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File: 274 KB, 229x566, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8307486 No.8307486[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Your money pays for "her" transition expenses.

How does that make you feel /biz?

>> No.8307493

Why did Hitler have to lose

>> No.8307510

My life isn't so shit that I fixate on other people's private lives in a desperate attempt to feel better about myself.
So in other words I feel nothing.

>> No.8307524 [DELETED] 

Elsewhere, my taxes also helped save a good man, with good virtues from some ailment. In balance, it's worth it.

>> No.8307525

It makes me feel very good actually. NB people have the right to do whatever they want with their bodies, whatever the price is, why would you care ?

>> No.8307529

Evil always loses because evolution favors strong communities based on trust.
Sure you can force people to live in shit for a couple of generations, but freedom always finds its way.

>> No.8307530

I dont care really
But then something like this pops up
And we are told that reacting to it is wrong
that the world heralds these freaks
well guess what
the world hasnt changed because of some deluded far left queers in a bubble

>> No.8307552

>And we are told that reacting to it is wrong
You can be mad about it if you like. It can occupy your head and feelings if you like. I don't see the point in giving a fuck about it. There are 8 billion people on the planet getting up to all sorts of weird shit. I don't see any reason to get upset about someone choosing to be different gender or whatever. Who the fuck cares? Who can be bothered to care?

>> No.8307554

Excuse me, but can you please spell that as "enbie" instead of "NB". you make it sound so foreign and abnormal and frankly like a medical diagnosis or an extra terrestrial instead of something casual and a part of what a normal human can be.

>> No.8307566

Who is this faggot?

>> No.8307570
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hitler did nothing wrong, spotted the kike

>> No.8307572
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If you're like the tranny in the picture, you're the reason why people hate us.

>> No.8307595

>minorities would get along better if they just toed the line
Thanks for the insight.

>> No.8307597

some of us actually care about society and find your brand of apathy and self defeatism to be akin to a fatal parasite

I dont give a fuck if you think its uncool to care
Because for the most part, people like you are normie brainlets working off herd mentality to begin with

trannies are gay and so are you

>> No.8307616

>the majority should just accept minorities who intend to usurp power "because its bigoted not to"

oh the world has so much to teach you reddit deluded idiots

>> No.8307620

>Spits on the cis next to him.

Yea, that's how you become accepted.

>> No.8307625
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this person is right but like 80% of us don't really care that much and are just using this for meme value
what a glorious clusterfuck of a human bean /she/ is. the world is truly enriched

desu I know my gf would be very uncomfortable if someone like that was in her dressing room so I hope it doesn't become normalized that trannies go to female dressing rooms and shit. some third unisex dressing room for people who don't give a fuck would be fine. beyond stuff like that I don't give a fuck so long as they don't bother me. one of my coolest internet friends was an mtf tranny and acoustic as fuck.

>> No.8307634
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>> No.8307637

>trannies are gay and so are you
I don't find that offensive because I'm not a desperately insecure 17 year old who needs to loudly affirm my masculinity by virtue signalling about how much they hate gay people that they've never met.
>usurp power

>> No.8307649


why is it wrong to feel bad about this you fucking nigger >>8307510

taxpayers money could have been spent on curing cancer, bettering hospitals or education but no. its is spent on the salary of dr frankenstein so he can cut his dick off.

we should throw these freaks off from the top of taigetos.

>> No.8307672

Nice projection there, have some problems with social acceptance throughout life hmm?
yeah great argument there, must be the pozzed brain :)

this is a goblin

>> No.8307683

This is /biz/ not /pol/
Get out.

>> No.8307695

The opposite. I actually get out of my room and meet people IRL, which is why I don't hold retarded views that are completely contingent on not actually having a diverse life experience.

>> No.8307702
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At least she doesn't have stubble on her chin.

>> No.8307731

how does stabbing into the dark usually work out for you?
it's funny that you can only really offer ad hominem attacks, character assassination of a completely anonymous person (kek)
you're obviously triggered by the suggestion that people dont respect freaks like the OP
cry more about it
because I laugh about it

>> No.8307751

I know people don't respect freaks like the OP. I used to be a bartender. I've seen people target trans and gay people. And every single one was a miserable lowlife piece of shit. You don't see successful, balanced people taking time out of their day to shit on strangers.

