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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 540 KB, 1118x989, NimiqPill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8306602 No.8306602 [Reply] [Original]

>first browser based blockchain (100% written in Javascript)
>mini-blockchain technology
>possibility to become a node/mine/transaction directly from your browser
>nothing to install, just connect on a website and do everything you could do with Bitcoin
>coinhive but totally decentralized and without the 30% fees
>entire new way to monetize internet and to do micro-payments with PoW (example: http://coinmiq.com/mine/eyJ3YWxsZXQiOiJOUTYzIDhZNEggNTVIQiBGRU03IEpHVUcgQUxVTiAxWDNCIDM0TjggNllBUSIsIm5hbWUiOiJTYWludGVDaGFuY2xhIiwibm90ZSI6Ik1pbmUgbW9pIOdhIGtoZXkiLCJoYXNoZXMiOjUwMDAwMH0= )
>designed from the start to be ultra user friendly
>cute avatar randomly generated for each address
>ultra-competent german team composed of security experts and white hat led by a silicon valley veteran from Switzerland
>20 times more onchain transaction capacities than Bitcoin
>ASIC + quantum resistant (performance based on the cache of your CPU)
>launch in one week
>totally under the radar

Just try the testnet or better show it to someone who is too old/dumb to use cryptos: https://nimiq.com/miner/

This will make a killing among normies.

>> No.8306610

>first browser based blockchain (100% written in Javascript)

>> No.8306637

harsh lessons all around

>> No.8306670


>> No.8306695

>launch in one week
Pajeet trash.

>> No.8306716

>3 low efforts FUD posts under 10 min
Really made me think

>> No.8306739

Never underestimate the normie-force. Look how they pumped nCash in 3 days. 100% plus.

>> No.8306742

>even insults now
Okay OP, I'm listening why do you think it will be so successful?

>> No.8306755

>clear cookies
>lose all my money

>> No.8306991
File: 26 KB, 255x255, Magic Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gave you most of the arguments, just try the testnet and realize the potential by yourself, the mainnet will have even more features and a nicer revamped front end.
Developpers have an autistic attention to details for ergonomy and they clearly now their shit when it comes to technicalities.

It's saved in the local storage of your browser, not cookies, but there will still be all kind of wallets available.
The principle is that the skill floor to be part of and use the network will be much much much lower than any cryptocurrency around in order to introduce normies, being able to do everything by just connecting to a website is the ultimate conversion tool for a crypto.
Everyone is obsessed with scalability but accessibility is something rarely tackled, only electroneum has done some work toward it but it's still way way below what Nimiq is doing.

>> No.8307021
File: 432 KB, 1000x1000, 1517458096412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks OP, we don't deserve you!

>> No.8307426

iOS for crypto. take us to mainstream sminem