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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 147 KB, 416x664, panda meat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
82968 No.82968 [Reply] [Original]

canned addition

>> No.82977

02/19/14(Wed)10:04 No.76299

Remember to only create new threads AFTER the old one has reached its bump limit of 300 posts.

UPDATE YOUR WALLET TO THE NEWEST VERSION(1.5.2): http://bamboohouse.info/release.zip

Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=464476.0
Twitter: @panda_coin
Facebook: /pandacoin
Reddit: www.reddit.com/r/therealpandacoin/
Cryptsy-Thread: https://cryptsy.freshdesk.com/support/discussions/topics/77882 <- support needed

Website: http://thepandacoin.net/

Released since: February 15, ~21 GMT

Binaries: https://github.com/pandacoin-official/binaries
Source: https://github.com/pandacoin-official/pandacoin

http://bamboohouse.info - amDOGE's official pool (0.8% pool fee)
http://pandacoin.scryptominers.com (1% pool fee)
https://www.pandapool.info (0.5% pool fee)
http://poolesclosed.net/ Poole's Closed (0.5% pool fee)
http://wolongsucks.tk (1% pool fee)


Mining Guides:

Mining Resources:

IRC: #officialpandacoin@freenode (webchat.freenode.net)

>> No.82986

Exchange: https://www.swisscex.com/

>> No.83010

they took my pandas and ran

>> No.83027
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>> No.83017
File: 25 KB, 320x358, ngbbs4b9449b362a8a[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi Guys,

I have kept pretty quiet today as I wanted to see what the general tone is from people.

There are a few things that are abundantly obvious

1. We have grown incredibly fast for a 5 day old coin and a lot of people can see that.. we have over 100k views on here with almost 200 pages..

2. however, contained within those 200 pages is a lot of mixed feedback from people and thats completely fair, we expect it and we/I am doing my best to address all points in the politest way possible in order to bring some order to all the cries of scamming and whatever else.

3. A lot of you guys who are hating on the coin seem to forget that there are a team of people behind this coin, not just Wolong. What I mean by this, is that whilst wolongs is indeed involved, you need to set aside your opinions of him for a minute and consider the other team members on board whilst making an informed decision as to whether or not this coin is for you.

4. Our devs have a very good track record with UNO and it has been an established coin for a long time - I know first hand that not a single person on the team would put themselves in a position where their reputations could be irreparably damaged, myself included, even just from the point of view of being a community facing team member.

5. Lets focus on the bigger picture here.. will this coin succeed? Who knows.. time will certainly tell, but we will be doing our utmost to make that a certainty every step of the way, i can promise you that


>> No.83020
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You guys really need to hype up this thread, we are almost on the 2nd page, not a good look for us.

>> No.83025
File: 29 KB, 962x173, scam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys we need to send a quick email to the World Wild Life fund to warn them of a group of potentially harmful scammers that wish to use their brand to further their agenda and make profit.


Explain to them about Wolong and link them to the bitcointalk page and Wolongs twitter page and their subreddit.

If they learn about what Wolong does, they will certainly refuse donations and will not let them market themselves using the WWF name.

As you can see, the people who are organising the donation aren't even trying to hide the fact they are trying to profit from it.

WWF marketing email here


>> No.83036

We need to spread the true about how wololong have a record of being a scammer.

>> No.83032
File: 102 KB, 965x440, collage-Zheli[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


6. Lets address the elephant in the room.. Wolong.. is it fair to say that he is not doing this out of some huge altruistic gesture? Absolutely, and it would be stupid to think that. Second, lets not beat around the bush, everyone is involved with crypto for financial gain and what not, the community aspect is fantastic and that is no doubt a secondary reason as to why people are here. Do I believe that wolong is going to make OTHER people money? I don't know, but I hear he has already, multiple times over.. Does that mean that I will personally stake my life savings on his words/promises and whatever else.. absolutely not, but thats not bceause i don't trust the guy, its beacuse thats just my character and i want to be open about it, but thats me.

7. The whole argument with regard to innovation - this is going to become a moot point in a month or so when the vast majority of coins being released are goign to be implementing these technologies as they are a much needed market correction which IN MY OPINION should be rolled out as the defacto way of building new alts (that is with N and KGW). I know a lot of you guys are rooting for vert..but theres no need to 'root' for anyone, we are not at war here and we can certainly each have our own market share without stepping on eachothers toes. We live in an open source community where the drive is to create innovation which can be shared.. not get in to troll pseudo-patent wars over something that is actually going to benefit both past and present devs of new alts.


>> No.83043
File: 37 KB, 286x446, 1237557311882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


damn it, too much influx panda

well I am still trying to get panda for steam games if anyone is interested~

>> No.83044
File: 13 KB, 245x194, yegonx[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


to summarise - I would like to give you my unbiased opinion, and i sincerely hope that to both 'schools of thought' here you will take me at my word.
you are all entitled for your own personal reasons to make your own decisions on wolong.. but please be more considerate to the fact that wolong is not doing anything day-to-day to maintain PANDA from a tech standpoint, the network or speak to you all for the most part and to please realise that there are many moving parts to this machine and we hope that whilst your opinion of wolong may be slightly 'low'.. we encourage you to look beyond that to what we are trying to do and work toward as a community.

I am in no way trying to 'win anyone over' here, i am just trying to be fair with those who have taken it upon themselves to hammer this thread with accusations, big black and red letters and all-round mention of distrust/disgust for the guy.

