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8289076 No.8289076 [Reply] [Original]

Did cryptocurrency make you more pro-capitalist and more right-wing?

I used to be a pretty big liberal back before 2013 (when I got into crypto) but I find myself much more libertarian now.

What about you?

>> No.8289117


Not really, if anything it made me more pissed off with how my country spends taxes.

Free college and healthcare? Nah senpai we need our military to dwarf every military on earth combined.

>> No.8289161

It's almost like once you start earning things through the fruits of your hard labor, you don't see why you should have to share it with others.

Being more capitalist doesn't mean being pro military. I agree that your country's military spending is absurd but I also thing the majority of taxation is exorbitant and borders on theft

>> No.8289169

Spending the last 8 months in social isolation trading shitcoins has made me more liberal, more anti-capitalist, and more pro-eugenics. I owe 270k in taxes next month. My only regret is that 1/3 of it will go to the MIC to bomb some innocent muslims. Religion is cancer but nobody deserves to be droned. If you spent any time in this market you would know exactly why libertarians are retards. Regulation is needed. No, I'm not a communist. Fuck yourself

>> No.8289291

>"free" stuff

>> No.8289306

No I was already pro cap and right wing.

>> No.8289330

Are you mad about taxes? They are not features of capitalism

>> No.8289352
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>> No.8289370

I'm not mad that my money will go to help someone with worse luck than me. I'm mad that the money will be spent very inefficiently and in ways which ultimately do nothing to improve the long term situation of those people.

>> No.8289404
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It make me less >>>/pol/

Go home fgt.

>> No.8289407

So, why are you mad at libertarians?

>> No.8289410

I was already an austro-libertarian, that is why i got into crypto

>> No.8289441

>trading shitcoins
>hard labor

>> No.8289443

Crypto is the epitome of why markets require regulation

>> No.8289451


Free bombs to countries who live in the sand.

All about context succ boi.

>> No.8289475

but the same people who are spending your money ineffeciently will be in charge of regulating crypto. Are you ok with that? I mean, you used one of the freest markets of today to make heaps of money, I think being in favor of more regulation is shooting yourself in the foot.

>> No.8289537
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I'm unironically a die hard socialist and vote accordingly.
At the same time I don't pay my taxes.
I still sleep well.
>don't know what's wrong desu

>> No.8289544

>more liberal
>owes $270k in taxes

Why would you want to add onto the 270k you already owe

>> No.8289605

Sometimes I beat myself up for not investing in bitcoin sooner, but then I think about how I got into it only after I turned anarcho-capitalist and saw its potential as a weapon against the government and its taxation-inflation thievery.

>> No.8289618

I made 7 figures trading shitcoins in my underwear for a year. I didn't earn any of this money.

>> No.8289626

So basically you're what drove me from the left to the right.

>> No.8289640

It's free if it would otherwise be spent on more billion dollar bombs for muslims in toyotas

>> No.8289663

you earned the money you made before you invested. you've done your research most likely. even if you didn't earn the money, the govt has no business taking it. it's not like they deserve it more than you

>> No.8289687

How can you be pro eugenics but anti Islam? Nothing holds society back more than Savages and their Savage religion.

>> No.8289688

So you are basically a hypocrite - like every leftist. You just want everyone to be poorer

>> No.8289691

this, it's a dumb luck you heard of something early

it's not earning

>> No.8289708

Then give it all to charity

>> No.8289711

so what? why does it matter if he earned it or not? the IRS didn't earn it either.

>> No.8289714

found crypto through my libertarianism and Ron Paul basically. welcome former leftfag, i miss the good ole days, used to read posts almost every day "have been a liberal all my life, cant believe i was such a big faggot retard"..but now its only faggot socialist. the reasons for world wars have become very apparent recently. fuck commies

>> No.8289733

Crypto and living in Hawaii have made me more conservative. Hawaii has huge social programs, universal healthcare (that sucks ass) and a ton of scammers making bank off the government dole. It's absurd how much money they waste. But, they get away with it because of tourism and high taxes. A lot of people, even educated people, who I know live in this retarded dream state where they don't understand consequences because japs literally pay for their greencard. Fuck this place.

>> No.8289758


what are you saying? I am anti theism. That doesn't mean people should be droned and killed inhumanely. If you were born in the middle east or south east asia, you would almost certainly be muslim right now. Should you have been killed solely for poor circumstance? You have less freedom in life than you think

>> No.8289761

> pro eugenics
> pro Islam
> 70 % of muslims are inbred

>> No.8289795

You had the foresight and took the risks that others didn't. You deserve the rewards for your actions, the government and its dependents don't. The labor theory of value is BS, it's not about how hard you work, it's about how much others are willing to pay you for the result. That said, I've worked harder in the past year trading crypto than ever before doing other things.

>> No.8289822

exactly, we do have less freedom in life. not being able to keep your own money and being extorted by the govt is one of those freedoms lost. whose side are you on again?

>> No.8289859

I earned 3000 dollars before I invested. Big shit. I threw it all in ethereum on a whim. No research. Don't paint a narrative. Very little of that money goes into government pockets. It's spent on social capital and some other abhorrent things. Inefficiently spent no doubt, but that's a different story. If you don't want to pay taxes, feel free to migrate to a country where you don't benefit from government.

weak argument from ideologues that draws on too many assumptions.

>> No.8289879

the government doesnt deserve it any more than you do.

>> No.8289911

Why do you want to keep the money you didn't earn, lefty?

>> No.8289950

exactly. if he's willing to pay the govt he should have no problem with me taking 40% of what he made as long as i promise to do good things with it. even if i said id do good things with it im not legally obligated to follow through with it

>> No.8289958

All I know is I've made a bunch of really easy money and it should be illegal but everyone wishes they had done it so I don't feel bad.

>> No.8289968

again, transposing the conservative narrative onto a much more chaotic reality. I had zero foresight. I was able to take that risk because I was living with my parents at the time and had zero expenditures. The only reason I even found crypto was because I had a coinbase I used for buying steroids. Who decides what's earned and what's not? Over a billion people on earth work for less than a dollar a day. Are you trying to argue that I collectively earned more than 3000 people? People who probably worked twice as hard as me? This was a result of circumstance and nothing else.

>> No.8289985

No it's not

>> No.8289992

listen to yourself talk. Do you actually believe this flimsy logic to be bullet proof? You would be assraped in a political philosophy course.

>> No.8290009

ok, if that was true why dont you do it yourself? not an argument

>> No.8290043

no but getting fit did

>> No.8290053

explain to me why extortion is good. explain to me why the IRS deserves the money more than you do. explain to me why you want to keep the money. explain to me why you're not ok with me taking 40% of what you made.

>> No.8290071
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>did ideology did this to your idelogy ideologies to ideologise

fucking die upper-middle class sheltered scum

>> No.8290079

I agree 80 % is circumstancial.

