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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8264670 No.8264670 [Reply] [Original]

Are you buying Jibrel now that it’s a guaranteed 5x?

>> No.8264682

520K here. I think I'm okay.

>> No.8264689


>> No.8264690

Nice $1 million you have there

>> No.8264704
File: 14 KB, 442x500, 70D3A761-4337-4836-9C5A-0AB2F9696DCB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay poor brainlet

>> No.8264705

I really wouldn't be surprised if Binance listed it now.

>> No.8264710

I bought 70k, I'm going to try and buy 70k more over the next few weeks.

>> No.8264718

hopefully 38k is enough to make it.

>> No.8264724

I think they have a bigger plan with Binance considering the CEO visited. We’ll see though.
Nice, I only got 20k, it’s still going to be worth a fuckload in a year.

>> No.8264738
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Don't worry about how much you have friends, we're ALL gonna make it

>> No.8264742


>> No.8264746

Yeah I've been hoarding JNT, looks like a lot of people and some chinese have the same idea.

>> No.8264754


I don't like how they are dealing with Arabs.

>> No.8264797

They *are* Arabs themselves, anon-kun.

>> No.8264863

its a scam for you to buy more right now.

>> No.8264892

>As part of its partnership with SEED Group, Jibrel Network aims to tokenize USD 250 million worth of financial assets in addition to the USD 30 million raised to act as liquidity for jCash.

we are all going to make it
5K jibronaut here

>> No.8264894

having the government support is everything, doesn't matter what country/region it is, money is money

>> No.8264925

-Meeting with the Shiek STATUS:Failed
-Seed announcement end of February STATUS Failed
Meme Contest confirmed by Jibrel STATUS Lied about by Talal
Seed announcement 11 days late on a 'pay to publish' news site STATUS Accomplished

>Muh Lamboland

>> No.8264927

can someone show me the maths on 5x. 250M USD tokenised right?

>> No.8264949


you come into MY HOUSE and try to FUD MY COIN
go back to your designated shitting street
we are busy getting rich

>> No.8264977

Not an argument, why is your lord Talal always late.... if he even arrives? Why did he pump this announcement on Feb 26th as if it would be a major news network? Why are you blind?

>> No.8264991


even if it was pay to publish the news is not fake and will likely be covered by other sources now.

>> No.8265002

WARNING: don't buy in yet, the news are likely to be fake.

>> No.8265007

stay poor I guess lol

>> No.8265022

Why is that?

back to the discords with you

>> No.8265033

You heard him guys SELL SELL SELL

>> No.8265035


its the fucking finance news site for Reuters in the Middle East, what more do you want

>> No.8265037

Your absolutely right, im sure a major news network will do what reuters did at a fee for free
Im not buying bazinga coin... oh shit... flashbacks.,....

>> No.8265045

Wish I had that much capital to invest in Jibrel. 8k jibroni checking in. This is my moonshot coin

>> No.8265057

It is not hard to buy an article there. I will wait for an official announcement by Talal.

>> No.8265061

Why are they re-using an old photo for the paid article

>> No.8265066

If it goes well you'll probably have enough for a down payment on a house in a couple years.

>> No.8265082

By Talal? Are you thick? Announcements by Talal
"We will have an announcement with the Sheik mid February"
"We will have an announcement about seed by the end of February"

This motherfucker could tell you fags he signed a deal with Trump and you would throw 3000 at him.... Jesus

>> No.8265154

>Jibrel Network aims to tokenize USD 250 million worth of financial assets in addition to the USD 30 million raised to act as liquidity for jCash

>Imminent moon mission

>> No.8265156

I guess the confirmed SEED partnership is just for show then. Stay poor

>> No.8265160

I do not think that lying about the article would benefit him at the moment even if he is a scammer.

>> No.8265189
File: 272 KB, 1198x900, photo_2018-03-05_16-56-09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joke's on you the price is as low as it's been in several days due to the dip.

>> No.8265229

11 days late you morons, has the assets been tokenized? I checked the price, i don't see a 6x?

Sooooo what are you relying on? The integrity of a guy who has lied three times!

In 3 monrths when your posting your Wojacks im going to say i told you so...