Like I have said from day 1, you are not being forced to mine the coin, we appreciate your view if you are not interested and we are massively grateful to everyone who has jumped on the PANDA bamboo canoe and taken a ride with us, its going to be great


P.S. I am Chinese.

>> No.83041

someone's gotta make an infographic

>> No.83052

If we can make a really short script of everything wolong has done and pool together like 10k dogecoin, we can pay someone on fiver to read it and we can edit screenshots and shit on it. The ultimate slander campaign

>> No.83069

>uses name instead of subject
>not including exchange in pasta

I have failed.

>> No.83071
File: 103 KB, 550x367, 1387712804301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.83073



>> No.83093

I think you're in the wrong place.

>> No.83104

copy pasta of sevoque's last post on bitcointalk

>> No.83099

You are taking this shit way too seriously.

Post PND address to I can get you on the gravy train of real panda coin.

>> No.83112
File: 9 KB, 344x313, wolong-tears.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong thread Wolong

>> No.83115

i'll send one

>> No.83120

/biz/ don't forget that the the cult of the chink is here among ourselves informing to their messiahs everything.

>> No.83131

I don't know a lot about wolong, other than the fact that he announced his plans for doge ahead of time, I only heard it through rumors though.
Why does everyone here hate him so much??? He made me a bunch of money, and I didn't even follow his every word, if I had, that could have been a few thousand easy dollars.
Seems like he's using his position to give poorfags a chance at making coin, but that's just my two satoshis. I want to know what everyone else thinks and why they hate him so much. I've gotta be missing something here, cuz if I have all my facts straight already, you guys just seem like you're giving into the monkey DNA buried deep within you that makes you want to throw feces at someone for no reason.
Is this a coin built on spite? what a weird concept.

>> No.83143

[wolong intensifies]

>> No.83136
File: 796 KB, 400x400, I AM CHINESE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

postan fresh new oc at reddit

he getting madder

>> No.83141

I have panda, what games can you offer?

>> No.83153
File: 41 KB, 600x338, 1392862671285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they post titties for PND in /b/

>> No.83149

Hi nerds.

How is life as a NEET?

Your coin just dropped below 1 satoshi and got deslited from swisscex.



P.S. Get a life nerds.

>> No.83155

he lost other people more money than he ever made

>> No.83157

>down for maintenance
>got delisted
Good try shill

>> No.83159

I'm down for 5000 dogecoins. Can amdoge organise this so we trust where the money is going?

>> No.83160

That's pretty much what's happening. A lot of irrational behavior coming for /biz/, so much so that I've missed a lot of opportunities by following them around, but I'll be damned if I'm not having the most fun I've ever had on 4chan.

>> No.83161

cheap PND? yes pls

>> No.83168
File: 278 KB, 800x1000, 1392862710290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's to mess exclusively with YOUR mind. The rest is gravy.

>> No.83175

i actually did one with that tag too, gotta afk right now but i'll post it later

>> No.83181



Hi widf (wolong internet defense force).

>> No.83183

Right. None of you have a single BTC to your shit names.

The volume before it got delisted was less than 1 BTC.

No one was buying except amDOGE to pump his own failure of a coin.

>> No.83186

Never let it be said that I won't diversify, I guess. :)


>> No.83199
File: 220 KB, 1004x1192, 1392862853783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

canned you say?
Man, they'll try to abuse anyone's good name and resources to make a quick buck won't they? A guy in the cryptsy PANDA request thread made a poll on avaaz for it... (they're sort of a human rights organization)

>> No.83200

Wolong is calling in chinese reinforcement

>> No.83194

Have some bamboo and chill out. Trust in Panda.

>> No.83197
File: 88 KB, 250x250, 1390898884537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.83204


is she even in here?

>> No.83206

Fresh OC titties and requests, or titties found online?

Also, are there any cute traps?

>> No.83207

aight fam just be wrong I guess. I bought 5 million pnd today, or about .2 btc

>> No.83208

of course not she ran off with all the money like the little bitch she is

>> No.83220


ah apologies, borderlands 2 goty, fallout 3 goty, fallout new vegas ultimate, tomb raider collection, serious sam complete, can try buy other games if they're on sale.

steam id/floppyphallus

>> No.83221

is that the best insult you can come up with? you wolong scam-coin protecting shit-face

also, only need 10k more till 600k

>> No.83224


This is the easy and simple record.

He came to doge, people get deluded by the idea that him did something with doge(he didn't nothing, doge was getting where it is by the community). He scam people in IRC with 1 million doge for a book that never came, he lost money of the chinese triads and because of that he made a private channel that only people that paid 0.1btc could access.

He start banning those people after he made them lost 140btc+ in just one day.

He tried to get influence on reddit and failed.

>> No.83215

We need to work on a script first

>> No.83235

i have about 12 btc to my name thank you very much

>> No.83237

well, yeah I know, but you'd pretty much have to be retarded or brain damaged to lose money on what he did with doge, even if he was trying to rob us.

It was so predictable, it went up and down always at the same time. I lost a bunch of coins through some of it and still came out with over 300% increase, and I didn't even know what I was doing yet.

I'm not saying I'm not suspicious of what he's doing now, of course. But to be angry at him about it just makes this thread look like everyone here is only here because they're shitty traders.

Again, please tell me I'm missing something important and you aren't all crazy.

>> No.83231

it's 3 am in germany

>> No.83243
File: 51 KB, 1280x720, 1380344396914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The widf is hard in this one.

