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8286509 No.8286509 [Reply] [Original]

is BCH a good buy @ ฿0.115? Will it go lower and test <฿0.1? Is a pump back up to ฿0.2+ inevitable?

>> No.8286662

No not all the way back.
Yes the pump is inevitable.

>> No.8286721

in 2 minutes, someone come here to say a bitcoin cash is a trash because they sell a 300 usd!

>> No.8286746


Just try to average it down, It'll go below 0.11, but probably not to 0.1 , I didn't want to risk it so I bought at 0.122, 0.119, 0.115 , 0.108

>> No.8287221

why u want to touch this toxic shit ? There is lot of better investment than this shitcoin

>> No.8287232

Why are you confident it won't go down past 0.1 BTC?

>> No.8287277


It might, but the conference is near, I'd give it 7 days tops before it starts to slowly appreciate and than violently go up around 20.03. +-1 day

>> No.8287343

I told!

>> No.8287358

Whether it's a good buy or not depends on where you think bitcoin cash's future will be in comparison to bitcoin.

If you believe in 0-conf, on-chain scaling of bigger blocks, and feel Lightning Network will fail, then maybe it's a good bet.

If you believe 0-conf/bigger blocks are risky and short-sighted, and feel Lightning Network and 2nd layer solutions are the future of scaling and future of new applications, then not so much.

>> No.8287415
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Bch is a long term investment, it won't moon until the transactions rate is several times higher

>> No.8287486

0.11 is a great entry imo, it might crash a little bit, though.

>> No.8287493

What is your stance?

>> No.8287551

Get in

>> No.8287564

Beware, this thread is full of paid bcash shills and bagholders from November.

>> No.8287582

It will steadily bleed out until Ver's next major TV appearance when it will pump, easily the most predictable coin in the market.

>> No.8287596

Short term moon kiddie detected.
BCH is in it for the long haul

>> No.8287614

sold at £500 for 0.2btc, bcash is trash

>> No.8287643

>bch in it for long haul
>we need to up block size now because the market cant wait for a better solution

>> No.8287671

There's a ton of negative PR for it. I wouldn't expect big adoption.

>> No.8287691

Lightning Network is already functional on testnet, and even being used by some daring individuals on mainnet. It's rapidly being developed by a team of developers, and being tested constantly. I believe any issues that LN may have will be resolved by the end of the year, and be ready to deploy on mainnet safely.

Once LN is widely used on mainnet, I think bitcoin cash's value will drop to almost nothing.

>> No.8287707

it is going to zero. all faux-bitcoins forked from bitcoin carrying the bitcoin name are ending at zero. don't be stupid anon.

>> No.8287720

LN is a step backwards in terms of decentralization and functionality. You can't route based on the model ISPs use in an adversarial environment. There's a reason LN is 2 years late, and it won't be able to scale even close to what bigger blocks can handle.

>> No.8287738

You can believe what you want to believe and invest where you want to invest. This is a free market.

Those that do their own research, make intelligent choices, and best predict the market will be rewarded.

>> No.8287750

You'd be a fool to lump BCH in with the segwit forks of BTC. There's a reason they happened, there's a reason they don't retain their marketcap positions, and there's a reason they don't attract any fud. They are vapour built for the soul purpose of removing legitimacy from BCH, which has retained its at least top 5 mcap position for the duration of its existence. That doesn't happen by accident.

>> No.8287764

no reddit, it will not

>> No.8287770

I don't believe that LN will be ready by EOY, but I really hope it will all work out, because it would be a good thing for crypto.
But I don't thing LN will get any adoption at all, because noone has a reason to use it when you can just use normal transactions.

>> No.8287772

Well said, and I assure you my money is where my mouth is

>> No.8287793

first mistake is comparing the bcash altcoin with bitcoin. bcash is a copycat shitcoin and like all bitcoin copycats, it is headed to zero

>> No.8287810

transaction rate has nothing to do with coin value reddit poster.

>> No.8287813

What would have to happen to change your opinion on this? Just curious.

>> No.8287826

>a bit
the absolute state of paid bcash shills

>> No.8287879

Wow - even for a paid pajeet shill you're shit-tier. Go poo in the street untouchable.

>> No.8287880

like i said, ALL faux-bitcoin alt coins that borrow the bitcoin name for brand recognition (this includes bitcoin cash) are going to zero. lurkers, you've been warned. the paid bcash shiller threads that you find here are a desperate attempt to use branding to make a coin succeed. bitcoin cash is one of many bitcoin clones and they are ALL ENDING AT ZERO.

