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8266561 No.8266561 [Reply] [Original]

Let's recap here:

Vitalik - commie

Iota - white genocide promoter

Cardano - has transgender freak tweeting about sexual urges and using female bathroom. Boasts about willingness to pay double for females and gender freaks.

XLM - fostering sjw code of conduct

Sergey - pro-refugee advocate.

>> No.8266666

Idgaf as long as I make money honestly

>> No.8266692

I think you get bonuses for hiring mentally ill people

>> No.8266716

1. Alt rightists are dumb
2. Cryptocuckencies are inherently leftist (against “the system”)

>> No.8266766

because they're not retarded

>> No.8266774
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>xrp - (((them)))
tnc has a nice symbol, maybe thats our white knight?

>> No.8266789

>Vitalik - commie

Nah he's just libertarian

>> No.8266796


1. You're retarded
2. Being conservative means you are for small government. This would make righters more inclined to have crypto.

Lefties are socialist who prefer big government.

You faggots absorb everything in college? Make sure to buy into their hating conservative brain washing.

>> No.8266801

Liberalism correlates with intelligence.

>> No.8266823

>IOTA: white genocide promoter

>> No.8266824

Most quant Devs in banks I worked with were closeted far rights

>> No.8266825

This. See Trump.

>> No.8266833

>2. Cryptocuckencies are inherently leftist (against “the system”)

"The system" is inherently leftist.
Decentralized cryptocurrencies (so no xrp, iota or eos) are inherently ancap

>> No.8266845
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> hating
Keep crying

> jews are closeted far rights

>> No.8266847
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Who are you calling a libcuck here?

>> No.8266876

>"The system" is inherently leftist.
Pfft lol. Cryptoproles are just rebelling against the bourgeoisie.

>> No.8266889

Trump is a liberal?

>> No.8266898

Dan "Death to the Commie" Larimer - EOS MASTERRACE CONFIRMED

>> No.8266899

implying trump is a smart liberal? kek
> 2. Cryptocuckencies are inherently leftist (against “the system”)
since when leftist is against the system? being leftist implies that you like a system controlling and regulating every single aspect of population's life

>> No.8266929

>being leftist implies that you like a system controlling
t. trumpcuck amerimutt

>> No.8266943

it's complicated
part of it is that as a dev you can't say you're conservative unless you want to be severely discriminated against
part of it is following the herd

the worst thing you can say in a tech interview is "i'm conservative"

>> No.8266950

developers of shitcoins*

>> No.8266965

implying I give a fuck about amerilards and their politics? kek

>> No.8267001

If you’re not americuck you have no excuse being this uneducated then

>> No.8267023

>five out of 1000s
also this

>> No.8267029

Vitalik endorsed CP. He's a hero

>> No.8267049

based jewish satan

>> No.8267083

>2. Cryptocuckencies are inherently leftist (against “the system”)
oh yeah thats why most early adopters were libertarians who love border control
kek, the absolute state of leftist revisionism

>> No.8267086

I'm a dev and conservative. I know plenty of others who are too. It's just not generally a good idea to reveal your power level. It's a risk most don't want to take.

The SJW coin devs who are keen to "virtue signal" publicly are not gonna make it. Think about it, for your startup to succeed you need to really focus and put in the work and avoid getting distracted. They're supposed to be growing a company, not fucking posting to tumblr.

>> No.8267095

brainwashed by the jew

>> No.8267104
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Only idiots are conservatives.

>> No.8267120

Vitalik is a liberal with libertarian sympathies.

Sonstebo at IOTA is a fucking retard.

Cardano: Give me a quick rundown.

XLM: SJW? More like Keynesian.

Sergey: Irrelevant.

>> No.8267138
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>> No.8267147

Amb ceo is white supremacist, buy now before it's too late.

>> No.8267172
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I don't give a fuck if the dev team is for the exact opposite of what believe.
I'm not investing in political views.
I'm here to make money.

I'd buy kill whitey coin if it was a 100x

>> No.8267191

>I'd fund my own genocide if I could make money off it

>> No.8267222

>he wouldn't

>> No.8267254

investing in vice is degenerate
don't invest in pr0n or gambling
don't invest in white genocide either

>> No.8267325


Zcash has literally trans devs

>> No.8267355

I am very well educated, not sure what's your problem.

>> No.8267392


>> No.8267421

>Being conservative means you are for small government

no it does not. It depends on the situation and kontext. If a conservative country perceived their way of life as being threatened they would turn to favor a big gvernment to straighten it out.

