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File: 30 KB, 1109x360, 2009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8276645 No.8276645 [Reply] [Original]

You should have only mined it, anon...

>> No.8276679

Should have. It did look like a waste of time back then.

>> No.8276727

Well, back in school I was too busy worrying I will never see a pussy in my life

>> No.8276767
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could u imagien tho

>> No.8276794

had 80 in 2012. would rather not think about it.

>> No.8276808
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>> No.8276811
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>> No.8276813

When NANO started you could get 1,000 NANO per captcha. Thats about 11,000 USD per captcha. Even better than bitcoin.

>> No.8276824

that was a good month for me, banging 10/10 sorority girl at the time. I knew about bitcoin then, and I thought it was fucking dumb/something used 2 buy drugs.

>> No.8276830
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thats why i like turtlecoin right now, because you can just mine it yourself the inflation rate is so high! it doesnt even matter about previous holders. you can get a chunk in rains too!

>> No.8276857

I mined 200 bitcoins. That PC is in some landfill now...

>> No.8276880

>Joey Rich


what the fuck did I just watch?

>> No.8276885

good lordddd

>> No.8276930

Holy shit bro. I feel bad for never buying btc despite hearing of it four years ago, but damn. How'd you lose them?

>> No.8276959
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i didn't even bother to take a look at it. it would have been an amazing opportunity

>> No.8277002

i fucking did, had like 3000 sold them for runescape gold because btc was even less useful than runescape money back then. it was easier to fuckign trade it for rs money than for real money.

>> No.8277011

Ethereum was shilled constantly in 2016. You were here.

>> No.8277014
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That sucks because you know most people dont really have the chance of hearing about that kind of stuff at the start , like bitcoin in 2009.

You can check this link to see at what price people were buying NANO almost 2 years ago. :


>> No.8277066

>it was fucking dumb/something used 2 buy drugs.
9 years later and it is still dumb/something used 2 buy drugs, just manipulated to higher price by exchanges and chinese mining mafia

>> No.8277073

I think most everyone who used bitcoin in that time period thought of it as a form of exchange not something that was going to become worth a lot by itself. I was too god damned stupid to even understand how to make a wallet and get them.

>> No.8277078

Be me when I first heard of BTC I was 13 BTC was less than 10 cents PMSL but I jerked off instead of buying $10 worth

>> No.8277112

Would be really funny if NANO becomes the next bitcoin and people here dont buy it, just like people were fudding ethereum back then.

t. i have ETH and NANO, didnt feel for the fud.

>> No.8277142

Your sacrifice wasn't in vain. Losing your coins increased scarcity and caused the value of everyone else's to be higher. Thank you, anon.

>> No.8277162

>Site now giving 200 Mrai every 5 minutes, so at a rate of 40 Mrai per minute.
>So you have to spend more than double the time to get the same ammount of coins...

That's $2310 every 5 minutes now.

>> No.8277164
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i spent them on Silk Road. this was back in the day when i had to go to the fucking bank and wire money to a Japanese account and then go home and refresh my wallet until they showed up.

>> No.8277175


>> No.8277181

At least you spent them on something and didn't just lose them.

>> No.8277202

one thing i learned from this is that early stage opportunities always sound bad or ridiculous at first
the only common denominator i can see for those that actually end up making it is that people who have had success in other areas of life are part of the early adopter crowd

>> No.8277214


Mined 398 bitcoins in 09 -10
Made and wallet put em in there.
Thought it was a cool idea, yet kinda dumb.
Didnt use em, forgot about wallet.
Wts its 20k now ?
Remembered wallet, pulled it up.
Did some math, 7.4 mil worth december
Started lurking biz
Laughed and laughed and laughed
4.07 mil as of NOW.
Still laughing.
No plans, there it sits, well see in a year.
Coins have never touched an exchange or a fiat $ yet.
See you next year shitposters.

>> No.8277224

Nice larp.

>> No.8277239

Well, you'll still have $400k EOY, which is not bad either

>> No.8277241

Lmfao seriously? That's crazy. Grats

>> No.8277249

Eth makes more sense as a "store of value" than any other coin because people actually make dApps for the network and that provides a somewhat constant demand.

Nano makes the most sense as a way of transferring value between individuals. Banks charge insane amounts for international money transfers, a fast feeless decentralized way to do this has a clear market (even if you never end up buying a coffee with Nano).

>> No.8277250

it was weed, too. granted -- great weed. but still. that's a $100,000 joint.

>> No.8277255

I feel like giving up on life when I read posts like this,

>> No.8277258

Next time make it more believable kid we’ve seen a lot of shitty larps

>> No.8277263

Can I have one anon?

