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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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8322455 No.8322455 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck happened?

>> No.8322515

It's a shit coin with no wallet

A simple coin mix is all anyone wants for privacy. Not that bloated slow shit coin with no fucking wallets.

>> No.8322550

Cnbc just shilled it, that is the official top



>> No.8322564

Monero works in stages
Pump, sideways, slow bleed, sideways, pump, sideways, slow bleed, sideways, pump, etc etc

>> No.8322718


>> No.8322736
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wow that was awful. cnbc is basically pic related.

>> No.8322777
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More like

>> No.8322880

full house confirms

>> No.8322903

Might be the first time that CNBC gets it right. Monero is heading for the moon soon.

>> No.8322940
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>> No.8322964
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>a simple coin mix is all anyone wants on a public ledger that will exist forever and will become more and more trivial to analyze
>no wallets

>> No.8323033

>and if we are right
>you get a "Moon Arrow"
honestly keked

>> No.8323069

literally this. no one wants to use a coin that has no wallet. not to mention it's fees are high as fuck. it's just sitting there waiting for a better privacy coin to come along and eat it's lunch.

>> No.8323123

It's name alone, monero, guarantees it has no long term potential.

It sounds like a Mexican intellectual (lol) created it

Bitcoin can be mixed today and will have more privacy features in the future

>> No.8323188

monero fud posted here is laughably weak, makes me wonder if there's anyone stupid enough to take the bait

>> No.8323223
File: 212 KB, 1218x1015, 1511260952270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no wallet
Wtf? It has a cross-platform GUI wallet
It has a GUI wallet you fucking mong, and you can set fees by setting a lower priority level for your transaction

>> No.8323234

just sold 15million

>> No.8324029


Bitcoin is the ultimate shitcoin. Slow and huge transactions fees. It will die in the end and no one will remember that this piece of shit ever existed.
Lol. Monero (XMR) is the only cryptocurrency with a fucking actual practical use. It's even being adopted by musicians.


>> No.8324119

yeah this shit is really retarded. No wallet? When the native gui wallet can do both local node and remote node for lightweight use? fucking lmao. monero is getting used in places where bitcoin used to be used, but is no longer useful.

>> No.8324220


>ERC20 token
>privacy meme
>created by (((them)))

this shitcoin is gonna dump harder than TRON

>> No.8324428


>> No.8325411

They fucked up,lost all the quality it had. Had high hopes for it

>> No.8325483
File: 79 KB, 250x269, 1511260952271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please do not buy XMR it is very bad coin sir, please to be buying Bitcoin Private instead, is a very strong coin with strong fundamentals

>> No.8325526

It need a fucking rebranding bad

>> No.8325556




>> No.8325575

Has a higher mixin requirement so you are even more secure and is implementing bulletproofs this summer so it will be insanely light and private.

>> No.8325584

>erc20 token
I don't that term means what you think it means.

>> No.8325633

It’s not worth mining anymore,difficulty doubled from one day to another,no bonus rewards,block reward ~5.3xmr, pools are filled with thousands of bots it’s basically spam etc.

>> No.8325645

you mean botnetcoin? that gets dumped by the botnets immediately when they mine some coin?

>> No.8325667


>> No.8325672

What the fuck is it with all these brainlets and newfags?

>> No.8325673
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>> No.8325690
File: 53 KB, 450x600, farcus_05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks just bought more

>> No.8325772

Sometimes when i read threads like this i wonder if the supposed brainlets are larping. Surely you cant be this retarded?