>> No.8290084

>(((political philosophy course)))
lol nice argument

>> No.8290100

you must be 18 to post on 4chan

>> No.8290119

What logic? I'm just asking you why you don't want to give it to charity.

>> No.8290140

Crypto turned me ancap

>> No.8290158

I've always leaned right to varying degrees since I finished my studies but I don't believe I give that much weight to economic arguments. I think cryptocurrencies are a nightmare world for everyone except for a very particular group of libertarians that isn't even mainstream inside libertarianism. Others think they want them but I doubt shit would develop in the way they want it to.

>> No.8290168

the fact that you have to frame these questions in an intellectually dishonest way says a lot. The IRS doesn't deserve the money. Which is fine, because they don't get to spend the money. They are collectors. I don't give you the money because you are not the government. And you promising to do things is much different from the government promising to do things, regardless of whether or not they fall short.

Why don't you leave the country and form your own hoppean, tax free nation state? Most likely it's because you benefit from the social capital government provides.

>> No.8290170

Been libertarian since 2011. Dabbled in btc a little bit but dropped the whole thing cause I thought the govt was gonna shut it down. Feels bad. So yea, daily reminder not to be overly pessimistic.

>> No.8290205

Yeah. I lucked into it initially in 2013 because my college roommate was way into it and so I bought some by circumstance. Took me until last winter to realize I could make far more money buy diversifying into altcoins and learning more deeply about the crypto markets. This coincided with a gradual shift in political opinions from pro-Obama shitlib to somewhere gray and fuzzy where I want to keep the free market competitive and open as an avenue for middle class folks, like many of ourselves, to make it, mixed with a redpilled view that American society is shattering into identity politics, while mass media, entertainment and drugs ease the pain, or worse yet blind us to our civilization collapse. Oh well, may as well as get rich.

>> No.8290217

This is a cancerous way to think. I got into this line of reasoning when it came to my own success academically and then in my career and it completely undermined my self concept. "I'm only at university because of the opportunities and circumstances that I had earlier. I'm no better than anybody else and don't deserve blah blah."
No shit, every success is circumstantial (even for the guy who gets rich through hustle). That doesn't mean you should treat it that way. Ironically, you risk losing sight of yourself and your worth when you try to be so 'objective,' I know this from personal experience.

>> No.8290227

>China destroying the environment as well as the component market so they can farm more monopoly playbucks
>Idiots losing all their savings to ponzi poos
It's made me torn really. On a fundamental level I feel crypto is the worst thing to happen in economics bar none because it idolizes all the worst parts of laissez faire capitalism (less than 0.00001% of the population owns virtually all BTC for example). On the other hand schadenfreude has been off the charts watching people get scammed, and I'm all for growing racism towards poos.
All in all I guess it made me a bit more socialist in terms of wealth distribution as crypto has pointed out that less regulations only makes existing problems in capitalism worse. Can't really say liberal because there's a lot that liberals stand for that don't deal with the economy that I don't agree with.

>> No.8290233

I worked for Oxfam for over a year. Most humanitarian work fails. I recommend effective altruism via givewell. But there are other ways to improve collective well being. You don't know what I do with my money, so I'm not sure why you assumed I didn't want to give it to charity. Your question is reflexive and I see it often

>> No.8290267

So you were straddling the truth and turned away because it frightened you?
>lose sight of yourself and your worth
What the fuck does that even mean?

>> No.8290277
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>> No.8290288

>political philosophy course
i hope you're not going into debt for all that kike brainwashing

>> No.8290328

pick 1 faggot. Or do you unironically think Stefan Molyneux isn't brainwashing you

>> No.8290332

The funny thing about that is that most of the money in the military is thrown out on bullshit to justify the huge budget, so they can request more money to throw out later.
The US military spent more money on what they claim are several hundred million dollar refrigerators than they do on the soldiers supposedly using them. They claim the spent more in blankets than on troops' wages. Taxpayer money goes to absolutely just in case they need to bleed taxpayers more. You could reduce military spending by 5% and allocate that money for free education and reforming the countries entire healthcare paradigm (Americans don't need to consume 160% more per capita pills than anywhere else while still having a lower immunization rate than Ethiopia), and then figure out what to do with the other 5 billion USD.

>> No.8290358

>university-taught philosophy
>not kike brainwashing
top cuck

>Stefan Molyneux

>> No.8290363

But you don't want others to decide for themselves what to do with their money (socialism)?

>> No.8290486

If anyone is interested in the bullshit that goes on with military spending read this.

>> No.8290535

>I had zero foresight.
If you didn't you wouldn't have invested in crypto, so that's obviously false.
>I was able to take that risk because I was living with my parents at the time and had zero expenditures.
So?... I assume your parents voluntarily chose to gave you their resources, you didn't steal them and so benefitted rightfully.
>Who decides what's earned and what's not?
People decide. And smart people decide people must own the result of their actions - that's how you incentivize them to be productive.
>Are you trying to argue that I collectively earned more than 3000 people?
>People who probably worked twice as hard as me?
The Marxist labor theory of value is nonsense. You can work excruciatingly hard pushing large rocks from one end of a field to another all day. That doesn't mean this labor has objective value or will/should fetch a good price on the market.

>> No.8290574

most people would rather spend their money on the latest consumer good that has been stamped into their brain by advertisers and marketers, not realizing that materal/wealth acquisition is a hedonic treadmill that doesn't improve mental well being. Meanwhile there are millions struggling to pay for bare minimum.

I don't even consider myself a caring person. I just realize that there are disgusting levels of inequality and ideologues claim it would be immoral to fix that. There is not a wide variance in happiness (on average) between someone who makes 50k and someone who makes a million. Or less contentiously, there's no difference in happiness between someone who makes a million and someone who makes a billion. Now of course these people, and likely you, will claim that it's there freedom to pursue what they like. Well I would argue that acquisition is an addiction. The same neurochemical pathways are used by a drug addict.

some brains are wired for empathy and some brains are wired for selfishness. I don't mean that metaphorically, because we can literally map the brains of people with opposing beliefs. They are different. Politics is mainly just trying to convince other people that the values you were predisposed to are the right ones. Which is why I think its so fruitless.

>> No.8290589

You misunderstand socialism.
For normal currencies it's not "their" money because most of what they have is gathered from the work and business decisions of their employees. For example, the current CEO of Ford does not build, sell, design, or innovate cars, so why does he make the most in that company?
Most Socialists are lumped together with communists, which isn't accurate, as communism is just distilled capitalism with the government being the highest point of the country-wide corporation (the top taking everything from workers).
Socialism would want something along the lines of relevancy based wage caps: the highest yearly salary in a company can't exceed 100x the lowest yearly salary for example. You can make as much as you want, but you have to pay the people actually making that money as well.