>pls ban abortions, pls ban violent video games, pls ban hate speech against my religion

>> No.8267424

if you're not a leftist when you're young you have no heart
if you're not a conservative when you're older you have no brain
or something to that effect

>> No.8267429

Did you just call muslims idiots????

>> No.8267440
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Get in or stay poor.

>> No.8267449
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>only idiots don't want their countries to import millions of subhuman savages

>> No.8267465

in 2018 the political spectrum we have experienced as society is much wider than just that.

My country has a socialist government, for me, when I am home, the system is leftist. This is not the case if I were say, visiting russia.

>> No.8267467

>Cardano - has transgender freak tweeting about sexual urges

post trap. n-no homer

>> No.8267503

>pls mr Pinochet make the bad red men go away
>small government


>> No.8267566

Enjoy infighting with all the other poor people.
All this race bullshit is to keep poor people fighting eachother.
You know why Ecuador doesn't have an immigration problem? There are no jobs.
If you wanted to stop "muh beaners" from coming into the country, you'd start fining the cocksuckers that hire them.
You should hate up, not down.

>> No.8267621

Satoshi Nakamoto - straight cis male, traditional values, guns owner including assault rifles, loves privacy.

>> No.8267666

Shut the fuck up faggot
All the west has to do is shut down the various welfare incentives leading to the current "immigration crisis"
but that wont happen because governments are literally replacing first world demographics with third world as per UN directives viewable by any retard with access to the internet
maybe because of that libertarian streak that runs counter to the global surveillance state, perhaps?
Either way the idea that one should not reject the idea of their culture and community being diluted and eventually replaced by foreigners is akin to being suicidal, so just hurry up and kys

>> No.8267689

Thats why i only invest in chink projects white males are all cucked to the max

>> No.8267713
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Dan Larimer likes Ron Paul.

EOS is the new LINK, ETH and BTC

>> No.8267751

The only rational, pragmatic and logical response.

OP, if you want to succeed in your miserable life and change your social status and be fucking wealthy, stop thinking in terms of left and right politics. It's a false paradigm to make stupid people fight among themselves.

Corporations appear benevolent so as to keep up a good image in society in order to appear ethical and moral to the population and the government while they pay little to no tax and those companies love putting their wealth in offshore banking accounts.

Billionaires control both sides and will always make sure that the government of the day (also known as their puppets) do their biddings.

>> No.8267752


Similar to the "that's not very Christ-like of you Mr. Christian," this is empty and hollow. In order to have an ordered and capitalist society, it is of absolute necessity to remove commies.

>B-but you're supposed to be for small government
>B-but your principals

Don't tell me what my thoughts are, Leftist. Don't hold me to principals while you have none I can hold you to because your spineless.

What is it? The paradox of tolerance. We must ultimately be intolerant and outwardly destroy those who would destroy us. Either ostracize them and ruin them economically and socially, or hunt and kill them. Communists are the most intolerant people on planet Earth and we pay the price every day for not slaughtering them.

>> No.8267759
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tnc symbol sounds like a three-legged swastika.

>> No.8267767

>All the west has to do is shut down the various welfare incentives leading to the current "immigration crisis"
you are a fucking idiot mate, it costs a refugee thousands of dollars to cross into europe, it's also a huge risk for their lives and there is absolutely no guarantee you are getting your asylum granted. Even in germany it'd take you like a year of collecting welfare (most of the money you don't even manage yourself actually) to get your ROI, and that if you never spent even one euro. There is absolutely no incentive to migrate other than improving your life through your own work.

>You know why Ecuador doesn't have an immigration problem? There are no jobs.
there are a lot of jobs in Ecuador you dumbshit it's a developing country they just have shit salaries, you know nothing about that country.

Ecuador doesn't have an immigration problem because they have just recently gotten their shit halfway together. Actually they WILL have an immigration problem soon, like most of latin america is, because of the ongoing venezuelan refugee crisis.

>> No.8267775


ARK = 100% uncucked and has people that were trolling shia's he will not divide us, running delegates for them.


>> No.8267787

Satanic quints speak the truth

>> No.8267796

I am not leftist you idiot. I'm just pointing out how stupid it is to say being a conservative is being for a small government, because that is not the case even in america.

There are lots of american conservatives that support measures only a "big" or centralised government is capable of pulling off, like tarifs and shit

>> No.8267798

* information bubbles of twitter and academia
* it being detrimental for your business if you make your right-winged ideas public, in this climate

the ones who aren't virtue signalling could well be on the right

>> No.8267804

Fuck you.

>> No.8267806

>cryptos are leftist
Shitty bait

>> No.8267813

What exactly is your culture? Basement dwelling and shitposting or do you mean all that stuff that you didn't do or contribute to?
Or do you mean flag worship and khaki pants?