T. Bought at 38 cents and sold at 60

>> No.8265243

Aims to. Else it would be guaranteed gains since assets would be 5x of mcap.

>> No.8265274
File: 210 KB, 1080x2000, 4zMGZXl_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm relying on this from the official SEED website.

>> No.8265348

nice fud anon but you don't have to, we still have time until the tokenization

>> No.8265410

Kek I don’t need to argue with your absolute trash-tier FUD

>> No.8265444

Conformed by Talal.

>> No.8265474

He is in chat right now so someone can ask him what aims means and when the tokenization happens.

>> No.8265485

>$0.326694 USD (-1.47%)
Nice announcement
Nice pump

>> No.8265550

Whales have been holding it down for days to accumulate as much as possible before take off. Look at the volume and sell orders being continuously added, most JNT investors are very aware of the situation.

>> No.8265593

As someone who has bought large quantities nobody is holding shit down. There is just fuck all volume and the order book is thin both ways.

>> No.8265618

>aims to tokenize
What did he mean by this?

>> No.8265707

Why isn't the price taking off then?

>> No.8265712

Talal Tabbaa:
Hello @FontasHere The scope of the collaboration includes the tokenization of the mentioned amount, and I understand your point of view, but a media outlet such as Zawya/Reuters won't be able to delve into details on the mechanics, timeline, etc.

As mentioned, we will have a more detailed post addressing specifics...

>> No.8265723

I am NEVER falling for the "le whales are cumulatin" meme ever again

>> No.8265737

Very nice. Hmm, unless there's something about the token mechanics I don't understand... This is a guaranteed 250MM marketcap then? Already own some JNT but considering selling my other shit coins now.

>> No.8265745

3.5k JNT here, am I gonna make it?

>> No.8265764

Timeline is important but it's going to be at least four or five times that. They need to hold enough JNT to cover the tokenized assets. Assuming they only hold a quarter of the total JNT supply that makes the market cap a billion.

>> No.8265795

I'm to lazy to google what tokanizing assets means but I hold like 5k jibrel

>> No.8265803

I've been watching jnt for weeks and I'm starting to think all these threads are pnd groups. Nothing good comes of them, the shilling is a little too convenient, they post fake articles like op.

>> No.8265821

this is gonna be like SALT

prepare to get JUST'd

>> No.8265868

That article is from the arab reuters.Cant get much more official.

>> No.8265887
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literally brought some yesterday
I'm a turbo poorfag but I guess you start somewhere

>> No.8265899

Prove it

>> No.8265933


>> No.8265958
File: 47 KB, 451x375, thompsonsandniggers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.8265966

Fake link virus/scam/phishing site

Do not click

>> No.8265986


r u even trying lad?

>> No.8266013


>> No.8266029

Trying way too hard anon, it's ok price is still low don't stress

>> No.8266035

lmao did you reply to yourself on your mobile faggot?

>> No.8266067

lol all the briainlets here with the fud

JNT easy win

talal will fuck all your mothers bruh

>> No.8266107
File: 8 KB, 211x239, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tokenization is not going to happen immediately.

>> No.8266126


>> No.8266212

Do you even downloaded the whitepaper yet? I don't ask if you read it...just downloaded?

>> No.8266221

Assets have already been tokenised for the pilot.It could be updated any day now.

>> No.8266291

Where did they buy the JNT for tokenisation from? Surely not from Bibox/KuCoin. If it's JNT in their own possession how do they decide the price? I've asked this in the telegram before and no one answered.

>> No.8266297

anyone with less than 15K JNT = jiblet

>> No.8266302

White paper?


>> No.8266326

its ok bby we all gonna make it
6K now btw, this is the best I can do without taking out a loan

>> No.8266440

I don't know frankly but if you PM Talal personally on TG he'll respond for sure. I'd like to know as well.

>> No.8266668

I don't think they have the JNT locked in yet, the fact that pilot programs have started with jcash does not mean that the full amount of even 30M was used yet.

I am guessing they will start buying from the market when jnt hits the big exchanges. Just going from the fact that they had the Binance CEO speak at their conference I think we can assume they have a tight relationship with binance.

>> No.8266740
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>> No.8266749

37k here semipoor faggot but i hope i will make it too!