>> No.83261

He is a roleplayer. He predicted and rode the surging popularity wave of dogecoin and then acted like he was the one who caused it. He didn't cause /r/dogecoin's subscribers to grow from 30,000 to 45,000 in a week. That was the coin getting a lot of popularity, and the price showed that. He tricked a lot of people into thinking he was actually doing something, and he still is.

>> No.83252

well he openly declared war on us

>> No.83254

gave you ~10%

>> No.83262

can someone help me out with using cudaminer? the cmd window just closes as soon as I run it. also, where do I put my pandacoin.conf?

>> No.83264


she usually says when shes going to bed.

>> No.83266
File: 527 KB, 1654x827, shillPlsDie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shill pls die
no, seriously. I want you to die. In the most painful way possible. Kill yourself.

>> No.83278
File: 322 KB, 476x213, 54321.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are all underestimating how powerful Wolong is! This will be the cause of your downfall!

>> No.83274
File: 1.26 MB, 283x269, Haters gonna hate keions.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually have like 40 BTC tied up in half a dozen companies and given out as midrate long-term loans. I average like 6% return on the average month with low risk. I've lost on some individual investments here or there, but I've never ended a month in the red with everything totaled together.

As I always have, I'm just aiming to make money. That's what I'm in the game for, after all.

I'm just diversifying into an altcoin with integrity, since I've learned a long time ago what a scam looks like and how not to get duped by one.

Nice shill though.

>> No.83282

That makes sense, I saw the community action with doge, and didn't hear about him until after the fact. So he could just be getting lucky in piggybacking off of doge's success? I'm gonna have to look into this triad thing too, could be telling for current events, since I think it's all been possibly leading up to this- the guy is named after a reserve for pandas, after all.

>> No.83294

Do you even know that you're on 4chan?what the fuck is wrong with you? We don't hate him we are just getting some lol and the more mad he gets the better

>> No.83298

Actually, fuck it, someone just link me the /b/ thread.
I don't like to go there, but maybe I'll see somebody I want to tip.

>> No.83299

..what money?

>> No.83318

ohhhh okay. lol I feel silly now.
I was mostly trying to gleam info out of everyone. 4chan has a lot of insider crypto info usually..

>> No.83323

put PAUSE on the line after your cudaminer one in the .bat
put pandacoin.conf in %appdata%/PandaCoin

>> No.83326

Add a new line

Just like that, no caps no nothin'
That'll stop it from closing and prompt you to press a key to continue before it goes on from that point.

Also, it needs to be under AppData. Where that is depends on your Windows ver, so google it.

>> No.83328


Your gang are goin down.

Down to Chinatown.

>> No.83329


He get to sensitive when the triads topic was touched and start banning everyone that touch that topic.

After that He lost his op title and get banned of dogecoinmarket after he start going full ape shit calling everyone was attacking him or someshit just because the people there was not following his "trading advices".

>> No.83335

Why do I get the sinking feeling that she's getting laid right now while we fanboy her?

>> No.83345

on a bed full of pandacoin

>> No.83342


Go to bed Molly

>> No.83355
File: 20 KB, 748x101, halp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god dammit i'm seeing people actually making money off this shit and it's pissing me off that I can't get my shit to work. Can someone help out with my cuda setup, like tell me what the fuck i'm doing wrong?

>> No.83348

Is that a managed tool of some sort, or do you spreadsheet that shit manually?

If it's a managed tool, got a link to it?

>> No.83363

If I learned anything from Jet Li's "The One"
It's that only a Chinese can defeat a Chinese
Brb teaching girlfriend martial arts

>> No.83364

that is one page to a collaborative google docs project, my page. made it myself

>> No.83367

Amdoge is asexual

>> No.83373

difficulty is already too high for you to make anything with nvidia, you should just buy off of an exchange while it's still cheap.

>> No.83376

Big Trouble in Little Wolong?

>> No.83379
File: 1.67 MB, 3777x2211, SS PANDA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.83387

>Blocking out worker name and password
What are you, afraid somebody is going to mine coins for you?

>> No.83405

Not responding to being hit on by 4channers isn't the same as being asexual.
In fact, even if she's said as much it was probably an attempt to get the threads to not hit on her.

Well also, I'm still not convinced she isn't really a trap or a transgender of some sort. Not that I particularly care, though.

>> No.83400
File: 6 KB, 761x131, CUDAMINER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is what I have mine set to in the .bat
Hope this helps!

>> No.83414

Is that tundra camo on a ship?
You know that pattern looks nothing like a panda, right?

>> No.83421

Did we seriously crash Swisscex? Was there a huge surge in volume in the last few hours?

>> No.83433
File: 143 KB, 640x480, 1391561559125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will everyone learn? Amdoge is neither a boy or a girl. Amdoge is the 4chan-reincarnation of kabosu. Kabosu is a girl and Amdoge posts are short and simple, just like how Amdoge imagines kabosu to speak.

>> No.83438

Wolong is probably DDoSing them

>> No.83439

Our volume was only a few bitcoins, I don't think so

>> No.83443

nice spreadsheet anon

>> No.83446


a lot of people threw their bitcoins in to trade for pnd and they decided the time was finally right to cut and run

>> No.83463

thank you anon. helps being a finance major and knowing how to into excel

>> No.83458

3 kudos for you, that's a pretty good job, something I wouldn't have the patience for

>> No.83468

still closes instantly upon running. How did you set up your folders, .conf files, etc?

>> No.83473


Pls share it.

>> No.83480

I don't know who kabosu is.
Is that a dogecoin thing?
I was never huge into doge, I'm one of those early BTC adopters.