>> No.8267816

>There is absolutely no incentive to migrate other than improving your life through your own work.

Lmao we have sand niggers here with multiple wives who collect thousands in welfare money plus free housing. Ehy do you think these shitskins flood into our countries, for the good weather?

>> No.8267821

You're living in a fantasy land where the west is comparable to the shithole they come from. Why are they running in the first place if they can't get welfare and better standard of life just for existing? Where they are treated as children to be saved that can do no wrong because they dont know any better? You're a faggot that is enabling the usurpation of the west and this can only go on as discussion for so long, you are destroying society with your feminised view of the world, giving up the west with your faggotry
it will not continue unopposed
violence is the only constant and force of change

>> No.8267839

You're a faggot that assumes western culture is global multiculture like the brainlet you are
go on and post some memes about spices why dont you

>> No.8267849


>I'm just pointing out how stupid it is to say being a conservative is being for a small government, because that is not the case even in america.

So people use the State to their benefit when they get into power? Oh boo hoo. That's Leftist! Keep crying.

>There are lots of american conservatives that support measures only a "big" or centralised government is capable of pulling off, like tarifs and shit

America had tariffs hundreds of years ago, dumbass. American government in those days was tiny. What happened? Economic woe and despair? Or one of the greatest industrial booms ever created?

>> No.8267858
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yep it's a triskele

>> No.8267860

why does everyone call vitalik a commie?

>> No.8267861

lol you're truly a brain washed idiot. if they're truly refugees they have nothing to begin with as their government is in shambles, house destroyed, etc. that first welfare check is a huge roi. if there was no economic incentive we wouldn't see the invasion that's unfolding. here's a redpill for you: https://www.un.org/esa/population/publications/migration/migration.htm

>> No.8267877
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just transferred all ADA to exchange to trade it for more serious projects

>> No.8267889

first it was money skeleton
money skelly
now in light of his degeneracy
pedo skelly

>> No.8267939

You guys are basically sub human, no empathy, limited world view, dumbasses living out of basements hoping to get laid and/or make money. Stop coming to 4chan and go try to be a decent person.

>> No.8267954

Human race doesn't need you, please don't reproduce

>> No.8267961

Really though, what do you see as your culture?
What is getting "diluted"?
Enrich me in your culture.

>> No.8267972

Don't bother, let him live under his rock.

>> No.8267989
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>> No.8267992

guess what faggot
I am not /r9k/ and never have been
you will deal with me and more
the west isnt going to just lay down for you queers to drown it

kys queerboy I dont need to entertain your faggotry
actually suggesting that western cultures dont exist, the absolute state of reddit brainlets kek

>> No.8267997

is defending pedos the only reason kek

>> No.8267999

>hurr durr there is no culture we ate all the same no quantifiabke differences between races whatsoever

Fine then why dont you go and live in a mudhut in africa

>> No.8268000

Zilliqa is our way.

>> No.8268011

yeah that'll do it

>> No.8268033

So nobody is going to explain what culture is being diluted? Western culture? Like cowboys?
You guys have a real victim complex.

>> No.8268061

Synth is not leftist

>> No.8268075

How about not having man boy love thursdays, look up Bacha bazi, a slang term in Afghanistan for a wide variety of activities involving sexual relations between older men and boys you filth. this is what you're promoting when you shit on western culture.

>> No.8268079


not playing your stupid games, if you say there is no such thing as a distinct culture you are simply dishonest and not even worth responding to.

>> No.8268086
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no one is going to entertain your delusion that the various nations that make up the west dont have cultures that are being threatened which itself threatens the basis of what amounts to western culture via way of demographic and subsequent cultural replacement, no sorry brainlet

>> No.8268104
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I agree. We're not conservatives.

>> No.8268111

> Feminist mom dumps dad and cucks random guys.
> Mom blames all men for her problems. Boy grows up a pussy.
> picked on in school
> Become nerd, little to no social life and always outcast.
> get into computers and other nerdy stuff.
> mad about how dumb the entire world is and how women are treated like shit.
> have difficulty ever getting a girlfriend because you are major pussy who tries to act too nice.
> Chads become the "bullies"
> Hate the world and want to use computer skills to escape / or change things.
> Get decent job working on computer related stuff in early twenties.
> First hot chick basically cucks the shit out of dude for those sweet sweet beta bucks. But the bucks keep rolling in. Chad takes a back seat.

