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File: 380 KB, 640x1136, 982A091C-9ACD-4389-BF33-DF79BF351F01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8297376 No.8297376 [Reply] [Original]

It’s official. There is a new official chainlink subreddit. And the rules state NO 4chan links! They don’t want to be associated with us.

>> No.8297443

Nobody wants to be associated with us

>> No.8297446
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>> No.8297470

Hey, I like you guys decently enough. Besides the recent reddit influx

>> No.8297474

good, 4chan people STOP posting on twitter you dumb underaged pieces of human waste

you are social REJECTS

>> No.8297500 [DELETED] 

You hurt my feelings. Because of this post, for the rest of the year, I'll spend an 30 minutes a day doing this, starting now.

>> No.8297505
File: 70 KB, 1000x800, AC819B24-1A31-4F17-BC62-FD42F5789ED5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw it’s officially confirmed that sergey knows about us 100%

>> No.8297521
File: 141 KB, 1001x879, B28D3A2D-7DDF-4381-BE3C-F519D7F5B1E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does everybody hate us and kick us off their platforms? Are we that bad? We all seem like nice enough guys...

>> No.8297543

Who gives a fuck and why are you even on reddit?

>> No.8297556

nah we're pretty terrible, bro

>> No.8297570

It means they’re finally starting to do the advertising thing. Reddit is probably part of their marketing campaign.

>> No.8297589

Who gives a fuck and why are you even on reddit?

>> No.8297594

/pol/acks get kicked off twitter, Facebook, reddit

/biz/nessmen get kicked off twitter, reddit, and telegram

/fit/items get kicked off bodybuilding forums and assorted subreddits

/v/irgins get kicked off video game forums and also assorted reddits

What did we ever do so bad? Is the problem really us?

>> No.8297613


>> No.8297617

i just can't fathom going someplace where it is fround upon to call one another faggot. It is a term of endearment here, and it is thrown around so easy. I love all you faggots!

>> No.8297633

lost :D

>> No.8297646

t. grammar faggot

>> No.8297708

That's spelling, has nothing to do with grammar.

>> No.8297759

hey, kill yourself faggot

>> No.8297793

If this is the work of the Marketing Manager maybe it means mainnet is coming

>> No.8297804


Nope we are the worst

>> No.8297861


It's all anonymous. SJW collectives hate dissenting voices and never have been able to handle the bants.

>> No.8297872

I feel like theres pretty good reasons for these actions. You see the twitter posts? Why would a company want to be associated with that shit. There are peeps on biz who are literal neo-nazi's as well as people who just disrupt shit for keks

>> No.8297958
File: 312 KB, 601x486, 154981651564984153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

registering as many accounts as i can while they accept any requests in preparation for the banhammers
>sergay cant hide from me

>> No.8297970

>SJW collectives hate dissenting voices and never have been able to handle the bants.
forced group think via ratings systems.

>> No.8297980

we need to double down on fiverr shilling.

>> No.8298001

>There are peeps on biz who are literal neo-nazis
I know, we're a wonderfully diverse bunch.

>> No.8298009

biz is the retarded little brother you dont want around

>> No.8298023

HAhahahaha fuck sake
Link is a prank isn't it

>> No.8298038


>> No.8298069

Good. We don't want them either.

>> No.8298087


>> No.8298146

Trying to make a normie/kike friendly safespace for talking about chainlink in preparation for release

>> No.8298163

Being a subhuman 4chan anon is one thing.

Carrying over 4chan memes to normie social media like Twitter, for normie validation, is a whole other thing. You low-IQ human garbage.

>> No.8298205


>> No.8298226
File: 150 KB, 683x1024, sergey_jay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no need to stop memes, lads.
just don't spam them on twitter

>> No.8298228



>> No.8298231
File: 80 KB, 650x400, IMG_6479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, he thinks he can just throw us away like a Big Mac wrapper

>> No.8298234

There is only so long the rest of the world can keep pushing us away.

