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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 292 KB, 2560x1440, dropshipping.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8298635 No.8298635 [Reply] [Original]

What up everybody. Looking to make a steady reliable income with just less than an hour of effort every week? Just run a mastern---- dropship! Seriously a few of us have been doing this since December 2016 and are absolutely rolling in cash now.

GUIDE 1: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Ti-laBUbfmIfyBifCHz5PwTDdJjeGtH_w18OdFhHE1M
GUIDE 2: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NxyGH6B_5czjnqtxjUuOGsv-hUz8NrvWcK7JRnqmMgM/edit?usp=sharing
GUIDE 3: http://1.shopifytrack.com/SHcb

Ask any questions and I'll answer them.

>> No.8298665

kek you know crypto is dead as a doornail when these threads are back

>> No.8298668


Fuck off with your referral links Pakesh.

>> No.8298750


Fuck off with your referral links Pakesh.

>> No.8298768

Came to this thread just to post this.

>> No.8298780

Crypto is still a great way to earn money, it's just less accessible to the average street-shitting indian.

Dropshipping is perfect for NEETs or people who actually have a life and just want an extra couple of hundred dollars each week.

>> No.8298786

Margins are thin as fuck in dropshipping, pajeet. No referrals for you, poo!

>> No.8298799

Dropshipping is a huge meme.

Especially AliExpress dropshipping.

>> No.8298814

are you brain damaged.
Margins can be literally $10-50 per item

aliexpress is the easiest if you find a reliable seller with epacket. DHGate also works

>> No.8298890

Nobody is going to order cheap chinkshit products that take 20+ days to ship when they can just buy from eBay or Amazon.

It's a meme.

>> No.8298917
File: 201 KB, 377x485, 1520205832603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>falling for obvious biz trolling.

>> No.8298941

You're not aiming for the customer to see you as a new amazon, you need to sell something unique. People are retarded and will pay

>> No.8298958

>You're not aiming for the customer to see you as a new amazon, you need to sell something unique. People are retarded and will pay

Yep. I'm selling some crazy bullshit you NEVER see on eBay. Shit's awesome.

>> No.8299001

That's the whole point. There's nothing unique on AliExpress or DHGate. It's the same chinkshit products that everyone else is selling. Not only that, but those exact same products are listed on eBay and Amazon.

You know dropshipping is a scam when the most successful dropshippers are constantly trying to shill their 2 week courses, ebooks and seminars in Thailand. If you're making bank you don't need to sell that garbage.

The only way I can see dropshipping working is if you find a reliable local supplier and forma good working relationship with them.

>> No.8299195

Dropshipping works, you'd be suprised how retarded the average person browsing facebook or instagram is.

>> No.8299246

What the FUCK am I supposed to do about sales tax?

>> No.8299528

>What the FUCK am I supposed to do about sales tax?

Why do all /biz/tards think tax takes ALL your money, so you should just be poor?

You get taxed on profits. Ask an accountant.

>> No.8299861

Because if I don't charge sales tax when I should be I don't want to end up with a fat fucking bill when the taxman comes.

>> No.8300289

If you're in the US, your customer is responsible for reporting the online purchase and paying sales tax.