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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8331583 No.8331583 [Reply] [Original]

i wish /biz/ was like in november and december again
theres only suffering and constant crashing now

>> No.8331607
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Time to get back to work anon. You've gotta fill the hole that crypto made for you.

>> No.8331614

This is when biz is depressed, it is hilarious

>> No.8331619

It's because people are realizing that crypto won't recover for years. All the hopes and dreams of getting rich are being crushed. Crypto will just be forgotten like many of the fads normies follow every years. Like the harlem shake, dabbing, pokemon go, tattood thin eyebrows, Thick painted eyebrows and whatever the fuck follows.

>> No.8331636

fuck that.
give me back late spring/early summer.
before the jeets came, before the summerfags

>> No.8331673

This is unironically the comfiest /biz/ has been in quite some time.

>> No.8331727

embrace it you fucking soy boy pussy cuck

>> No.8331755

Let me give you the cold hard truth as anyone who came in a few years back would know.
This is not an ordinary dip/correction.
This past few years, even when BTC fell, there were random PnDs all over the place.
But there are none this year.
The market is falling like never before and any Hodlers still left would be obliterated in the aftermath.
Hell we may never ever meet the Jan ATH again.
That much is certain.

>> No.8331782
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>> No.8332345
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As the creator of this fine OC, I'm appalled at the ant sized edit. Please avert your eyes from that trash and gaze at the original which has the correct shitcoin logo on it. Thank you

>> No.8332423
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nice FUD lets hope more people sell so we can buy that cheap bitcoin

>> No.8333385

You people are delusional

How many paid shills do you think there really are?

How many independent fudders are there, and if they dont all fud at the same time do you think it would have any effect? There is no concerted effort.

The writing is on the wall man. The enthusiasm just isnt here anymore. Not saying crypto wont boom again, but rightbnow people genuinely dont feel strong about crypto.

>> No.8333412

>He still hasn't cashed out

>> No.8333599

>That much is certain.

hahahaha kys

>> No.8333643


101 bear market you brainlet

>> No.8333787

Now's the time to be trading for more coin. It's so ez in a bear market. Bless the bear market.

>> No.8333928

Yes because the SEC ruling against bitcoin wont completely kill or cripple bitcoin

Yes because the external factors and situation today are the same as last year

Seriously i wish the government would butt out

>> No.8334345

That is correct.

>> No.8334432
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