>> No.8307771
File: 160 KB, 768x1024, 85d343759b4f011df1342e73b5dd5189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean those thighs are good, but the rest of it...

>> No.8307806

Dont get all high and mighty about spending time here, we're all in the same boat for that one

Just because you are some queerboy progressive that tended some bar in the progressive area of whatever fag city you are in does not mean that every single person that hates or is repulsed by people like OP are "miserable lowlife peices of shit"

it just means that you're a far left cuckboy that chose sides, and the side you chose is filled with sideshow freaks

you live in a tiny little pocket of history where fags are not beaten and purged, but heralded by an already complicit mainstream media

kys queerboy, not everyone is a progressive faggot like you and OP is a freak that would be laughed at by the majority of humanity

>> No.8307808

Read his/her fucking code and pay respect to your mental superiors, you goddamn animal

>> No.8307836

I hope you suck a lot of aids tranny dick. mr life experience. you must be some kind of degenerate californian.

>> No.8308034

In the job world people like this seem to keep causing bigger problems that have never been around. They are just bringing things that are unimportant like bathrooms and thinking people are always attacking them when nobody wants to just listen to them talk about something that makes me uncomfortable. We still have racism right now, starvation, mental illness, and disease issues. Instead we are going, oh no "Bruce is taking estrogen and now wants to go into a womens bathroom, but Brittney is intimidated"

Society isn't ready for this movement yet.

>> No.8308066 [DELETED] 


>> No.8308067
File: 28 KB, 427x640, tumblr_inline_nxzbzgepUN1t1n6uk_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think this person should use the male bathroom?

>> No.8308102

Taxpayers money will never be used to cure cancer, better hospitals or education. Whatever is spent is pocketchange. And that's how it should be.

If you got cancer it's your own 'luck'. No need for others to spend their hard earned moneys to save you or your dad from some braintumor. Let evolution weed the herd.

Freaks like that large pink bitch are 'normal'. Hitler was a freak, Einstein was a freak, Trump is a fucking freak. Freaks are what makes this world into something interesting, something worth watching.

Education, cancer, hospitals, all overrated. We need more freaks to get the killing going. Cancer can only do so much.

>> No.8308223

you should die. your whole family should die in cancer. then I would watch your miserable ass type these words again.

did you really compared hitler, einstein or the president of usa to a fucking mentaly ill poser cockmuncher?

you are so fucking retarded I cant even explain in english.

>> No.8308259
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the male bathroom at auschwitz

>> No.8308282
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>Men in women's clothing should be granted special privilegies.
Hm... i acutally have nothing about against trans people, yes they're mentally ill. But so are absoloutely all of us. Modern society is sick.

They're completely free to waste their life and mutilate themselves in any way they want as long as it doesn't affect us others. Asking society to change for them however is crossing the line, they still have to follow the rules like the rest of us.

>> No.8308324


Because we're in the darkest timeline anon. There's a universe where happy and well balanced people, fully employed and with satisfaction in their community, family and race are currently spreading across space in a new golden age of exploration and discovery. Genetic advances have eliminated all forms of illness and genetic weakness. Race relations have actually improved - without (((covert manipulation))) to smash them together into the melting pot, and without all the natural friction genuine hate has disappeared, replaced by a rational and non-resentful form of race realism. Without parasitic ideologies of spiritual destitution, mental illness has been greatly reduced, and while the hard pill of eugenics took some time to be swallowed the happy results are undeniable.

4chan doesn't exist of course - raised from birth with confidence and self assurance in whichever path in life they are best suited to, with strong and caring families and mentors to guide youth as they become adults there's no NEETs around. Japanese manga and anime still exists (being a direct descendant of old art forms), but it's actually a pretty highbrow and well respected artform.

