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8279045 No.8279045 [Reply] [Original]

>50,000 Link
>Staking them through nodes
>2.5 % gains per month
>$31,250 income/month

Why the FUCK are you not all in rn

>> No.8279073

Going all in is bad juju
I have 37k link though

>> No.8279103

saame here weird hodl

>> No.8279172


Lmao this math is bad but okay kiddo

>> No.8279345

is that steve on the left?
genuinely cant tell

>> No.8279389

When I do mental masterbation on numbers I usually do 1% montly to not get my hopes up.

I have 14k link so I'm hoping Link hits 20+ some day and I can at least make enough to quit my job buy a bike and do a world tour.

>> No.8279440

>2.5% gains per month

I've thought a lot about this. I can't think of a practical way to actually predict what the nodes will make.

I mean, won't it depend completely on the type of data they're providing? A node providing essentially free information won't be able to charge much, but one providing very priviledged info could. Putting a percentage to your returns is stabbing in the dark.

Am i wrong?

>> No.8279462

Can you imagine how insufferable this place would be if link actually ends up making it?

>> No.8279469

70% of muh folio is LINK

>> No.8279511

can I stake with 1K? How much you think I'd get per month? How to stake LINK?

>> No.8279552
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>mfw only 13k LINK

>> No.8279577

2.5% seems like masturbation but then I think about bow risky crypto is and it makes sense

>> No.8279600

>13k Link
>@ $20 making 1% a month you get $2,600

not amazing but thats more than a minimum wagie makes working 50 hrs a week.

>> No.8279628

$25 LINK would be the current #4 coin in the crypto space. You're dreaming.

>> No.8279634

yeah I'll still consider myself the luckiest man on earth in that situation
but first LINK needs to reach that $20 and get mainnet out and working

>> No.8279674

FYI, I believe Oracles are important but to value them at $25 billion is a bit of a stretch.

>> No.8279686

I know Linkpool is assuming 0.1-1%.

That seems conservative, but maybe nit long-term. The whole point of smart contracts and decentralized oracles is to lower costs and be more efficient. It would make sense that the nodes barely turn a positive percentage, but if each link is worth several thousand (or more), 0.1% of 100k staked would be $50+

>> No.8279706


>> No.8279831

where is this money coming from? are people having to pay link to use that user's oracle? do they pay in link, meaning people are constantly going to need to sell link? if it's an erc-20 token how is this % even distributed if chainlink has its own chain?

>> No.8279914

They pay in Link based on USD price. If the cost of transaction is 0.5USD, and price for link is 0.5USD, they pay 1 Link. If Link price is 50USD, they pay 0.01 Link

>> No.8279915
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you're such a stupid fucking cunt

>> No.8279979

This, totally. The percent-return of a node will go down as the price of (or demand for) link goes up. This is because the cost of the data doesn't go up just because link does, so nodes will start charging less link for their services as the world continues to adopt smart contracts and needs link to use the network

>> No.8279990

You seriously didn't actually buy Link did you? Its a sick joke that biz likes to play on newfags. Ask yourself why no one talks about Link besides 4chan? Reddit absolutely hates this project and there was a thread earlier where they rightfully were calling this shit a scam. I don't want to see you lose anymore money so sell and buy something useful like TRAC.

>> No.8280014

ok, so it's not staking at all then, its just a normal fee

you think i want to waste my time reading their shitty "whitepaper"? lol

>> No.8280183

>ok, so it's not staking at all then, its just a normal fee
You may stake earned Links in oracle or withdraw and sell them

>> No.8280286
File: 270 KB, 700x700, 16215F60-9E83-49A1-90DA-85340558A644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw bought 500 Link at $0.80
Any advice lads? It’s been a tough ride so far

>> No.8280457


Yeah, hell no. If the rates are that bad anyone with a brain will sell their LINK for anything that gives better staking rewards like ETH or NEO

>> No.8280521

Well, the price of link goes up (theoretically) due to a higher demand for data so the percent return loss should be evened out by more data requests

>> No.8280548

Are you smoking crack? 1% monthly return is sick
>Own 70k link at 1$
>Make 700$/month passively without selling my stack

The dreem

>> No.8280627

the point is to not sell link till god knows what price. so staking in the mean time would be amazing.

>> No.8280667

>not understanding the effect $1k+/link would have on node returns

>> No.8280697

That's exactly what i was ineptly tryint to say

>> No.8280797


One thing for certain is that you STEAKING faggots will certainly push the price of LINK into the gates of Val'hala

>> No.8280830
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>> No.8280855

Your mommy is going to be mad when she finds out you've been skipping lunch at school.

>> No.8281247


I'm going to be nice and throw you and everyone else on this thread a bone- you're all wrong.

Beale clearly states he isn't accounting for token price increases in this calculation. What will determine how much you make on a monthly basis is NOT the price of link, but the utilization of the network

The network is utilized at a level 'y' and the price to ChainLink the average contract is $0.50. Let's say you own 10k Link, or 0.002857142% of the current tokens in circulation. You're earning ($0.50)(y)(0.0029%).

If utilization doubles to '2y', you'll earn ($0.50)(y)(0.0029%)(2).

The price of Link doesn't matter at all. If it's $1, and the average data feed is $0.50, people will pay 0.5. If it's $100, they'll pay 0.005. It'll be the same USD amount.

>> No.8281263
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see pic related

>> No.8281266

in 2025?

>> No.8281386

Seriously, operating a node will be like owning a toll road, except you have to compete for price with every other toll road operator, and they're just as good as you are. The only people that will be filthy fucking rich are the ones that manage to hold their tokens once 95% of them are staked on nodes