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8325846 No.8325846 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw have flown around the world 3 times and am only 30

>> No.8325947

muh dick

>> No.8326000

what is it with this travel meme bullshit? Why do people pretend it's some profound, transformative journey to visit shitholes around the world? Everyone I know that has 'traveled' is the same same asshole they were before they blew their money. Is it just a status thing? Something to bring up in conversation?

>> No.8326282
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>> No.8326295


>fell for the traveling meme

>> No.8326299


>> No.8326322

>fell for the stay in one spot meme

>> No.8326393

Are you a roastie? Cause I understand why a roastie would want to go BACK-PACKING around the world.

>> No.8326396
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>> No.8326419

Don't fall for LE TRANSFORMATIVE JOURNEY MEME. I've traveled to many places and i'm the same fuck as ever but i had a lot of fun

>> No.8326440

wow. Deep shit. Did you pick-up that bit of insight during your last trip to Pattaya?

>> No.8326443


>lived, fought, and fucked in 25 different countries
>have to pause for a moment and consider my words carefully when somebody asks "so what do you do for a living? :)", since "shooting muslims and making love to rich and lonely asian milfs" seems far-fetched at best.
>smile and say "oh some government contracting things, boring stuff - so what do you do?"

>> No.8326447

has anyone noticed people that fall for the travel meme (or bug as the normies call it) become really really insufferable when they get back?

>> No.8326507


they are insufferable because they have to cope with the reality that pretty much everywhere is the same multiculti metropolitan hellhole, a disease ridden midden-heap, or a tourist trap
genuine experiences that are actually off the beaten path are so fucking rare and precious, that the type of retard who would ever want to talk about their travels would ever be able to find them, or if they did, they would be traumatized
they act smug because its the only way for them to deal with the crushing reality that the rat race is the same everywhere, and all they accomplished was spending a few thousand dollars to be pandered to by some poor fucking third worlders, and maybe barebacked by a smelly, drunk australian chad in a crowded hostel room
don't hate them
pity them

>> No.8326562

It seems like it's a status symbol. If you love a part of a country and you decide to go and live there for 3 or 4 months, every couple years and you immerse yourself in the language and culture, that's perfectly understandable and I imagine it'd be quite enjoyable. But these assholes that literally spend 2 days (max) in one place before moving on and repeating the process, what are they accomplishing other than earning bragging rights?

>> No.8326570

Did you pilot the plane? No? Then shut the fuck up. Buying airline tickets is not an accomplishment, faggot.

>> No.8326590


Trips for truth.

It's supposed to make you cosmopolitan and put you out of your element. I'm just down to eat new food.

>> No.8326701

It's a status symbol for WOMEN. Men go to other countries to get shit done, women travel to take selfies and make their friends jealous.

>> No.8326755

I enjoy travel. But I don't brag about, nor do I share any pics of it on social media. Its just a way to break up the monotony of my hellishly boring existence. Seeing roasties with their "wanderlust" bullshit makes me wanna eat a shotgun shell.

>> No.8326757

I know so many people that literally work for the better part of the year so that they can sink their savings into a vacation to some exotic place. It's almost like traveling becomes the centerpiece of their personalities.

>> No.8326788

muh dick

>> No.8326811

Only 30

>> No.8326827

Also, OP, unless you've been into the southern hemisphere you've never "circled the world". I went NZ to Portugal via the US, and back via Singapore. Thats a proper earth circuit.

>> No.8326836

This desu. The only time I ever tell people anywhere I've been is if it comes up organically in conversation.

>> No.8326890

Smart people know to buy experiences rather than things. The end is coming at the hand of the Zionists and when we are all in internment camps only memories will remain. They can't take those away.

>> No.8326903

What about fast cars? It’s a thing, and an experience that you can use everyday

>> No.8326907
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reeee i dont know who is doing the jewing anymore

>> No.8327155

...you honestly think that's impressive? What kind of shit thread is this?
That's embarassing. I did that shit by the time I was 10.

