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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 31 KB, 300x300, VEN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8310657 No.8310657 [Reply] [Original]


Watch interview. You have to be literally braindead if you don't invest in Vechain. This is going to fcking destroy everything this year.

Comfy as hell.

>> No.8310686

End of month perdiction?

>> No.8310706


Price predictions are way too hard.

But I'll confidently say that Vechain will become top 5 this year, 100%.

>> No.8310743

Already all in

>> No.8311367

Vechain's balls in your mouth?

>> No.8311371

Vechain is THE most likely project to SUCCEED on the market straight up.
All in nigga

>> No.8311688

Babbies first investment lesson: get in at bottoms, not at tops. You dump it on suckers at tops.
Also known as buy low, sell high.

Now look at the graph.
Good anon.

>> No.8311700

That doesn't mean it will make you rich. Vechain can be successful with VEN selling at $1.00

You have to sit down and do some math. How much annual demand for THOR is required to support VENs current valuation? You're going to be holding bags for a long time anon.

>> No.8311894

name a better buy right now
pro tip: you cant

>> No.8311898

lol shut the fuck up you dumb faggot. You don't have the numbers. Nice FUD.

>> No.8311927

Ven 75% of my port but at the moment icx might be better buy

>> No.8311961

I own 3 strength nodes and I can't see VEN going up more than one dollar in 2019.

>> No.8311991

It's going to take one case of 'the network is centralised and a staff member got paid off to edit tag data' for it to take a shit. Vechain has shown some shady practices already, wouldn't put it past them to aid in counterfeiting.

>> No.8312008

Holy shit dude, I can name a dozen better buys! Any project with a good team and a decent idea that hasn't already mooned will outpace VENs growth this year. VEN mooned already! It's not going over $9 again any time soon.

>> No.8312034

Reminds me of that time Sunny stuck his hands in my girlfriends panties and fingered her pussy, but with gloves so it couldn't be proven. Very shady.

>> No.8312048

Name some then faglord

>> No.8312081

let's hear it then smart guy

>> No.8312096

1) name your holdings. You won't, because you'll be torn to shreds

2) explain the token economics to us. Use numbers. You don't have them because they don't exist. It's speculatory.

>> No.8312101

Fuck off CCK you can your dump bags on us once, ok maybe twice.... but not this time.


>> No.8312123

AMB, RLC, JNT, CPC...even REQ. All of these projects will easily 10x before VEN doubles. Like I said, anything with a good team and a decent idea that hasn't already peaked.

>> No.8312127
File: 81 KB, 952x624, Vechain reality, bags by devs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shills ARE OUT

>> No.8312164
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>Many tokens are better holdings
>Can I see them?

>> No.8312210

What the fuck are you talking about? VENs current valuation is highly inflated at over 2billion. Annual THOR consumption of a quarter billion dollars would put it at a fair price, but that's not fucking happening this year.

>> No.8312227

Scroll up faggot

>> No.8312242

NEO is currently valued at 5.5 billion what is the annual gas consumption right now?

>> No.8312261
File: 1.81 MB, 1536x2048, wojak number 11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mommyyyyyyy, AMD hasn't made a profit in the past decade!!!!! Why aren't they paying me to hold these bagssssssssss!!!!!
That's how you sound.

>> No.8312284

Sure, all good coins with potential but nowhere near VEN. Id rather have a safe 3x than a possible 5x anyway

>> No.8312311

Vechain isn't NEO. The projects running on Vechain's network require transactions costs to be kept low... fractions of a cent low.
This is why VeChina reserves the right to adjust the rate at which THOR is generated, and also adjust the THOR cost per transaction.
The network fundamentally cannot be successful otherwise. The speculative value of THOR isn't going to swing wildly with the market's sentiment. It will be pegged as an actual operational cost, and businesses won't use it unless it's dirt cheap.

So eventually, when a great many projects are running on the network, it might have value, but that's years away. Anyone who tells you otherwise is either delusional or trying to hype you up so that they can dump on you.

>> No.8312332

I didn't say I hold AMB, I said it will outpace VEN in terms of growth this year.

>> No.8312333
File: 18 KB, 250x278, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped straight to 36k satoshi and is currently being pumped(gaining 2k sats or 1k sats within seconds typical) by concerned devs who don't want to lose moon boys.

hahaahhqa at the "safe"

>> No.8312336

It will stay "inflated" because its the legit best crypto project out there, so why does it matter?

>> No.8312358

You gonna keep holding when you find out your strength node generates less than a dollar a day in THOR for you? Lol, have fun with those bags.

>> No.8312377

el em ay o. You know the CEO, COO of VeChain etc don't have a wage, they hold VEN. They are going to make VEN worth as much as possible for their own interests

+ there is going to be a massive blockchain bubble where every project is overvalued by a factor of 10 and your grandma holds some fucking obscure shitcoin. The better a project is the bigger its bubble is going to be

>> No.8312417

like anything else the price of VEN will be dictated by what people believe it will return in the future. look at amazon stock do you think it is valued based on what they are earning today?

>> No.8312422

You're so fucking deluded. You know the team has been buying on the open market right? They but low, release news to hype this project up, and dump. They've extracted a shit load of money from you dumb fuckers.