>> No.8267090

Thats lambo money
It might even be servant money if you hold long enough

>> No.8267113
File: 238 KB, 1428x1180, That Yuppie feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

25k JNT here.
Feels good man.

>> No.8267142

Should I sell my shitty Vechain to increase my JNT stack. At a 30% loss right now

>> No.8267157


>> No.8267164

I dunno, does a minimum 6x increase sound like something you want to partake in or will you FOMO in afterwards then sell when it falls a bit?

>> No.8267209

no buy high sell low it's the /biz/ way

>> No.8267223


>> No.8267239

Moon when¿

>> No.8267443

not sure what this coin does but i've noticed people that post in JNT threads are some of the dumbest in all of biz which is really saying something

>> No.8267457

Moon soon

JNT is up already

>you will never see sub 30c JNT

>> No.8267536

it's happening

>> No.8267583
File: 32 KB, 645x729, BC913B95-10E4-4EDE-8037-FEE6B659C5B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uuga buuga eee jibrl stupid bizlets bad con eeee

>> No.8267595

3.5k JNT here, will I make it?

>> No.8267665


You mean guys like you?

>> No.8267678

I think any amount >1K will make it, maybe it will take a few years, but this is going to outer fucking space

>> No.8267688

I'm guessing idiots got scammed with some fake news and are now shilling their bags? Really you guys bought "Jibrel" tokens? Lol

>> No.8267708

Mfw poorfag and i have 850 jnt :(

>> No.8267808

Jibrel is a good name faggot

I go to the barbershop and I say give me the jibrel please with extra jel

>> No.8267818
File: 200 KB, 396x385, 1519835981402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Told you it was an arab oil scam coin and you didnt believe me back then, now you are shilling it everyday from Telegram, kek. You wont sell your bags on me, enjoy bagholders

>> No.8267827

the fud just keeps getting weaker and weaker..

>> No.8267830



Just how stupid can someone be?

>> No.8267848

its ok, you will probably be able to buy a flat from that in 2 years, that is nice too

>> No.8267856
File: 81 KB, 645x729, 1520484324549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>every coin follows BTC
>but muh coin iz going to outer space!!!
>pic related. it's you

>> No.8267862

3k jibbies here

talal can suck me dry the sexy cunt

>> No.8268037

Then you will have the most money you have ever seen shortly.

>> No.8268071
File: 148 KB, 630x890, 4E22A137-ABD7-4C0D-AA07-AB7C757408F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jibrel please with extra jel

>> No.8268351

yay please let it rain JNT!

>> No.8268524

Read one of the many summaries on where JNT will derive its value from, then come back here with your brainlet pics.

>> No.8268652

This is fucking huge.2018 is the year of institutional money, and jibrel gets 250m to tokenise in their VERY FIRST announced deal?!if you arnt buying this now then you may as well give up on crypto.

>> No.8268909

holy shit i'm missing the moon mission. i didn't get my money in time. this will be 80 cents by the time i buy in next week, fml

>> No.8268990

Mfw I bought in at 0.50


>> No.8269102

>s-stay poor heh

>> No.8269152

same here getting destroyed rn

>> No.8269234

But how long will the tokenizing process take for that pilot rogram and that amount? Any words from ourboi talal about that?

>> No.8269334

Delete this thread OP. I'm not done accumalating yet.

>> No.8269404

i'm optimistic about the project but when are they going to tokenize? i don't think they'll tokenize until the network has an actual use-case, which in the short term (late 2018?) i'd expect to be crypto hedging / tether competitor.

i mean, they're not going to just tokenize $250m so a bunch of NEETs can dump on them

>> No.8269424

bought at 0,7..

>> No.8269433

I just bought 5k. Niggas, this is gonna make me easy money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.8269454

Top kek, I think you're right, until late 2018 they are just looking to secure partnerships and building a reputation. 2019 will be when the Andromeda missions truly begins. Until then it'll be mostly speculation.

>> No.8269504

You have a coin, I believe the first, with the way the token economics work, that is telling you is going to go 6x minimum.Every 1m tokenised around 1.3m added to the marketcap even without speculation.If you dont buy this then you are beyond help.