>> No.8327166

Agreed, done my part of travelling and.backpacking and at the end you're just a fucking tourist.

It was a lot of fun though and travelling thots are easy as fuck.

>> No.8327266

yeah but your parents who are Chinese CEO's got rich on the backs of Chinese sweatshop workers so that isn't much to be proud of.

>> No.8327293

It's mostly people who are so uninteresting that they have to go to exotic places to appear more appealing.

>> No.8327307

And this is viewed as a good thing?

Seems like a lot of fucking unnecessary effort to me.

>> No.8327444

Our waking life is the main story we made up for ourselves. Some people like their own story to be "slice of life", some people likes "adventure", some likes "drama", and some likes "hardships to success".

For human beings, life is meaningful because it is a story. A story has a sense of a whole, and its arc is determined by the significant moments, the ones where something happens. Measurements of people’s minute-by-minute levels of pleasure and pain miss this fundamental aspect of human existence. A seemingly happy life maybe empty. A seemingly difficult life may be devoted to a great cause. We have purposes larger than ourselves.

>> No.8327475

Well deserved trips
Greatest story ever told was the tale of an ordinary man growing old

>> No.8327567

>Daddy took ME traveling when I was but a child
Eat a dick trust fund fag

>> No.8327582

Why do you shoot Muslims
Are you mossad

>> No.8327737
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so tired of kikes

>> No.8327760


I've done this probably 10 times now and I'm 27. This is dumb

>> No.8327807
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>Brags about arbitrary accomplishment the leaves nothing behind
coincidently 30 is the age women hit the wall...

>> No.8327850

It's an excuse to do shit you wouldn't normally do because it would ruin your reputation. Especially for women. Traveling women become complete whores. The whole enlightened traveler meme is just mask to pretend it was anything but debauchery.

>> No.8327888

>look at me, i can buy plane tickets and then do the same thing as any human with disposable income in the western, civilized world
good on you, kiddo. now, that you've blown through your entire crypto stack by "traveling the world" for a whole of 3 weeks, in total, (i bet) you can start your real life with stacy and her boyfriend tyrone, their three kids you feed with your beta bux while you tell people fantastic stories about how you "travelled the world" when you were young and had a "fulfilling life" while holding back the midlife crisis induced tears, desperately keeping up the facade...

you're living somebody's else's life. you know that, right?

>> No.8327896

You think I give a shit?

>> No.8327898

>I'm not like other girls

>> No.8327914

>for the stay in one spot meme
americuck detected

I get that everyone is different and some people prefer stability and strive for social status. However you can enjoy your shitty career that you're trapped in because you have to pay for student loans with interest applied. I teach chinks english online for $25 an hour 12 hours a week and do whatever the fuck I want. The last two months I've been doing some free diving in Borneo, the only thing i have to stress about is trying to beat my depth from yesterday. Heading to Indonesia in 4 weeks to volunteer on a coral replanting scheme.

The travel life kicks ass


>> No.8327935

> eating sand every day
top kek

>> No.8327941

kek look at this poorfag mentality

i promise you, if you had a tenth of the btc i had you would be travelling the world too

>> No.8327968

is actually how Americucks think?


>> No.8327992

kek could you be any more assblasted that people here actually make money and live a life outside of posting cuck spam 24/7?

you are a total joke

>> No.8328229

Wow you bought plane tickets?


>> No.8328276
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Lifestyle marketing is like currency to boring people pretending to be interesting

>> No.8328285

whats the best country to visit?

>> No.8328458

>Haha based Islam am I right bro?

>> No.8328536

I wish I could live like this

>> No.8328541


Yet, doing such activities and not broadcasting it likely means you are interesting, ironically. Amazing difference self-awareness makes.

>> No.8328696


Not if the activities are the same ones marketed to you and everyone else with disposable income. Interesting people have unique hobbies or interests that they pursue on their own through organic means and they don't talk about it. Like the person that collects stamps, builds furniture, dances, paints, writes or goes bird watching without advertising it via social media for positive feedback.