>> No.8290609

It's you who's being intellectually dishonest in treating the same thing - extortion - differently based on who does it. The fact that thieves call themselves "government" doesn't change what they're doing - forcible seizure of the result of someone's labor. It doesn't matter what the thieves spend the loot on or who they give it to.

>Why don't you leave the country
Why doesn't the government leave my home and get out of my socioeconomic interactions? It's the invader on my land and thieving control freak holding me at gunpoint. I most certainly don't benefit from being its slave.

>> No.8290616

I'm a fascist but crypto made me lean more libertarian.


>> No.8290634

No, I saw the truth and recognized that it's detrimental to be attached to it. The most productive, succesful people are also delusional. They refuse to repeat to themselves that everything is circumstancial, that there's really nothing at stake. It also turns out that they get a lot of shit done and everyone else usually benefits of it.
For your question, to lose sight of yourself is to ignore and neglect the beneficent qualities that exist in you- your talents, predilections, drive, personality- in favor of the nihilistic "truth." It happened to me and I stopped making art, I stopped trying at work. I became a soulless nothing.
This is what happens to the dudes on r9k. They obviously have something going for them but they refuse to entertain that maybe a little bit of delusion will help get out of the rut that "realistic thinking" (materialism) digs for them.

Thanks for the incredulity, it's good to see the person I used to be.

>> No.8290636

Muh progress

>> No.8290675

I can bullshit you all day about what I think, but my actions would probably define me as lefty scum. That being said I'm down with whatever. I don't wish to shape the world, watching you monkeys do all the work is fun enough.

>> No.8290711

Let me correct that statement:
It's as if the more you have the greedier you become.

>> No.8290753

>Nothing holds society back more than Savages and their Savage religion.

Nothing holds society back more than retarded Muricans and their meddling on other country affairs.

>> No.8290782

>I shifted from ideology X to ideology Y because Z.

what makes you think this is the final transition. what makes you think that your experience and knowledge now is the pinnacle of what you can know.

why do yo need to frame your motives in a ideological frame? ideology is just degenerate form of religion.

>> No.8290786

Muh Liberty
Muh racism
Muh freedom

>> No.8290796

>If you didn't you wouldn't have invested in crypto, so that's obviously false.
why are you, a stranger on the internet with an agenda, telling me what's true and false about my life? I had coinbase so I could buy steroids with BTC. One day I opened the app and saw ethereum jump from 20 to 40 dollars. I purchased 3000 dollars worth from the gym on my phone that day.
>So?... I assume your parents voluntarily chose to gave you their resources, you didn't steal them and so benefitted rightfully.
Why do you attempt to ascribe an overly simplistic notion of right and wrong to a complex biological world? Where did this morality come from? Is it self derived?
>>Are you trying to argue that I collectively earned more than 3000 people?
>>People who probably worked twice as hard as me?
Speaking of pushing large rocks around fields... what do you say to those tens of thousands working in the Congo mining Coltan (the metal used in the device you're using to read this)? They are extorted by western corporations and the chinese, selling them the ore for 1-2$ per kg. It's then sold on the open market for 120$ per kg. You can call them 75IQ africans etc but they are well aware of their plight and are powerless to do anything. If you were born in their shoes you'd be enslaved to the same work.

>> No.8290840

Can't believe rational leftist are here. Quick, kill them before their ideas spread!

>> No.8290868

>politics is mainly just trying to convince other people that the values you were predisposed to are the right ones

This is the thought that makes people become libertarian desu
Without the endless infighting that stems from politics people are free to do what they choose. Want to live in a communist farm where people share absolutely everything and eat only what they grow? Great, just do it on your own property. By all means, you can even have your own little 3rd Reich if you'd like.

Also, less government spending means less government workers having to be fed to do unnecessary work that leads to nothing. Rich people do lots of charity and without taxes they'd have more to give (and a bigger incentive to do so, without welfare).

>> No.8290876

>thinks price controls work

>> No.8290912

>Abolishing slavery is price control
Is it true that you libertarians get super triggered if someone brings up highways?

>> No.8290916

>reaching this level of retardation

>> No.8290920

where do you get meaninglessness from materialism? You've completely mischaracterized me and my worldview. Sorry you must lie to yourself in order to find purpose in life

>> No.8290935

You are a useful idiot who would be the first to die at the fire squad under a communist regime.

>> No.8290952

>it's daddy government's function to protect stupid people from losing their money
fuck off commie

>> No.8290959

>what is coinbase insider trading
>what is washtrading
>what is one person with 1% of the btc circ supply controlling the entire market

>> No.8291042

Slavery is only slavery if you can't leave your job, though.
If there are not enough jobs, blame minimum wage laws.

>> No.8291054

What does racism have to do with it? I can just aswell say that leftism is racist as leftists see minorities as babies that have to be taken care of.

>> No.8291080

There is no consent in slavery. Slavery is anti-libertarian.

>> No.8291123

>why are you, a stranger on the internet with an agenda, telling me what's true and false about my life?
Because an action requires a thought behind it. Not that if you had just stumbled upon a piece of gold you wouldn't own it - it's still you who found and picked it up.
>Why do you attempt to ascribe an overly simplistic notion of right and wrong to a complex biological world? Where did this morality come from? Is it self derived?
Action that leads to the survival and happiness of individual is right. Private property, each individual owning what they create, is the only mechanism by which a prosperous civilized society can function. Calling something simplistic isn't an argument, 2+2=4 is pretty simple, doesn't mean it's wrong.
>what do you say to those tens of thousands working in the Congo
To overthrow their socialist governments that led them to this state.
>They are extorted by western corporations
They are "extorted" by the people who offer them work, which is the only reason they can survive and not die of starvation? Wow. You're an immoral idiot, like all socialists. I cannot describe my indignation and disgust at the vicious delirium of your destructive and murderous "ideology". Don't bother responding.

>> No.8291138

Buyer beware. If we wanted stable, sure gains we would be trading stocks or investing in 401ks

>> No.8291330

>Because an action requires a thought behind it. Not that if you had just stumbled upon a piece of gold you wouldn't own it - it's still you who found and picked it up.
possibly the dumbest thing I've ever read
>Action that leads to the survival and happiness of individual is right. Private property, each individual owning what they create, is the only mechanism by which a prosperous civilized society can function. Calling something simplistic isn't an argument, 2+2=4 is pretty simple, doesn't mean it's wrong.
ohhhhh, so it's an opinion that you are attempting to state as objective truth by using matter of fact language. Got it. Don't analogize math with the organization of society.
>>what do you say to those tens of thousands working in the Congo
Again, dismissing history to match your tidy ideology that fits in a box. American capitalists help overthrow local governments in south east asia and central america all throughout the late 20th century to establish fruit plantations and textile factories. Your spin-off is amusing though. Wanting less people to unnecessarily die = destructive and murderous. But your ideology of indifference is moral. Right

>> No.8291384

3rd position, bro.
No wars for Israel (bombing Muslims), but we don't want Muslims or Jews in our counties either.
We take our own side.

