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828210 No.828210 [Reply] [Original]

I saw an ad on tv of Ron Paul basically saying a USD apocalypse is coming. Curious, I went on his site, which seemed legit until about 30 mins in and he started plugging some little firm and a book called America 2020 with claims not only you could survive but profit from the future collapse. I'm 18, about to start at University of Memphis. I don't need to become a billionaire, but what can I do to ensure financial stability in the future?

>> No.828236
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>> No.828244

It's hypothetically possible that the Western fiat currencies will collapse in value in the medium-long term. How likely this is to happen is of course a matter of personal opinion.

The easiest way to hedge against this is to buy tangible assets like gold or land. Many posters here also use virtual currencies like bitcoin and litecoin.

I have not read the book, so can't comment on it.

>> No.828245

vote for Trump

>> No.828250

Yep. gotta speed it up some, since it's 2015.

Anyway, I'm tired of this horse shit. Is it possible? Yes. It's also possible that Australia will finally attack Brazil in an attempt to start taking over South America. Will it happen in our life times? No. America, like the rest of the world, is on a slow decline. Someone else will need to step up to become the engine that powers the world.

>> No.828252


Ignore both of these morons.

A USD apocalypse isn't coming. The only plausible mechanism for that happening would be if the majority of Congress literally became retarded and defaulted on US debt by not raising the debt ceiling rather than just using it as a bargaining chip like they do every year. Otherwise, the USD is looking pretty sturdy right now, with instability in the Eurozone, US investments are being viewed as comparatively safer, increasing demand for USD. With the Fed likely to start raising interest rates soon, we're likely to see the USD appreciate even more as US bonds start to have higher yields, making them more attractive investments, and once again increasing the demand for USD.

>> No.828254


*I should justify this by saying this is in the near future, and assuming there aren't any earth shattering catastrophes, we should be good.

>> No.828255


Firstly I think the tone of my post made it pretty clear I think a collapse is unlikely

Secondly this instability in the Eurozone is short-medium term at best, and many analysts say the recent gains in the US economy are being overstated

>> No.828272

I saw the ad for this book too and investigated it a bit. Check the amazon.com reviews for a simple synopsis.

>> No.828274


I only skimmed your post saw "gold" and mention of crypto currency. I'll acknowledge that gold is a decent hedge against instability, even if the goldbugs and conspiracy nuts have driven it higher than it should be. That said, I don't see how a tool used almost solely for baseless speculation is good for hedging against instability.

I could see the US potentially falling back into a slump if the USD becomes too strong too quickly, but even that would be unlikely to hurt the USD too much.

>> No.828286

Thanks for the advice. Will consider this in my savings and hopeful investments to come.

>> No.828298
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It's already too late

I'd recommend reading "The Long Emergency" if you like doom and gloom

>> No.828303
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>The only plausible mechanism for that happening would be if the majority of Congress literally became retarded

>> No.828914


Congress is only figuratively retarded. You would have to be "dropped on your head and left in an oxygen free environment until loss of concious on a weekly basis during your formative years" levels of retarded to vote to default on US debt under our current economic conditions.

>> No.829014

I've been buying $100 - $200 worth of silver or gold coins and bars each month for the past year. will continue to do so.

>> No.829052
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>implying a collapse of the us dollar doesn't imply the total disintegration of society
>implying your gold and silver will be worth shit when SHTF

You really think anyone is going to trade weapons, food, water, or medicine for shiny metal coins and bars?

If you actually think shit is going to hit the fan, you'd be better off stockpiling useable goods.

>> No.829128

you also forgot to mention that the market crashes every 8-10 years. So stop with your overtly confident sycophant bullshit. Also to refute your middle point; many countries are phasing out the dollar because they aren't considered "Safe" anymore.

>> No.829130

not knowing why gold raises in value over crisis , in its self speaks volume about your ignorance. Gold/silver was used as a currency before and when the currency and stocks go to shit, people rush to value. Fiat currency is just monopoly money if no one trusts it's value, which is a growing concern considering many countries like china are phasing out the dollar, because trust is down. Also the consumer sentiment is very poor in the U.S, the reason why we don't have runaway inflation but glaringly close to deflation is because of crap consumer sentiment.

>> No.829133

good man; all these others are clouded in normalcy bias, which is why they are going to get hit the hardest. The government wont save you guys.

>> No.830409
