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8329880 No.8329880[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

About a month ago i read some bs he wrote and wished him death for being such an overhyped brainlet. Now he is dead. I'm so glad this tard is gone. Now he can walk and talk again in the afterlife.

>> No.8329889
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>> No.8329891
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you think he will be able to walk in the afterlife?

>> No.8329922

maybe he will visit his favourite galaxies who knows. i hope he is having a good time with alien friends.

>> No.8329923

>t. 16 year old virgin

>> No.8329932
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>> No.8329954

>Everything came out of nothing

He never said that. The big bang contained all matter and energy of this universe. Except it was condensed into one single point. The big bang made it expand and take on different shapes.

Also the big bang is not discovered/invented by Stephen Hawking but by a Christian priest that studied the stars in his free time and noticed a trend that if you look further back in time the galaxies would get closer together and thus if you keep calculating it back it means that everything came from one single point in space 13.4 billion years ago.

It's like seeing a car from city A arrive in city B in 3 hours time and you using this information to calculate the average speed.

The priest used the speed of which galaxies move away from each other to calculate how long ago all galaxies separated from each other.

It's basic math and has nothing to do with religion/worldview/whatever.

>> No.8329978
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found the fedora tipper

>> No.8330007

>tfw german internet is fucking me again and just learned about it because of this thread

get lost OP

RIP Steve :(

>> No.8330031

who do you wish for to die next?

>> No.8330037

german... internet... ? just...learned about it... because of...this thread?

i wish you death too brainlet.

>> No.8330042

>The big bang contained all matter and energy of this universe. Except it was condensed into one single point. The big bang made it expand and take on different shapes.
And where did that matter and energy come from? Oh right, it appeared out of nowhere. And what set off the big bang? Oh yeah, literally nothing.

>> No.8330054

just answered that question without having read your comment. it seems like >>8330007 is next. enjoy your last 1 month >>8330007

>> No.8330069

Hopefully it's me next Cause i don't want to live.

>> No.8330085

Ive been wishing to die for a long time now. We can do a 'leap of faith' if you want to.

>> No.8330090

>>8330085 Rather it be a freak accident, sadly i was born to suffer.

>> No.8330105

We are all just made to suffer.

>> No.8330118

found the complete virgin faggot

>> No.8330131

No one said it came out of nowhere. Basically space didn't exist and time also didn't exist because they are a linked concept.

So the concept of "before big bang" is kind of moot. It's like saying "what was there before god?"

And the answer is exactly the same "It always existed".

>> No.8330160
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That asshole still owes me $20.

>> No.8330205
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>big bang could not appear out of nowhere
>something must have set off the big bang
>that something was god
How did god appear? What set off the existence of god? Imagine being retarded enough to not understand the concept of occam's razor.

>> No.8330230

You don't seem very bright.

>> No.8330235

>science and religion come to the same conclusion
Really makes you think. Though according to science matter can not be created nor destroyed, so the current scientific explanation is contradicted by its own rules.

>> No.8330241
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>i'll call him dumb instead of arguing his points

>> No.8330261

>matter cannot be created nor destroyed
>imagine being this ignorant
How about we take this to /sci/, brainlet?

>> No.8330263

>Stephen Hawkins

I think you've got the wrong guy, dipshit

>> No.8330303

God isn't constrained by our current understanding of the universe and physics. Basically God represents a plane/dimension outside of our own. We're essentially ants trying to understand what that big bright circle in the sky is. Trying to come up with a scientific explanation for something that's far beyond our ability to understand is a waste of time and arrogant to boot. God is just filler so we don't have to drive ourselves insane with existential thoughts; God represents the unknowable.

>> No.8330320

Irony at its finest

>> No.8330362

would this post make /scifags go REEE? I want to piss off some tryhard brainlets.

>> No.8330386

What is it like having 2 digits IQ? Matter can be created or destroyed, retard. Say hello to E=mc2. I won't even entertain your new-age mumbo jumbo about god.