>> No.8298245


>> No.8298247
File: 10 KB, 534x240, 7 FUCKING YEARS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8298252

but we are the sole foundation of chainlink

they should be praising us, what is this

>> No.8298253

I agree with you but this doesn’t apply if you’re rich/famous

>> No.8298278


this makes me wonder, is 4chan bad for cryptos in general? I mean we share stuff, sometimes stupid FUD but, can we in some proportion be the result of the current market? are we that big ?

>> No.8298310
File: 223 KB, 889x699, 1472321882513~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you've been banned from nearly every website on the internet but the problem isn't you it's "normies"

>> No.8298321

lol if true this would be a weird but bullish sign

My guess however is that someone once made a subreddit called Chainlink which was about something else and it got adopted by other people when the Chainlink project came to be. Or it's a bug

>> No.8298337

omg people with different ideas who we cant vote down in a archaic system that all just stimulates our massively vain and pretentious egos?

>> No.8298354
File: 158 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-03-12-18-52-52-000_org.mozilla.firefox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't even mention 4chan

>> No.8298362

Normies may not be THE problem but they certainly are A problem.

>> No.8298369

you idiot nigger, dont you remember the early days of the internet? this is how everyone on the internet talked before youtube and facebook sucked normies into the internet

>> No.8298371

The subreddit isn't new, but I guess the official involvement is.

>> No.8298381

It said on the right hand side.
>ctrl+f 4chan

>> No.8298403
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>> No.8298409
File: 72 KB, 787x787, F4FC7715-46FD-438E-9E88-42F861BAAC71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are the Jews of the interbutts.

>> No.8298449

>oy vey, why do they persecute me so !?!

>> No.8298469

Yeah, like smartcontracts.com right?
As detectives, we don't believe in coincidence

>> No.8298477
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>if true

>> No.8298652
File: 9 KB, 299x276, fsjalbatman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sergey acts like he hates us but you know the nigga checks our dank memes after a rough day and he needs a confidence boost.

>> No.8298727

...They will open up the floodgates and normies will follow in hordes...

>> No.8298753

/n/ormies get kicked out of life. genocide now

>> No.8298802

>NO 4chan links!
That's insane, if you take away all the 4chan LINKs there'd be no LINKs left. This thing would have a market cap of 100k at most.

>> No.8298898



>> No.8299056
File: 191 KB, 804x922, 1518827819207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yes us making fun of him for being fat is totally a confidence boost

>> No.8299206

The problem is that 4chan is /pol/itically incorrect everywhere they go. In 2018 having someone speak loudly what they truly think it's almost impossible.

>> No.8299446

i live in a third wirld shithole and I rarely post here despite checking this board the whole day
make of it what you will

>> No.8299452

Its not really that 2018 is so PC (which it is) as much as 4chan really does cater to the fringe right wing, internet trolls, and assholes. If you truly think jews control everything and other conspiracies it hurts your credibility. If your rebuttal isn't an argument but "dumb nigger kys" it hurts your credibility.

The failure of the mainstream is that they don't know or accept that there is fucking gold mixed into this pile of shit.

>> No.8299472

Fucking thank you. Only brain damaged degenerates here

>> No.8299500

Gas yourself, normie.

>> No.8299580

This. I only spread NatSoc LINK memes here to scare off newfags but there are fucking autists here who will take this shit elsewhere on the interwebs. NOT OK YOU FAGGOTS.