This is basically the formula for leftists devs to become the dunning kruger's of reality. Blue pilled nice and hard and never quite recovered, little chance of swallowing that red pill until chad comes back and that really unfair divorce comes into play. early 30s. By then it doesn't matter damage is done.

>> No.8268138
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Its what trannies look like in real life, not the fake tumblr photos taken in soft lighting with myspace angles and anime girls drawn with a penis that you fap to.

>> No.8268154

>You should hate up, not down
This is anti-semitic

>> No.8268173
File: 215 KB, 829x430, westernculture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think western culture is alive and well and will continue to thrive. From the many films of western culture legends John Wayne and Clint Eastwood, to relative newcomers like Kurt Russel.
I don't think you boys have to worry about hearing those spurs jangle off into a desert sunset. Western culture will live on.

>> No.8268180

Not if we are replaced in our own homelands.

>> No.8268189

Because libs actually have an ounce of intelligence & can code, something you can't say for cuckservatives.

t. Richard Spencer, Mark Dice, Tomi lahren, Steven Crowder etc. etc.

>> No.8268209

>So people use the State to their benefit when they get into power? Oh boo hoo. That's Leftist! Keep crying.
that is exactly my point and I am not criticising that. I saying that's how it is. It does disprove the theory that all conservatives or true conservatives are against a big state.>>8267849
>America had tariffs hundreds of years ago, dumbass. American government in those days was tiny. What happened? Economic woe and despair? Or one of the greatest industrial booms ever created?

economic policy from the 20th century in the context of proteccionist states does not translate to good policy today

>> No.8268220

Say what you want but trannies tend to be pretty good with computers and electronics. It must be the mixtures of the male brain and female hormones.

>> No.8268228


Anarchism is a socialist movement u dumb hamburger.

>> No.8268234


jesus you are retarded
tell me, what do you get out of flooding your homeland with shitskins? whats your benefit?

>> No.8268257

Haha, no. I've worked with some. They are more worthless than women and pajeets.

>> No.8268264

Because intelligent people tend to be more progressive. Or at least there are no intelligent people who belong to the 'alt right', which means they are 'libcucks' from a Nazi's point of view. Leftists have a higher IQ, while they don't give a shit about IQ at the same time

>> No.8268270

Sure, the west was triggered by Hitler also. Can't sit on the sidelines and watch disgusting humans run this country

>> No.8268271
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>there is no such thing as a distinct european culture

>> No.8268281


>> No.8268289
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All those poor women and children immigrants are going to help repopulate their country anon. It's simple.


>> No.8268290

You aren't European

>> No.8268292

>what leftists actually believe
Maybe you should read some books other than Harry Potter faggot.

>> No.8268293
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>people are all the same, culture doesnt exist

>> No.8268295

I guess our problems arise from me seeing you as a Nazi and you seeing me as queer, we both have no middle ground, sigh.

>> No.8268300

you seem to think all countries in conflict have the same socio-economic make up. There were rich and poor people in those countries in most , and there still are. It's not only piss poor people who migrate, I know this because I am part of a large diaspora and most of my people who have migrated are neither in welfare programs nor uneducated

if you are used to getting things through work you won't change that mindset even if all your material possessions were destroyed. The theory that those situations turn people into leeches is bs

>> No.8268303

It's because conservatives are selfish.

Rest of us out here wanting to make humanity as a whole better, conservatives just want to keep their little corner of the universe the same.

>> No.8268307


im german you dipshit

>> No.8268314

Almost in all European countries highly educated people vote left or left leaning parties. Not all leftists are the retarded SJW's you see on Youtube.

>> No.8268317

Were you born in Germany?

>> No.8268327

Go travel and expand your horizons. You're way too compartmentalized. Get out of your box, make some Indian friends, chill the fuck out.

>> No.8268335

I'd expect the XMR devs are all get-off-my-lawn style libertarians. At least that's how I picture them in my mind.

>> No.8268338


actually youre wrong
right wing parties in europe have lots of support among university educated folks
its also funny that you libtards deny race and IQ and then call every conservative a retarded redneck. you people are intellectually dishonest snakes and really have no argument beyoned
>lol you are dumb
>lol you are evil
sometimes both at the same time. day of the rope cant come soon enough for you sacks of shit.

>> No.8268353

>the alt-right meme
>spouting msm cuckshit
You are everything wrong with the world manchild

>> No.8268358


are you fucking retarded?
of course I was born in germany
my family has been here for at least 500 years
you still want to tell me how my country doesnt have a culture you dishonest piece of shit?

>> No.8268364

stop trying to force this meme and just stop taking hormones man

>> No.8268376

Highly educated = highly indoctrinated. Its not the same thing as being actually intelligent.