>> No.8328731

Me too. But about 50 times. And I’m over 40.

Being an airline pilot kinda sucks

>> No.8328771


Do you drink?

>> No.8328776

I hear pilots are overworked and underpaid

>> No.8328820

writes about uniques hobbies.
doesn't mention one unique hobby.
In fact no hobby is unique, tell me one which only does one person on the entire planet.

Why is everyone else so miserable about people who like to see other places. I also like to travel, why should I spend my entire life on some square kilometers on this world when there is so much interesting to see in the whole world.

>> No.8328847

Heavily. Most do
Depends on the airline. At my outfit, we aren’t. But getting on something like Southwest or a narrowbody on UAL.... then, yes.

>> No.8328907

Is the life of a pilot like in the movie flight? Coke party with the stewardesses all night long, then wasted to the next destination. I hope not haha

>> No.8328908


>being butthurt
>emotionally charged text
>missing the fucking point entirely

Roastie detected - go back to plebbit you dumb nigger

>> No.8328953

Are you a stewardess?

>> No.8328967

I like Laos. Its like Thailand 50 years ago.

>> No.8328972

i dont see what the fuss is about, i can get a plane ticket to anywhere in Europe for less than €60 return, i enjoy it, except France

>> No.8328981

Just tell me one of your 'unique' hobbies and it will be fine lol. Your answer is full of hate, I only asked questions.

>> No.8329001

Not anymore. There’s random drug and alcohol tests that would ruin your career if failed.

However, at some airlines you can get long stretches of time off. It’s not unusual for me to get a full month off at a time, and of course you can do whatever you want on your time off.

But as far as guys drinking screw drivers in the galley....ya man, it ain’t the ‘70s anymore.

>> No.8329079

been to all the places I wanted to go so far..

spose could visit a couple more

not even 30 HUEMUETUE

>> No.8329108


>full of hate
Jesus fucking Christ just leave you dumb bitch. I've driven into the middle of the desert and hiked a mountain to go down an abandoned mineshaft to blast a piece of rock in order to extract an extremely rare mineral that phosfluoreses for fun. It doesn't matter what you do you fucking mong; it matters what motivates you to do it and whether you seek positive feedback or approval. Is the cognitive dissonance getting to you. Go ahead, talk more about nothing while everyone rolls their eyes ya dense cunt.

>> No.8329268
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>> No.8329288
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You traveled on the backs of overworked stewardesses...around the world...THREE TIMES. Bourgeoise pig.

>> No.8329325


because instagram

>> No.8329335

Very little sympathy for the cookie chuckers in the back.

Yes it’s a shit job in any country. But it’s also just a “waitress in the sky” gig. Most of the gals do it to see the world (or even just their country) while getting paid (jack shit). Quite a few end up marrying a pilot too and quit.

It’s a shit job but it’s also as easy to quit as Denny’s.

>> No.8329382


women show status by their distance from productive work. a worker cannot do pointless travel. a worker could not wear high heels

>> No.8329420

>a worker cannot do pointless travel. a worker could not wear high heels

I don't know what you mean by this. Define "worker"

>> No.8329607

The problem is not traveling the problem is you are a vapid bitch. I was traveling in asia for a while but i went there for plenty good reasons one of them beeing love not because "aww muh gawd i wanna see interesting places"

The sentence itself is so vapid that im now on disability for beeing a complete retard. Fuck you.

>> No.8329626

>banging thai traps

>> No.8329643


>> No.8329672
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you hate her, let it go man, I used to hate them too for being pathetic wretches. Now I see they are beholden to forces they cannot hope and bear to comprehend.

Why do you think these “modern” women all feel compelled to do the death dance of shiva at night clubs and why they refuse to have babies and instead take many dicks? Because they understand, in a way better than men, the absolute degenerate and decayed society we find ourselves in.