>> No.8277265

You must realize that in 5 years we'll be talking about link like this.

>> No.8277278
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i want to puke, i missed so much things

>> No.8277299

i can't fucking escape you fuckers

>> No.8277307


Yep, thats why i think NANO and ETH have a great future ahead. Can't wait.

>> No.8277331
File: 346 KB, 450x230, CFCF3D1A-7C87-4905-AEA1-0A2E34F15DD5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go back in time, or be ashamed of things you didn’t do, and didn’t know about.

Great post congrats

>> No.8277333

>Banks charge insane amounts for international money transfers, a fast feeless decentralized way to do this has a clear market (even if you never end up buying a coffee with Nano).
When are currencycucks going to realize something as volatile as crypto is NEVER going to be used to transfer value. Banks will take blockchain and have their fiat backed stablecoins and have fast feeless transfers THAT way.

>> No.8277343

Thats how anyone who has a mil$ in bitcoin has a million $. I have 2 friends i played diablo with whos story is literly the same.

Ya the way i see it, i never had it before, i dont need it now. I may take out some cash cuz why not. But overall i feel its gonna only appreciate if it already has, and ATMs are popping up over by me.

So we gonna ride.

>> No.8277367

I was too playing wow.

>> No.8277408

That way you still have to trust the banks & government. Bitcoin is trustless. If I send a transaction to you, you will receive it, regardless of whether the government hates you and has frozen your bank account or not.

>> No.8277419

If OMG (and therefore ETH) succeeds nano is dead in the water.

The guy i contract with just sent me digital cash using square's cash app. Cryptocurrencies don't have a bright future, except that you can buy btc using the cash app.

>> No.8277439

they will just create usd backed coins and use the fastest/safest network available
there is NO FUCKING WAY they will ever use some volatile shitcoin that some neets would get rich off of as a side effect.
First (((they))) would hate to make any neet rich, but second thing is they will never use something that can change value during the buy-transfer-sell period

>> No.8277493
File: 104 KB, 1312x303, oyvey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course you or me will prefer btc, but (((they))) will never give up their FIAT, they may use erc20 tokens to transfer their USD backed tokens (assuming eth is safe and fast) but they will never give up on FIAT, they will fucking fight till we all die but won't give up

>> No.8277501


digital fiat cash isnt decentralized like NANO is and will never be.

>> No.8277553
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Lmao, can't believe someone is so scared of free trade between individuals. That's why i hate fiat and love crypto and bantering.

>> No.8277579


Me too anon, a small amount for then that'd be life changing now.

We're all in this together now!
No one can stop us now!
We will make through somehow!

>> No.8277591
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>> No.8277608

may we all make it. well, not the linkies. but everyone else.

>> No.8277644

>All you had to do was buy LINK, anon...

>> No.8277731

Yes, I agree that they will have USD-backed tokens, no doubt about it. It's just that I believe it will be a little more ancap than this, where state currency and crypto compete for market share. Parallel to that people (funded by cryptobillionaires) could enter politics to prevent shutting it down.

>> No.8277784

post your public key

>> No.8277804

>Mined 398 bitcoins
stopped believing right there, could only be a multiple of 50

>> No.8277900

also this. lol.

Pools didn't come about till like 2011 IIRC

>> No.8277912

mining pools arose pretty early

>> No.8277928

we can't all make it, somebody has to be left holding bags

it's not our problem but think about it, somebody will

>> No.8277957
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>> No.8277961

but the post is likely larp

but not impossible

>> No.8277974
File: 33 KB, 892x557, 1519945955286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys just mine some turtle its super early just came out 2-3 months ago. the emission curve is good

>> No.8277989

Most of you faggots would've sold at $100 or some shit. Nobody knew. You really should have Roger Ver to thank for it being at least reasonably useful.

>> No.8278029

>all these idiots crying over missing btc
reminder to buy tron so you dont make the same mistake again

>> No.8278045

those were the good days
i miss the silk road forums

>> No.8278050
File: 9 KB, 2001x60, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been buying btc since pic related, to this day I still plan to never fully sell

>> No.8278053

link is the last hope

>> No.8278069

Good plan, i dumped btc and got some shitcoins and almost lost it all. All hail the king.

>> No.8278082

I wonder how many bitcoins are lost forever, I heard some estimations saying about tens of thousands but I wouldn't be surprised if it was in millions, considering how fast you could mine in the beginning and how little faith most people had compared to now

>> No.8278088

learned a lot about crypto and PGP encryption then immediately forgot it all. even laughed when the FBI seized the place.

never again.

>> No.8278128

Well Satoshi still has thousands of unspent 50 btc accounts totalling up to around 1 million alone.