The environment is also in pristine condition - given that a strong ethos of "Blood and Soil" exists throughout all levels of society, and with outdoor sports like hunting and mountaineering internationally loved, it's cared for in a genuine way - but never used as a mere political tool. Cities are clean, safe and well maintained - for people who enjoy the famously pumping National Socialist nightlife (seriously look it up! Fuckers could party) the inner cities are a great place to live.

Sadly, that's not the world we're in. We get to shill memecoins in a world of degeneracy in the desperate hope we can buy ourselves relative freedom from our overlords. Fucking depressing.

>> No.8308333

Because if you are normal, these other people want you dead. And they want to molest your children and turn them into freaks too.

>> No.8308376

They already own Hollywood.

>> No.8308427

Ok, I lold

>> No.8308454

Society shouldn't NEED to be ready. It's a mental illness that impacts the people around it. We don't hire violent psychotics or manic-depressives that melt down every time a customer enters a store. Yet this garbage is being forced on everyone.

We don't treat bulimia with liposuction. We don't treat BIIT by cutting their arms off. This is just another body dysmorphia, a symptom of a severe underlying mental disease. Society actively enabling these people is beyond disgusting.

And what happens in a few years when the fad wears off? All these mutilated people can't just wash out their hair or remove the piercings - they've ruined their bodies. The suicide rates after transition are just as high after as they are before - the wave of shit we're creating with this is terrible.

>> No.8308465

Most trannies want to compete in women’s sports, proving (1) they’re insane to think it would be fair, and (2) they’re aggressive invaders of normal people’s institutions who don’t give a shit who they hurt. And that’s only one example.

>> No.8308470

there is greater risk in transwomen getting raped in male bathrooms than there is risk in women getting raped by transwomen in female bathrooms.


>> No.8308494

>And what happens in a few years when the fad wears off? All these mutilated people can't just wash out their hair or remove the piercings - they've ruined their bodies. The suicide rates after transition are just as high after as they are before - the wave of shit we're creating with this is terrible.

it's not a choice, retard.

>> No.8308506

>Doctor, I hate my Hand, it feels foreign, I want to amputate it

>Doctor, I want to destroy my perfectly functional genitalia
>Right this way goyim.

>> No.8308517

My body, my choice.

I pay you to do your job, do it.

>> No.8308530

Then maybe we should tackle that problem with frustrated pajeets not getting castrated instead of re-arranging everything to suit some snowflakes

>> No.8308536

The code is autistic and clean as fuck, so I don't care.

>> No.8308549

>your job

>> No.8308552


Yep. Let's mutilate and sexualise preteens eh? Then the Left has the nerve to attack priests - there's more pedophiles on the left than anywhere. Look up the life story of their prophets Derrida and Foulcault some time. Arrested for trying to get age of consent removed:


The fucking Left. Degenerate, exploitive swine and corrupters of innocence in the name of personal power. All masked with that soppy soyboy do-gooder facade. Free helicopter rides sooner rather than later I think.

>> No.8308560

>>Evil always loses because evolution favors strong communities based on trust.
>>Sure you can force people to live in shit for a couple of generations, but freedom always finds its way.

Anon tell us more, are you talking about the multicultural communities that are fragmented and demonstrably low trust, as found by research? Is that what you mean by living in shit, when the government imports people from countries you have no cultural affinity with, who don't want to integrate and put immense pressure on the welfare state? And then you are told this is good and makes your country better?

>> No.8308571

Who the fuck would rape a ugly tranny?

>> No.8308578
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>> No.8308582

Are we in North Korea?

>> No.8308594


So do you think that hospitals should provide teenagers with the means to commit suicide?

And no, if it WAS just your body, we'd be able to tolerate that more. But writing into law that employers MUST provide for your self-inflicted needs is a cheap power gambit. Nothing more.

>> No.8308608

>implying all trannies are ugly

No tranny would want your small chode anyway, fat boy

>> No.8308610

Good point! I guess that concludes that argument.

>> No.8308655

>Suicide and genital surgery are the same.

Yea, you can back pedal with your shitty comparisons until you run out of comparisons.