>> No.8287895

I can't predict short term price movement, but in the long term, BCH is gaining more and more investors with every pump wave.
Cashies are very confident in the project and will never go back to BTC, it's a one way road.
Also most of the miners and evangelists are ready to dump more BTC and buy BCH.

>> No.8287905

Why do you think the later forks have lost their market position while BCH has consistently stayed in the top 5?

>> No.8287939

smart-fag. tell me more how u fell when u sell u bch 300 usd

>> No.8287947

Also, care to answer >>8287813 ?
I'll start: I'd put my support behind the BTC fork if they decided to scale on chain in conjuction with segwit and LN. Why not have the best of all worlds? Instead, they openly admit they want layer 1 clogged in order to push people to their solutions. This, combined with the huge censorship effort in r/bitcoin and the amount of fud that BCH receives for going its own way has pushed me towards BCH.

>> No.8287948

There's numerous advantages that come with a transaction that's instantaneous and has low/no fees. It would allow it to be practical to use for real-world purchases as well.

Also it can enable a host of new applications like a completely decentralized exchange with other LN enabled coins with 0-counterparty risk. That in itself is incredibly valuable.

>> No.8287976


Change the core algorithm to cryptonight, making it unable to be ASIC mined (as well as boosting security and privacy).

Of course, that means Bitmain lose a lot of money doesn't it?

Holy shit. I just had the best idea - Bitcoin Cash Revolution! Hard fork the fucking hardfork to cryptonight (with the beefed up XMR privacy features), maybe add in an EVM compatible virtual machine and staking! All the major cryptonight pools will lap it up. Then I'll pay my own army of pajeet to poo in all the cashie threads!

Kek, ok that's going on the TODO list.

>> No.8288003

What's wrong with things being ASIC mined? Any algorithm, including ones with high memory usage, can have an ASIC built for them. It's literally just hardware that is efficient at doing a specific algorithm, any algorithm is written in code, any code runs on hardware.

>> No.8288009
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>> No.8288028

In my view, ASICs will always happen, and to try to play whack-a-mole as they come about is counter to a free market system, which is exactly what cryptocurrency was built to encourage.

>> No.8288051


Fine actually - I bought some great deals. Increased my Eth stack, got a nice pump and dump on XRP, grabbed some ADA for long term holding....what else? Can't even remember. Some Req and Link too I think. Made way more than if I'd held your shitcoin anyway - that did what, a x3? Think I've done much more than that even in the Bear market.

Yeah, so thanks for the free money Bitmain!

>> No.8288054

congrats wanker.now fuck off back to bitcuck

>> No.8288065

I guess the argument is that ASIC coins make it more centralized (when it becomes infeasible for the average user with a GPU to mine coins)

>> No.8288082

Most people with technical backgrounds I know are pro-LN, but all the moonbois and people who worship smooth-talking Chad used car salesmen are pro-bcash.

Why is this?

>> No.8288100

btrash is going to 0. People already realized that it's a scam fork that only offers increased block size over BTC.

>> No.8288101

Kek, encouraging a centralized monopoly in a communist shithole is pro-free market. My sides!

XMR has no issue with changing the algo. Hell, even all the little cryptonight coins like Turtlecoin have forked already - they're designed to make it easy to fuck with your bosses.

What I like is the early rumblings from inside Grandaddy BTC of the same idea. The butthurt of wailing ASIC miners will be sweet music to my ears if they do that.

>> No.8288130

That's true, of course. In my view, it's okay if huge data centers are mining a coin, and that companies compete against each other in building bigger, better, more efficient mining centers. To me, that's the point. Competition breeds decentralization.

I'd argue against that point, there are many many technical people behind BCH. What I've noticed is the anti BCH, pro LN people seem to want to ignore basic economics, demonize anything even smelling corporate or business related, and generally have very socialist views about society. You can be a technical genius but if you're communist deep down, you're going to make real world decisions that don't align with the reality of the world.

>> No.8288136
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It has all to do with it

>> No.8288168


Actually no - you're right kek. Since I'm a small scale GPU miner, maybe it's time to upgrade.

I might wait until Samsung release their miner though. https://beta.techcrunch.com/2018/01/31/samsung-confirms-asic-chips/

I have solar power already - I can use that to mine profitably. Yep, can't WAIT for those Samsung miners! Korean tech is always much better.