>> No.8329697

money, their god is money and status, they are miserable wretches entirely beholden to their god and in the thrall of “”””modernity””””

>> No.8329733
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Goddamn Famke Jannsen was so hot. I'd suck a queef out of her fuckhole

>> No.8329739

im about your age (28) OP and already flown 5 times around the world. not that great

>> No.8329766

Its a lot of fun. Anyone who does it for some sort of trans-formative spiritual experience is probably a hippie or someone who thinks they are better than everyone else.

It does not make people who travel bad in general, try it out. you may enjoy it unless you are a poorfag in which case focus on making some money first.

>> No.8329795

I like Thailand its like Laos but 50 years ahead. plus beaches.

>> No.8329816

Not really sure why you think this is impressive unless you're a Pajeet.

>> No.8329833

>tfw have flown around the world 30 times and am only 3

>> No.8329871

where the fuck is this from
i'm pretty sure this gave me a boner every time i saw it as a kid, my dick remembers it faintly

>> No.8329881
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The reason I like to travel is to explore. Humans are made to explore, it's in our instinct to explore the unknown.

>> No.8329909

The Faculty

>> No.8329914

The Faculty

>> No.8329925

>Is it just a status thing? Something to bring up in conversation?
yes & yes. It's also a good way to detect an insecure shallow douchebag

>> No.8329947

I travel and dont consider myself vapid. I travel because I love pre roman empire history, and america has nothing like that. I like being able to look at ancient things, in person, that were made by humans, more than 2000 years ago.

I don't really care about exotic animals or skydiving or food or anything like that. More of a travel autist

>> No.8329958

Thats because as social creatures we like to share experiences.

Maybe if you werent a basememt dweller you would be able to relate

>> No.8329982

who the fuck is the girl in this webm???

>> No.8329991


>Produced by
>>(((Bob Weinstein)))
>>(((Harvey Weinstein)))

How much dick was that dude slangin' back then, even?

>> No.8330002

filename you mouthbreather

>> No.8330004

Every brown country I've been to (lost count) has been shittier than America in almost every way.

It's fun to fly to a nice cheap warm spot in the winter, but that's about it. Everything else sucks just a little bit.

>> No.8330052

posts like this are why i come to this shithole website

>> No.8330061

I know you might not be able to say too much but how did you get into that ?

>> No.8330110

what third world shithole is this poster from i wonder

any white person from europe would not go to a thirdie shithole like borneo

>> No.8330127
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>i enjoy it, except France

>> No.8330163


Oldfag (38) from Eastern Europe here.

Did a shitload of travelling for work over the last 15 years. Realized that the world is divided between:

- Western countries which used to be cool like 50 years ago, but are now overrun with immigrants and the real estate is now too expensive to own

- absolute shitholes where the real estate is cheap, but going out I risk getting stabbed or robbed

- places like LA or NY which have both categories on neighboring streets

Fuck this shit. I'm now bitter and prefer to sit on my ass.

>> No.8330189

you think there are any happy mediums or nah
i've never been anywhere but in my home country (australia), alaska seems like ti would be a comfy place to live. i have no idea though,

>> No.8330278

All these people shitting on traveling. Most boomers I know haven't even left their home city more than 3 times. That shit is sad.
Standing in the Roman forum , where Pompey and Caesar once stood, I've never felt more connected to our crazy epic history. Makes you take pride in being human.

>> No.8330333
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>freshwater goldfish jumps into ocean

What do you think is going to happen?

>> No.8330389


It's the only goal of the wageslave. Well that and retirement.

>> No.8330404

>Why do people pretend it's some profound, transformative journey to visit shitholes around the world?
because most people have never left the state they were born in.
It's not that great. like sex, people talk it up without having done it.
T. world traveler

>> No.8330462

Lol only 3 times. Pathetic. I've been back to India alone 7 times and I'm only 21.

>> No.8330467

blade runner 2049

>> No.8330535

t. lives in China

>> No.8330564


Foe me, it's Central / Eastern Europe. Oh the irony.