>> No.8330418

Top kek. This is the superior intellect of an atheist.

>The Law of Conservation of Mass dates from Antoine Lavoisier's 1789 discovery that mass is neither created nor destroyed in chemical reactions. In other words, the mass of any one element at the beginning of a reaction will equal the mass of that element at the end of the reaction.

>> No.8330443

>he doesn't understand high school-level physics
Mass is not matter you fucking retard.

>> No.8330458

>in chemical reactions

>> No.8330473

Nice ID Elon.

>> No.8330504

No that is a misconception.

You can make matter into energy such as in nuclear bombs or you can make energy into matter such as we do with the Large Hadron Collider.

However the TOTAL amount of energy and matter needs to be constant. They don't have to keep the same ratio though.

13.4 billion years ago all matter and energy was just condensed into 1 point. There wasn't more or less matter and energy than now it just was in a different shape/form.

>> No.8330514


>mass: a coherent, typically large body of matter with no definite shape.

>> No.8330557

I understand that. Which brings us back to the question of where that 1 point of matter and energy came from? Did it just randomly appear? Why? How? Science does no better of a job explaining this than religion. The only real answer is: I have no fucking clue

>> No.8330573
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>In Newtonian physics, mass can be generalized as the amount of matter in an object. However, at very high speeds, special relativity states that the kinetic energy of its motion becomes a significant additional source of mass. Thus, any stationary body having mass has an equivalent amount of energy, and all forms of energy resist acceleration by a force and have gravitational attraction. In modern physics, matter is not a fundamental concept because its definition has proven elusive.
Have you ever considered not spreading your defective genes?

>> No.8330589

God is impossible to perceive and comprehend, but you happen to know exactly what God is and isn’t, so others should trust you, without any evidence. Nice try, witch doctor, but this self-contradictory deception designed to control brainlets since time immemorial doesn’t work so well anymore.

>> No.8330612

>is incapable of expressing complete thoughts
>knows all about space and shit

>> No.8330642

Very pedantic of you. You very well know what I meant and didn't address my a actual argument. Why are atheist so insecure?

>> No.8330657

Nice spook, nerd

>> No.8330660

>but you happen to know exactly what God is and isn’t, so others should trust you,
Wat? I have no idea what God is or isn't. That's the whole point.

>> No.8330668

It didnt appear, you retard.

>> No.8330680

> applying occam's razor to something as complex as the inception of the universe, with no real way of knowing how or measuring what came before the big bang

I'm going to guess that you only just discovered the phrase "occam's razor." It's obvious because you're too fucking stupid to understand when it can / should be used.

>> No.8330693

You just said god is unknowable, but that itself is a claim to knowledge. Sincerely kys

>> No.8330709
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>provide a complete definition of mass to prove you wrong
>wow you're so pedantic why are you so insecure
I know very well what you meant and that's why I'm calling you a retard. Don't voice your opinion on things you have no idea about.
>adding an unnecessary additional factor into equation is somehow okay
>let's ignore occam's razor because muh universe big

>> No.8330734

Where did it come from and how was it formed? Where did the laws of physics come from?

You're not very smart. I said God is a concept that we use to stay sane.

>> No.8330765
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Who made God

>> No.8330766

Its really amusing to see a guy who was only minutes ago whining about someone calling him dumb instead of addressing his argument proceed to call someone dumb and not address his argument. How will angry atheists ever recover

>> No.8330769

It always existed.

You need to realize what "time" really is. There is a reason we call it "spacetime". They are 1 concept. Basically the only thing time is is the difference between 2 scenarios.

The movement of particles and energy. If there is no space and no movement of particles and energy there is also no time.

So the question "what was there before" doesn't apply since that is a time based question when there wasn't time.

The answer is that it "always existed" and it's exactly the same answer as to the question "what was there before god". "Did god just randomly appear from nowhere? why? how?"