>> No.8291417

You're lazy, you avoid most of the content in my posts. Anyway, if you feel like you experience meaning, then you enjoy a pleasant lie. The materialist reality is that you are less than a speck of turd in the wind of a cosmic fart. Anything beyond that is abstraction and delusion. How can you not see that?

>> No.8291475

Not remotely. I recognize that paying my taxes results in the funding of public goods by which I benefit and which stabilize a market that I can continue to profit from. That said, I also desire to see that those public goods are safeguarded by prudent administration and judicious spending.

Things that I used to regard as corrupt in my early days, like the military industrial complex, I now recognize as a necessary evil for perpetuating a stable global environment by ensuring a dominant hegemon. I recognize that the power politics engaged in by organizations like the World Bank and IMF are a flawed system but that they represent a check on challenges from emerging third world powers. While I would reform some of these systems incrementally in order to cut out some of the ugliness that I consider excessive, I would never be so foolish as to abolish them.

>> No.8291543

>speck of turd in the wind of a cosmic fart
I remember when I was an angsty 17 year old

let's agree that we're both lying to ourselves. Now get off your high horse.

>> No.8291665

It made me Evolian, read on Julius Evola and watch this video to further understand:


>> No.8291710

I was a commie before crypto and actually starting to read books about economics. Im very libertarian now

>> No.8291731
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>what is coinbase insider trading
>what is washtrading
>what is one person with 1% of the btc circ supply controlling the entire market

As a socialist this made me laugh so hard.

Wash trading and market manipulation is a skill, get good or get the fuck out. It makes it so I can kind of see where lolberts are coming from you know. Like if we are truly to have "real capitalism" you should be able to strait up lie to people and sell them bunk products that are contaminated with toxins and lead directly to their death. The market will sort it all out lmao.

The very fact that washtrading is fraud is so "crony" capitalism. Its like they invented the word fraud to protect stupid rich people from losing their money to people who are smarter than them.

Too bad someone will literally always accumulate wealth and then use that wealth to form a militia and create a state to write laws to protect their wealth.

All capitalism is crony.The means of production belong to those who use them, not rent seeking, boot-licking, porky fat fucks that sit on their ass all day. Communism will win.

>> No.8291756

I was already right wing and for less government but I live in a crypto-commie country with a gigantic welfare state so it's not really astonishing.

>This was a result of circumstance and nothing else.
Circumstances that are the result of the work of your parents which was the result of the work of their ancestors, etc...

> Over a billion people on earth work for less than a dollar a day. Are you trying to argue that I collectively earned more than 3000 people? People who probably worked twice as hard as me?
If some nigger in Africa is gaining 1/10 of my salary every month I don't feel guilty, he should blame his own ancestors for his living conditions, as we say here "the dead govern the living".

>inb4 the fallacy of "you don't choose where you are born, you could be the nigger too"
No I couldn't or it wouldn't be de facto "me", I'm a biological product of my parents, if you go with this logic I could be a raccoon or a spider.

>> No.8291775


No, it won't. Even if we abolished Capitalism what Communism seeks to abolish is social hierarchy and its underlying inequalities. Societies without Capitalism, or even land ownership, still found ways to produce social and economic inequalities.

You folks are as silly as the Libertarians and their nonsense about perfect markets that exist nowhere but a textbook somehow applying to the real world.

>> No.8291888

I can guarantee that if you were living in the 19th century you would have been fighting alongside confederates for the continuation of slavery

>> No.8291962

>what Communism seeks to abolish is social hierarchy and its underlying inequalities
No it doesn't. Anarchism is the ideology unjustified hierarchy, associated with a Communist "stateless, classless, moneyless" society

That does not mean that you don't go to the head baker to learn how to make a bread. Justified hierarchy is fine, and in fact a great thing. People need experts to learn from and improve their craft. What socialists are against is unjustified hierarchy, like people born into power, or anyone who thinks "because I said so" is a legitimate reason and that they don't have to justify it because they control the police/military.

>underlying inequalities.

Socialism is about equality of opportunity not equality of outcome.

>Circumstances that are the result of the work of your parents which was the result of the work of their ancestors, etc...
damn dude your halfway there. Its not usual that people with your ideology can actually conceive of related links between multiple concepts. Its usually just "I'm successful because I'm the best".

Your parents and ancestors had help from their extended community which consists of everyone from the gas station attendant to the trucker who drives the food to the grocery store and every person who all those people interacted with. Society is a network of people working together it takes a village to raise a child etc.

>> No.8292045

Don't abolish, but make them (especially the Fed) impotent.

>> No.8292052


>Anarchism is the ideology against hierarchy
>Communism advocates a classless society
>There will still be hierarchy (class) under Communism

This is the end point of where all of my arguments with Communists typically go. You believe in a constellation of contradictory things that can only coexist in a fairy tale land that Marx couldn't even describe when he laid out the initial idea.

>> No.8292086


>make them impotent

That's idiotic. They exist to serve a function, particularly the Fed. You don't neuter institutions that serve a function because that prevents them from fulfilling that function. The mode of thinking that you are ascribing to is nonsensical.

>> No.8292087


We offer free bombs to countries who live in the sand.

All about context succ boi. I know it's hard to conceptualize the fact that the government doesn't provide things for its citizens out of a kind of spite instead of thinking they would have to raise taxes.

>> No.8292095
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I was a libertarian when I got into crypto and became a fascist. It didn't really have to do with crypto, its just that all the people I hated when I was a libertarian are the same people I hate now, the only difference is now I know the connection between them.

>> No.8292142


Why does that book have reviewbrah on the front?

>> No.8292160


Because he's a British fascist.

>> No.8292211

I think the voting age should be raised to 25-30.

It's easy spending money when it's not yours, and most of these kids who want free college and free Healthcare and free everything are spending their parent's money because they don't make anything. These are the same kids eating tide pods and buying a new iPhone EVERY SINGLE YEAR.

Imagine turning 18 and telling your parents how they should spend their money? My mom would slap the shit outta me

>> No.8292266

Read it and if you're familiar with reviewbrah you'll understand.

>> No.8292287

Of course.
Free market: development, thriving economies, innovation, research, competition
State regulated market, taxes, tariffs, trade war, socialism = Poverty for everyone

>> No.8292332

kys. I don't want any fucking politician to spend my hard earned money recklessly

>> No.8292337

Libertarians can also be left wing, you know... It denotes individualism as opposed to collectivism. Capitalism has its good sides but let's not forget the 8 richest people own more than 50% of the world population combined. You don't need to be a die hard socialist to see something is wrong in this system.