>> No.8288173
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ITT deluded Core supporters who can't understand the mathematical proof that LN is insufficient as a scaling solution

>> No.8288191

Early innovators always have a monopoly off the bat, and Jihan was definitely an early innovator, but we already see now that competitors are coming out. History has shown that when Governments try to break up big companies that supposedly have a monopoly, by the time they even get to it the market share of those companies is greatly reduced by natural competition. Changing POW to something ASIC resistant doesn't solve the problem, it pushes it back, it's playing whack-a-mole against human nature, whereas if you just let human nature play out, it decentralizes and optimizes all by itself.

>> No.8288194

More centralization = less centralization. Much doublespeak!

>> No.8288195

typical reddit poster, wonder why he's here... hmm

>> No.8288219

look at these fucking redditiors. desperation

>> No.8288353

Well, look at Apple, they used to have 100% of the smartphone space. What happened? Competition happened, now you have hundreds and hundreds of different types of smart phones from many different companies, because smartphones have proven to be a profitable venture.

Mining is also a profitable venture, so you can bet anything there are companies working on their own mining hardware with their own innovations, and Samsung and Halong already said they are. That's just on the company front, nothing is stopping you from purchasing an Antminer and mining with a pool that competes with Antpool.

>> No.8288384

Still waiting for your response to >>8287813

>> No.8288520

bought bch a 290, sell 1800, rebuy 1000, sell a 3700, rebuy again an 850 and I fell great!

>> No.8288821

>transaction speed is only 15 minutes faster than buttcorn


>> No.8289586

>I believe any issues that LN may have will be resolved by the end of the year, and be ready to deploy on mainnet safely.
Oh yeah? Well then how on earth are they going to solve the routing problem? Its a classic traveling salesman problem, and that's been used as the example of an NP hard problem in computing since the beginning of time. Just so you know NP hard problems have no equation to solve them. So how are they going to solve an unsolvable problem in one year?

>> No.8289601

It will test ฿0 for the rest of its life.

>> No.8289659

Economies of scale don't equal centralization you left wing communist cuck. Centralization requires power over others. By definition as a competitive environment the mining of Bitcoin cannot be centralized. However, when the Bitcoin Segwit side's developers unilaterally decided they wouldn't raise block size and thus limited node hardware to desktop computers rather than letting industrial hardware compete they centralized the nodes of Bitcoin Segwit. Centralization =/= Economies of Scale. This board is so left wing its ridiculous.

>> No.8289685

No there isn't. All negativity towards BCH rises from BlockStream and Charlie the shill insecurity. BCH is superior to BTC and LTC in every way.

>> No.8289692


>is this a good time to buy a literal scam?

Link tier shill thread. I wish I had dumped my fork coins above .2

If you put actual money into this shit you're a retard

>> No.8289719

This must be why almost all the old-timers like Gavin and Satoshi (Craig) develop BCH instead of BTC

>> No.8289789

Exactly this.

These guys haven't a fucking clue, they hold *some* BTC and don't want it to lose value but smart money knows that LN is just regulation in disguise and Bitcoin doesn't involve Segwit or such nonsense.

>> No.8289838


which conference are we talking about here?

>> No.8289869

Buy btcp instead

>> No.8289870
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Just wait for Satoshi's keynote on Sunday

>> No.8290011 [DELETED] 
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I googled it and came up with a picture of this baboon, doesn't strike me with confidence desu.

>> No.8290058

>let me tell you what this (probably not even Chinese) Chinese mans vision was for this tech.
Fuck off this shit is like one step up from the faggots trying to sell you crypto courses on facebook, only difference on this, is you have to actually be there and it probably costs atleast 5x more

>> No.8290137

Salty core cuck detected. You do understand that BlockStream is already dead? It's just a countdown to Craig having access to the Tulip trust. He's going to dump all that BTC for BCH and he's right doing it because core cucks took a massive shit on his work

>> No.8290164

operation dragonslayer wasnt a flippening op. It was a coordinated mass sell off of both BTC and BCH creating a bear market and 0 confidence in BTC. After the smoke clears Bcash is going to flip the switch and be the currency of BTC.

>> No.8290199

"better" is relative

not everyone wants to lock up their BTC in a channel

the usability of LN is questionable - some people will like it, some people won't

>> No.8290236
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>mfw the war is already won

>> No.8290249

I'm a software engineer and I think BCH will pump when Bitcoin has a lot of transactions again

There is an economical incentive to use BCH when transaction fees are on the rise

>> No.8290390
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>mfw the battle is lost but the war is already won

>> No.8290418

That's actually the reason all alts pumped in the first place. Fees got too high, too many constraints were placed on the system, innovation and demand went elsewhere.