>> No.8269506

>tfw missed the 30c bottom

I'm going to buy in now but part of me expects this to dip again in the short term because of BTC

>> No.8269508

It's a pilot, jCash is already available to licesenced financial institutions. It should be soon, most likely this or next month, they will most likely tell us in their upcoming post detailing the specifics of the partnership.

>> No.8269530

also I can't believe this news came out right before I went to bed, fuck

>> No.8269536


>> No.8269595

Ah right my bad, forgot about that. I still think we'll go to the moon in 2018 and Andromeda in 2019-2020.

>> No.8269615

Hope it goes down a bit and some of my other bleeding coins go up before I buy. Hate selling for a loss

>> No.8269624

It depends on the timeline for tokenisation really, unless they tokenise it tomorrow then chances are it'll dip again. Someone should ask talal when they expect this to happen actually

>> No.8269668

Do you niggas realize that this is only the private contribution of $250mm. They have tokenization from Central Banks also, which they haven't announced yet.

>> No.8269685
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Keep trusting Arabs. You guys never learn.

>> No.8269703

I hold this and qash

>> No.8269704
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>> No.8269726

that's true, still I wouldn't be too pissed if it did dip after because the current price is still pretty good

they mentioned they're starting with jKRW in addition to jUSD which probably means they might have some korean money coming in too but I haven't heard them mention any korea connections like they've mentioned the SEED group

>> No.8269798

They were in Korea last two weeks. Don Tapscott also has a lot of connections there afaik

>> No.8269816

Yeah. You better hope not. Good news during btc dumpening wont help at all except to sell more.

>> No.8269834

Don tapscott, top 4 most influential man in crypto, is advisor to ONLY jibrel and icx, and has turned down, in his words, over 200 other crypto advisor roles.Do the math.


>> No.8270181

Retards trying to spread FUD based on temporary short term conditions when this should obviously be treated as a long term investment

Fucking retards lmao

>> No.8270278

This is a short, mid and longterm.Theres so much news coming from every phase of it.

>> No.8270324
File: 144 KB, 800x1066, 1519796118947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, guys you might want to sit down for this.
I have a friend who works in the SEED fund, nothing too fancy, financial analyst, no lambo yet but doing well for himself. I've been pretty excited about Jibrel, so naturally I told him about it. He gets back to me yesterday, and get this: he's never even heard of jibrel. He asked around a bit and found out the sad truth.
It was the info about Jibrel's office being in SEED HQ that finally led him to a supply cabinet in the basement, with the jibrel logo printed on a sheet of paper, glued to the door. Apparently this Talal fella does work at SEED, but as a member of the cleaning staff. He is good natured but very simple. When he heard about bitcoins he got really excited, he had to go lay down so he could calm down. The IT guys took pity on him and made him his very own ERC20 token, so he could pretend to be rich. They threw a website together, filled it with generic mumbojumbo (asset tokenization, lol). Someone even spent 5 minutes in photoshop on the logo. They had some pull with palmex, so he could "trade" his little tokens over there. But it got to Talal's head and with some friends from the cleaning crew (affectionately called the "poo boys"), they have been writing jibberish and spreading misinformation online. This has got to stop, for everybody's sake. There is no big reveal coming, it is all going to turn out to be a sad misunderstanding. Get out while you can.

>> No.8270331

how high we will go before next dump ?

>> No.8270343


sand niggers scam coin. have bag holding forver

>> No.8270365

40 cent and dump to 25 cent.

>> No.8270374

So has anyone else been getting messages from Dat Boi -Prepped- telling you to sell? Weird guy I think he's trying to do some weird type of FUD where he acts like he supports the token but really doesn't. He's a complete autist and I'm losing faith in the mods when they let him shitpost all day without doing anything about it.

>> No.8270377

Try harder

>> No.8270433

I'm not him.

I sold half of my JNT yesterday at the absolute bottom to ride BBN and ELEC... damn expected the annoucement to be on monday, so I could refuel my gains today on JNT..

Now if I sell my alt, i will barely increase my JNT stack :(

>> No.8270562

Yes. He has been messaging and harassing channel members, fudding the coin secretly. He then deleted his account and came back with a second account. He now has two accounts in the channel (I'm in another channel with him, he's admitted it).

>> No.8270588

Ok kek. Well why don't the mods delete him? Also what's his end game? Why does he spend hours a day fudding JNT?