That being said I think crypto is a perfect example of the flawed sides of capitalism. Trading crypto is not hard to do and when you have a big starting capital chances are you will get much richer soon because of it (the rich will get richer). Of course this website is full with triggered snowflakes who define their political ideas by virtue of what is NOT leftist, instead of actually reading right wing intellectuals.

Also free health care and free education is completely normal in Europe and only in the US do people get 100k debts for some lecture courses or heart surgery. What a joke of a country, no wonder you have a low IQ orange man in your Oval Office.

>> No.8292353



>> No.8292364


Why is it bad that some people are very very productive?

>> No.8292370

S you're not a leftist. If your principles are: taxes are theft and invest incrypto to protect your private property, then you are no less than a libertarian. By investing in cryptos you are basically saying: Socialism doesn't work. I dont want anyone else to take my shit away unless I do it voluntarily

>> No.8292427
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>hard labor

>> No.8292430

Are you implying those 8 people are more productive than 4 billion (with a B) combined? Are you implying wealth is always earned and not mostly inherited?

Please God, let this be a troll. I know there are so many retards on this website, but let this one pass please. I pray to God this is a joke.

>> No.8292448

>Why is it bad that some people deliberately reframe things to fit their ideology

Exponential wealth grab because of a flawed system does not justify hyperproductivity

>> No.8292459

>You don't need to be a die hard socialist to see something is wrong in this system
Those people holding 50% of the world's wealth are able to do so thanks to government regulations which let them hold their monopolies and fuck up whatever competition they might get

>> No.8292496

Who or what is going to avoid monopolies if the market is absolutely and completely free? I agree with you that governments protect these people, though. Especially the American government under Obama

>> No.8292513

>t. sucks milton friedman's cock

You are absolutely fucking delusional if you unironically believe this.

>> No.8292519

These people being the crony capitalists

>> No.8292551

How can you be this dumb?

It's govt regulations (i.e. taxes) that make it so that they only own 50% of the world's wealth rather than 90%.

You have no idea how hardcore big businesses would fuck you over if they could get away with it. Business is driven purely by profit. Only a naive child would think that we can just trust them to do the right thing.

>> No.8292575

but muh unabated competition

>> No.8292607

>the govt is your friend, the post
hint: Businesses aren't your friends wither

>> No.8292610

Yea and govt is driven by kindness and fluffy bunnies.

>> No.8292630

>you should be able to strait up lie to people
This already happens in all markets and no amount of government will be able to stop it, only make it worse. Read up on how the government made the 2008 subprime crisis even worse. Public institutions and private ones insured by the state were the major buyers of those shitty mortgages, simply because they knew what would happen - they would either profit tons or fall back on bailouts. Were there no bailouts they would actively seek safer investments to avoid getting fucked, much like you avoid buying Bazingacoin.

>communism will win
Without a pricing system you idiots will starve to death. But if you want to make a communist state on your own property, feel free to starve all you want. Anarchocapitalism supports this.

>> No.8292637

The difference is that you can vote the govt out of power and elect a different govt.

The public has SOME say in how the govt conducts itself and the govt has its own checks and balances.

>> No.8292674

Yea I'm sure letting the idiotic mob decide will change things for the better. OR you could instantly change things by voting with your wallet. Damn socialists proving every thread that we need transhumanism before libertarianism takes off. People are literally too fucking stupid.

>> No.8292750

I don't know, I'm conflicted there. I probably changed my views moreso when I started my own business. Once you go through the unbelievable pains and risks of starting a business that's statistically likely to fail, with every step finding red tape or roadblocks that either want to hinder you or charge you prohibitive amounts, and finally succeed, only to spend 80 hours per week just to make it work, it's really hard to be sympathetic to someone coming in for a customer service position saying they deserve so much more and that the CEO is overpaid, having shared none of the risk.

So yeah, I have become what my former naive self despised. I make about $300k per year and it barely feels worth it.

>> No.8292754

>you could instantly change things by voting with your wallet
People don't do this. How naive are you? Why do you think people eat at McDonalds and shop at Walmart? Because it's the cheapest option. It has nothing to do with their own convictions.

Maybe you're wealthy enough to be able to patronize those businesses that you align with politically. Most people just go with the cheapest option because that's they only option they can afford.

>Damn socialists proving every thread that we need transhumanism before libertarianism takes off
I'm not a socialist. I'm very much pro-capitalist but you are an absolute retard if you think we can just do away with regulations. Go back to school.

>> No.8292803

This exactly. I've seen it happen over and over again.

Example: my country is huge and there are only 4 big telecommunications companies and their owners go out to lunch with the president of the telecom regulations agency regularly. Whenever a better and smaller company pops up (which isn't hard since these big 4's services are crap) they go out of business because suddenly there's a new regulation for which they are unprepared.
These fuckers even blocked AT&T, Verizon and Vodafone from operating here, under no real arguments for them to do so.

>> No.8292813

Regulations aren't just taxes, sweetie. Read >>8292803

>> No.8292835

No, they choose those because they provide the best VALUE. Big difference. Also the political views of companies aligning is not what's meant by voting with your wallet, brainlet.

>hurr durr u stupid
Try an actual argument.

>> No.8292843

>the govt has its own checks and balances
>there are people who unironically believe this

>> No.8292874

I was a Socialist before I got into crypto, and I'm even more of one now. Crypto has made me realize that if you want to own a home at this point, either you go to school and let yourself get fucked by debt for years, or you gamble on these fucking Internet fun bucks. It's fucking absurd.
t. Burger

>> No.8292884

You can leave your job and there is consent. Slaves had the choice to die and they opted not to.

>> No.8292910


>"I took econ 101 and think that I understand surplus labor" strikes again

>> No.8292925
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>> No.8292930

Telecoms is an industry that almost inevitably leads to monopolies and it makes sense for there to be a monopoly in that sector.

The reason is that usually on company owns the infrastructure. It doesn't make sense for different companies to be building dozens of different phone lines running side by side.

They choose them because they're the cheapest.

Your little ancap utopia doesn't work in real life. It sounds good on paper until you factor in the notion that people are greedy cunts. You guys are like commies. You ideas just don't work in the real world.

Why isn't the govt just breaking down your door and stealing your property right now? Why isn't your leader just decaring himself king? Because there are measures in place that prevent that from happening you idiot.

>> No.8292943

>They choose them because they're the cheapest.
100% wrong. Do you think McD is cheaper than eating rice and beans?

>> No.8292970

>Why isn't the govt just breaking down your door and stealing your property right now?
They're doing that in SA anon...

>> No.8292994

Maybe not but most people don't have the option of buying rice and beans because it's not readily available and they don't know how to cook.

I agree that a lot of poor people are irresponsible with money though if that's where you're going with this.