>> No.8290419

That argument is dumb tho because anyone can buy an asic and mine it. The asic resistance meme is just that - a meme. A coin with asics is more secure than one without.

>> No.8290438

shoo pajeet core shill

>> No.8290473

As of right now, any problem Bitcoin has, BCH also has since it is basically just a clone.

>> No.8290478

its instant on BCH you worthless corecuck.

>> No.8290495

>Bitcoin has a problem of only having 1MB blocks
>BCH also has it even though it has 8MB blocks

literal state of /biz/

>> No.8290500

Paired with the fact that you actually have to take a risk and buy the asic, the asic that is only good for that one thing. It's a risk and an investment. If you're constantly changing algos in order to play whack-a-mole to avoid production of asics, it incentivizes bot nets of CPUs. Basically thieving of computational power becomes the best way to make money in that scheme. Someone who spreads malware to infect CPUs to mine for him is not taking a financial risk, he's not investing. The more you think about it, the more and more ridiculous these anti asic claims seem to get, and how they speak to a very socialist view of thinking.

>> No.8290550
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It ain't gonna be pretty but boy am I glad I'm not a fucking idiot and can understand basic maths and logic which prove BCH is Bitcoin and Segwit and LN will never scale and are not Bitcoin

>> No.8290813
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Your logic is so glorious.
Whe then majority use bitcoin and not BCH ? In reality we see BTC is real bitcoin with improvements and scalability solution you just dont understand.
Take deep breath and just accept it. Bitmain try hard to promote their fork with Roger but it will never be bitcoin ok ?

>> No.8290834

NP hard doesn’t mean unsolvable. It just means that an algorithm doesn’t solve the problem in polynomial time (instead is in expontential time) so is unscalable to the extreme.

But they know this of course. And you can still solve a NP-hard problem satisfactorily if you don’t have many elements (limit exponential growth of algorithm). So their plan is a few mega hubs, so an easy routing problem

>> No.8290842

your days are numbered core shill. they arent going to be paying your checks when BCH takes over.

>> No.8290917

Am I a brainlet or is BCH manifestly and objectively superior to BTC in literally every single way?

Honestly, BCH haters just say "it's a scam" or "it's a shitcoin". Meaningless.

I don't have any BCH these days, just BTC and shitcoins, but honestly BTC is shit compared to BCH, surely?


>> No.8290931
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I don't get it why everybody hates bch even though it has active devs, many people backing it and lower fees and transaction time than btc.
Is this hate caused by roger?

>> No.8290976

i am not shilling anything, i am just stating obvious that BCH fanboys have issue to percept reality. Its not so hard to rotate bitcoin logo and make simple fork.

>> No.8291032
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The majority DONT use Bitcoin they are fucking retards who HODL Bitcoin Segwit hoping that one day through mass adoption (fat chance due to unavailability and high on chain fees) it'll make them rich.

Bitcoin P2P Cash is made to be SPENDL'd and now with Bitpay integration it can be and it will, and everyone plans to RELOADL and guess what happened then? Holdings become more valuable, and you don't need to ever cash out or be taxed because you can just spend the Bitcoin.

You are really dumb and so is anyone holding Bitcoin Segwit with its retard Banker compromised Devs.

>> No.8291044


>> No.8291089

Didnt blockstream come out and say overt asicboost was ok but covert asicboost is bad? I thought they were against asicboost altogether

>> No.8291166
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Just wait til the onchain smart contracts start working after May and it starts taking ETH marketshare core fanboys and all the shills will literally have no fucking arguments left.
Blockstream are an AXA backed company with **no revenue stream** who are anti-finanical-industry-disruption.
They are liars and they have crushed Bitcoins market share and usability with archaic nonsensical block size limits and RBF. They are not to be trusted. Even a montessory school kid could tell you that when given the facts.

>> No.8291200

Anytime is a good buy for BCH, as long as you do it before the conference in a couple weeks.

A little after or during the conference there will be massive BTC dumps with that money flowing into BCH. The BCH guys aren't fucking around anymore.