>> No.8270637

He's just a corner dwelling bitch who thinks he's some sort of secret agent. Dat Boi = Aharon Cohen

>> No.8270649

he didn't harass me, you fucking shill; he actually provided me with anti-fud


>> No.8270658

ok Dat Boi....

>> No.8270725

They will use the retained amount but that doesn't mean that this will not raise prices. Successful roll out will ensure it is working as intended and other assets will be tokenized.

>> No.8270762

i don't know who's worse? Dat Boi or his retarded brother Wojak?

>> No.8270770

what's a good entry point? i'm assuming this will moon for a day or so then dump. depends on btc, would really help me out if btc plummets over the next 3-4 days

>> No.8270805

Get in now IMO, I doubt price will get much lower

>> No.8270808

Yeah I know that. I really want to know why he does it though. He puts in so much effort. And the mods don't notice somehow. He even baited some kid into calling him a kike and got the kid banned.
Really cus he told both of my accounts to sell all my cryptos. Actually maybe he's a no coiner. Come to think of it.

>> No.8270809
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x5 by the end of working week, cap this
I can the smell the fomo from stupid normies who were too dumb to understand what Jibrel does.
Not gonna unload my bags till at least x20

t 100k jibrelinno

>> No.8270822

Not a bad time to get in now. The thing is if assets do get tokenized it's basically going to decouple from grandpa shitcoin. It could dump from the hype being over, but if assets are tokenized you won't see these prices ever again. Not to put out FOMO, just trying to assess the situation.

>> No.8270824
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A good entry point was yesterday before the announcement. 40 cents is still a steal though.

>> No.8270847

i can't anon. my money doesn't get here until thursday, then i have to convert it into ETH, something i have never been able to do in under a week with gemini even with a wire transfer. i can't believe it takes so fucking long. i need another option to quickly convert fiat to crypto.

>> No.8270869

i'm motorcycle anon. i don't have the fucking money yet bros. i'm hoping it dips. the absolute max i can buy in and still get 10K JNT is $1 per token. feels like an epic race against time.

>> No.8270900

give me a quick rundown on motorcycle anon pls

>> No.8270904

He's obviously reading this thread. On his best behavior welcoming people into the channel. Acts like an admin when he's in a good mood then FUDS when he has a bad day.

>> No.8270925
File: 81 KB, 1280x720, Talal Tabbaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does Talal Tabbaa look almost white?
He could pass as an European.

>> No.8270938

he's /ourboy/

>> No.8270943



>> No.8270967

There are multiple races with varying degrees of purity in the middle east. Talaal is what the fertile crescent used to look like in the ancient world.

>> No.8270986
File: 147 KB, 751x600, a5a0baa2-7e21-4670-8520-c24df019b8c7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Rip. Hope you can get in at a decent price but I don't think you will.


Seriously. I would have never guessed he was from the middle east.

>> No.8271008

holy fuck this pump why didn't I buy at 3.2k sats yesterday


>> No.8271014
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its dumping

>> No.8271022
File: 1.74 MB, 1300x957, motorcycleanon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>wagecucking for 5 years for peanuts, in tons of law school debt
>2016, miraculously get a case valued at about 1.5M where a delivery driver hits a dude and his fiance while they're sitting on a motorcycle at a stop light
>fee will be something around 700K
>case gets held up in federal court due to insurance companies haggling about who owes how much money to my client
>2 years later still no money
>literally going broke as none of my cases are resolving
>discover JNT and start panicking
>take out 40K loan
>mfw the money arrives in 3-4 days and JNT is moonshotting right now

>> No.8271024

Are you holding any shitcoins at the moment like XLM, VEN, or WTC? I would sell those and buy JNT.

>> No.8271031

It all depends on when they actually tokenize the assets, which we still don't know.

>> No.8271060

>$0,426599 USD (32,08%)
Yeah, not really, it keeps pumping.

If the SEED group invests 250 million, it means it can't go lower than 250M market cap even if everyone sell, am I right?

>> No.8271067

no i discovered crypto in december, made 10K off bounty and verge, held like a retard because newfag, sold at my initial buy-in amount for 2.5K JNT, just had to sell 2.2K last week to pay a bill. getting motherfucking JUST'd and now this shit happens. one more week and i could have copped 25K JNT easily. i hope bitcoin fucking dies next week, it's basically my only chance.