I haven't been to Alaska, but Norway looks like a similar place, so off the top of my head:
- half a year of sunlight at night (literally, sun up at 3 a.m. in June), that fucks up your sleep patterns
- half a year of darkness during the day (like, sunrise at 10 a.m., sunset for 2 p.m.), fucks up your metabolism and induces depression
- shoveling snow every day in -20C weather so you can drive out for like 6 months, I have to do this shit for like 1 month every year and it's tiring
- any cultural differences you may encounter, although I guess that Alaska is less fucked up than Norway in this regard -- still a question is how well you would fit in

If you are Australian, my recommendation would be to find a a non-(((diversified))) region of Australia. What most people don't realize is that you get a big bonus (privilege, kek) by staying in your own country:
- you have citizenship, so you cannot be kicked out if SHTF
- you are already familiar with how the government administration works, so minimum chance of getting fucked because you miss some paper or you don't know whom to bribe
- you are used to the climate and other natural dangers (animals, insects, etc.)
- you are familiar with cultural customs, so no worries of accidentally offending someone who can fuck you up

People don't realize how much shit you have to re-learn when you go from country to country.

>> No.8330566

>I've been back to India alone 7 times
fuck off pajeet

>> No.8330600
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Are the streetshitter memes real, anon??

>> No.8330620


>> No.8330625

WTF is that from?

>> No.8330651
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I don't remember. Got it from /b/ years ago.

>> No.8330708


It's Famke Janssen. And she has not aged very well.

>> No.8330714


Oh and one more thing. If you want to move to another country, then learn the fucking language during the first year. Take a language course or something. This, and find a good lawyer, preferably one who knows immigration law.

If you don't, then you will get fucked if you ever have to interact with the police (which you will have to sooner or later). And keep you immigration paperwork in order.

>> No.8330718

It's a little over exaggerated, the whole country isn't like that, but a few places, New Delhi especially, people actually underestimate the magnitude of streetshitting going on there.

>> No.8330740

Xenia Onatopp you dumb millenial fuck

>> No.8330755

Lol totally didn't see this one coming.

>> No.8330757

>tfw have flown around the world 3 times and am only 30
Knowing some cuck paid for it.

>> No.8330785

My hobby is probably pretty unique.
I like to wait around the peephole in my front door waiting for my hot ass neighbor to leave her apartment and then watch carefully where she steps on the floor and then lick those spots after she leaves. I also collect her fallen hairs and dir from her shoes when she was jogging and such

>> No.8330817
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So I assume they actually DO have toilets but they choose to shit in the street? Surely you didn't have to streetshit, right? Or did you shit in the street for shits & giggles?

>> No.8330842

So glad I come to biz so I can learn how much happier everyone is never leaving their midwestern shithole basements where they can devote their time trying to convince everyone travelchads are miserable. Meanwhile travelchad has girls hanging off his arm in exotic locations, none of them ever thinking about you or acknowledging you even exist.

>> No.8330909

Like I said, it only happens ina few places, New Delhi being by far the worst offender. I mostly visit my family in goa, a place that really doesn't belong in India so no I've never had to streetshit. Went to New Delhi twice, there's barely any public restrooms and the few that do exist are never maintained so honestly, given a choice I would rather street shit.

>> No.8330985

>exotic locations

A.K.A. overrated tourist traps.
Sure, there are some nice places with nice girls, like Bukovina, but then discovering and appreciating these exceeds intellectual capabilities of a typical chad.

>> No.8331004
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>the few that do exist are never maintained so honestly, given a choice I would rather street shit.
Damn... that bad, huh? Well, thanks for the honest answers, anon. I always thought of one day visiting north India and Kashmir. There are some beautiful landscapes in India. Good luck to you, bro.

>> No.8331059

You too bizbro, hope we all make it and you get the chance one day.