>Big announcements during conference (BCH smart contracts, 32mb block upgrade, privacy, extension blocks etc)
>Makes every other coin completely fucking worthless, even Ethereum
>The BCH camp moves some coins from Satoshi's original wallet during conference
>BCH camp claims that Satoshi supports BCH, or else how would they have his keys?
>Massive BTC dumps, money flows into BCH
>Hashing power switches to BCH
>BCH claims 75% dominance in short period, with 90% dominance by EOY 2018
>You retards stay poor because you didn't listen to me and go back to your part-time job at Zumiez

>> No.8291225

1) NP hard doesn't mean unsolvable, it just means you need to brute force every possible solution.
2) There are many algorithms that compute NP hard problems with reasonably accurate solutions - these are usually 95%+ "good enough" compared to the optimal solution.
3) LN routing isn't a traveling salesman problem.
4) LN routing is a shortest path problem, and there are plenty of algorithms already that have solved it in polynomial time.
5) LN routing has never been a problem, it uses the same standard routing algorithms as internet/telecom routing.

>> No.8291243
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>>The BCH camp moves some coins from Satoshi's original wallet during conference

heh I wish, but that would violate the terms of the Tulip Trust. so unless that trust is null and void now I don't see it happening before 2020

>> No.8291248

Wtf u talking about How they should use it ? We used bitcoin when was cheap , some guys buy pizza for it and instant regret it. Peoples realized the dont need to have their stupid 5$ transaction inprinted in world wide ledger. It just pure bullshit. Thats the reasone why higher layer scalability was proposed an implemented. its not so hard to understand.

>> No.8291332

it was good as a joke
BCH will have everything, yet noone really upload any code.

>> No.8291356

Wow you're English is fucking terrible. HEY EVERYBODY TRUST THIS TRULY INTELLIGENT MAN
(lol jk go with this one based in reality: >>8291200) Satoshi Nakecheckedo

>> No.8291467

Even andreas calls out the bullshit coming from coreshills. BTFO

>> No.8291575

Lot of mental midgets giving out bad advice as usual on BCH. Probably near bottom right now but as we are witnessing the death of bitcoin its possible it could go lower as bitcoin falls even more in coming months till they reach price equal around 4500 later this year

>> No.8291684
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If BTC keeps bleeding we may see another flippening run.

>> No.8291692


You should probably swap all those shitcoins for Bitcoin (BCH) before it swallows the crypto market.

Just a little informed advice for once, feel free to ignore it as all brainlets do.

>> No.8291737
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Bitcoin is not dead, it's just changed ticker to get away from the developers who are hellbent on destroying it (and succeeding).
If any cryptocurrency is going to become a worldwide currency (and therefore valuable beyond belief) it's going to have Bitcoin in its name because the route to such an outcome for any other is too great.
>Pic related, note no Segwit

>> No.8291814

Sure, Bitcoin can hard fork and go with bigger block size if it wants (needs miner consensus) but then it will be called something different and become a alt coin in the process.

>> No.8292400
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Bitcoin is moving forward with or without the Segwit bag holders who will end up like pic

>> No.8292725

If you ignore the 2 years of scaling debates, stonewalling and censorship that happened prior to the fork, I'm sure it really does look that simplistic.

>> No.8292860
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>Tfw 40 Bcash

I'm ready bois. corecucks finna be BTFO

>> No.8292899


>> No.8292951

Miners have already planned the BTC dump, the BTG pump was a sign of the dump to come. To anyone holding BTC, don't say you weren't warned.

>> No.8293126

plus why would merchants and others who got screwed by blockstream's negligence go back to them when they now have a viable alternative that actually values merchant adoption and growth in BCH?

>> No.8293313

what would it take to convince me that outdated gen 1 tech is going to be better tech than gen 3 coins built from the ground up to avoid all the problems if gen 1 and gen 2 shitcoins?

>> No.8293343

you couldn't be more wrong.

>> No.8293394

nice fantasy fiction there

>> No.8293422

this is so delusional is is beyond belief. cashies are a dying breed thankfully

>> No.8293424

I already answered what would convince me to go back to BTC here: >>8287947

You still haven't answered my question. Bigger blocks also don't preclude different layers, they just ensure that layer 1 is never crippled by artificial restraints. The market will decide the blocksize, socialist thinkers can't understand that.

>> No.8293434

A good time to buy is when it's deep in the red. That's any coin. Pick a few coins and buy. Don't day trade.

>> No.8293462

It doesn't violate it if all they are selling is segwit coin. Bitcoin cash is the real bitcoin which they won't touch

>> No.8293476

If you can't answer this: >>8287947 , despite me asking multiple times if you would, then it's safe to assume that no possible evidence, no possible facts could ever change your mind, which means your mind is made regardless of reality. Care to dispute?