>> No.8330813

I addressed your "argument", now I'm just mocking you.

>> No.8330827

If a baby dies does that mean it will stay a baby forever in the haven never becoming self aware and shit or be able to walk for all eternity? the whole religion concept is retarded

>> No.8330829

>it always existed
the big bang and God are literally the same thing described with different words. "God" forming the universe is simply the unraveling of the single point of energy according to predefined laws. Your answer provides no more insights or understandings than that of a pastor. This is a good example of the mental gymnastics people will go through to avoid considering the possibility that they don't/cant know something.

>> No.8330860

>the big bang and God are literally the same thing described with different words.
Not according to your definition of god, kek
>God isn't constrained by our current understanding of the universe and physics. Basically God represents a plane/dimension outside of our own. We're essentially ants trying to understand what that big bright circle in the sky is. Trying to come up with a scientific explanation for something that's far beyond our ability to understand is a waste of time and arrogant to boot. God is just filler so we don't have to drive ourselves insane with existential thoughts; God represents the unknowable.

>> No.8330867

Except the answer "nothing was there before the big bang" is just as valid as "an external conscious influence set off the big bang," because you'd still have to explain how the universe exploded out of nothingness and determine whether the chain of events which led up to it happened "just because" or if they were set off by design. You have literally no way of determining or proving this either way at this point, so the fact that you seem to be so certain about the former while mocking those who might believe the latter with the same amount of evidence that you have to support your beliefs (basically nil) indicates to me that you're just an ultracrepidarian faggot with a fedora. The correct answer is "we have no idea and we need more information." So please stop abusing shit like occam's razor because you're too stupid to understand the complexity of the question.

>> No.8330872

why did Bogs have steven killed? i liked him

>> No.8330873

He absolutely said everything comes from nothing, in his book "The Grand Design". Also he studied black holes, which are bullshit and don’t actually exist.

>> No.8330896

If they don't exist then explain all the paraplegic radiation coming from them which we measured

>> No.8330931

If you weren't such a mouth breathing retard you would realize that there is no contradiction there. Saying that the concept of time doesn't apply is the same thing as saying that it existed in a different plane/dimension, which is what God is.

>> No.8330932

>paraplegic radiation

>> No.8330993
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You're arguing straw man. I never claimed to know what and if something was before big bang or whatever point you're making (English seems to be your 5th language). I'm not ashamed to say that I don't know for sure. The best I can do is extrapolate from the data I have. Those data do not include any notion of god, but feel free to prove me otherwise and I'll adjust my understanding of the universe accordingly.
Pic related is (You)

>> No.8330999

Black holes do exist and we even manufactured them on a small scale.

Also I have never read Stephen Hawking's books but I'm pretty sure he didn't say "everything comes from nothing" because that would break a physical law and he is a physicist that wouldn't make such a big mistake of poor wording.

Also the biggest lie ever told is that science and religion somehow contradict each other.

Nothing about the bigbang/physics in general contradicts anything from the bible. Primarily because the bible doesn't talk about any of that shit.

I should add that I am a theology major that is also an amateur astronomer and I spend ~2 hours a day on astronomy.

Most Christians don't even know that the Bible are multiple books and that the "King James Bible" are just a couple of pre-selected verses selected by King James.

Most Christians think that there is actually a soul separate from your body and that "heaven" is a separate dimension or something.

In reality the Soul being a separate entity from your physical body is 3rd century hellinistic philosophy and is never mentioned once in the bible. It was adopted by the Catholic Church to convert the greeks that believed in it.


>> No.8331010

>we even manufactured them on a small scale
[citation needed]

>> No.8331032

> I'll just post this meme picture and insult him to hide my insecurity and lack of intelligence

Typical modern day fedora

>> No.8331087

>i'll just call him a fedora so i can continue pretending i wasn't utterly btfo'd
Are you from /pol/ by any chance?

>> No.8331110

Aww the angry atheist doesn't like being called a fedora? I'm sorry sweetie let me give you a hug

>> No.8331162

Stop projecting, jew worshipper.