My body, my life. Go live in North Korea if you don't like that concept.

>> No.8308669

Good boy.

>> No.8308680

Look, it's a divine being with a grasp on what constitutes ultimate good and evil.

>> No.8308743

No. It's a mental illness. But you COULD choose to get that treated. ADHD, Schizophrenia, Depression - none of these are choices. But the suffers can choose to at least try to be well. And no, we don't treat those suffering from delusions by enabling those delusions.

I find it telling how the rhetoric of this has changed. A few years ago it WAS a "lifestyle choice" - that was the defense against people who described it as a mental illness.

I suspect the problem was that the feeling inside you, and the others - it never went away did it? Even after the surgery? You STILL felt like someone else, like you were a stranger in your own body? The big moment of enlightenment and inner peace - never came did it?

And along comes an idealogy that says "Ah! That's because it's not your fault! You're oppressed because you can use an arbitrary bathroom! Because regular heterosexual men still find you unattractive! Because the don't make size 14 pumps!"

So off you go - your mission clear. Opress the oppressors!

I assure you, even if everyone that doesn't believe in your "religion" of narcissism and self loathing suddenly converted to the Left tomorrow your emptiness would remain. Because it was never about all of us, or your sex/gender. It was always about you.

>> No.8308777


Who gives a flying shit if they make you lots of money in the process?

>> No.8308810
File: 88 KB, 740x960, 1520680759389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty tranny here. Not even boasting.

The last time I went to a male's bathroom I was told I was "pretty."

I started going to female bathrooms after that.

Pic not related. She just looks like me.

>> No.8308813

How evasive! What a surprise.

Answer my question or prove yourself a liar. Forget your self-image obsession fir a moment. Let's go a little more abstract. This isn't about you personally - look at it for a more dispassionate perspective.

Do you think that "my body, my choice" is a valid argument in ALL situations, including a moral obligation on the part of Doctors & society to carry out the desires of the mentally ill to self harm? Eg Euthanasia for depressed teenagers and children? Why, or why not?

>> No.8308828

the problem is people have been brought up in these delusions - the suffering is real
what it does to society and ultimately themselves however, its a negative any way you look at it

>> No.8308841


>> No.8308853

Listen dude, I held hands with my mother and a year later with my grandfather when they fucking died of cancer!! AND I STAND BY MY FUCKING WORDS YOU FUCKWIT!!

>> No.8308856

>Implying transgenderism is a serious form of depression that doctors have to intervene in the patient's decision making.

fuck off, brainlet. your mental capacity has no place in this discussion.

>> No.8308860
File: 26 KB, 320x568, 28279846_1211682338976314_3343929340130184696_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Handsome guy here, Not even boasting.

The last time I went to a male's bathroom I was told I was "pretty" by a gay guy.

I started going to female bathrooms after that.

Pic not related. He just looks like me.

>> No.8308888

Youre an idiot who doesnt grasp the concept of the final revolution

>> No.8308911


Maybe I'm just slow - I'm really not seeing your point. Is it that pre-op trans shouldn't be allowed to use the bathroom? That the talent of your surgeon is the deciding factor in your being a "woman" - ie the "non-pretty" ones don't count? Or is it just more of your confusion of surface appearance with underlying reality at work?

>> No.8308912


>mfw I will never live in a futuristic NatSoc utopia

I didnt ask for these feels anon

>> No.8308947

>Is autistic
>Doesn't understand there are different rules of engagement in social environments between men-to-women, women-to-women, and men-to-men.

This brainlet reduces mental capacity everytime he posts. His biased comparisons are the only answers he's got.

>> No.8308975

>They're completely free to waste their life and mutilate themselves in any way they want as long as it doesn't affect us others [...] they still have to follow the rules like the rest of us.

Oh the irony. Have you ever wondered why things other people understand with little effort present a major challenge for your feeble mind? The reason is your double-digit IQ, my young padawan.

>> No.8308988

Why are you so insecure?

