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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8295706 No.8295706 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8295725

No, and never tell your bitch about cryptos

>> No.8295743

PnD only

>> No.8295747

>be sole breadwinner
>invest in crypto
>3x investment
>wife wants divorce
Is there any way to win as a man these days?

>> No.8295776

>"""""""""""our"""""""" savings

>> No.8295780

nope, at least not in the west

>> No.8295783

And you know she's going to get 50% or more of it. And she will think she earned it herself.

>> No.8295785

>sole breadwinner
>Shared finances

Nice meme

>> No.8295817


>shared finances
>husband is the sole breadwinner

He could have mentioned the investment, but come on, she has no right to be upset

>> No.8295825

>I have no experience handling finances or money
>Should I be mad that my husband took a risk and made us rich?

>> No.8295852

She's taking HALF

I'm starting to think MGTOWs are right.

>> No.8295853

Would you have shared the losses if that had been the outcome?

>> No.8295857

I hope he just tells her to shut the fuck up because it was all of his money anyway

>> No.8295879

That's not what the law says. She is entitled to half of it.

>> No.8295880

And what if it didn't work out? And she was forced to take a job? I think she has every right to be mad, he should have informed her.

>> No.8295882

They are, just come off as cringey.

>> No.8295886

i sought out and landed the unicorn: small town midwestern girl, great family, checks every box you can think of.
but women change. they cannot help but be products of their social environment. its the way they are wired.
it's our society that is sick and social media ensures it spreads. the only winning move is not to play.

>> No.8295903

women are fucking disgusting creatures.

>> No.8295907

got that right

>> No.8295926

No, he shouldn't have. Because she would've told him to invest nothing. Women don't want to take a fucking risk. You will never get rich if you listen to a woman.

>> No.8295979

>What if they lost 70% of their SAVINGS in their early thirties
Plenty of time to make that back up and it sounds like they’d be fine even if he lost it all. But let’s say she would have to get a job, OH NO GASP THE HORROR

>> No.8296020

Can somebody honestly explain to me what the fuck is going through a woman's head when she even thinks about writing a thread like that?
>husband gives me half of his money
>i earn nothing and pretend to be busy at home
>husband triples money
>better ask reddit if i should be mad

What the fuck?

>> No.8296097

Pretty much

>> No.8296100

>>i earn nothing and pretend to be busy at home
maybe she does nothing but she didn't forget to mention she has a degree, so she didn't look as a parasite

>> No.8296107

Personally I think it could be a few things. 1. She is subconsciously looking for a way to take most of that money and run. 2. Women are naturally more risk averse so she maybe she can’t get over the fact that he took a large risk and she sees it as lite gambling. 3. She’s just looking for something to bitch about and get some attention

>> No.8296118

Looks fake and gay, can't find shit on reddit

link to post or gtfo

>> No.8296123
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>our savings

>> No.8296134

the username is harambe and its on plebbit
its just a loser larping in the basement, similar to 4chin

>> No.8296140


She deleted it

>> No.8296152

Looks like she deleted it. These comments are insane though


>> No.8296157

If you perceive it as an investment, yes.

>> No.8296169
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>> No.8296173

He deserves everything bad that happens to him in life for marrying a woman who posts on Reddit.

>> No.8296178

Holy shit she's actually living the dream and she's complaining?
>has a partner
>gets to sit around all day doing fuck all
>partner literally brings in all the money and still shares it with you
>partner invests their own money and makes a fortune that they're now willing to share with you
Why are normies such brainlets, I'd be fucking over the moon if I were her.

>> No.8296195

>harambe peace be upon him
ur all stupid

>> No.8296206


She'll probably divorce him in a few years. He's just a piggy bank for her

>> No.8296210

People can be strange. I had about $15,000 in student debt and decided to pay it off with some of my savings. My wife found out and had a meltdown. I was meant to consult her apparently.

That was less than 1 year into marriage. Needless to say we don't share any bank accounts, what's mine is mine, what's hers is hers, if either of us choose to share then great. It's not implied that we contribute 50/50 to our expenses and I earn more so I pay more by choice. But like hell I'll ever talk to her about finance.

>> No.8296221

Yes that's a thing you agree to when you get married, You tard.

>> No.8296223

Kek when will guys ever learn. It's almost like they refuse to believe all the bad stuff they hear.

