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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8328224 No.8328224 [Reply] [Original]

We are at depresion next pump will be disbelief and then the green candles come
Dont give up fags

>> No.8328238

Lol no. I believe in crypto, but we are definitely in denial.

>> No.8328239

im tired, anonymous

>> No.8328268
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me too brah
this + my hellish office job is wrecking my shit

hold fast wherever you are anon

>> No.8328292

When am I supposed to buy alts on this chart, that's all I care about.

>> No.8328311

Now is the time we wont see them as low as they are except if thwy bleed for 1more week and that is bottom march is last month we will bleed

>> No.8328337

No, at the worst we're at Capitulation, but the air on biz, twitter and plebbit definitely reeks of depression.

>> No.8328354

sigh, ill try

>> No.8328359

The fun is still starting. Wait until stocks start plummeting. Cryptos wont have a chance to pump in a recession.

>> No.8328523
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Nah it's over.

>No P&D group spam here anymore
>No pajeet shilling anymore
>No obvious normalfags posting here anymore
>Google analytics show the interest in "bitcoin" and "cryptocurrency" fucking crashed last couple of weeks
>Nobody on facebook/twitter talks about crypto anymore
>Crypto youtubers are stopping because their views dropped, some are even literally crying because they quit their jobs to become crypto youtubers and their audiences evaporated overnight
>Media coverage of Crypto is also stopping and my local economics channel scrapped their crypto section altogether.

It's fucking over. People are already moving on. Crypto will be seen as a dumb craze like fidget spinners in normalfag's mind.

I am all-in in crypto and I won't sell on principle and because I'm still ahead of my entry point but I don't expect explosive growth in this space anymore. We're returning to ~30% growth a year kind of growth again.

Maybe the quality of discussions can rise again now that /biz/ traffic has slowed down considerably. I used to like this place, and it's returning to its origins.

>> No.8328533

We are one month past Denial

>> No.8328557

This is how I read it as well, I'm looking for people blaming each other.

>> No.8328745

It's not a cycle of it goes to 0 and stays there.

>> No.8328791

Foolish child. We are not even at complacency yet.

>> No.8329058
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>we are at depresion

>> No.8329257


Yeah, why would people want an uncorrelated store of value in a recession?

>> No.8329290


Kek, sure we're not. Go short it then. I'm happy down here buying every dip like crazy.

>> No.8329354

Currently its somewhere between

Complacency and Denial

It will be 2+ years till it goes back up.

>> No.8329409

Somewhere between complacency and anxiety. There is no way we are in depression when btc is still almost 9k.

>> No.8329417

> and I won't sell on principle

Listen up kids: this is the attitude that leads you to fights for cardboard houses against teethless alcoholic bums under the highway bridge

>> No.8329422


True for the amount of women you have physical contact with in a year you beta cuck.

35k by may suck on these nuts

>> No.8329432

No we are at denial. Depression is when we see suicide stories in news and all these chain linkers stop posting their memes. This board will move really slow.

>> No.8329439

sucker's rally

>> No.8329486

We are seriously, unironically just entering denial. Not even full denial yet. Twitter traders are posting BULL RUN every 1% jump. Panic will be breaking below 6k. Anger will be the shitty long accumulation phase between 1-2k.

"this dip is taking linger than expected" has been the twitter traders motto for the last month
see you at the bottom

>> No.8330338

Show us your short.

>> No.8330399

Right before the biggest bullrun the world has ever seen

>> No.8330401

BTC will never go below mining profitability. Miners would shutdown causing a standstill of transactions. There is SO MUCH $$$ tied up in those operations they will never allow the cash cow to die.

If you think otherwise you are betting against the big money (full disco: I'm not).

>> No.8330444

This. If Bitcoin falls below mining profitability, it stops fucking working, and then nobody sells.

>> No.8330452
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Nah, complacency is still just ending

>> No.8330474
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We're at the end phase of denial.

>> No.8330687

I predict the bottom to be around 2k. That shoudn't be too far away now.

>> No.8330703

>BTC will never go below mining profitability. Miners would shutdown causing a standstill of transactions

Anon... Look at ebay right now and at your local hardware stores. People are selling their mining rigs en-masse. Price of GPUs are plummeting as we speak and they will probably be the same price like they were before the bullrun before the end of March.

Ledger Nano S are also in stock again meaning people stopped buying them.

It's fucking over even miners are stepping out of the market and selling their hardware.

>> No.8330724

mining farms in china are not selling their stuff on ebay you stupid retard

>> No.8330742

There are people mining outside of China as well.
Chinese miners just sell at their own markets.

>> No.8330760

people will stop selling, miners will only sell at 6k, this is why we so violently rejected the 5k dip

>> No.8330781

not at this scale you moron

>> No.8330787
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Were you investing in crypto or were you investing in ego? Other idiots have principles that allow them to sell when they're ahead and when they're at a loss but you must know something they don't.

>> No.8330794

China miners have invested massively into infrastructure (buildings, electronics, cooling) for mining on BTC ASICS.

All these GPU's and consumers ASICS are for shitcoins and do not matter in the grand scheme of things

>> No.8330799

What scale are you referring to? Nothing stops them from trying to sell their hardware.

>> No.8330847
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>It can't lose value of you literally can't sell

>> No.8330880

Price has gone down for only 2 months to the same levels that we had 4 months ago and people think we are done...
Guess what, a real crash is over a year long and that is what we are facing.

>> No.8330934

>next pamp is disbelief and green candels will come xD
You're in fucking denial.

>> No.8330939

That's not what I'm saying at all. I'm saying they have such high stakes in the game and already made so much money. They will just pump and sustain the price until a new bullrun emerges so that they can dump their bags on redditors for 5x the gains

>> No.8331444

Businesses lose money all the time if the miners believe in the product they will mine at a loss.
Wouldnt you if its going to 100k