>> No.8293562


>> No.8293640

what would it take to convince me of something that will never happen (gen 1 shitcoin-tier tech... aka bcash) eclipsing gen 3 tech that fixes all of the problems that gen 1 (bitcoin & bcash) and gen 2 (ethereum) suffer from? you might as well ask what it will take to convince me that a horde of WWI biplanes will beat the US airforce in the coming year. Just ad the shitplanes will be shot down, the gen 1 shitcoin known as Bcash, (suffering under the mismanagement of one of the worst devs in crypto and the most scammy con men frontmen), will go to zero along with all other bitcoin clones. How much are you being paid to monitor this thread by theway? i'm taking a shit and post and hou're instantly on top of in an hours old thread. tsk tsk, the absolute state of cashies and their paid shillers.

>> No.8293665

So nothing can convince you that onchain scaling actually works? What about it don't you think works? You throw around gen 1, gen 2 like you know what you're talking about. Care to define your terms?

I know you're trying to get the last word so it looks like you 'won', but try having an actual discussion.

>> No.8293701

addressed below. your question is not a good one, and I've explained why. the dishonesty and outright lies coming out of cashies about their tech and the better tech of other coins is a mark of shame on your cancerous community. you should know that people know

>> No.8293726

i know that the gen 1 bcash shitcoin tech triggers cashies. you guys start getting pissed off as soon as it is brought up

>> No.8293755

Okay, you can't answer simple questions and you only try to appeal to emotions. I think it's clear to anyone reading this thread that you aren't open to having your mind changed, no matter what the facts bare.

Honestly, I'm glad people like you are paid to fud BCH, you're so damn bad at it that it only makes my cases stronger.

>> No.8293767

now you're trying to put words into my mouth... you're reminding me of an idiotic reporter from the UK who interviewed Jordan Peterson recently.

>> No.8293789

Peterson articulates his points very clearly, has very defined terms and will define them on request, and never insults or appeals to emotion. I'm a lot closer to him than you are, Bucko.

>> No.8293793

nice job avoiding my explanation as towhy your question was a bad one. also nice job at redefining what i have done, just like that channel 4 UK reporter attempted to do to jordan peterson. same methods.

>> No.8293852

You could ask me any question in the world, the dumbest, most ill informed question, and I could still answer what facts would need to be true for me to accept your premise.

You won't answer the question, because you're paid to not change your mind. You won't answer the question because you actually can't.

>> No.8293872

Take a lesson from Peterson. Tell the truth, or at least don't lie.

>> No.8293933

okay, since my question was more realistic, answer it

>> No.8293977

Sure thing, define your terms first. What exactly do you mean by gen 1, gen 2 and gen 3? Define the problems you say gen 1 and gen 2 suffer from that gen 3 will solve. I will gladly answer once I'm on the same page as you.

>> No.8293996

remember when a bitcoin fork was cool? that didnt last long

>> No.8294031
File: 131 KB, 901x588, gavin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Bitcoin is not dead, it's just changed ticker to get away from the developers who are hellbent on destroying it (and succeeding).

>> No.8294032

gen1 btc, gen 2 eth/erc tokes gen3 NUMA

>> No.8294071

nooe, there yougo again miss chanel 4 UK reporter. i have not responded to your question because it is a stupid question. what would it take to convince you that the loch ness monster is notgoing to emerge from the water later this year and crawl on top of a nearby camper trailer? I'd put that up as equally likely to your orgasmically delusional scenario.

>> No.8294077
File: 586 KB, 853x787, screenshotAtUploadCC_1520792983324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people here like fake Satoshi so much?

>> No.8294104

my question about the world war I biplanes. there you go again redefining what I have asked. you are doing a poor job miss channel 4 reporter

>> No.8294141

You're grasping buddy. You're really grasping. Ladies and gentlemen, your paid shill. At least make it less obvious next time.

The first question you asked is about me accepting that gen 1 is garbage and gen 3 will solve everything. So I'm gonna answer your first question. Define your terms or gtfo.

>> No.8294189
File: 139 KB, 876x1200, 72qgbct2x6e01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What keeps Corecucks wake at night is knowing that bch might scale just enough - 3tps is a joke, but 3000tps could very well turn to be an over overkill for the coming years.