Worthless cop-out. I have probably traveled a lot more than you and have a lot more real world experience. Only people who lead completely sheltered lives and think all niggers are Will Smith and Obama say shit like this.

>> No.8268379


Poitr detected.

>> No.8268395

Basically this. The less intelligent tend to cling on to tradition. They do not want change, considering it puts them in new situatios which (because of their low intelligence) they cannot handle well. Being conservative in this revolution of globalization is extremely naive. It's like the European nobility who frantically tried to stop republicanism and democracy in the first half of the 19th century. They sure do look stupid now.

>> No.8268406

Good. Stay in Germany, our country is full.
Hug a muslim for me, flachwichser.

>> No.8268426

So you have never heard of anarcho-capitalism?

>> No.8268434

Nice id

>> No.8268438

Jesus Christ could you be any more Jewish.

>> No.8268446

>instantly resorting to conspiracy theories, notions of 'indoctrination' and 'MSM'
You alt right wackos crack me up. It is like a dogmatic religion but without any ideas

>> No.8268451


zero arguments as usual. like I said youre a dishonest piece of shit. hope you get raped by niggers since you love them so much.

>> No.8268454

Why are /pol/ socialists on a Japanese multicultural internationalist finance board?

>> No.8268455

What exactly is driving your anger? Isn't compassion a basic human emotion?

>> No.8268457

And intelligent people that understand economics tend to be libertarian.

>> No.8268465
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>> No.8268472


i didnt even mention MSM or any "conspiracies" you retard.
you havfe no argument whatsoever
literally EVERYTHING you people say is
>lol youre dumb
>lol youre evil

thats what all of your shitty "arguments" boil down to. you are dumb, sheltered morons who understand nothing about the world and think you are above everything else. literally dunning krueger in full effect.

>> No.8268474

Nah I'm 100% Germanic. I know when alt rightos are confronted by truths that contradict their dogma, they resort to conspiracy theories to avoid cognitive dissonance. Everyone disagreeing with them is obviously an indoctrinated MSM Jew!

>> No.8268478

Actually there was a study that used magnets to suppress higher faculty areas of the brain associated with problem solving and threat detection
and when these areas were suppressed magnetically, it resulted in leftist beliefs ie atheism, pro immigration

this does not mean that conservatives are operating at an 'exaggerated level of threat detection'
this means that leftists are tantamount to being MAGNETICALLY LOBOTOMISED

>> No.8268481

Well done, this triggers the poltards

>> No.8268486

Jihan is no 白左. BCH for the win. Fuck your mother if you want to fuck.

>> No.8268499

You're such a fucking stereotype kek
Travel doesnt automatically turn you into a leftist cuck
For a lot of people, travelling to different countries that have no self hatred and guilt over their ancestry and past is what triggers the thought process of "why not us"


>> No.8268502

Are you implying education isn't indoctrinating? This isn't an argument and ironically exposes yourself as the one following a dogmatic religion without any ideas.

I'm angry because I have compassion. Try caring about what happens to white people for once.

>> No.8268509

>accuses someone of calling people dumb instead of having arguments
>proceeds to call people dumb
Haha okay

>> No.8268511

>Basically this. The less intelligent tend to cling on to tradition. They do not want change, considering it puts them in new situatios which (because of their low intelligence) they cannot handle well.

On that same coin, ignoring biology and thus basically becoming science deniers we push head strong into a realm where tradition and religion are thrown to the wayside without any fucking regard to the fact that tradition and religion have biological implications.

honestly I cant fucking telly you who is dumber on either side. Embracing tradition and religion for no reason or tossing it aside like trash to push a everyone is equal narrative.

Meanwhile we are helplessly interwoven with our biology and humans are definitely not equal.

>> No.8268512

this just in: all functions of the human body are purposeful and perfect in every way.

>> No.8268517

kek just realised

>> No.8268526


the irony is that most people that actually travel and spend longer times in different cultures turn racist. it gets hard to ignore reality when youre actually exposed to different cultures. the faggots who are the most "progressive" are usually the most sheltere since they live in their little bubble and dont have much exposure to other races and cultures at all.

>> No.8268535

So you think intelligent people work against the interests of their own country? Globalisation does not benefit the native populations of European countries when it shifts the demographics in the way it is.

>> No.8268541


this just in, being leftist is akin to being lobotomised!

>> No.8268543


i made plenty of arguments which all got ignored above
so yeah at some point I just resort to namecalling since a real discussion is impossible with people of your kind. you are intellectually dishonest and have no interest in a real discussion so why should I not stoop down to the same level?