>> No.8296232


have you ever been in love with a girl? there is nothing more powerful than being head over heels for a woman

>> No.8296240

She's getting half. After the government gets their cut too. So you'll get to take home around 30-40% of that maybe max. Hey look wasn't that your initial investment?

>> No.8296246

>not having full control over your brain chemicals

>> No.8296270

the only reason i wanna make it, is to be able to fund artificial wombs and sexbots.

>> No.8296272

Fuck no. Stay away. Far far away

>> No.8296273
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>there is nothing more powerful than being head over heels for a woman

>> No.8296278


Fuck I'm lucky with mine.

Me: "Hey babe, you know how I've been using the money I used to spend on cigarettes to buy up Bitcoin and such? Well, it's gone up heaps. Not bad huh?"

Wife: "Ok cool. I have no idea how that works, but whatever - you should get more then. Just don't got putting our whole savings in or anything. What could it be worth?"

Me: "Either nothing or millions - and probably the second one at this point."

Wife:"......so we'd be rich and could quit working? Can you.....buy a little more maybe?"

But I got a unicorn though.

>> No.8296296

>not knowing that girls cant love

its like he doesnt even wanna make it

>> No.8296298


>Telling your wife about your crypto ever

Big mistake you might regret later

>> No.8296308
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You probably lay your head in your girls lap in public.

>> No.8296317

>husband invests 70% of savings into crypto
>instead of tripling their money he loses it all

stupid fucking bitch y can't u trust ur man

>> No.8296325
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4. this is LARP
Yes children. Even on your hated beloved Reddit people lie on the internet
>the fucking account is called harambe.
>harambe. a rostie with a degree. harambe

>> No.8296336


This, always this >>8296298
Sooner or later there comes a time where this will fuck you up.

IF she knows you are into crypto, just create a fake Blockfolio to show your small 2k investment or something like this.

>> No.8296347

Buy XMR and no one is getting a singe cent.

>> No.8296350

>its another bitter virgin women hating thread

Suprise, there are a lot of shitty people, both males and females.

I would be mad as fuck, marriage is all about sharing, you don't go alone making these decisions, you first consult with your prettier half, because you are one, not 2.

>> No.8296363

>but women change.

Bingo. More so western women who had no good rolemodels as fathers, brothers and classmates. Women nowadays don't know what a man should be like, and men lost their balls long ago. Marrying a north african berber grill or an east aryan grill might be the only way out of this mess

>> No.8296388

>its another bitter virgin women hating thread
where the fuck do you think you are norman? nothing wrong with beeing undesirable to women. who do women prefer tesla or bieber? fuck off.

>I would be mad as fuck, marriage is all about sharing, you don't go alone making these decisions, you first consult with your prettier half, because you are one, not 2.
the man is the rightful ruler. this whole equality thing is retarded and has never existed.

>> No.8296400


You guys are fucking retarded. r/cryptocurrency likes to LARP

>> No.8296406

>x3 and suddenly you're rich
pathetic larp

>> No.8296425

She's not even a mother. Holy shit, she's does fucking nothing and still is complaining? WTF

>> No.8296427

>finances shared
>sole breadwinner

Lol this bitch. So he makes all the money and she gets to lay her grubby hands on it is basically what she’s saying. Women are pathetic cunts.

>> No.8296431
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Humans are just animals, and while we like to think we have deliberate, conscious control over our lives, the reality is that there are deep biological mechanisms at play determining every aspect of our behavior and psychology. Rather than try to use pure force of will or positive thinking or other bullshit, I prefer to manipulate the deep biological mechanisms directly, via things like diet, sleep, exercise, etc. NoFap in particular is a deep, power biological lever a man can use to shape his own life in a real way, rather than just think or talk about it. People will tell you NoFap is bullshit, and to be honest it gets quite old when you understand the power of it, but we are all just crabs in a bucket I guess.

>> No.8296445


No its not (even if you find a nice girl probably you will be bored with her sooner or later)
But there is question: How to make kids and not get fucked?

>> No.8296459
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>our finances are shared
>he's the sole breadwinner
>i'm a stay at home mom
>our finances are shared
fucking kek

>> No.8296484

>board full of NEETs boating 6+ figure investment portfolios


>> No.8296565

I disagree because if she finds out you're fucked. I would just tell her I had some money, don't tell her how much, and explain her the difference between disposable income and investments. It should be fine

>> No.8296649

This. Love is basically an 0day kernel vuln