>> No.8294289

Why are bcash shill threads always the most toxic? Just shill your shit coin and stop trying to compare it to BTC, nobody cares about your conspiracies or bitmain propaganda. All BTC forks are shit and only reason Bitcoin has value is it can't be replicated by a simple fork and code change.

>> No.8294290

> success! 100k NEETs on 4chan already accepting blowjobs!
... but how many of them actually revive one?

>> No.8294356

BTC is a soft fork with Segwit
Therefore it's not Bitcoin according to your theory

>> No.8294377
File: 550 KB, 378x421, MAXIMUMTRASHINTENSITY.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cause they're paid to be butthurt

>> No.8294400

>soft fork is a real thing

>> No.8294482

well that's impressive. You see the problem is that your question is less likely to happen than my question about why WWI biplanes won't be able to take down the USAF. Rather than answer my question you no call me a paid shill. Keep in mind I'm not the one who has been monitoring this thread for hours, ready to reply instantly to any new post. looks like you're the paid shill friend.

>> No.8294531
File: 59 KB, 765x343, 1517863654631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These paid pajeet posts are really quite annoying, and there's so fucking many. You can't have a discussion about Bitcoin Cash without these melanin-enhanced posters ruining the thread with their 'bcash, btrash, roger, jihan' spam in every second post.

Because I can't be fucked clicking every poster, there's like 50 in this thread alone, see this newest one as an example >>8294377

The pajeet is even replying to another pajeet spam post.

>> No.8294574

Bro, you can't answer a real question so why bother replying and trying to change the subject. Seriously, answer this, I'm genuinely curious if you can: >>8287813

Just answer it, just think a little bit and see if you can answer it. It's not a hard question.

>> No.8294602

Cant define his own terms, can't answer the simplest of questions. Not even a technical or difficult question. You're deflecting like mad. I mean, do you conduct your real life this way? I can't imagine you do

>> No.8294608


Typical bitmain shills trying to flip the narrative. You're the nigger here with your chink copy of bitcoin. I bet you'll be back to bump the thread right before it hits the archive too. All of these shit threads are the same. You must have fomod in at .3

>> No.8294674

you forgot to mention "bcrash" in your list of supposed paid pajeet posts in your actual paid pajeet post

>> No.8294915

Dig up stoopid

>> No.8295077
File: 1.35 MB, 400x206, 1507830794509.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Typical bitmain shills trying to flip the narrative.

>> No.8295606
File: 88 KB, 800x495, airco-dh2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro, you don't get it don't you. The question is not even within the realm of possibility and it is a complete fucking waste of time to spend any time on it, so I ignored it. What I find more likely is that a fleet of WWI biplanes will be able to take out the US Air Force in 2018. If you want me to waste my time answering stupid questions that are not within the realm of possibility, then I insist that the original "questioner" and subsequent harasser answer my waste of time question first. By the way, pic related is what Bcash looks like in comparison to gen 3 coins (F-35A). that is how absurd the original question is. yet another toxic Bcash thread.

>> No.8295813
File: 43 KB, 1003x507, DYGzHC-XkAMQ3pW.jpg-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amazon and Google next after smart contracts are added in may

>> No.8295912

The fact that Bcashies measure their investment in satoshis says enough

>> No.8295950

Has no technical know how and can't explain his point of view unless he uses WWI analogies. Yeah, a fleet of biplanes could win against the US Air Force in 2018 if certain conditions were met, obviously. If they got nuked an hour before, if all the pilots died of a plague, whatever the fuck. Conditions can be thought of. If you can't think of those any conditions, you either have no imagination or are being disingenuous. Happy I answered your stupid question? Now answer mine, you evasive shill.

Mine isn't nearly as convoluted as yours. Tell me specifically why on chain scaling can't work. Demonstrate your great knowledge, oh wise one.

Either give a straight answer or sort yourself out. Your room could probably use a good cleaning.

>> No.8296664

I've read through hundreds of bch vs btc threads and I've never seen a single well articulated post with quality rhetoric from a btc supporter, let alone a solid technical argument. ive begun to doubt that there is a single btc supporter who even knows what good rhetoric looks like. I realize the irony of my post, but from my experience it's really not worth trying to communicate with these "people".

>> No.8297063

They remind me of pussywhipped friends that want to go out but can't because of their girlfriends/wives. Blockstream has their balls in a vice grip but are too scared to even acknowledge the problem.