>> No.8331135
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desu I don't get why people on either side are making a big fucking deal out of it. I visited 4 countries by 25 and while it wasn't exactly a transformative or life-changing experience, it was very worth it and it sure as fuck beat sitting in my room experiencing the same exact shit for months or years at a time

>> No.8331262

You underestimate travelchad. He knows which exotic locations will make him appear the most interesting to the pretty, educated type. If there's an element of danger to traveling there then it's even better. They swore they wouldn't have sex with anyone but travelchad turns them all into his slut, one by one. He travels the world spreading his seed far and wide, breeding with only the hottest, most desirable girls. When he comes home he has so many interesting stories and pictures that he has his choice of women to breed with. None of them oppose him going in bareback. He impregnates multiple women each week. His good looks land him high paying, stress free jobs so he can afford his travel easily, never worrying about the cost at all. Sometimes he'll bring a stacy along with him just so other stacys notice this and are even more attracted to him. Due to the modern convenience of air travel he can sire more children than Genghis Khan, but he's responsible for none of them. He's a ghost in the night, none of his conquests even know his real name. Two generations from now thousands of people will be tracking their lineage on the blockchain and it will all trace back to travelchad, the most successful breeder the world has ever known. He's ensured the proliferation of his superior chad genes for all time. He will forever be remembered.

You die alone in your basement after choking on a tendie, having never left your midwestern state. They serve a box of hot pockets at your memorial. There aren't enough people there to finish the plate. You left no legacy. No one remembers you.

>> No.8331325


What movie/show is this?

>> No.8331368


>> No.8331379
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These people really underestimate the pure endorphin-fueled rush you can have by experiencing something that is interesting and unique to you. It's not going to transform who you are, but traveling the world was one of the funnest things I ever did in my life, if you prefer to do the same old shit in the same old place all the time without ever taking a vacation then to each his own but it's definitely not for me

>> No.8331445

It's just true. Give me one example of a brown country that's objectively better than the US, in terms of quality of life and general happiness?

>> No.8331495

How does Ebola taste?

>> No.8331520


The Faculty.

>> No.8331905

Yes, this is unique indeed.
I am proud of you. On the other hand I would advise to see a therapist.

>> No.8331930

True Dat.

>> No.8332053
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I agree that many people do it just for the status.
"Hey I've traveled the world I've seen so many things you havent I'm better than you."

But sometimes traveling can be a good way to break out of your daily routine.
I'm a business owner(Restaurant during the summer), and I often go to Greece at the end of the summer season.
Those are the most rewarding and good days I have. I feel fully charged after my vacay.

People who dont work or go in debt to travel are purely retarded tho.

>> No.8332072

thanks for the perspective anon.

>> No.8332105

Fuck off with your Asia shemales you midget

>> No.8332178

I get the vibe that this thread is mostly full of poorfags haha.

Anyone who can afford travel does not complain about it.

>> No.8332196


thank you sir

>> No.8332289

>there are people this buttmad about other peoples hobbies

traveling is fun and a new experience, people who knock on it are just salty niggers who'll never leave the block.

If you don't want to see what the world has to offer, perhaps you are the mentally deficient one. It's human nature to be curious and explore. Only a true cuck would remain in the same spot his whole life without tasting the offerings of the world.

>> No.8332386


>> No.8332390

Travelling is not transformative because you still have to return to the same shit hole when your done.

However the sense of freedom you get travelling alone is unrivalled, it is fucking amazing.

>> No.8332536

all those I know who travel don’t even visited their own country

>> No.8332580

lmao at all these stay at home NEETS shitting on people who travel. It doesen't make you any more interesting to be a recluse

>> No.8332602

people get butthurt about it because people who travel are so up their own ass about it, despite it being like less enriching than even super menial hobbies like pottery and painting and shit. travelling is boring - people like it because they like the image of them going on a great adventure and they like to imagine their lives like a movie but the thing is you're still the same boring person regardless of whether you're in the U.S. or europe or china or India, hobbies that enrich who you actually are (like mentally stimulating ones like reading or playing games or making art) are much more impressive and enriching

>> No.8332611


>> No.8332615

"Business & Finance", sorry

>> No.8333276

I'm certain it's mostly currency for conversation. Some of the biggest travelers I've known are pretty dull people who didn't seem to appreciate what they did.

