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8307186 No.8307186 [Reply] [Original]

Ok going to enlighten some of the poorfag linkies that have smaller stacks.
First you don't have to pray and wish link to hit $1000 with your shit stack of 2000 Link to "make it" or live an easier life.

You only have to pray link will be $100 some time next year. The plan is to pool our link for nodes and collect passive income through this. Look if link is $100, if you use your stack of 2000 link to pool in a node, and receive 0.5%-1% profit a month, this will pocket you $1000-$2000 passive income a monthly. More trusted the node is the higher the use the more passive income you will make. Does this make any of you brainlets feel better at all?

>> No.8307210

wrong link will hit 1000$ this year

>> No.8307244

1) Nobody knows how the token economics will pan out
2) Nobody knows if Linkpool is even feasible
You're on no position to call anyone brainlet, retard,

>> No.8307245

If it doesn't though its ok idiot, did you not read the post?

>> No.8307312

Salty no linker yeah?

>> No.8307322
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>> No.8307346

but I only have 20 links

>> No.8307363

>receive 0.5%-1% profit a month
Doesn't this percentage change depending on what the price of the token is? I thought the higher the token price, the less you make off staking

>> No.8307377

>if it doesn't
kek you really don't get how this works do you?

>> No.8307385


>> No.8307392

How do I get a node???

>> No.8307396

Big companies will use their own Nodes.

>> No.8307409


The only thing we're unsure of is the payment of .05 - .1%

How are you a 150k holder who hasn't done research?

>> No.8307436

Payment from what? How can you pull a figure for payment when each node will dynamically earn different amounts?

>> No.8307451

Where did you get this number from?
Your ass?
How do you know how much customers will pay for data?
You're saying they will pay more when link price goes up?
16 digets, fuckface. What do you think they made them for?

>> No.8307454

you poorfag linkies are the problem with link, it's NEVER going to $1,000 you absolute goons

>> No.8307461

> only $100
> 36b market cap for philosophy background ceo

>> No.8307537

Just how do you function?

>> No.8307599

Nice Fud OP

100$ lol....

>> No.8307647

Johnny predicted 0.1% in his article. He said they're aiming for 5% eventually but removed that later bc people were speculating too much on it.

>> No.8307655
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I don't

>> No.8307671

0.1% of what? 0.1% of the smart contract value goes to the node operator? Or 0.1% of the node payment goes to stakers?

>> No.8307675
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Weak lowkey FUD. Link 1000 EOY

>> No.8307711

This is the right line of questioning.
People believing they'll receive .5% of the token value have no understanding of basic simple economics

>> No.8307712

% of staked linkies

>> No.8307716


>> No.8307729
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If we don't make it, I'm gonna jump off this building wearing a cape with the Shadowfork logo dressed as Ronald McDonald.

>> No.8307730

How the fuck is that going to work when each node is paid on a per-job basis?

>> No.8307754

The price that people are willing to pay for data is unlikely to change.
Oraclize charges minimum 1 cent per job. They say they do “thousands” of requests per day. Well if they do 2000 per day, that’s $7300 a year, which is pretty good.

With LINK, you can expect more returns. For several reasons
1. the price for data requests will be higher, you’ll pay a premium to use the superior, decentralized network.
2. The more link you hold, the more jobs you can accept at any given time, and you can accept jobs with higher value.
3. Token price rise over time.

All we can be sure of is the more link you hold the more you can earn.

>> No.8307789

They explain all this shit in the linkpool articles. Read, boy.

>> No.8307882


Why does no one understand this? The price of the token doesn’t change how much you’ll earn from staking. It doesn’t work like that.

>> No.8307927

Yes it will you faggot. Even Linkpool have said that it will probably change as the network develops

>> No.8307970


No it doesn’t you insufferable cunt. Did you even read the fucking article? Beale said he wasn’t account for price changes in his calculation. Link is divisible to 18 decimal places so even if it’s exorbitantly high people can still pay 0.000004 LINK for a data request is that’s what the market requires dumbfuck.

>> No.8308014

Then the price obviously fucking changes the amount you earn if its divisible and you get 1 link one month and 0.0004 a year later. FUCKING RETARD!

>> No.8308044

We are all in this together

Pool together

We are all linkpooling together

>> No.8308130


Jesus Christ, how stupid are you, dude?

We’re talking about passive monthly income in USD, not LINK. You could earn 10 LINK one month and 1 LINK another month and it would still be worth the same amount of $ if the price of Link 10x. It simply doesn’t matter what price LINK is, you’ll earn the same $ amount every month in passive income.

The ONLY thing that will change that is increased utilization of the network, and there’s no way to know at what levels you’ll make what amounts of month a month. Every time there is 2x the amount of money spent on data feeds, we will earn 2x as much.

However, if you withdrawal every month you’ll progressively earn less and less because your income in a nodeis porportional to what % of the Link in said node is yours. If others don’t withdraw, your percentage will be less, and you’ll earn less.

Maybe try actually reading this time?

>> No.8308137

>the absolute state

>> No.8308176

>The price of the token doesn’t change how much you’ll earn from staking. It doesn’t work like that
>You could earn 10 LINK one month and 1 LINK another month


>> No.8308189

I see linkies are at the BECONEEEE stage

>> No.8308198


>> No.8308222
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Don’t breed.

>> No.8308247

now i dont wanna make it

>> No.8308257


You were actually almost right. As the price of link increases, the ROI of staking decreases because the opportunity cost is rising.

So you do function anon.

>> No.8308396

says the cunt who cant even get a coherent thought into words and has to use stupid child cartoon memes

>> No.8308430

Got some articles I can read?

>> No.8309193
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deluded linkies thinking that their shitcoin is going to 20000% this year let alone 200000% with the 1000 eoy
what problem does it solve anyways?

>> No.8309239

you get better profit running your own node.

>> No.8309574

reddit detected

>> No.8309653

You couldn't pay me to go to that site, but since you seem to have a reddit detector perhaps you should fuck off back there and get it fine tuned you stupid cunt

>> No.8309715

You're both retards, one is arguing in satoshi value the other is arguing about dollar value.

FFS, and if you need a decentralized mediation on the matter I'll just say that the guy using $ value is more retarded than the guy measuring in sats.

That said, the old adage about arguing on the internet being like the special olympics, applies fully to your argument.

STFU retards

>> No.8309924


>> No.8310023

Can you yell at me too?

>> No.8310027

FALSE. Anybody listening to this faggot is retarded. Again nobody knows how the token economics will ban out at this point. OP is the brainlet leading everyone to false conclusions. OP of you really want to know the truth get the fuck into the slack and lurk moar faggot nigger.

>> No.8310146
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>> No.8310251
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It makes sense
Thank anon