>> No.8268545

No you aren't. Tradition is part of a healthy society and building new tradition is the current revolution. Globalization is not revolution, its the status quo and what the current elites are pushing. You are the "conservative" here trying desperately to cling to your star trek fantasy world that cannot exist in reality.

>> No.8268576

because it is typical of right wingers to "get a real job" and wagecuck until a premature death caused either by diet or stress incurred at work.

>> No.8268589

>leftist beliefs

Believe it or not but you can be against mass immigration and excessively powerful governments without being superstitious and irrational.

>> No.8268592

Ok, I'll bite - what is happening to you? You live a privileged life with so much opportunity, but you want to hoard it and feel like everyone is out to get you, the Jews, the Indians, hell even feminists. Yes there are idiots who give all these groups a bad name, but if the rational people like us don't find ways to coexist, we're fucked.

>> No.8268617
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You're in the minority. These countries accepting millions of immigrants are on a path to bankruptcy. Most are illiterate in their native language and refuse to assimilate. Advances in automation and an inability to read/write/math only makes them a burden.

>> No.8268623

Ok anon. Though I did bring it up via citing that study, I don't really want to get into a religious conversation at the moment.

>> No.8268630

Weirdest argument I have ever seen

Let me guess, you chose not to go to university because it is indoctrination, right? Everyone who disagrees with you is indoctrinated by the evil Jew!

That is hilarious considering race is never used in science except by some fringe academics heralded by the alt right.

Why am I arguing with you people anyway? You live in a parallel universe of paranoia and mental illness. I am so happy no sane person would ever take you seriously in the space that is outside your basement. Maybe if your fathers would have loved you more you would not have degenerated into hate carrying scoundrel seperated from all rationality, education and common sense. Imagine living in a world where all possible counter arguments are part of a conspiracy theory! That is literal mental illness (but let me guess: psychologists are all Jews and they are out to get you).

>> No.8268633

What gives you the right to leech off the success of white people? Access to white people is not a human right. We don't hoard wealth either we're literally the most generous god damn race on the planet. And what do we get in return? Everyone demanding more and more gibsmedats from us as if they're entitled to it and now invading our nations and shitting them up too.

>> No.8268647

Who's also a right winger, Nick Szabo?


Left wingers are only copy cat and second-raters.

>> No.8268650

yeah reality is shocking when you're used to a far left narrative


>> No.8268666

fakin 'ell

>> No.8268676

I have a degree and work a bugman office job. Most people in what you call the"alt-right" are also highly educated. By all means, continue to underestimate us though. You'll keep getting surprised when we aren't low-social-status trailer-dwelling skinheads like your worldview says we all must be.

>> No.8268689


Reality has a liberal bias. Probably the jews failt though, amirite?

Sorry dude, but your an outsider and no one in society reapects your fringe views except here in the echo chambers of the internet.

>> No.8268707


I have a hard time believing people can be so dumb anon. I pay 60+% taxes for the privilege to have my countrys population replaced by brown people. if I speak up against it I can have my life destroyed by hate speech laws. pease lecture me more about how privileged I am.

>> No.8268745

What happened to your compaasion when you butchered native Indians? Don't pretend like white people are the reason for this country's success, immigrants are. Your grandfather was likely one. Most of them just happened to be white, and your generosity is a result of half decent people, which I admit there are plenty of.

>> No.8268750

It's hard to take an opinion seriously when they are incapable of comprehending the distinction between your and you're

it's not exactly a typo and this is coming from someone that obviously doesnt care for grammar to begin with

>> No.8268768
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>it wasnt white people that built america
>immigrants built america, just most of them happened to be white

>> No.8268785

Aren't those brown people paying taxes too? What exactly is making you superior to them? Why do you get dibs on anything?

>> No.8268792
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>reality has a liberal bias

>> No.8268805

Yeah everything is so polarised
Though you cant sit and think in a fire

>> No.8268812


listen anon
you are so unbelievably stupid. I hope you are just trolling here.
where did I say Im superior to brown people? are you even capable of having an honest discussion with constant strawmanning?

>> No.8268813

Conquest is not a uniquely white thing. The entire Native American history is nomadic tribes having wars with each other and often genociding the loser, they weren't some monolithic people occupying this continent. Blaming white people for all conquest just shows your anti-white bias.

>> No.8268868
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>left is against the system
>not knowing what communism is
Bottom right here, buy XMR

>> No.8268879


>> No.8268882

It doesn't make sense to argue about social justice when you're part of christianity, the cornerstone of social justice around the world.

The catholic church has been doing missionary work on all continents for hundreds of years, are they bluepilled virtue signaling libcuck sjw degeneracy too?