>> No.8299680


>> No.8299897

How fuckn ironic

>> No.8299971

Our senpai finally noticed us

>> No.8299972


if you were here in October you'd know that edging is a cornerstone of the SmartContract.com company. There is no hype, only energy spent towards working on the product. In fact edging was what Sergey focused on for his Philosophy degree. This explains why partnerships are being kept secret and the suddenness of the inevitable singularity. When the singularity happens, be sure to open the Citizen app if you live in the SF bay area and look for an incident titled "office building flooded with semen" as Sergey et al will no longer be able to contain themselves. Sergey will blow the biggest load though as he's expressed a greater propensity of a hard on for decentralization. In fact in his interviews the first word Sergey says to candidates is "decentralization." No sentences or words around it. He looks intensely at their crotch, and if the candidate doesn't get wet or hard in 30 seconds the candidate is rejected.
With this information the reasoning is clear: a significant partnership has been secured, and the smartcontract team has been vigorously doing laundry or buying new underwear. This isn't sustainable however because the massive volume of pre cum will ruin the dry cleaning machines. It's only a matter of time until the laundromats find out whats going on. Hence it is a race against ejaculation, and a rigorous mental battle to keep their enthusiasm in check.

>> No.8300021

We are probably the biggest supporter for Sergey
Not even Swift can top that

>> No.8300050
File: 72 KB, 885x402, SN SN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi new friend
>pic related

>> No.8300053
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>> No.8300055
File: 2.51 MB, 3530x2648, 1520775968472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try, we ain't leaving 4chan for plebbit.

>> No.8300081


time to sell

>> No.8300165
File: 399 KB, 842x960, 1510887892408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Rory likes us
he's never gonna admit it for obvious reasons but I strongly believe he memes with us here about LINK, ranks, eoy predictions and so forth

>> No.8300167

It's not even that, it's the talk that it might 1000x that makes people run away because they realize how dumb it is, and it makes it look like a big scam. Link is priced fairly now. It might double or triple by EOY if things go well, but the insane level of delusion here is making all intelligent people run away, just like they would from The Billion Coin. Stop shouting irrational bullshit and maybe you'll be welcome at some point.

>> No.8300190

Bros lets keep /r/chainlink really clean and informative and contain our autism in linktrader.

It will honestly be good for the coin (assuming you are not "accumulating").

>> No.8300213

This is obvious . who could honestly hate us :^)

>> No.8300215


>> No.8300229


>> No.8300230


We really must be bad..

No want even wants to buy chainlink because it associated with us..

Is this what autism feels like?

>> No.8300252


>> No.8300254

kek, nice fud

>> No.8300266

>Stop shouting irrational bullshit
You've come to the wrong town, buddy

>> No.8300271

The moment Sergey wore that same shirt and gave his presentation at the bitcoin superconference, people from Biz immediately looked for the same one online.

At least three people from biz community bought the shirt and one wanted to send it to Sergey..this is top tier autism that would creep any management out

>> No.8300272

I down boated and reported this post.
Edit: obligatory thanks for the gold kind stranger!

>> No.8300285
File: 2 KB, 93x125, 1520858229033s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What attracted me to link was the quality of the memes.

>> No.8300293


You're right.

It's sad though. Everyone who owns LINK did so because of 4chan then they kick us to the way side.

>> No.8300327
File: 2.46 MB, 480x480, 1520279951874.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mainstream ignores a board with neo-nazi's to promote a legitimate product while making said autists rich
> they kick us to the way side.

are you retarded?

>> No.8300338

What the fuck do you idiots expect?
go into any video or tweet you mouthbreathers make and look at all the frogposting, le kekistan shit and awful cringy slogans and sergey edits posted.
As soon as I make it I'm burning all my bridges to this site so fucking hard.
fuck you guys.

>> No.8300348

>he's not going to use his credibility to mislead wojaks into pink wojaks

>> No.8300360

yeah cause the reddit circle jerk SJW pseudo intellectual posting is so much better

>> No.8300383

its better than the VISUALIZE shit and spamming for gets

>> No.8300391


>> No.8300414

no its not

>> No.8300417

All I'm asking is a bit more professionalism, at this point, neither of us are any better.
What happens when there's a conference on chainlink after it's success?
What, are our top linkholders going to copy reddit's sechuan sauce tantrum in front of Nazarov and take a shit on his podium?

>> No.8300440


>> No.8300448

I hope your step dad flushes your AIDS medication down the toilet tonight, again.