>> No.8308992

there should be three bathrooms
one for males
one for females
and one unisex
this is compromise
but the argument that its actually bigotry is too tempting not to use
too bad its like beating a dead horse at this point though
too much too soon

>> No.8309002


More evasion! What a surprise. The absolute state of Leftists and their victims....

To help you out a little, here's a medical journal article about mental illness comorbidity in transsexuals.


Feel free to debunk it however you like. Post your results - since I'm obviously your intellectual inferior, it should be simple for you to come up with a defense.

>> No.8309021

Who cares? It's nature's way of removing weakness from the gene pool. The entire point of existence is propagation of the species. When this person fails to pass on their genes we get rid of them.

>> No.8309023

I want to fuck your tight asshole

>> No.8309033

Every time this disgusting creature pops up on the front page I want to vomit.

>> No.8309039


Bigotry? But the anon I replied to alleged that she's indistinguishable to a woman after her surgery.

So really, you're saying that ANYONE can use ANY bathroom? Is that it?

>> No.8309057

I think the feminists that promote rape culture will feel victimized if they don't have their own bathroom.
Can't please everyone!

>> No.8309059


I don't pay taxes, so I don't care. Also, I think letting them mutilate themselves like that is a good thing, because it increases the likelihood that they'll kill themselves when they realize what they've done.

>> No.8309076

Change autistic with mentally ill narcissist and you nailed describing yourself.

Tip, Ad hominem doesn't actually give any of your args any more ethos nor pathos. It just reflects that you're in a fact a overgrown spoiled brat, who just can't comprehend why the world doesn't revolve around you.

Nobody cares about you, nobody cares about me. Why can't you accept it? The only ones i've seen harass trans people are of.. let's call them unfitting cultural background. Just last weekend some gay guy got beaten to a pulp by his paki taxi driver because he told him he was gay.

>> No.8309085
File: 44 KB, 540x960, 1520531724851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally, any pre/post op trans(woman) who looks like a male and doesn't pass or makes no effort in dressing up in hopes of being identified as a woman should just stay in male bathrooms.

I don't have the right answer. No one does, that's why it's a hot topic.

>> No.8309088


I know anon, I know. :(

>> No.8309095

If you're a passable trap, who is going to stop you from using the bathroom of the gender you're trying to emulate?
People like OP, males in drag, should not be allowed into a female bathroom solely due to them feeling feminine
That is sanity
Having a neutral bathroom makes sense
But its a compromise that seems beyond tranny reasoning

>> No.8309102

>I'm obligated to prove myself to you.

Lol, go and wank yourself in your room kid.

>> No.8309118

>I don't have the right answer. No one does,

I have the right answer: Males are males and females are females. You can't change it.

>> No.8309123

honestly who the fuck cares? Morbidly obese people cost us a fuck ton more in healthcare costs anyway

>> No.8309127

You do care.

If you didn't, you wouldn't have made a big fuss about me using female bathrooms.

And you wrote this much just to argue with a "unworthy tranny" in an imageboard.

Yes, you do care. And you try your hardest to get noticed.

Me? I don't care.

>> No.8309142

Yea, you need to go bed, the adults are talking.

>> No.8309159

Yes, I agree with this. And I am OP.

>> No.8309206


That's the thing though - that was ALREADY the way it worked. I'm an oldfag - I was a bartender back in the 90's and early 2000's. There was a TON of trans around - and nobody gave a shit. There was no issue. They all just used the damn female bathrooms.

So all this shit is just a fucking attention game. It's creating issues where none exist for the sake of political point scoring. It'll NEVER be enough for these people.

>> No.8309240
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We should just carry our own piss bottle desu.

>> No.8309287
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Crikey bud, that's a lot of assumptions based on nothing else than your feelings.
It's not hard to interpret that you consider yourself intelligent, but you're not regardless of how many times you tell yourself that or try to patronize others over it.

My point was that our opinions doesn't matter my dear imbecile. In fact we matter so little laws should never be adapted suit our feelings and narcisissm. We have some rules and they work here in the modern world, there's no law that forbids you cut off your own dick so go ahead and do it. But don't show off your mutilated limb proudly and expect to be praised for it. Even attain privileges over it.