>> No.8268900

You dont understand the issues save for the psychopaths among us
Why would helping people be bad? What is bad is helping people at the expense of yourself. You lose yourself, and the people that need help lose someone that could help them. Apply this to nations.

>> No.8268917

>social justice
wtf does that even mean? how is it any different than simply: justice. prefacing justice with "social" shifts focus away from the word justice, which in and of itself is sufficient. "social justice" is some pseudo intellectual babble derived from filthy communists.

>> No.8269030

Also consider this: this entire moral paradigm under which it is considered wrong to conquer another people was invented by white people. If we hadn't come to this continent the injuns would still be having their genocidal wars to this day and they would consider it completely normal and good. Trying to retroactively judge white people using a moral code invented by their own descendents and ONLY apply it to white people is pretty ridiculous.

>> No.8269037


>> No.8269134
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>> No.8269173
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Just buy Monero OP. Devs don't give a fuck about anything but the tech.

>> No.8269187

because they're not stupid

>> No.8269206

>being this new

>> No.8269244

Truth. There are plenty of devs who hold conservative views but the "tolerant left" would crucify them publicly if they ever uttered anything that remotely sounds like wrongspeak

>> No.8269375

Yeah, not like there is any research showing the intelligence strongly correlates with being left-wing

>> No.8269387

IT security shop, we're a mostly conservative bunch in a company full of libs. Same was true for 2 other places I worked. From my experience if you're conservative and in tech, IT sec is the way to go.

>> No.8269405
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You made me laugh have a (Jew)

>> No.8269414
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friendly reminder that magnetically suppressing higher faculty portions of the brain associated with problem solving and threat detection results in pro immigration and atheistic beliefs

>> No.8269420

I literally came to this thread and ctrl+f'd "sky" - nothing "synth" - at least there's 1 person who knows what's up

Sky community may be (or maybe not, I don't know) a broad set of political ideologies, but synth is fucking red-pilled to the max.

>> No.8269434

Because they do actual work instead of thinking about politics all the time, therefore their understanding of it is shallow, unlike us who know what's up and are redpilled and are going to produce nothing of value in our lifetime because we waste our time on an iranian knife throwing forum

>> No.8269441

because liberals are smarter than every other type of faggot on the planet
Also your parents are most likely probably pieces of shit.

>> No.8269460

everyone needs some downtime ;)

>> No.8269479

>this is what mentally ill men in dresses believe

>> No.8269515
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>> No.8269523

indoctrination is not a bad word . . . it's a real thing that literally every single human not raised by wolves experiences. Oh wait, no, even a human raised by wolves is indoctrinated (by wolves).

I don't think it's possible to get through to you (so i'm not going to continue trying), but to those of us with real intelligence you are painful to observe.

>> No.8269535

What's that? Isn't that the wannabe XRP? Fuck that shit lmao XRP is the obvious long-term winner for anyone who isn't retarded.

>> No.8269537

Is fluffypony gay though?

>> No.8269547

Not knowing nanos devs past tweets.
Reddit is for once ahead of you.

>> No.8269601

>You should hate up
Well said comrade!

>> No.8269660
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as a closeted enby (and im only using this term to farm (you)s) i think it's the other way around m8. Obsession with computers and time spent absorbed in digital disembodied "reality" makes one susceptible to gender-biology mishmash chaos.

The more I go out in the sun and exist as a physical organism, the more normal I feel. The more I sit inside and project outside of myself into spheres of pure information, the more I get lost in the seas of possibilities.

The real problem with these people is that they are trapped in SEXUAL identities. Human greatness is a function of sublimation, not indulgence.

>> No.8269842

Fringe academics like James Watson, the guy that received a Nobel prize for discovering the structure of DNA. Everyone competent knows the truth but over the last decades no one has challenged the radical leftists that dominate academia and survived. The data or actually finding out the truth doesn't matter to them. All that matters is shaping our perception of what is true through social engineering, they explicitly state this again and again, it's not a secret. When confronted with data about the reality of race the response from the radical leftists never deals with the actual data just the imagined social impact accepting that data would have. Nothing matters to them but engineering their braindead idea of a utopia filled with pakistani rape gangs and gangbanging niggers.

>> No.8269979

Fluffypony is married?

