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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 36 KB, 640x640, arQQMLWK_700w_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8318221 No.8318221 [Reply] [Original]

What will be next world-changing tech with possible to jump on first? any ideas?

>> No.8318455

what the fuck I literally made this OC several years ago and totally forgot about it
why does it have a watermark now

>> No.8318487

what was your inspiration anon?

>> No.8318512

crack and a lonely life

>> No.8318513

loneliness, depression, I posted this on r9k during the peepeepoopoo phase

>> No.8318550

its also missing a panel, it was 3 sections, not 2

>> No.8318556

someone posted it on 9gag on coments here 9gag com/gag/aV3YMdO

>> No.8318580


are you still depressed
give some updates on what happened in your life since then anon
did you /makeit/ on cryptos?

>> No.8318658

I'm not depressed anymore
since then I started my own business
got a gf, 2 years anniversary in a few weeks
finished university
started lifting and dieting
got into crypto early 2017, I didn't make it yet but hopefully soon, I'm all in
also got a drivers license and a car
I think these are the major points
I feel great and alive, I'm 25

>> No.8318686

cool man. post original meme then

>> No.8318698


nice, good job anon
legit happy you made it

>> No.8318709


>> No.8318719

I try to find it but I've switched computers 2 times since then

>> No.8318739

CRISPR stocks you can buy right now on NYSE:

>> No.8318757
File: 2.89 MB, 280x280, vitalips.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then re-make it, faggot

>> No.8318775

Probably bio eng./ gene modification

>> No.8318788
File: 73 KB, 337x477, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found the middle panel kek
I'm still looking for the whole comic

>> No.8318861
File: 216 KB, 584x530, 1501026193818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>several years ago I was almost done with my chemistry degree, was extremely fit and my brother was alive
>I'm 25 now, lost ~20 lbs of muscle, working a shit furniture delivery job and living with my mother after dropping out of uni
>also still a virgin

at least I made an extra 93 dollars out of my initial 350 dollar crypto investment

>> No.8318975

im sorry man
cant you go back and finish your degree?
or put more money into crypto?

>> No.8319079

i was in that thread, i made a gif.
the torso bothered me because i didnt align it right

>> No.8319094

I saved that gif but I cant find it either

>> No.8319132

to think about, is 4chan really just 10 people shitposting and pretending to be 1000s?
what the fuck are the odds for us to meet again in this thread, this many years later?

>> No.8319142

If I rose above in life, another would fall - probably you. The universe demands balance. Just as one would invest a small amount of money in crypto and come out the other side with a fat stack, others had to enter with the stack and come out as a pink wojak. Appreciate the sacrifice and cherish the other half of the coin.

>> No.8319170

migration patterns prob.

>> No.8319182

Pretty big since you people are 24/7 lurking and shitposting

>> No.8319217

CRSP already mooned, why buy now at the top? It will come down over the next month. XXII is a good buy right now

>> No.8319225
File: 240 KB, 1280x720, 1447373372984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when the anime have character progression

>> No.8319363
File: 548 KB, 1067x3000, 1418492503953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found it

>> No.8319398
File: 109 KB, 659x579, 1418507013560.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have also found the gif

>> No.8319582

Thanks OP I'm going to replace your watermark with my own and spam this everywhere

>> No.8319585


I knew there was a reason I stayed

I wonder if someday I'll see my own OC in a thread years from now?

>> No.8319619

What's wrong with his penis?

>> No.8319717

I will make a red wojak version someday.

>> No.8319728

Nothing you lesbo

>> No.8319780

its not my watermark, I stole it from 9gag

>> No.8319811

Never change /biz/

>> No.8319862

why did you make this

can you explain

>> No.8319875

see >>8318513

>> No.8319982

i love it

>> No.8320057
File: 32 KB, 680x680, 1519937834878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an amazing thread

/r9k/ comes good

with added mid story OC suprise

love it

>> No.8320110

>to think about, is 4chan really just 10 people shitposting and pretending to be 1000s?

it's just us 3 and that other guy

>> No.8320132

>Not depressed
>bought after the height of crypto
>give it time

>> No.8320138

fuck off I am not your friend

>> No.8320191

are you implying I should be depressed because I might not make it with crypto?
I have a pretty good life now, and I make a hilarious amount of money with very little work, so I'm good either way

>> No.8320236

ok, buddy