>> No.83482

>not using gnumeric

>> No.83493



I'd say quite a few guys have been in little Wolong. He did prison time after all.

>> No.83494

Implying Chinese females are good for anything besides being submissive bitches

>> No.83496

It's the doge in the picture, the original doge

>> No.83503


>> No.83518

Did he now?
That's interesting. Do we have confirmation on that? What was it for?

I wouldn't be surprised if he'd done time for financial crimes like tax fraud or insider trading or something.
And if that's the case, that's what we need to tell people.

>> No.83520

>not pirating Excel

>> No.83527

id sell wanderlust

>> No.83538

It was for making a 30,000 person botnet and advertising to them all I believe. He made like $25k in 2 months.

>> No.83540

wow this is pretty true omg

>> No.83541

Enjoy you trojan laden closed source shitcel

>> No.83532

>using non-free software

It is like you don't love America

>> No.83552

so true

>> No.83544

He was a skiddy botherder who got caught.

>> No.83550

naw, I just love Capitalism™
and give away my business strategies? anon pls

>> No.83551

pandagirl is doing requests
she has nice tits too

>> No.83583

>inb4 Panda 2 lays botnets

>> No.83572

Well, it's not as direct, but it still makes sense.

I wouldn't be surprised if he was doing something similar these days.

Plus, it doesn't matter that much. It proves he's dishonest scum. We just need to nab a few basic proofs of the fact and we can get that going around.
Nothing discredits a dirtbag like the truth, after all.

>> No.83573

nice tits but she is a pricey bitch isn't she

>> No.83576


someone post the news story about wolong getting arrested

>> No.83590


>> No.83591

It's the reason I never even considered downloading his panda wallet when it was released.

>> No.83601


>> No.83602

there's a news story?
this should have been posted ages ago.

>> No.83612

a sexual beast that is

>> No.83616

We should contact with the moderators of #dogecoinmarket, they have the full history of how wololong was banned from the IRC after he tried to scam everyone there, but dont get your hopes to up, there is a possibility that they are confabulate with him.

>> No.83625


Try --userpass Username.workername:workerpassword

>> No.83628

here this is my cudaminer config for my 770

cudaminer -r 10 -R 30 -T 30 -H 0 -i 0 -C 2 -l auto --url stratum+tcp://bamboohouse.info:3334 -O username.workername:password

>> No.83637


Yeah it was all figured out from the QQ and phone numbers on his dota2 account or something.

His name Xian or some shit. I thing someone found a pic of him too.

>> No.83641

In what universe are those nice?
She's actually pretty gross and wrinkly...

>> No.83652


>> No.83653


And to stop it closing instantly put a line on the end that contains the word "pause"

This will let you read where the problem is occurring

>> No.83665

Don't try to make a thread on the reddit, send them a Private message

>> No.83666
File: 44 KB, 550x336, 55n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant more like one of these kind of nices

>> No.83667

I'm not getting on til tomorrow.
No tripcode because tired as shirt and worried I might fuck up and have to make a new one.
But if you PM me or highlight me you won't get a response.
No, not explaining why.

>> No.83672

hey its almost like we are on /g/ again!!

>> No.83673

ng han xian




>> No.83674


>> No.83676

Does anyone know what the percentages next to R in sgminer mean?

>> No.83694

It's only nice if someone attractive is there.

Luckily, I have a hot girlfriend so I don't have to pay for tits, ha ha ha

>> No.83695
File: 229 KB, 1920x1080, Rough draft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is basically how I set up my folder for my cuda miner:
First folder on top left equalling one on desktop, open that, go to right of screen that's the second (x86) folder, and then I have my .bat's in there.
also 2 examples of Scryptominer and pandapool, which is basically same thing.

>> No.83686

rejected share percentage. don't worry about that.

the only important things to worry about are the temperatures and the HW, hw = hardware errors, you want that at zero.

>> No.83690

I am trolling the shit out of the wolong shills in our irc, get in here.

>> No.83697

ahahahahaha thanks

>> No.83705

show her on /b/, get PND

>> No.83706


I would like to do it by myself m8 but my english is not good enough to keep a decent documented reportage.

>> No.83701

okay buhbye pixels
sleep tight

>> No.83709 [DELETED] 

you might wanna hide your logging next time.

>> No.83712

Think PND will ever be as big as FedoraCoin?

>> No.83724
File: 260 KB, 1036x1036, Xt6lmmK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.83736

thats fedorable

>> No.83745

How valuable is Fedoracoin right now?

>> No.83746


We need to spread this shit all over twitter and facebook crypto sites

>> No.83755

42 satoshi

>> No.83771



>> No.83772

They found my 30,000 doges rather enticing and now they are gone forever I'm sure of it

>> No.83761

swisscex back when

Oh fuck not the bubble captchas.

>> No.83762

Does anyone know why swisscex is down?

>> No.83787
File: 21 KB, 372x260, ௵.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, I put in 30k doges as well

Confirmed, they took the money and ran

>> No.83801


They are being ddosed by the chink and his cult.

>> No.83796
File: 21 KB, 322x339, ss (2014-02-19 at 10.12.57).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>website is down
>404 twitter followers
>404/101 = 4
>4/2 = 2
>Pandacoin 2.0 confirmed DDoS attack

>> No.83808

They'll be back, probably just not used to the volume 4chan has given them.

Let that be something to note for other exchanges. in fact cryptsy accepting PND is the only thing that would make me go back there.


>> No.83804

Is it supposed to be pronounced swiss-sex or suisse-kex?