>> No.8269995

they are smart enough to understand that we are one, in the long run, and that building walls is dumb as shit

>> No.8270124

its actually simple
the type of person who would spend large amounts of time learning in an isolated environment is generally doing so because of a deep seated fear of being unaccepted socially
people who are socially isolated are most susceptable to external pressures from media, culture etc
therefore those who thrive in those environments tend to be innate followers/beta males
followers are generally more vehement about their political positions than leaders eg theres no zealot like a convert
the same devs would be crying death to the jews in nazi germany; followers are just doing what comes naturally to them in reflecting the culture

>> No.8270132

IDGAF about your opinion. I love my culture and people

>> No.8270200

No, it strongly correlates with being anti- authoritarian (libertarian right auf left).

>> No.8270467

same, when i buy me a nice peice of land and a house on it i wont be bothered by these people anyways.

>> No.8270514

these people are literally just as bad and just as cucked as commies

>> No.8270615
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culture of barbarians, you should love the muslims they are just like you, you fucking germ

>> No.8271608

You probably also don't fully understand economy.

>> No.8271639

I used to work with one a couple years ago. They made it hell for our team by never doing code reviews properly, and we often had to fix their code and code formatting because they were such a fuck-up. They also loved causing needless drama

>> No.8271681
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>> No.8271715
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is he lost

>> No.8271741

I've been to 2 devcons and numerous blockchain events. The crowd is geeky and liberal. The only people there that aren't generally are investors, or maybe old school developers of something else thats company got sucked into the crypto vacuum. Only development team I have ever met that didn't fit this was Funfair's.

>> No.8271814

Because they’re people who have to interact with other people and not basement dwelling neckbeards who have the luxury of spewing edgy socially retarded drivel on an anonymous image board after jerking off their underdeveloped penises to Chinese cartoons for the 10th time today.

>> No.8271904

he was the waiter

>> No.8271928

Charles Hoskinson says he would follow Ron Paul off a cliff in one interview.

>> No.8271960

hah, yeah, it's almost like jewish brainwashing and social policing makes people tell fat whopper lies in public whether they want to or not

>> No.8271986
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Selection bias. Most engineers are actually conservative, but they keep their mouths shut because they don't want to lose their fucking jobs.
t. an engineer

>> No.8271987

Because development requires an understanding of math and science. All conservatives know is their bronze age theories called religion

>> No.8272001
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academia esp. in the USA is overrun with leftist commie scum thats why - and they scream the loudest

endorsing their view is basically lip service to keep criticism at bay and what not ... plain bullshit but most fuckers are spineless

>> No.8272092

The alt right is mentally challenged and only recently learned how to use a computer and the "system of tubes." They haven't figured out how to program yet.

>> No.8272197

Prejudice is not intelligent, it is a simplified belief. Correct thinking would be to have a rational fear response, without overreacting or underreacting. In the linked article it just says that immigrant was viewed negatively because of the criticism. It doesn't say if criticism was rational or not. Reacting negatively with fear to any criticism is not more rational by itself, it is just as big fault as underreacting.

Lack of belief in god or angels is not a sign of left wing views, so any results in this area do not really matter in separating left and right. Any intelligent person should understand that.

>> No.8272259

Because you can't into new technologies if you're antisocial trailer hoe wanker on welfare

>> No.8272260

racists are subhuman devils who contribute nothing to society. it takes an open mind to create anything of value in this lief.

>> No.8272287

>2. Cryptocuckencies are inherently leftist (against “the system”)
you are confusing the libertarian/authoritarian axies with left/right axies

>> No.8272328

At least they've figured out morals, finance, government, sustainable economies, freedom, and good women.

>> No.8272348

You forgot Freicoin that has demurrage (4.89% of your coins get destroyed per year)

>> No.8272389
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>> No.8272396

Vitalik is not a commie, Communists are against the fundamental idea of currency.

>> No.8272417
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really? coz they look and sound like a bunch of virgin losers, to be quite frank.

>> No.8272424


>t. shitskin

>> No.8272442

Now, thinking about it Demurrage is just a tax on holdings. That tax can be unseen (inflation) or explicit (demurrage). The end result is the same in both cases.

So all coins that arent 100% premined, and that quickly give back fees, have demurrage

>> No.8273069

lol Because there's typically very little money to be made working in independent open source software development and doing long term fundamental research in universities? (where the fuck do you think the fundamental underpinnings of blockchain, cryptography, peer to peer networks, distributed computing, etc etc were developed?) The people working in these areas have an innate desire to do so. Brains like Buterin that got wealthy off of their memecoins are the exception.

Self interested conservatives whose primary concern in life is seeking material wealth are attracted to professions that actually generate wealth. That's why the crypto brains hate you moon boys so much. They were all having a swell time back when everyone involved in this was doing so for the intellectual pursuit of it. Now you fucks have stunk it all up. See buterin's "I WILL LEAVE" tweet