Just a quick question. With shitty cognitive abilities, do you always have to breathe manually?

>> No.8309288

That's not even a thing. It is just a word for people to laugh of it.

>> No.8309303

>Trying this hard

>> No.8309315

could this be the next major industry of the future?

invest in wearable disposable pissbags /biz/

>> No.8309348


Yeah, you fucking ARE obliged. You started it - defend your words.

The reason you can't, is simply because you know I'm right. You're a fantasist that's doubled down SO far you're stuck. So you need to keep going, lying and shrieking until you get what you want - recognition of being something you aren't and never were. You never had periods, or pmt or bore a child, any of that stuff. When you say "But I feel like a woman" all you really mean is you have a MALE fantasy of what being a woman is like. Just a fucking stereotype. All the drugs and surgery can never change that.

>> No.8309368
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>> No.8309373

He was arrogant and fundamentally a people power lefty. Pity the Louis XVI, or at least Napoleon, not Hitler.

>> No.8309379

Is that REALLY what you got from that? Kek - exactly what I'd expect. You've displayed no reading comprehension at all so far.

>> No.8309465

Yea, ok, fedora tipper. No one cares.

>> No.8309489
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>The reason you can't, is simply because you know I'm right.

Your giving yourself far too much merit here bud.

You get 1 star for effort.

>> No.8309492


Read it’s blog. It may be going through an identity crisis but the creature knows how to code like a madcunt.

>> No.8309535

fuck me, somebody actually sat down and wrote this tripe...

>> No.8309537

I think the word you are looking for is "credit".

>> No.8309556

It's alright. Just let it out. Crouch up into fetal position and let the tears flow. You'll feel better

>> No.8309563

No thanks, not looking for any words.

>> No.8309584

>He thinks he's insulting me.

The things losers do to win an argument with someone in the internet.

>> No.8309609

>i live in autarcy as a nihilist detached from any deep bond with my fellow men and need to jump on imageboards to profess i'm fine, so believe me guys, i'm totally fine and not at all coping with the self-imposed meaninglessness of my existence by building a narrative in which i am better than others through some impossible to quantify moral characteristic

>> No.8309640

It's alright sweetie. But I don't think this is the right place to get out suppressed male frustration. We have reddit subs

>> No.8309721

>Belittling strategy

Awww, how cute.

>> No.8309814

What are you talking about, OP? That’s a perfectly normal respectable citizen. Now you want to talk about real degeneracy, did you know that there are GROWN MEN who watch Japanese anime in this country?

>> No.8309841

Lol yea.

Also, did you know there are fat men who fap 24/7 and they have the audacity to think they are better than trannies?

>> No.8309934

That's like 3/4 of this board

>> No.8309971


>> No.8309984

Tits or gtfo, you mongoloid.

>> No.8310017


>> No.8310214
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Exactly. Who the fuck cares what they do in their private lives if that person can make my sack grow fatter.

>> No.8310584
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disgusting ... this kind of vile human trash make me look forward to the inhumane outcome of WW3 >>8307486

>> No.8311658

If she creates a product that I want to invest my money in (and I'm not necessarily saying Cardano is or isn't worth my money), she has the right to spend her money on whatever the fuck she wants to.

Because that's fucking CAPITALISM.

>> No.8312039

Pol please stop shitting up my office thanks

>> No.8312246

>it's not a choice
Neither are schizophrenia nor bulemia

>> No.8312335

I'll be selling when I get home today. Makes me sick to be associated with this. If by buying ADA I'm supporting this type of degenerated pieces of shit I'll pick to stay poor. Selling and putting it all into link.

>> No.8312396

>pay a little for a process that ensures they will never reproduce
Worth it desu

>> No.8312413


actually people don't have the right to do whatever they want with their bodies. Try doing drugs in front of the police station and see how quickly you get locked up

>> No.8312448


evolution doesn't favor anything. Genetic fitness has in fact declined with the increases in tech. As a result we have more and more trash like the OP

>> No.8312503


You need to be killed.

