response to my fud reminds me of fucking Confido threads. Goodbye ethphoenix devs, I hope you get thousands of eth from dumbasses.

>> No.8337773


Did you read anything on the site? The FAQ? Anything at all? The website actively discourages investment. If you consider that a scam then you must be bankrupt from getting scammed all the time.

As I said, the contract IS bulletrpoof. Seriously.

>> No.8337804
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helplessly retarded,its open source and people have been trying to hack it since it was launched, it's not happening

you should familiarize yourself with the way the old hacks were executed, EPX isn't vulnerable to them even in theory

>> No.8337841

bye 3D faggot, stay upset

>just got another 2 ETH buy

those could have been your divs

>> No.8337950

I just saw that Powh started up again the 10th/11th. I transfered money earlier to get in on this too but people here dont seem to like it.

Whats wrong with new powh?

>> No.8338049

You might get some impassioned responses here, but I'll try my best to be objective. Full disclosure I have ETH in both projects.

The main concern is that the referral links are being blocked at every turn - which could potentially hinder growth.

Another concern is that PoWH's best shiller, youtuber Craig Grant, is potentially ignoring legal advice to promote his referral link (unconfirmed).

A further concern is that if someone uses a referral link, the referer gets a reward but not a referee - so why use the link?

Additionally when a referral link is successfully used the referer gets 3% of their initial buy in - meaning 3% less dividends for everyone else.

I think I covered the main points relatively fairly.

>> No.8338062

ref links and msternodes.
if you use someones masternode, they get 30% of your divs for life. This means you are directly (personally) profiting of bringing someone into a "scheme" which is illegal in the US.
Ethphoenix is different in that other than the community pot, there is no way to take more from some other person. Divs are always distributed fairly and equally to all holders.

>> No.8338085

technically, security and math wise, there is nothing "wrong" with the new powh

but this community has a lot of issues with them, namely that they went on a massive campaign prelaunch to FUD our math as "logarithmic bullshit" - it does use a log function, but it's a linear log function

meaning token price in 3D and EPX end up being the same at the same ETH balances and both scale at the same rate

And I would say like 80% of the FUD in these threads comes directly from 3D

Also we really dont like ref links, because when someone clicks on a ref link, 33% of the 10% dividends goes directly to the ref link holders

so, if every single buy in 3D went through a ref link, regular holders are really only getting around 6.6% of the buy and sell volume instead of 10%

>> No.8338121
File: 84 KB, 248x634, infographic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not 30% of their divs for life, 33% of every BUY they make without clearing their cookies

>> No.8338130

>makers have scammed multiple people in the past

Literally never been involved in any other project

Learn to read, PAJEET

>> No.8338144

pic is infographic we had to make to stop the "EPX isn't linear" FUD

and as far as shilling EPX goes, we have a futures market, and soon will have a normie-bait game - 3D has yet to make any dApps :/

>> No.8338170
File: 40 KB, 1355x214, eatshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from the dev.
its still on purpose.

>> No.8338250
File: 355 KB, 1200x3064, infographic (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck pajeet level quality png

trying again

>> No.8338260
File: 15 KB, 226x225, IMG_-faksjy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUDers are literal 40 IQ brainlets that came to /biz/ after December pump who don't understand maths or solidity. You can read our fucking source code. If you're so fucking confused about how it works then do some work and figure it out if you're so smart. Like I'm fucking daring all of you to hack us or find an exit scam. You can't. I fucking promise you. I fucking dare you.

>> No.8338457

Damn that shut em up

>> No.8338681


Cause they literally can't respond without sounding like an idiot.

>> No.8338860


This is accualy genius. People will be shilling this crap and their masternodes/link over the moon.

Im gonna get into this because people are driven by greed.

>> No.8338925

lol ok anon, good luck to you ;)

>> No.8339013

Hope you don't live in the US.

>> No.8339043

He's from 3D, and thinks that was subtle

>> No.8339117


this, the shameless shilling by devs here is disgusting. Should be against the rules desu

>> No.8339189

Norway. All good. I think.

>> No.8339207

>shilling against the rules on /biz/

just saying he had 3 people responding and then totally fucked up the ruse

>> No.8339251

I dont get it. Why would I be shill for powh. I see good deal, I get in on it. Same reason I bought Athenes PRPS and EthPyramid.

Only reason I want in on Powh is because it was released like 4 days ago so I would be one of the first.

>> No.8339294

I know it's against the rules to post the PoWH URL as it is consider spam....
I know you can post the ethphoenix url no problem and they have ad on this page even.
That's speaks a lot.

>> No.8339331

>Mr bones wild ride
Now there's a meme I haven't seen in a while. Nice.

>> No.8339359

>I bought EPY
>all of my posts are slightly skewed towards calling EPY confusing or unlikable

uhhuh, I am fooled

>> No.8339506

dude, seriously

>> No.8339589


Hey don't trash talk PoWH3D. It makes us look bad and the numbers will speak for themselves

>> No.8339829


This is obviously a scam from the same faggot who brought you "feenix". For those who don't remember, the bird icon is nearly identical. Lazy fuck couldn't even make a new one. He would always shill his feenix scamcoin here. Someone needs to dox this scammer.

>> No.8339961

Actually, we'll make sure the SEC keeps an eye on this ico...

>> No.8340015

Boi it's literally ethpyramid fuck off

I've never heard of feenix

>> No.8340159

>Ponzibot is still, to this day, trying to FUD EthPhoenix simply because someone took his idea and did it better than him

Truly pathetic.

>> No.8340239


Dox them for what exactly?

>> No.8340315


>> No.8340761

Pajeet scam trash.

The OP alone is filled with typos.

>> No.8340893
File: 14 KB, 611x512, 5847e9efcef1014c0b5e482e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to go back

>> No.8340994


You down to just throwing shit now huh? Good thing op made some typos, otherwise you would have to face the substance of the post. God forbid.

>> No.8341025

Market is tanking; I said fuck it and threw in all my ETH. Might as well get some dividends while waiting for a correction.

>> No.8341203
File: 254 KB, 1000x2416, who dis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
