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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8325816 No.8325816 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8325877

1.6k...I need more before anything happens.

>> No.8325917

I even signed up for clinical trials but they don't pay out till July


>> No.8325945

>only 30k


>> No.8325954

Don't care what price does tomorrow. You guys ain't getting it. Consider the circulating supply 11k less

>> No.8325970


>> No.8326050
File: 377 KB, 750x1334, 59655DDF-A0BA-448A-BA2F-E9662F90699E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When moon?

>> No.8326179

$600 more coming tomorrow. I swear, if this goes above 60c before that I'll spam this board to death with pink wojaks.

>> No.8326210

started with 1k then traded it all the way to 12k during the crash. then invested in some shitcoins and now im back below 3k rip. i still have money in an other coin tho that i believe so it's not my whole stack

>> No.8326216
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Ahhhh pulse send me some bros


>> No.8326227

why u begging in a designated linklet thread u cunt

>> No.8326303

1.5 k, 30%
Wanted to hit 2k before today but no fiat available. Any other linklets going to dump if no partnerships?

>> No.8326341

My plan is to play with ~500 Link starting tomorrow, holding 5.5k. As long as I have 5k I'm fine with trying to trade my way up in even more with the risk of losing it all.

>> No.8326645

whew and i thought my 11.2k were bad thanks linklets

>> No.8326679
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whom is this cum madam

>> No.8326703

Send link and I'll tell you.

5 linkies for her sauce

>> No.8326720

8,416 link. Buying more with every paycheck until 11k or 2 dollar link.

>> No.8326730

You do realize withdrawal fee is $5

>> No.8326732

Not terrible but yes still bad

>> No.8326846


2b sauce


>> No.8327030

>just hit 3.5k
>gonna buy another 1k as soon as gemini releases my ETH
This better not fucking pump yet.

>> No.8327087

What's going to be announced?
Can someone update me, been out of the loop the past month.

>> No.8327111


>> No.8327136

400 poorfag here

>> No.8327138

probably nothing

It is likely that sergey will let the partners announce the partnerships.

>> No.8327176

That’s how they will be announced. They’ve said that since the beginning

>> No.8327196
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>finally have enough fiat for 10k
>it'll take another week for Coinbase to approve a bank transfer and Gemini is taking its sweet time verifying my account

If it suddenly moons without me I'll be the most cucked man alive.

>> No.8327322
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You're lucky, it'll probably dump after the SXSW presentation as is customary. Probably a couple months left to go before mainnet is actually serving clients (like TSLA), at which point the price will singularily explode after edging since October 17

>> No.8327359

btc atm nigga

>> No.8327557
File: 323 KB, 2048x1152, Adobe_20180206_202051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the Linklet-est of them all
>Mfw only 25.99 all these fucking bills and I just got a job last week. Literally <$30 in the bank in.

>> No.8327604

I think that mainnet will be live today, just got a updat from github were they were fixing typos, in a thank you message to all contributors....

>> No.8327618

Don't worry it won't. The main net isn't coming out for months. No moon until then. Don't buy right now, it's a waste. This shit is gonna drop back to 30 cents in a week or two.

>> No.8327626
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>Only 800 stinkies

>> No.8327747
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You guys realize that all "I only have x amount of LINK" posts are basic shilling, right? The idea is that it normalizes buying more and more. It's quite literally a psyop to get people to fomo in.

I'll be going now

>> No.8327808

My man
I don't hold req and vtc but
>1800 nano
>13k link