>> No.83812

Isn't it funny how everywhere PND goes, sites go down? I'm actually fucking positive that Wolong is DDOS the shit out of us. First our pools and then the one exchange we're on.

>> No.83824
File: 497 KB, 1500x934, watashi miku cross.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything is going a bit slow now anyway, I guess ill sleep while wololong wastes his time and resources DDOSing a respected exchange

>> No.83834




Is pretty obvious even for the most simple anon in 4chan that they are getting cocky and are declaring war on us.

>> No.83826

>hide your login
>for a worker
>where the worst someone can do is mine coins for you.

Good lord, you are a dumb nigga.

>> No.83828
File: 2.23 MB, 1920x1200, dogesiders-v3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fresh Photoshop edit of material I don't hold copyright of made with the intent of promoting PND and celebrating it getting into an exchange. Fuck wolong. Donations are welcome.

>> No.83829

Which pools did they ddos?

>> No.83840


>> No.83851

they are coinedup tier.

>putting your money in any alt-exchange that is not cryptsy

>> No.83845


I like this girl. She has a puppy. Warning NSFW

>> No.83847

I wasn't mining at the time so i wasn't paying that much attention to the names of the pools but i'm pretty sure pandapool.info got ddosd

>> No.83859
File: 92 KB, 480x640, 1392575577552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her nipples are literally at the very bottom of her boobs

>> No.83869

I think pretty much all of them had a go on the DDoS ride.

>> No.83883

How long do you think we can expect this DDoS attack?

>> No.83899

the DDOs'ing is trivial, and has been until now badly organized, i.e. only ddosing one pool at a time. I'ts more of a provocation than anything really damaging

>> No.83924

Well currently it is damaging our market. If we can't trade, we can't easily get more people into PND. Popularizing PND is the most important thing right now.

>> No.83960

yeah but there really isn't anything we can do about swisscex, and i was referring to the ddosing on the pools. IDK if swisscex really has been ddosed or is really in maintenance.

>> No.83970

spread le maymays to leddit

>> No.83984

I feel like they would have said something on their twitter if there was going to be maintenance...

>> No.83998

meybe they were attacked..if it's true then wolong is really striking low

>> No.83989



>> No.84004

>implying Wolong never struck low before

>> No.84006

Is there a chance that i will lose my doges

>> No.84012


>> No.84018

I don't think so, just be patient.

>> No.84025

Add the PND website to your 'about' info

>> No.84033

is this official?

>> No.84026

>>84004success ctedpHi

>> No.84027
File: 1.93 MB, 350x310, 1387336171758.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone needs to gif this with the cat being Wolong and it knocking over PND

>> No.84048

should be, it's fucking hilarious

>> No.84064



>> No.84071


>> No.84104

Was the price still 3 to 4 sat before it went down?

>> No.84116


Holy shit I came

>> No.84120


>> No.84147


More pics of chicks with FUCK WOLONG on their tits please.

>> No.84148

>tfw missed the boat

>> No.84163

>mfw in the other thread some guy was dumping doge for panda

You guys really need a clear message of this coin. It's not supposed to be long term.

>> No.84175

vag shot coming up

>> No.84205

Doesn't mean it won't shoot up. Good time to double my Doges.

>> No.84208
File: 34 KB, 449x310, wolongtrial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently Wolong went to jail before LOL.
I guess scammers never learn.

>> No.84225

see >>83673

>> No.84228

I'm not shocked he's seen jail time.

Newest rumour is he stole those GPUs he showed from the back of a truck

>> No.84240

is that wolong?

>> No.84259

We got marshviperX making an appearance

>> No.84260



>> No.84263
File: 72 KB, 799x488, PND is cooler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One last tip request before I hit the bamboo. Good night /biz/

>> No.84272
File: 455 KB, 1728x1152, Fuck Wolong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot wallet

>> No.84277

When they say provide a link to Wolong's site does he mean http://thepandacoin.com/?

>> No.84280

why do I not believe you

>> No.84281


>> No.84293

Probably, yeah.

It sounds like just one fag with slowloris, put it would be worth giving him the website name and the PND for the lulz.

>> No.84309

If I post pics of my cat, will you guys help replenish my donation fund?

>> No.84303


So I just post my wallet and get pandas?


Oh boy!

>> No.84304
File: 39 KB, 550x293, boatzzzzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can still catch the

>> No.84318

Is anyone else predicting a huge PND selloff once swisscex goes back online? incompetent motherfuckers, nobody's going to want to deal with them and PND is going to drop like a fly

>> No.84324

Dear sirs and madams,
Would you favor a lowly fellow with but a few pandas?


>> No.84327
File: 28 KB, 453x700, tumblr_m4pikszI521qdm61io1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If someone is shilling.
Don't trust them

>> No.84328

Plz donate. I need 250k more til 1mil and that would be amazing...

>> No.84325

Are you, by any chance, Chinese?

>> No.84333


Do flies drop?

>> No.84335


Well, it's an ugly chinese guy probably a con artist being arrested.

What's there to doubt?

>> No.84336

did you even read what I wrote? I'm not being wolong I'm being serious

I have 300,000 PND in my swisscex account at the moment and I'm withdrawing as soon as they come online

>> No.84339

I only need 50k more till 700k mark, can anyone help me? <3

>> No.84348


Aaaawwww sheeet.

inb4 this fag does nothing.

>> No.84349

Snet :^)

>> No.84344

To where lol?

>> No.84360

>tfw ignored

>> No.84353

either my pnd wallet or ill sell them for dogecoin just like a lot of people

our only exchange has been down for like 2 hours and you don't think it's going to cause PND to drop?