>> No.8293014

Good thing you don't live in SA then. Or North Korea or any of those fucked up countries.

I'm talking about the civilized world here.

>> No.8293016
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>dollars in libertarian paradise

>it's not readily available and they don't know how to cook

>> No.8293019


That's because idiot warlord wannabes actually dismantled the military and security services and handed off power to non-state militias that have since been carrying out quiet genocide against rural whites. Now we've just gotten to the point where the government of SA is being open about it.

This came about because of government institutions being dismantled.

>> No.8293035

class means
>Social class, the hierarchical arrangement of individuals in society, usually defined by wealth and occupation

hierarchy is
>a system or organization in which people or groups are ranked one above the other according to status or authority.

A class is a type of unjustified hierarchy. Social class is your relationship to the means of production. If you work for a living you are working class. If you live off the profits of others through rent because you own a factory, apartment etc and you do no labor of your own you are not working class. This hierarchy is not justified.

Its not contradictory at all. Words have definitions and don't just mean whatever you think they mean.

>> No.8293039

>It doesn't make sense for different companies to be building dozens of different phone lines running side by side.
It makes sense if they are fighting over more customers and trying to improve the quality of their service. The mere fact that small companies still try to do it is proof enough
Try using the internet here and then tell me you would support a monopoly in the US.
By the way, what makes you think you're entitled to tell them what makes sense and what doesnt? If there is profit to be had and they're not harming anyone, what is the problem? Phone lines aren't as expensive as you might think

>Because there are measures in place that prevent that from happening you idiot.
It happens little by little, retard. Of course this isn't going to happen overnight
First of all they take all your firearms. Happened here and they're constantly trying to make it happen in the US.
The citizens are the countermeasure, and cuckolds like you aren't helping.

>> No.8293052

Where can you buy rice and beans in America if you live in the ghetto or a trailer park?

There's a McDonalds on every block and you can get a meal for $2. You don't think that has anything to do with its popularity?

>> No.8293096

Maybe that has to do with abundance of food and prosperity enabled by capitalism, and with poor people just not choosing to eat healthy foods. Also I don't live in the US, but I find it hard to believe there's these vast areas without grocery stores.

>> No.8293121

Moving goalposts. Nice
What about the people going to jail in Germany for criticizing government policies on immigration on FB? They didn't say people should beat immigrants up, mind you, they just spoke their minds.

>> No.8293138


You're living in a fantasy homie. I know that you can't see it because you're deep inside of it, but you are.

>> No.8293189

Yeah there aren’t enough jobless graduates with worthless degreees so let’s make everyone get one. What an absolutely retarded idea. I can believe people unironically voted for Bernie. And “free” health care. I’m not gonna at for 100 million obese fucks to receive FREE treatment. Haven’t they heard of diet and exercise! That’s actually fucking free you SAVE money by eating less and healthier. You stupid leftist trigger me to no end.

>> No.8293201

Because even in the US the phone lines are owned by one company. The notion of different companies building the same fucking phone line side by side is ridiculous and a huge waste of resources.

>It happens little by little, retard. Of course this isn't going to happen overnight
Oh no! The big bad govt is coming for me and I need my guns to defend myself but the evil socialist deepstate cryptojews are trying to steal them from me ;_;

You're just a retard. I bet you're pro free markets but anti immigration at the same time amirite?

Go back to /pol/ with the other mouth breathers.

Yeah poor people do fucking stupid shit.

> I don't live in the US
Clearly. You can't just buy non-processed food unless you go to health food stores.

>What about the people going to jail in Germany for criticizing government policies on immigration on FB? They didn't say people should beat immigrants up, mind you, they just spoke their minds.
Don't like what the govt is doing? Vote for a different govt. How hard is it?

>> No.8293228

>buying a new iPhone EVERY SINGLE YEAR
planned obsolescence.
fuck patent law and intellectual property.
this shit should be opened up. repair culture is fucking awesome and modular hardware is too.

>taxes are theft and invest incrypto to protect your private property,

this would be a way easier conversation to have if /biz/ wasn't infested with /pol/ tards. For the billionth time liberals are not fucking leftists and private property can exist under communism. If you want to have a big house with a few acres that you and your wifes son run cows on that's fine.

What you can't do is fence in all the good farmland in the entire country, more than you could possibly farm yourself, and all the springs and rivers, and then say "this is my private property" and expect other people not to band together to come fucking kill your ass because they have no food and water.

>> No.8293236

How about pointing out where I am wrong? I see this shit everyday around here. It costs double the salary to hire anyone because of regulations and social security, so a bunch of companies have to shut down whenever the minimum wage is increased.

>> No.8293240

Our currency's value is held entirely by deals we make forcing other countries to only trade oil against the us dollar. We back these trades with our military, by threat and by offering protection to those that oblige (carrot and stick). This is why the Venezuela oil crypto was a relatively big deal, and is in part why we are involved in the war in Syria.

>> No.8293286

You missed the point anon, the point is that any government is only as good as the people inside it, not better.
>This came about because of government institutions being dismantled.
Government is not magical fairy dust, just like I said, if the institutions didn't held the government back, what good were they?

In the end, every country has the government it deserves, made up by the average person in that society reflecting their values.

>> No.8293307

>can't just buy non-processed food
Then the lower classes in the US are just incredibly dumb and eat stupid shit constantly and there's not a damn thing regulations can do about that or that food is being produced by companies that are pumped with tons of subsidies. My guess is both. We can also blame public schools for that while we're at it.

>> No.8293323

agreed, modding your phone is already a culture, mostly upheld by android kids but iphone kids can do it too

I've got a 7, I might check out Xs for modding when they come along but the shell and exterior sold me on the 7

>> No.8293330

Nobody is saying that the govt is flawless. My argument is that in a democracy, the people have a say in public affairs. The people have zero say in how a company conducts itself.

>In the end, every country has the government it deserves, made up by the average person in that society reflecting their values.
Right. What exactly is wrong with that?

>> No.8293351

I was right-wing even before crypto

>> No.8293353

>The people have zero say in how a company conducts itself
Except, you know, voting with their wallets?

>> No.8293363

>minimum wage laws
incorrect. Under capitalism, competition will always leave a percentage of the population unemployed.


>> No.8293370
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Fucking idiot.

>> No.8293381
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>> No.8293405

hitler was a fucking manlet meth addict. i bet i could beat the tar out of him irl

>> No.8293409

With that type of terrible logic, you should have no problem if I come and steal it from you. Thanks for the gibs anon.

>> No.8293414

>Because even in the US the phone lines are owned by one company.
And yet you don't have a monopoly. So you're basically refuting your own pro-monopoly argument

>I bet you're pro free markets but anti immigration at the same time amirite
Wrong again, retard. Free immigration as long as you get a job, and with zero gibes for immigrants. Europe's immigration crisis was caused by their welfare.