I think estimates have the total around 4 mil as of right now

>> No.8278337
File: 38 KB, 348x390, 1517088178935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the year is 2025
>pic related has reached $10 per coin
>why didn't you but it Anon?

>> No.8278345
File: 38 KB, 785x479, 25,000 butcoins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw you will never see a live market order of 25,000 buttcoins in your life again
feels bad man

>> No.8278377

>bitcoins can disappear from the Internet forever
Okay this article has fully incinerated my almonds

>> No.8278523

i had 4 myself. wouldn't have made me rich by any means but that almost $80k could have helped me alot.

>> No.8278554

He's smart not to put all of his eggs in one basket. anything can happen to files. they get corrupted. easily deleted. computers and devices get stolen. etc etc.

>> No.8278585

yea I'm part of the slave race who've known about bitcoin since the 2012/earlier days and never had any till 2017. I've seen numerous threads like these and it never feels less shitty to read lol.

>> No.8278676

used to browse /b/ a lot in 2006-09, that period when BTC just happened to be the time when i stopped browsing and moved to other boards.
to be fair, most of the speculation around BTC was focused on adoption. you could see traces of moon missions and how the future is from hal finney (btc as world reserve currency), and i'm sure people who understood what they were trying to do. most people were focused on the present and the BTC will never rise above $1 FUD.

>> No.8278758

if ross had used tails and had better opsec he would still be free today. but he was an amatuer and it was obvious from the start. he basically copy pasted code from stack overflow to build SK.

>> No.8278927


>Never mine/bought Bitcoins when they were dirt cheap
>Had hundreds of Bitcoins but sold/lost them

Who feels worse?

>> No.8279125

It's going to be $10 a coin a lot sooner than 2025

>> No.8279434
File: 616 KB, 596x599, cHp4ZvN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't know about bitcoin. If I did I would have done it. I did folding at home on ps3 for over a year, cause I thought I was helping. If I'd known about bitcoin, shit...

>> No.8279487

>Price quoted in BTC/dollar

>> No.8279933

People who knew about it in 09-10 were in it for the tech/philosophy. They're not investor or money guys. If they just checked their wallet (assuming they somehow did not forget the keys in the 8 year interim) and saw they had millions from some dumb hobby they had years ago, they would be scrambling to get it out into cash as soon as possible. Instead, you have been impressed with the bullshit Wolf of Wall Street investor attitude that was, by definition, only possible after 2013.

>> No.8280660

Knew of bitcoin in 2010. Believed it was the currency of the future, but not an investment opportunity. Thought I will wait until everyone starts using bitcoin.

Fast foward to 2013. Everyone in university (especially the male engineering students) talking about bitcoin. One guy bought it when it was $800. I thought it was stupid to buy the top. Was smug when it crashed.

Fastfoward to 2016. Trying to buy videocards and the prices where going up because of Ethereum. Thought about mining but was too busy because of law school.

2017 - got a girlfriend and stopped browsing internet.

Finally caved in late october 2017.

Everyday I cry

>> No.8280896


>> No.8281011
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>> No.8281028
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>> No.8281049
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people will be saying this when its at 50k, this wild ride has just begun

>> No.8281158

in 20 years there are going to be screen shots of us saying the exact same thing once BTC is 10 million.
>It's 10k It's too high to get in now!

>> No.8281701
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2011 fag. I actually first looked into it in 2009/10 but didn't look deep enough and it only seemed to be spendable in some stupid browser mmo game or something, I thought it was useless warcraft gold or something. Once I read the whitepaper I was hooked

Also, buy Bitcoin Cash, its the real Bitcoin. take it from an oldfag.

>> No.8282156

I had 1000 BTC in my wallet back in 2011 to buy shit off Silk Road. But my dumbass dad formated the drive before I could buy something.

>> No.8282159

tfw I hate my friends so much. I was too stupid at the time. If I had been born maybe 3-4 years earlier and I was smart enough to actually understand bitcoin myself, instead of listening to friends I would be rich.

God damn it I hate people so fucking much. You'd expect your seniors to have good advice, but older people be damned.

>> No.8282184

>huur i could have been rich
Well you were too stupid to do anything about it so deal with it faggots

>> No.8282195

>deal with it faggots
One day I will break. People more than ever are being pushed to their extremes.

>> No.8282228

>older people be damned
they are, and they know. they're too ashamed to admit they fucked us.
Generational debt. FFS.
We don't just want to /makeIt/
We have to.

>> No.8282625

>tfw I used to play the fuck out of runescape

I had rare items too like santas and halloween masks, I wonder how much btc people would have paid for that shit in 2009, I had quit playing by 2008