>> No.8297140

>Tell me specifically why on chain scaling can't work
There you go again, trying to put words into my mouth, further demonstrating that you are just like that libcuck who interviewed Jordan Peterson. I ignore stupid questions that have no possibility of happening. Yours pertained to one of those.

>> No.8297179

So on chain scaling does work?

>> No.8297180

the only things I could think of is if lightning network becomes usable and bitcoin survive on people not understanding they're not doing anything different to swift payments. Even that is unlikely because LN would be more expensive than swift

If they increase the blocksize I would buy some btc again but they will never do this because the capped blocksize is the only thing making people use segwit and LN
Even if they increased the btc blocksize segwit is irreversible and rbf makes 0 conf and low fees impossible so bch would still win

>> No.8297271

>Tell me how something works
>You're putting words in my mouth!!!
Bro, it's a request. I'm asking for information from you. Are you daft? Tell me why BCH will go to 0, tell me why, honestly. Give actual reasons pertaining to the tech.

Or, you know, keep demonstrating your shill level.

You haven't answered a single question, by the way. Not one.

>> No.8297285

>So on chain scaling does work?
are you also trying to imply that I said something that I never said. The dishonesty of the cashie cult is quite something. Makes sense for a marketing coin

>> No.8297325

Bro, it's not a request when you spam it over and over and over and start harassing when you don't get what you want. Why would I answer your questions, faggot?

>> No.8297351

Okay, so I finally got some information out of you, how wonderful! Now I just need to accuse you of every belief and cross off each one as you deny it until I can finally get a grip on what position you actually hold.

Or you could just explain it like a normal person.

>> No.8297368
File: 104 KB, 643x960, 1492207915201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the anon you replied to

>> No.8297398
File: 129 KB, 450x357, asd-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are very clearly a salty pajeet nigger. First through the door gets shot.

>> No.8297405
File: 239 KB, 3026x1024, 1515623272106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that corekeks are the male feminists of crypto

>> No.8297409

what the fuck are you smoking reddit?

>> No.8297453

Explain your views on BCH. Explain why, in detail, it is technologically inferior to you magic gen 3. While you're at it, define what you mean by gen 1, 2 and 3 like I asked earlier.

Explain your point of view, I'm willing to listen. Change my mind.

>> No.8297459

LN is a shortest route problem when decentralization isn't a goal.
Of course lightning network can route transactions but to do it in a decentralized manner is something that has never been done with a mesh network

that is all a moot point when there is not a single justification to scale off chain as non mining nodes do nothing to validate ransactions

>> No.8297475

fucking saved

>> No.8297727

Is it fair to say that LN without decentralized routing is basically just ripple?

>> No.8297811

it's fair to say it's basically the current financial transaction and settlement system. don't know much about xrp

>> No.8297946
File: 108 KB, 400x381, 03b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. That would be an insult to ripple.
Ripple doesn't pretend that it's something it isn't. It doesn't require you to pay a large-ish fee in order to start using it. It doesn't require you to be online 24/7 in order to function. It doesn't introduce hundreds of vulnerabilities due to technical debt and the difficulty to implement the protocol. It does not create hot wallets that are at high risk of being hacked. It has not "18 months away from completion" for 4 years. It does not rely on magically solving a problem that has remained unsolved for decades before it can be useful. And it does not have a paid troll army.

>> No.8298044

Too bad BCash is centralized. Could be a good project otherwise. Now it's just another chink coin.

>> No.8298048

Wew. It's almost hard to believe there are people stupid enough to support LN. Most of these people must just follow whatever core says without doing an ounce of investigation.

>> No.8298062

how is it centralized?

>> No.8298104

something something china something something full nodes

>> No.8298116


segwit fans love to repeat the centralized meme while they all run a node they dont need to. It has to do with segwit coins since the dont use a signature anymore they need nodes to help out, cash is above all that nonsense.

>> No.8298185

Commies have no faith in economics.

>> No.8298361

I don't hate on BCash. I just don't think it should exist.

>> No.8298375


>> No.8298470

What do you mean why? Are you a bot or something.

>> No.8298482

why do you think it shouldn't exist?

>> No.8299376

It's like they can't answer questions

>> No.8299686

Why are you in a bitcoin cash thread, frothing mad, refusing to provide a single legitimate criticism of bitcoin cash and sperging out about how YOU are being harrassed?

>> No.8300137

This fag keeps pulling the reddit card, while defending core and shitting on cash - which as far as I'm aware is the predominant opinion on reddit.
This guy is def from reddit and trying to hide his tracks by being the first one to call it out.