>Don't like what the govt is doing? Vote for a different govt
Do you honestly believe switching the color of your leash every 4 years changes anything? Can't imagine being this much of a cuck
You're just switching between two different groups of cronies

>> No.8293421

>this doesn't fit my preconceived notions of what is possible based on what has already happened. Things that I haven't personally experienced can't possibly come to be!

hello mister no imagination radical centrist

>> No.8293427

>Then the lower classes in the US are just incredibly dumb and eat stupid shit constantly
Yes they are. I never claimed otherwise.

>there's not a damn thing regulations can do about that or that food is being produced by companies that are pumped with tons of subsidies
I don't think we need regulations to fix this I'm just pointing out that there's a reason why poor people tend to lead much more unhealthy lives than wealthy people.

Rich people can afford healthy food, gym memberships, private healthcare, etc..

I'm not really sure what we're even arguing about here.

But we've already established that people can't vote with their wallets when some people have massively larger wallets.

That we be like me saying that your vote should count more or less depending on your net worth or income bracket. It's absurd.

>> No.8293430

>buying a new iPhone EVERY SINGLE YEAR.
not entirely there fault, iphones are literally designed to stop working after a few months

>> No.8293466
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>> No.8293468

>And yet you don't have a monopoly. So you're basically refuting your own pro-monopoly argument
There absolutely is a monopoly in terms of the infrastructure. Do you think different companies own the phone lines?

>Wrong again, retard. Free immigration as long as you get a job, and with zero gibes for immigrants. Europe's immigration crisis was caused by their welfare.
Do you understand the difference between an immigrant and a refugee?

>You're just switching between two different groups of cronies
Then start your own political party. If you really think that most people will vote for you then go for it. I can already tell you that you're a retard with no clue how the world works so good luck with that.

>> No.8293477

>I'm not really sure what we're even arguing about here.
Because you say poor people make bad choices then in the same breath you make an excuse for them that only rich people can "afford" healthy stuff. I think you're suffering from cognitive dissonance at this point. You'll connect the dots sooner or later.

>> No.8293502

And where did I say unemployment would be reduced to an absolute zero?
I'm saying it would be better than having strict hiring policies that make it impossible to hire anyone (much like in my country, where 40% of people working have to do so without any form of contract because hiring them officially costs twice their salary). Under these conditions people have to take what they can get, even falling to near-slavery conditions sometimes.

>> No.8293524

It's not cognitive dissonance at all.

Wealthy people are afforded the ability to make smarter choices in a myriad of ways.

Your rhetoric is basically "poor people just need to choose not to be poor". Wow sage advice there friend.

>> No.8293530


That's not how the labor market works. There are numerous complicating factors, and it's actually an issue discussed among economics professors as to how "surplus labor" should be taught in 101 because most students will never go on to take labor economics.

>> No.8293540

Taxes are theft
Regulations are badly needed
Anyone that can fuck you over and get away with it, will do it.
Anyone that can take your money and get away with it, will do it.
The worst kind of people always end up holding the reins.
Power is a drug.
Never trust anyone farther that you can spit.

I went from libcuck, to authoritarian, to anclap and now I have no fucking clue what to believe in anymore, I'm just looking out for myself and those close to me.

>> No.8293551

Okay, so in America there's no grocery stores anywhere and it costs a shit ton of money to go for a fucking jog. Cool

>> No.8293557
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>The people have zero say in how a company conducts itself.

workplace democracy?
pic related


>> No.8293588

If it's so easy and affordable to eat healthily and exercise well then why don't those dumb poor people do it?

What a bunch of fucking subhumans amirite?

>> No.8293634

Interestingly a lot of shit food in the US is a result of military ventures. All this preserved corn chip and cheese tomato flavored trash is basically industrial byproduct. "fortified" cereal and bread is a way cheaply feed laborers so that they don't die without them actually having a balanced diet and being healthy. general mills, conagra, kellog, frito-lay etc are just as cozy with the government as Boeing and Dow Chemical.

>> No.8293637

>Do you think different companies own the phone lines
You're on a bitcoin forum (mostly) and you don't understand the importance of redundancy.

>Do you understand the difference between an immigrant and a refugee?
What makes you think I don't? Refugees become immigrants at some point if you let them, specially with gibes. Most of these refugees were africans looking for welfare anyway.

>If you really think that most people will vote for you then go for it
What makes you think the average mouthbreather (you) wouldn't prefer the party that offers gibes? Governments will only be reduced through mass tax evasion, not politics.

>> No.8293649

Glad we're on the same page.

>> No.8293682

>Regulations are badly needed
>The worst kind of people always end up holding the reins.


>> No.8293698

>You're on a bitcoin forum (mostly) and you don't understand the importance of redundancy.
You're comparing virtual currencies to real world infrastructure.

>What makes you think I don't? Refugees become immigrants at some point if you let them, specially with gibes. Most of these refugees were africans looking for welfare anyway.
Can you blame them? If I was an African I'd be on that boat to Europe immediately. The point is that refugees and asylum seekers are subject to completely different laws than regular immigrants.

>What makes you think the average mouthbreather (you) wouldn't prefer the party that offers gibes? Governments will only be reduced through mass tax evasion, not politics.
Because the majority of people don't receive gibs. Only a minority of the population is on welfare.

>> No.8293707
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I know, it's fucked, but life has shown me what happens when this lunatics are allowed to do whatever they want

>> No.8293756

I was a libertarian before crypto now I’m a communist

>> No.8293786

I thought thats what you meant by
>there are not enough jobs
You are right though, in countries with no minimum wage people are much more likely to hire people for small gigs or help with a short project odd jobs etc. I just that those people usually have a second job as a thief or a beggar.

Under the constitution of the Soviet Union every citizen was guaranteed the right to land and work. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.8293943

>You're comparing virtual currencies to real world infrastructure.
And you don't think phone lines and optic fiber cables need (and have) redundancy? Otherwise you could take down power/internet in whole cities just by cutting a single cable. Many real-world systems have redundancy measures.

>Can you blame them?
Nope. I can blame europeans for getting cucked, though. Look at Serbia - no gibes, no crisis
>The point is that refugees and asylum seekers are subject to completely different laws than regular immigrants.
Of course. But this is irrelevant to your point about /pol/ and borders, since they're against any form of immigration/asylum if they're not white.

>Because the majority of people don't receive gibs. Only a minority of the population is on welfare.
Many people defend welfare even if they don't need it, though. You, for instance.
Welfare isn't even the main offender, it's just one example of the ways through which the govt expands itself.

>> No.8293970

You know who I'm talking about. The people who camp out in front of Apple to be the very first to get one so they can show off their materialistic prize on social media. These kids have no understanding of delayed gratification.