>> No.8300450

i would like to see more professionalism on /biz/ as well but then this place would become way to popular

>> No.8300465

While I don't agree with the guilt by association aspect of the optics I also can't blame them in current year +3.

The gay green frogs are SPLC hate symbols after all. Can't be seen to be appeasing and linking arms with literal nazis.

>> No.8300526

if you don't like digits you can get the hell off of 4chan. If nothing else they are markers of board participation (as they showcase the high traffic boards receive) and often enshrine important ideas or sentiments that are prevalent at the time. They are also fun you fucking faggot

>> No.8300592

You belong in an oven.

>> No.8300601

soooo your saying an intelligent person would run away because some anon told them some wacked out eoy price, they take it at face value, and never return to LINK ever again. yes, yes this make fucking sense. they are genius. and you, oh man are your IQ must be in the quad digits

>> No.8300615

too bad for them. 4chan has ben ruined by this destined to fail coin, and now we're going to make sure we ruin it.

>> No.8300669

And you’re here just mucking it all about with that tiny fucking jpeg

>> No.8300706
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>> No.8300738

He's right and you're retarded for constantly having to react to reasonable statements as some sort of personal attack to your security

>> No.8300925
File: 54 KB, 793x786, sadpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8301323


>> No.8301356

>want to distance themselves from us
>refer to 4chan right in the rules
they r doin it rong

>> No.8301371

we don't want to be associated with ourselves

>> No.8301404

Good. Keep them the fuck out.

>> No.8301407

cause they are not archived. Brainlet

>> No.8301411

This, but unironically.

>> No.8301448
File: 92 KB, 1428x505, Screenshot_20180313-135951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8301451

oy vey delet this

>> No.8301494


>> No.8301918

implying that the muh link is not a circlejerk, 4chan is even worse at circlejerking as reddit. It only becomes less obvious due to no voting but based on threads/comments it is pretty clear.

>> No.8301948

comments like yours would be censored or banned on plebbit
here you can say whatever you want. it's not a circlejerk

>> No.8301991

Rory looks cute like a teddy bear

>> No.8301999

Could it be .... a forking?!

>> No.8302012


he's a fan of bob dylan, and that's enough for me

>> No.8302021

I'm from Reddit and you guys disgust me

>> No.8302069
File: 59 KB, 750x331, A66C14B2-9BBE-4A7F-8AC1-059261D5D549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.8302112

the feeling is mutual. you should go back.

>> No.8302184

Our little free paradise is not fit for normie consumption. Let them be

>> No.8302194

Tfw some billionaire biztard is going to host a party for chainlink multimillionaires with more than 50k chainlink in two years and it's going to be fucking weird and insane.

>> No.8302234
File: 48 KB, 924x560, 90f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tepuhpurtz behine u

nuppin pesunal keed

>> No.8302239
File: 11 KB, 312x312, 19-38-29-1520374230654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL gay. Even your id says so.
Spam lolis everywhere.
National socialism Link galore.
Normies get out of /our/coin.

>> No.8302250

I like to shill my shitcoins to you retards

>> No.8302252

dude, that's a fucking fantastic thing,
that means less market activity.
the theory is that link is currently held mostly by massive whales and an army of spergs memeing this coin all over the internet. if this turns everyone else off, it limits the competition from other individual investors, and decreases demand, which means we get better prices, and people only start caring when we start mooning hard and this shit starts realizing it's potential, at that time, we will have gotten in well below a dollar, and get to ride the rocket

>> No.8302305
File: 910 KB, 1076x1062, 1510640436613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw i used to bix noods with my tg /int/ group. Good times.

>> No.8302323
File: 249 KB, 863x752, 02-00-45-1517887894248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he think he is the first one who tries to leave.

Red pill coming m8.
Pic related is not a meme at all.
You will find out eventually

>> No.8302570

plz mr bones i'm tired and my feet hurt

>> No.8302585
File: 170 KB, 1191x670, masterlink4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]