>> No.8271076

Basically, but this depends on them buying, which we have no timeline on

>> No.8271080

He really looks like a north african berber.. Green eyes/white skin, caucasian face..

I'm from Algeria and I look like him and I have a cousin who look like him.

>> No.8271102

You are me. I hope you make it.

>> No.8271109
File: 419 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_p23u5vyBhy1v36dqzo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many jnt to make it guys?

>> No.8271142


Sounds like your timing is JUST unfortunate.

That is correct. Any amount of assets tokenized needs that amount of JNT locked up. There is currently 150MM JNT, which means to tokenize $250MM in cash JNT has to be at least worth that.

>> No.8271217

I did not expect the news to pump this so fast but then again it makes sense because the volume is so shitty

>> No.8271224

Cause he is white, arabs are Caucasians

>> No.8271230

Well, I am French, we have many Algerians living here and the big majority of Algerians don't look European, only few Berbers do but he is not north-African anyway.

Hope they will get others big investors. Any news about it? Even rumors.

>> No.8271262

We know that they are working with central banks, no specifics though.

>> No.8271267

>Hope they will get others big investors. Any news about it? Even rumors.
Keep in mind these are just rumors but they expect to have jKRW and jEUR soon. Rumors have been they are in talks with Korean and Swiss financial institutions.

>> No.8271286
File: 250 KB, 816x816, dffd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Swiss financial institutions
Do it please.

>> No.8271336

I just FOMOed. Fuck it

>> No.8271361

has anybody used localethereum or some shit? what's the absolute fastest way to get my cash converted into eth or btc? i'll take 10K to a fucking bitcoin atm in a bong shop if i have to

>> No.8271370

He's true aryan, descendant of kings. Hail Talal.

>> No.8271411

Already dumping, get rekt FOMOers

>> No.8271439

Selling all my ven to FOMO in, fuck what's wrong with me. Rode that shit coin from $3 to $9 and didn't well. Am I being a classic biztard with buy high sell low? I already own some JNT but want to go all in, fucking sick of feeling scammy vibes from VeChain even though it'll probably do okay long term

>> No.8271464

I'm in the same boat brother. Down 35% on my VEN bags and I really want to dump them for a JNT, which I actually believe in, but i don't want to do the classic buy high sell low

>> No.8271476

the absolute most difficult aspect of crypto is not FOMOing into an altcoin in this exact context. relatively new, not on any major exchanges, tons of potential. but also could dump at any moment. it's a crapshoot.

>> No.8271495

VEN is a scam indeed. The shilling was pajeet-tier. If that wasn't enough of a red flag to you then I don't know what would.

>> No.8271517

the fuck you smokin nigger autist

>> No.8271525

Tons of guys that look like him there. European women were the most expensive and imported sex slaves because they look like the women in heaven described in the Quran.

>> No.8271537

I didn't mind the shilling, that happens to a lot of coins. Initially it was their unprofessional rebrand and now the X node bullshit. Smells of absolute desperation, nevermind the coca cola viral marketing shit.

>> No.8271542 [DELETED] 

How much will Jibrel pump?

Join nrM4Jk to pump it to oblivion

>> No.8271563

eat shit retard

>> No.8271566

Can't you honestly tell the difference between REQ or LINK shilling and VEN shilling? The first two are people memeing and being genuinely excited about tech, the other is pajeets wanting to dump their worthless bags on you.

>> No.8271571

30% since yday

>> No.8271572
File: 140 KB, 680x680, 1512941942733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get out folks! megadump inc
the big boys cancelled their 60k sells and are now crashing jint

>> No.8271588

i was considering VEN and NEO but not sure now. thinking my holds for this year will just be ETH/ICX/JNT... maybe Monero?

>> No.8271591

time to buy more then

>> No.8271592

Talal is a legit 9/10, no homo.

>> No.8271611

I know, which is a god thing considering he is kinda the face of Jibrel because he is the business lead.

>> No.8271653

Yes I can tell the difference, it's irrelevant anyway as the shilling isn't why I want to drop VEN. It's the actions of VeChain themselves, not the retarded bag holders.