>> No.8331203

Jew worshipper? Are you really illiterate enough to confuse an argument for agnosticism with an argument for one particular religion? Even I'm surprised at your level of retardation here.

>> No.8331212

>Big bang appeared out of nowhere and by coincidence created everything we see today
>But God can't be eternal because it triggers my fedora

The absolute state of atheism

>> No.8331230
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>theology major
"I studied fairy tales cause I'm a retard and this was easy. Why won't mr. Noseberg give me a job?" starter pack

>> No.8331231

Except it isn't a strawman if I take what you've said previously in this thread, which is a clear indicator that you believe what I described in summary because you wouldn't be on this imaginary high-horse about your "intellect" otherwise. Nice attempt at backpedalling though, it indicates you have at least enough self-awareness to realize how stupid you've been, but not enough self awareness to avoid further embarrassment by just cutting your losses and fucking off.

"The best I can do is extrapolate from the data I have. 'Those data' do not include any notion of god."
Yes, and they don't really explain anything in the absence of it either. Your conviction regarding the absence of a concept such as a god is based entirely on faith. Congratulations - you are no better than the average religious person.

"English seems to be your 5th language." I laughed out loud at this, seeing as you don't even understand the points I'm making written in plain English. If you have the vocabulary of a primary schooler I can try to dial this all down for you if you'd like?

>> No.8331237

But I'm agnostic myself. Wait, you didn't know one can be agnostic atheist?

>> No.8331278

You too shall suffer his fate, only much more painful. Good riddance.

>> No.8331283

No. It's because I wanted to be a bishop. I'm a priest now and I am a religious man. Also the study is 100% paid for by the Catholic church. So if you ever change your mind and find god then you might want to give it a chance.

I am just in this thread because I think it's disrespectful of OP to criticize a man that has brought better understanding of the universe to us because OP thinks he understands the bible or science. While he actually understood neither.

>> No.8331297
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Nah, he meant to say that when the universe goes cold and dark, black holes would've consolidated to a few very large ones. Once they reach a tipping point in their infinite mass, they mega implode into a new universe. This process repeats forever. Steven's battery just died and was unable to get it all out.

>> No.8331492

he performed a mind transfer just before passing. I now posses Stevens dying thoughts.

>> No.8331560

Not an expert, but I believe those emissions are mentioned here. Redpill yourself.


>> No.8331659

Energy cannot be created or destroyed.

>> No.8331752

Thats just a dumb ass fucking copout to not explain shit and is basically the same tactic used by religion. If you had a video recording of the entire lifespan of the universe and you rewind it, what will you see after every particle returns to the initial exploding point?

>> No.8331833

This isn't /biz/ related at all fuck off

>> No.8331861

souls dont have legs, or eyes or mouth or skin or brains. The afterlife is exactly like a dream, the only place wehre you have ever experience life without a body. It will be as weird and confusing. For some who got used to the pleasures of the flesh it will be hell because they will still be craving pleasure but wont have a body to satisfy it. Its like when you are sleeping and need to pee, you start dreaming that you are peeing but no matter how long you pee, the relief never comes. People will be imagining themselves eating and fucking and smoking desperately without being able to feel it. For a long time you wont even realize you are dead, you wont even remember who you are or have consept of time, like when you dream. So you will keep trying to move as if you had legs, and live as if you had a body. Like when you are dreaming that you are being chased and you try to run bur running doesnt work like its supposed to so you feel like you are skying and pulling yourself forward and cant understand why you cant run. Cause you have no fucking legs. After a very very long time depending on how well you mastered the dream world and meditation during your life you will finally let go of the idea of living like a human body, and will be able to see the world for what it is and ascend to a dimension of immaterial creatures. Or you wont, and will spend your eternity haunting humans and tempting them with the pleasures that you crave so that you can experience it through them. Not even knowing that its what you are doing.