>> No.84354

put shoe on head

>> No.84367

It couldn't really drop any further lol. If anything this should increase the value because its obvious that Wolong is butt flustered and getting desperate.

>> No.84369
File: 66 KB, 700x675, shoeonhead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this?

>> No.84363

Yep, coin is WAYYYYYYYY too overpriced right now. I think a PND/LTC or a DOGE / PND is much more appropriate for this coin.

>> No.84365

not that guy but a local wallet of course

>> No.84366

I would if swisscex was up all my coins are in there...

>> No.84380

How is Wolongs scam coin at 60 satoshi? I know hes pumping it but come on. We already have a shit load more users.

>> No.84373

That fucking sucks man...

>> No.84376

>3 satoshis

>> No.84382

it shouldn't even be worth anything

>> No.84386

Who cares if it drops, if you were following everything here you wouldnt

>> No.84389

Im 32k away from my first 100 thousand.

How some of u guys have millions is beyond me :(

>> No.84395

you can get tits with it, it can't be worth nothing

>> No.84404

Anyone have ETA on swisscex their twitter has no updates, maybe someone emailed them?

>> No.84406

The fact that the coin opened at 100 or so satoshi and then plummeted to 1 proves that a lot of people care. Everyone here is in it for themselves contrary to what they're saying.

A lot of people saw a way to make a few quick doge and they sold as soon as PND hit an exchange

>> No.84409

tits are good
tits have value
you can get tits for PND
ergo PND is good
PND has value

>> No.84413

I don't want it hype it up, but currently this coin is several times more profitable to mine than doge.

I think it'll go the same as a as tips. It'll drop down to 1 sat before the btc market is removed permanently.

>> No.84421
File: 290 KB, 1293x1207, Shoe meets Head1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have like... 15 pairs of shoes and this one was the only one that didn't keep falling off, fuck chu XD

>> No.84422

I've been waiting all day for my new bitcoin wallet to be up to date, then I will buy bitcoins and trade for as much PND as I can afford. If it's only 1 satoshi even better.

>> No.84424


>> No.84440

If it even goes to the price of fedora, that's a good few thousand dollars in my pocket

>> No.84439

>looks 14

>> No.84441

sent ;^)

I'd send more but all of my coins are on swisscex besides the ones I just mined

>> No.84444

lel I am 18 fagget, I am recovering from surgery so I don't have emotion

>> No.84450

>looks 14
If he was underage, he'd be at least like 16. But I doubt he is, look at his hands.

>> No.84446

it was last 4 satoshi when i saw. 1 satoshi is like the wall which is never penetrated you just see it at the end up list maybe opens up for 1 trade due to big dump but slowly gets buried

>> No.84457

I don't care if you're 14 or not but that is a shitty ass shoe

>> No.84459

Did they surgically remove your soul?

>> No.84465
File: 155 KB, 617x480, 1391547930697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.84466

Wolong pls go. Nobody wants to give you their PND

>> No.84470


With a name like that, I'm sure you are quite the high-roller. Would you like to help me attain my goal?

>> No.84474

No I surgically removed my Tonsils, hurts like a bitch, same thing though.

>> No.84488

Do you have half a billion or some shit?

>> No.84490

Panda made it on swisscex?
What was it trading for?

>> No.84502

> the price of fedora
what is that at?

>> No.84512

Probably somewhere around negative 10 satoshi once swisscex comes back online

>> No.84507

42 litetoshi

>> No.84508

If they didn't give you hydromorphone or similar fun stuff, you should go to your local clinic and let the pain get to you enough that you cry like a bitch (in front of doctor only, so you don't humiliate yourself in public) and then they will feel bad and you will have REAL pain relief!

>> No.84510

tfw 25 khash
tfw poorfag


>> No.84524

So we succeeded in fucking up wolong but didn't make any money in the process?
Feels inadequate.

>> No.84521
File: 95 KB, 1024x600, dont_be_gollums.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you doing your bit to help the panda economy anons?

>> No.84535 [DELETED] 

About 3/4 satoshi.

>> No.84537

Maybe we can still grab hold of this trainwreck before it drops and bring the price up, i doubt it though seeing as almost every single person sold off as soon as it hit the market

>> No.84532

Isn't there some kind of pandacoin.conf file that needs to go somewhere or other?

>> No.84543
File: 67 KB, 317x379, tumblr_m7vqwjrwQB1r6i24yo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dammit moot!

>> No.84548

Its not over anon. We have a bigger user base than Stablecoin or Fedoracoin put together already

>> No.84549

>almost every single person sold off as soon as it hit the market
Good, the dumpers are gone. now it will stabilise and we can tip it on leddit using the tipbot.

>> No.84556

I feel bad for the guy who still has 1 btc buy order at 3 satoshi.

Nigga must be refreshing like crazy.

>> No.84559

I'll hold.
Even if it reaches doge levels I only got 1600 USD worth of PND.

>> No.84563

"Walk left side, safe. Walk right side, safe"

So I guess we either go all in on the markets or all in on mining?

>> No.84564


>> No.84565

But are you Chinese?

>> No.84572


>> No.84573

25khash poorfag here


>> No.84570
File: 1.32 MB, 1361x752, 10-13-2013 1-47-52 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I need a fucking recap, ASAP

>> No.84571
File: 90 KB, 1351x583, bamboozled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But I need more to keep tipping.