And please, you and I both know it's not necessary to get a new phone every year. Of course planed obsolescence exists but you could easily last 2 maybe 3 years with the phone you currently have. I went from a Galaxy S1 to an S4 to an S6 to an S8. My father currently uses my old S6 which mean it is about 3 years old right now. My girlfriend still has an IPhone 5s.

>> No.8293984
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>all the meme edgelord ideologies ITT

>> No.8294188

Im not a socialist but speaking of homes you're right on. Its insane how well the system works - work your whole life to get the house, then own it for a millisecond before you begin to cash equity to support yourself in retirement. Shit is fucked

>> No.8294202 [DELETED] 
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I used to lean to centre-left (social democracy), but after being 7 months in crypto now I've become more anti-tax because I see that states -- even the most developed ones -- are still inefficient and corrupt. I feel like that people who WILLINGLY pay taxes are cucks who keep that stupid machine running.

I used to be some kind of statist -- even fascist years ago. But now I see governments as entities who are not much different than the people. Governments are still human beings with weaknesses etc, they are only more powerful just because WE decided to give them some power to rule over us. If they fuck with us the people, we should not be afraid and confront them (unless you live under violent, authoritarian dictatorships where you have no other options but to submit).

Also, I am a foreign student in Germany. I'm a muslim. I used to despise those racist people who hate refugees just because they are arabic and muslims. But now that I've read some of logical arguments against refugees here on /biz/, I understand how my German friends are feeling. I understand that the majority of those arabs are problem makers and I agree with people who oppose those kinds of refugees. Also from economical perspective, I now see the refugee asylum as a quite big burden for Germany and the rest of the EU.

So yeah.. those are some of my principles that have changed due to my activity in crypto.

>> No.8294219

>If you live off the profits of others through rent because you own a factory, apartment etc and you do no labor of your own you are not working class. This hierarchy is not justified.

This is the part of the argument where you commies lose me. Does a factory or an apartment building appear from thin air? It requires initial capital to build and depending on the industry of the factory or the location of the apartment building there is different levels of risk involved.

Let's ponder a person builds an apartment building with 50 apartments for $40 million and sells each apartment for $750k. He's now made back $35 million with a rather steep price for each apt. He now takes a rent from his tenants, albeit lower than a rental unit, but enough to cover maintenance and to slowly gain his investment back. Considering he's gone back $5 million this is a slow investment since he can't charge more than maybe a grand or two for a co-operative apartment meaning that his/hers ROI will take a long time to become a net profit.

Now these sort of things happens daily in our lives outside of a notoriously safe market such as housing with a higher risk profile of let's say, a company, and your ROI is far from a guarantee when it comes to startups. Now, tell me this so I can understand, why does this person not "deserve" the profit made from this venture? Someone have spent quite a lot of money to 1. create housing for atleast 75 people to be conservative, 2. created job opportunities for the contractors who built the building etc.

>> No.8294221

if anything crypto might make people more aware of our influence on climate

>> No.8294225



>> No.8294247

Stop lying

>> No.8294250
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t. redneck

>> No.8294260

gets me everytime

>> No.8294280

> I bet you're pro free markets but anti immigration at the same time amirite?

How is this bad?

This would literally be a utopia.

>> No.8294303
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>heh only dumb rednecks are against central banks
Enjoy your corporate fascism you drooling retard.

>> No.8294394

>you want to own a home at this point, either you go to school and let yourself get fucked by debt for years,

How the fuck could this have made you more socialist?

Government and central banks are THE REASON houses and college tuition costs so much.

God fucking dammit people need to wake up.

>> No.8294440

The entire reason telecom is monopolized is because the government restricts competitors from entering the market.

We need a free market

>> No.8294481

There nothing wrong with voluntary hierarchy.
You people are authoritarians.

>> No.8294493

>I thought thats what you meant by
>there are not enough jobs
There's a clear difference between 30% unemployment (death for many) and 5% (just go out and get another job if you're minimally capable). And I'd rather be able to take short projects over just being able to roll up and starve, btw. Look at Germany - no minimum wage until 2014.

>Under the constitution of the Soviet Union every citizen was guaranteed the right to land and work.
And that worked so well for them. Until you starved to death or went to a Gulag, of course. :^)

>> No.8294503

I want all socialists to die.

>> No.8294534

>Under the constitution of the Soviet Union every citizen was guaranteed the right to land and work
No they were forced to work or they would shoot you.

The ussr was a poverty ridden shithole compared to usa and western Europe.

>> No.8294549

Under a libertarian paradise they could form their own socialist/communist state on their own property, no need to kill them. They would starve themselves in due time.
Everyone wins.

>> No.8294639

The word cuck was invented and added to the dictionary to describe ppl like you.

>> No.8294758
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I feel the same way as him and I'm from Jew York of all places.

>> No.8294771

Taxation is theft and should be a voluntary system. Don't force your socioeconomic ideology on me. Socialists/Communists who have used government subsidies in the past should now pay it forward to the future generation of socialists, but leave me out of it.

I chose to be self sustainable and have never used any form of public assistance. Other than roads and the police and military, I don't think I use anything subsidized by taxes. So why should 35% of my income disappear to something I will never use? I don't give 2 shits about Shaniqua and her 4 kids with 4 seperate baby daddies and I shouldn't have to pay for her mistakes.

I will never use Medicare, Social Security, unemployment insurance so why should I pay for it if I don't agree with it? Only the people who believe in the system should pay for it. Tax rich socialists double, they should be fine with sharing with the poor socialists. Gotta do your part!

>> No.8294877

I'm a big government guy when it comes to getting Gibbs from my government, and a huge ancap free market guy when it comes to paying taxes for my crypto profits...

>> No.8295480

There is nothing wrong with that.

>> No.8295685


>politics don't happen
>government inevitably regresses to the mean

>> No.8295691

ITT: A faggot commie larping as a millionaire trying to convince people to give up personal freedoms, to give communism "one last college try."

>> No.8295795

Also libertarianism is a meme that will never happen. The best system is the American Economic system put in place by the Founding Fathers. It was refined further by Henry Clay, before (((Lincoln))) fucked everything up.

>> No.8296513

Yes it did, it kinda forced me to confront the idea that the government and the media are constantly attempting to subvert and undermine genuine ways of crawling out of poverty in the name of "protecting" people from competition

>> No.8296812


Pick one

>> No.8296992

>Did cryptocurrency make you more pro-capitalist and more right-wing?
Actually, no. Crypto made me notice how markets can't function without regulation and oversight. For instance, most crypto exchanges are fabricating volume numbers and wash trading with bots, making it seem that crypto is more valuable than it would be in a transparent market.

>> No.8297580

Refugees flee from war. There is a war in Syria. There is no war in Turkey. There are refugees in Turkey. There are illegal immigrants in central europe.

>> No.8297707
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