>> No.8334049

>only 30

lmao, life ends after high school faggot

>> No.8334147


feels so fucking bad not being born european

>1k minimum to leave my continent to go somewhere worthwhile

>> No.8334289

>wo generations from now thousands of people will be tracking their lineage on the blockchain and it will all trace back to travelchad, the most successful breeder the world has ever known.

>> No.8334359

>They can't take those away.

oh but we will, we will take them as first thing, and we will give them back to you, and you will wish we had kept them.
jew btw.

>> No.8334542
File: 64 KB, 1280x720, bill paxton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hey...because it's you.

>> No.8334580

So question: How are you able to verify the fact that they had the "off the beaten path" experiences, and if they had multiple of those, are they not entitled to act "smug"

>> No.8334823

On the other hand you don't get flooded with immigrants and you have beautiful weather and landscape compared to Central Europe.

>> No.8334843

>On the other hand you don't get flooded with immigrants
too late for that mate.

>> No.8334858
File: 71 KB, 736x920, 1498530584664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many stewardesses have you fucked

>> No.8334980
File: 6 KB, 275x183, download (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

traveling is a meme as opposed to what? wagecucking day after day? being a neet who never leaves home and gets to see shit?

jesus christ, biz is full of bitter dumb faggots. you hear roasties A and B be insufferable about having spent two weeks banging cock in bangkok and assume everyone who travels anywhere is as vapid as they are.

>> No.8335216

>Famke Janssen
The movie is The Faculty, it is not Xenia character from the James Bond movie.

>> No.8335265

>I'm a business owne

Holy shit an actual business owner on /biz/? I thought this board was 100% crypto-autists.

>> No.8335293
File: 42 KB, 800x499, vietjet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good idea

>> No.8335412
File: 97 KB, 634x921, 422EBDB300000578-0-image-m-64_1499657939320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty good for 51 years old.

>> No.8335435

If you're not actually into travelling.. No you don't wish. For the love of Christ don't fall for marketeer meme.

>"follow this pre-made lifestyle because we're making it seem so trendy and new but we actually just want to sell you shit that may very likely not represent who you truly are and convince you of whatever opinions we deem correct!"

You're on your own way to be a empty person, possibly with a lot of debt.
t. ex-marketing professional

>> No.8335453

Where can I apply for these meme jobs?

>> No.8335544
File: 223 KB, 548x345, Epiphany11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not learning how to ascend

It is like you people want to die in darkness.

>> No.8335737

I've had several times lunch and dinner at the Marriott right under the pyramids and I didnt find it overrated at all.

>> No.8335776

Hey! Stop!

>> No.8335947


>> No.8335970

word. Jealous haters is what we call them out in the real world, far away from the basement.

>> No.8336021

Guess what i ALWAYS DO while travelling. Read a fuckton of books, something i never have time for at home, since everybody is always hounding you with senseless Bullshit - like who won sportsgame vs who, which girl slept with which dude etc etc etc.

>> No.8336408

Solo travel as a male is awesome. You get to see interesting places, meet lots of interesting people from different nationalities, and party. It's very easy to hook up with some very hot girls if you book private rooms in the hostels. The female to male ration is at least 2:1 and many of these girls are open to hooking up. Seriously life changing for me, brought me out of my shell and made me less bitter and I stopped visiting 4chan so much.

>> No.8336438


Some people like the outdoors. There's an entire board for it. Do you assume all those people are just posers?

>> No.8336839


I made that graphic. I've been all over the world, many times. Also married. And in great shape. And wealthy (and come from wealthy stock). You're a dumb faggot and missed the point like most dumb faggots do.