>> No.84578

>komm, susser tod

>> No.84583
File: 7 KB, 480x360, funnycry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw power supply dies right after launch and can't start mining again till today

>> No.84592

So do I. I'm mining it as we speak, but i only have a novidya card.

>> No.84598

I plan to buy at a BTC worth when it shows up on CryptoRush, but I can't mine much with my Nvidia card D:

I'll start spreading the wealth when I have a significant amount

>> No.84595
File: 156 KB, 866x968, so1337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aye, aye!

>> No.84610

"wolong's coin will never get on cryptsy"

"I promise you this"

I can't believe 4chan was so gullible

Hurr durr Bill Gates likes us
Hurr durr Big Vern is one of us.

Tell me 4chan...

How are you bleeding?

>> No.84602

What is the username of the person who made the tipbot on reddit? We need to let him know:

Right now the tipbot says this when someone tips:

[Verified]: /u/senderusername -> /u/recieverusername Ᵽ100 Pandacoins

It should say

[Verified]: /u/senderusername -> /u/recieverusername Ᵽ100 PND Coin

That way when people go to exchanges they will know that we are PND not Panda

It's late but i hope I got my point across

>> No.84618

no, san fran

>> No.84617
File: 17 KB, 590x528, 1392871123602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is he chinese?

>> No.84623

we r legion rite guise?

>> No.84626
File: 33 KB, 1132x751, is that wolong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.84632
File: 97 KB, 250x250, Winner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So 4chan

Will this really be the next litecoin?

I've got $500 dollars I want to spend somewhere.

>> No.84639


>> No.84634

I don't see his coin on cryptsy yet.

>> No.84646
File: 30 KB, 400x241, 2392401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear to god on my life this coin will make u rich. But you gotta hold for a couple of days.

>> No.84642

litecoin is die

mintcoin is die too

so yes

mint is next lite
rip in piece

>> No.84643
File: 31 KB, 483x317, ltc_price.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Will this really be the next litecoin?


>> No.84648

Split the cash into different coins if you are not 100% on Mint.

I however am 100% in on Mint.

Your choice.

>> No.84653


saw a post by amDoge saying it was from a guy in the US mining at that speed

>> No.84669

top kek wolong. how much did you need to pay? You're the one bleeding son

>> No.84687

I think my wallet is messed up. I have quite it each time for the transactions to show up.

>> No.84697

Bamboohouse down?

>> No.84702
File: 5 KB, 513x187, Suspicious as fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The wololonger are afraid of pnd, that is why they are mining it to try to dump it.

Hold /biz/ weak hands are gonna get tested in the next days.

>> No.84705

looks like DDos on all pools

>> No.84706

Thnx whoever gave me 69 PND, I need it ;_;

>> No.84711

If you don't get any help tonight you should probably to ask for help tomorrow when more people are on

>> No.84716

Someone gave me 69 too. Thanks guy

>> No.84724
File: 47 KB, 428x350, LazyCoins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tweet to @LazyCoins to help get PND listed! https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=471779.0

>> No.84726






>> No.84730



What the fuck?

>> No.84733


Okay, because I did update manually, and dl the release update from bamboo house

>> No.84751



His cult is gonna test your will.

>> No.84758

>not selling these non-tangible virtual items we created out of thin air to the suckers declaring a virtual wall on us

anon what are you doing with your life. you have guys willing to give you money for nothing and you're refusing it?

>> No.84760
File: 177 KB, 826x582, wallet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thx again, for the 68 PND! You guys are awesome!

>> No.84763
File: 137 KB, 640x480, 1390923110879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wolong that sunnofabitch

>> No.84774

The whales aren't buying anything, they're mining it all and of course will then sell it for 1 satoshi

>> No.84775


1/10 if shill.

0/10 if real.

>> No.84777

Lol old Wolong ay.

Tell us how you are bleeding

>> No.84780

wow, such opportunity cost
very efficient
much electricity waste

>> No.84781

Wow 420 PND and 1337, I love u guys!

>> No.84784

What the fuck, that's too much pnd to be begging.

>> No.84785
File: 2.11 MB, 360x270, jewspit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some OC of Jews fighting. Can I have some coins

>> No.84787

Looks pretty sketchy. Wouldnt want to put any coins on a brand new site. Personally.

>> No.84790

Anyone got any leaked logs?

I still can't pick which horse i want to back in this fight.

Fun watching from outside it.

Doge and Vertcoin are my babies right now.

>> No.84791

Wolong is probably making up the fees + more

>> No.84794

Bamboohouse is getting dossed by pulling and putting in fast periods multiple miners.

>> No.84796

>hiring people to mine when the people could outright mine and make twice as much profit

You aren't very convincing.

>> No.84804

Blaze it faggot.

>> No.84806

>cant pick
well you can either help us or the scammer

>> No.84809

I'm not trying to convince anyone, I'm building off of the scenario that the caps lock anon suggested in order for it to make sense.

>> No.84812
File: 181 KB, 827x584, wallet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My goal is a measly 50m PND. I can make it there with your help!

>> No.84814

So Wolong is bleeding coins while he dials up our hashrate. Just as planned HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.84820

Well that anon is an idiot and people are losing money over it. Dump while you still can.

>> No.84822

How do I setup my cgminer to automatically reconnect to bamboohouse if i gets disconnected?

>> No.84823

nobody can dump because the exchange is down

>> No.84824
File: 599 KB, 2433x1410, 1392872604344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Worst shops I've ever seen.

>> No.84826

Fucking shit why

>> No.84827

He probably has control of only so much hashrate himself

>> No.84833

That's almost a thousand dollars. Cash out now. Don't regret the time where you missed out on earning 1k in 5 days.