>> No.8312566

this is cringy. It's not 1990 - people can do what they want and it may not appeal to you or 99% of the population but it's childish to harp on it. Also, if you really care about this i guarantee you get no pussy. cheers

>> No.8312683

>people can do what they want

apparently not if you get your panties in a twist about people exercising their first amendment rights.

>> No.8312728


then likely you will die of cancer. good riddance

>> No.8312875


> study by Bentz found that trans men have a CYP17 allele distribution like cis men and unlike cis women.
>Studies have shown that androphilic male-to-female transsexuals show a shift towards the female direction in brain anatomy.
>In another study, Rametti and colleagues used diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) to compare 18 androphilic male-to-female transsexuals with 19 gynephilic males and 19 androphilic cisgender females. The androphilic transsexuals differed from both control groups in multiple brain areas, including the superior longitudinal fasciculus, the right anterior cingulum, the right forceps minor, and the right corticospinal tract. The study authors concluded that androphilic transsexuals were halfway between the patterns exhibited by male and female controls.
>In 2008, a new region with properties similar to that of BSTc in regards to transsexualism was found by Garcia-Falgueras and Swaab: the interstitial nucleus of the anterior hypothalamus (INAH3), part of the hypothalamic uncinate nucleus. The same method of controlling for hormone usage was used as in Zhou et al. (1995) and Kruijver et al. (2000). The differences were even more pronounced than with BSTc; control males averaged 1.9 times the volume and 2.3 times the neurons as control females, yet once again, regardless of hormone exposure, MtF transsexuals lay within the female range and the FtM transsexual within the male range

Transexuals aren't mentally ill. It's a physical, biological property of their brains. Their brain anatomy skews more female than male. Their problem isn't the mistaken belief that they're one gender or another. The disorder is the torment that results from having a brain that developed in such a way that doesn't match the body's anatomy.

Identity doesn't matter. How a transgender person identifies has absolutely no bearing on whether or not their brain's anatomy corresponds to the opposite sex.

>> No.8312931

>Transexuals aren't mentally ill.
>want to lop off their body parts

>> No.8312954

Yuck. what the fuck

>> No.8312963

Of all the trash in modern society you're focusing on one thing?
>just another drop in the ocean
>another grain of sand on the beach
>another jew in the synagogue

>> No.8313022

>i care about society
>i also get to decide who is valid within society
gee, this logic doesnt seem dangerous at all and i see zero potential of this very logic being used against you

>> No.8313086

im not harping on it you cuck. I literally won't make another post regarding this, but I think it's extremely cringe that I've seen several threads over this bs just in past few days.

>> No.8313142

good lord poltards are so much more obnoxious than the sjw tumblrs they were crying about 5 years ago ever were

>> No.8313164
File: 1.55 MB, 1238x1190, gw-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>transgender people aren't mentally ill they just have a problem with their brains

>> No.8313176

It's not transgenderism per-se that's the mental illness. Transgenderism isn't necessarily an identity (though it happens to be one in our culture), it's a physical property of the brain having developed the anatomy of the opposite sex. That's just a scientific truth irrespective of how society or the individual interprets that.

The "mental illness" isn't transgenderism itself, then, but the dysphoria that results from it. Yes, wanting to lop off a part of your body is a bad thing, but thankfully we have developed advanced enough surgical techniques that for some people it's not really a bad solution because we have no better alternative. I don't see the issue with it, anyway. It's a very heavily politicized thing, but if you take a step back and look at it like a scientist, there isn't really a better option since you can't change the anatomy of the brain into the appropriate sex.

It's really not an issue of identity. It's not equivalent into someone believing they're a dragon or a wolf or whatever, because they obviously do not have dragon or wolf brains. A male-to-female transexual literally as a brain that's more female than male, and their identity is only a symptom of that root cause.

>> No.8313188

ADA is vaporware that will be outdated at launch anyways

>> No.8313227

Well, yeah. Brain cancer isn't a mental illness. A concussion isn't a mental illness. Anatomical differences aren't mental illness. Depression caused by anatomical differences is a mental illness.