>> No.8312437

The team LITERALLY has the vast majority of their VEN locked up for 2 years. Try harder next time

>> No.8312461

>Ven is best crypto ever
>Can I see code?
>Erm...no, its erc20 token

>> No.8312468
File: 102 KB, 657x539, 1230934dkj134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't recognize a common stock ticker for a major microprocessor manufacturer
I feel bad for anyone that takes you seriously

>> No.8312478


>> No.8312482

Read better next time. They've been buying on the open market! Sunny himself admitted this in the telegram group! Huge red flag that you deluded cucks just want to ignore, or interpret to mean that he just loves the project so much, he wants to buy it up with his own money. Lol, you're getting chinked, for real.

>> No.8312486

If only they could adjust thor generation up to keep the thor price down but good for investors. oh wait..

>> No.8312493
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>> No.8312502

Refute one fucking point you retarded gook.

>> No.8312519

Right, if only. They can't do that without an increased market demand for THOR though...user your head you fucking brainlet.
The point isn't to make you rich, it's to run an efficient network.

>> No.8312539

erc20 is just a proxy token. why is this so hard to understand for idiots like you

>> No.8312575

So it is aERC20 token, right? Oh yea, mainnet will...come.

Where is a single line of code? Where is this fucking product? You are getting chinkscammed.

>> No.8312596

agree... very shady thing..

>> No.8312611
File: 81 KB, 511x512, 1516468493122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well see.

>> No.8312636


does google reveal their source code? are they scam?

Lets just say "innocent until proven guilty". The mainnet will come.

>> No.8312684

Wow, you make a convincing argument. Wish I had Sunny Lu as my lord and savior. Do you think it's too late for me?

>> No.8312692

your salt is coming through my screen kek

>> No.8312790

This is why I hate Chinese tokens - they all do this. I made some decent money getting into VEN in early Dec but I won't touch it now.

>> No.8312808

that's why the entire executive team is paid heavily in VEN, and Jim Breyer is invested directly in VEN, right? (it's a nonprofit - there are no shares).

>> No.8312849

Vechain Foundation VEN is locked up for 2 years. Do you know more about what the price of VEN will be than they do? Get the fuck out of here you attention whore.

>> No.8312895

Do you know how market cap works you fucking brainlet? Crypto market cap is close to 400b. JP Morgan estimates there is less than 10b actual dollars injected into the market. Your evaluations are meaningless. I can inflate the market cap of a coin by 50 million dollars with a 10k purchase

Ambrosus is partnered with Parity Tech, you know that company that had $200m worth of ETH frozen because some NEET was tampering with the code

>> No.8312909

VEN is like being able to invest in ETH or BTC a year ago, mark my words. 10x in a year at the very least. That's just how node coins like NEO and DASH work.

>> No.8312981


>> No.8313008

Lol, this isn't the high. This is the low.

Just you wait. Brainlets like you said the same shit about ETH when I was making my first million.

>> No.8313016

VEN shilling took a break over the weekend and then turned up the volume today. Got to get as many rubes as you can before the 20th.

( '▿ ' ) 六四天安門事件

>> No.8313028

Roger Ver did the exact same with BCH

>> No.8313161

And now Roger has a shit ton of BCH that he bought at $300 that is now worth $1068. Perhaps not the best example you were looking for?

>> No.8313205

What does the price have to do with it? The point is nobody gave a shit, and they certainly don't now seeing as BCH cap rose greatly.

>> No.8313286

being this deluded

he 3x'd his investment, if that's what we have waiting on us from VEN in a few months, you are brain damaged to not invest right now

>> No.8313379
File: 930 KB, 750x775, 1519068018465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sold my JNT for that.


>> No.8313390

I sold, so waiting to buy a dip
With that being said, chink scam / built on hype
People will get tired of it after a while

>> No.8313556

Why is this bad? What the fuck?

That's like people buying stock for the company they're working for. Which people do all the goddamn time. Sometimes I have to pinch myself to check if I'm actually on a business and finance board.

>> No.8314540

You aren't, this is a meme board driven by a bunch of college kids

>> No.8314582


Worse. Mid to late twenties who dropped out of college and now shitpost on 4chan and work at the local supermarket.

>> No.8315228


>> No.8315983

Seriously, you need this explained? Sunny knows the news on this coin before it goes public. So it's easy to time buys and sells for maximum profit. You hadn't noticed how manipulated this coin is?

Insider trading is illegal in regulated markets for good reason.

>> No.8316483

went all in on the 40k dip, never been happier. Next stop, the moon

>> No.8316528

Yes, and they are succulent as tits.

>> No.8316570

Not bad of a fud anon, you seem to reel them in

>> No.8316649

>watch sunny's wallet
>pump and dump accordingly

>> No.8317460

over $50 by June 1st
>Source: I'm a psychic

>> No.8317554

Insider trading =/= buying stocks of your own company/buying tokens of your own project.

>> No.8317700
File: 27 KB, 300x283, 15080966-EFF9-4443-AFE5-A65FABDB19F9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol did anyone watch the video or are VeTards the type to get excited when someone mentions their coin in a positive way? The gook in the video is slurring and stuttering his way through saying some buzzwords and “blockchains and enterprise”. LMAO.

>> No.8317743


>Larping this hard

>> No.8317910


Imagine being this fucking butthurt over someone whose native language isn't English.

You must really hate money if you're trying this hard to justify your hate towards VeChain.

>> No.8318010

I'd like to see your Chinese language ability. That man doubtlessly outclasses you intellectually.

>> No.8318020

Kek this brainet fell for the biz memes

>> No.8318514

You have 0 impact on the market

>> No.8318606

>sell before 20th
remember when people said to sell right after the rebrand?