>> No.84834

>he cares about the money
wolong shill pls go

>> No.84845

Oh yeah he'll just hop over to the exchange that's totally not down for maintenance real quick

>> No.84846


Yeah, contracting hitmen is way to expensive...

>> No.84852

>he cares about virtual drama


I made $500 dumping my coins already. How much did you make?

This little Internet drama is hilarious and I'm cashing in on both pandas.

>> No.84854

Aren't we down to like a couple satoshis? Why would I not hold? It can only go up from here.

>> No.84860

shills please leave....
its getting kinda silly.

>> No.84863
File: 24 KB, 610x473, suffering.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You should share some of that.

>> No.84866

Could someone help me out? I only have 500k and I am trying to get to at least 1 mill :(


>> No.84867

Absolutely not. It's only down hill from here.

You made $1000 of coins in 5 days. Can you even comprehend how profitable this is right now?

>> No.84869


I'm >>84824, just waiting for the exchange to come back up.

>> No.84876

It could go down to a dogetoshi but it'd have to be horribly neglected in order for that to happen

>> No.84889

>spreading your cpu power out through 10 threads just to appear like you have low hashrate

Get a load of this goy.

>> No.84900

could you bitches leave my board? k thnx bye

>> No.84907

why do YOU so care about his money? also he wont find buyers, you just want him to dump it for lowest

>> No.84910

>10 threads
>all adds up to 1 kh

>> No.84914

what setup are you guys using that has made you million-bamboozilleonairs so quickly? my hash rates around 130kh/s. only got a half million... kinda wanna be a millionaire of bamboo before the train leaves :\

>> No.84916
File: 12 KB, 282x425, 1392735750230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.84927



>> No.84936

>1khs is the exact khs rate of a sargas single core amd processor that is very popular for mining rigs

Fuck off greedy fucker.

>> No.84938

>some guy is giving out sound financial advice on the Internet
>they must be out of get me


>> No.84939
File: 1.30 MB, 4320x933, 1392873246223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could buy cheap on SwissCEX when it comes back up. i think it left off at 4 satoshi. plenty of room to grow!

>> No.84940

fucking manlets, when will they learn

>> No.84947

Hey you drunk bastard.
Give me that 100k I gave back to you.
I don't feel as bad about taking your 200k now.

>> No.84956

Something weird is going on with my pool.

I've not mined PND all day but I keep getting payouts anyway on my payout address.

Did someone get my miner address somehow?

>> No.84961

Not drunk tonight, and I learned my lesson from monday when I was tipping a million here and a million there. NEVAR AGAIN!

>> No.84963

You lucky doge.

>> No.84965

I'm uploading my rest onto that 1.2 BTC buy order once it comes back up.

>> No.84978
File: 12 KB, 400x400, 1368385242024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y-you gave me that 200k fair and square and guilted me out of it.

>> No.84984
File: 73 KB, 796x617, hurr2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just want to get to the moon too man
you don't have to give any if you don't want to

>> No.84985

Calif Assembly Passes Cryptos Unanimously http://youtu.be/4iGIcN4UFEA

>> No.84988

Is there any applications that handle P2Pools for noobs?

Even something "botnetish"

Just to pull in the /b/tards

>> No.84997

will wolong kill the coin with him mining on amdoge pool ?

>> No.84999

PND was worthless back then, now it is taking off like a rocket!

>> No.85025

That's not wolong

>> No.85032


>> No.85039

P2Pool doesn't payout for hours.

/b/tards will pull out within minutes if they don't see anything.

>> No.85060


How much until Dynamic N?

>> No.85083
File: 67 KB, 792x1102, Idea note_20140220_003105_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dump while you still can

>> No.85104
File: 11 KB, 482x274, art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No thanks

>> No.85117

wew lad

>> No.85122
File: 74 KB, 635x600, iamchinese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did i do ok

>> No.85142

pls sanata


>> No.85144
File: 32 KB, 584x312, mk02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Panda thread dead. Wolong wins! Flawless victory!

>> No.85148


>> No.85154

A shamefur dispray!

>> No.85158


>> No.85170
File: 876 KB, 500x281, 926.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.85181

sent :^)

>> No.85203
File: 9 KB, 189x159, 1368420665250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>santa doge probably sent more than i did

>> No.85210
File: 86 KB, 618x618, 1391091146242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.85226

Santa is here?

pls sent some panda


>> No.85233

Quantity doesn't matter, it's the thoughtfulness that counts.

last gift of the night, i'm goin to sleep

>> No.85248

avg detected cgminer as a virus and i missed out on like 5 hours of mining
holy shit im pissed

>> No.85249

I don't know if I should stop mining. only 200 khash and just hit 1m doge after 3 days straight

>> No.85251

And with that, this thread, is officially dead.
RIP PND Feb. 15 - Feb. 20, 2014

>> No.85257

Think about it this way.
If PND gets literally any value you made money.

>> No.85268

It is selling for 2-3 satoshi on swisscex

>> No.85277
File: 66 KB, 792x1102, Wolong year book photo .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Upgraded it for you

>> No.85284

starting to see artifacts though. mining on a precious 570

>> No.85295

rip rest in panda

>> No.85296

New thread:


>> No.85297

If you don't see the screen corruption of dying gpu, you're doing it wrong!

>> No.85309

Thank you, santa.

>> No.85768

merry christmas santa ;^)

>> No.86950

swisscex appeared to be a lot quicker than coinedup ever has been

They're sitting on 1 million of my PND