>> No.8271654

are people confusing Talal with Yazan? Yazan is like the single most handsome dude in crypto.

>> No.8271686
File: 84 KB, 640x640, Talal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Talal

>> No.8271687

Lmao, Talal is much more handsome, you fag.

>> No.8271721
File: 109 KB, 413x395, The Don.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you fag

>> No.8271722
File: 101 KB, 400x400, 10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i wrong thinking this dude has much better facial symmetry, bone structure, and god-tier hair?

>> No.8271754
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48k tomorrow
and thats not in sats

>> No.8271762
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>> No.8271764

48k Zimbabwean dollars

>> No.8271865


>> No.8271867

I don't really know what jibrel network is, but the name is terrible and reminds me of a derogatory terms for a middle easterner, or maybe a verb describing an action for jews. "Man you got Jibreled" or "Call in the coordinates to the Paladin for the the Jibrels hiding in that cave!".

>> No.8271945
File: 103 KB, 417x234, 4342511232143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat hair
n-no homo

>> No.8271950

Stop being an assburger and join us.

>> No.8271979

10 cent pump was nice all things considered. wonder if it'll go sideways or even dump for a couple days now. alt market is totally fucked from the crash. in a bull market this announcement would have sent it to $1 within a couple hours max.

>> No.8272017

yeah i don't really see how Talal is as handsome as that motherfucker. not that Talal is an ugly dude or anything, but Yazan has model-tier looks.

>> No.8272034


good luck saying no to those eyes in a negotiation lmao

>> No.8272046

It means gabriel, like god's messenger, you absolute phillistine.

>> No.8272047

Only without the glasses though

>> No.8272058

are you still here?
its still going up
do you even understand the mechanics behind the coin and what (will, not yet) drive up the marketcap with no speculation?
you pleb shit

>> No.8272065
File: 43 KB, 200x193, 1337250102792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>expected to wake up to see 25 cent jnt

now I'm tempted to FOMO in even though I thought I was done accumulating

>> No.8272076

is there something wrong with Kucoin still? i notice there is no volume there

>> No.8272081

likely going to dump in the next day or so as day traders take profits and attempt to demoralize the weak hands. long term project

>> No.8272085


JNT $1000 EOY confirmed

>> No.8272116
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Talal is more masculine though, but both are pussy annihilators .
>How can Sergey even compete?

>> No.8272143
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 1518421813320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh 250m
>muh tokenized assets
its over boys, another discord pump...

>> No.8272147

I dumped my VEN bags last night right when the announcement was released. So close to recouping my losses currently.

>> No.8272175
File: 102 KB, 1461x475, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit's overpriced on gate

>> No.8272191

didn't you retards here? BiBox is all fake volume, JNT has 90%+ of its volume there. ITS A SCAMMMMMM

why wouldn't someone just use ripple/xlm or the other hundred bigger more legit projects aiming to digitize assets. Noone will want to hold digitized assets anyways; you'll hold the real thing in a bank and then use crypto to transfer it, which is what xrp and xlm will provide. this whole idea doesn't even make sense people.

t. not a retard

>> No.8272194
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>> No.8272213

kek, nice rare brainlet jpg

>> No.8272230
File: 328 KB, 763x757, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seriously how come you retards cant come up with better fud than this shit
few weeks ago there was some creativity at least, and convincing looking posts

>> No.8272258
File: 3 KB, 125x120, 1510950569557s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he still thinks this project is for normie mass adoption

>> No.8272390

You're an absolute retard.
>you'll hold the real thing in a bank and then use crypto to transfer it

Is exactly what Jibrel will do and be. Jibrel will be also act as a bank. XLM, XRP etc... will be killed by Jibrel, not the other way around. Jibrel already has more serious partnerships and connections than the other two combined, and is getting adopted while the others are going nowhere.
DYOR and kys

>> No.8272398

Just place buy support

>> No.8272465
File: 52 KB, 200x270, 1518253304264.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ its crashing faster than i thought
45k gay tomorrow

>> No.8272489

>typing this much shit for weak bait
u dumb nigga

>> No.8272501
File: 45 KB, 420x487, 1417802969464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I bought the top of today's pump

>> No.8272529

coinmarketcap isn't listing JNT as top coin for 24 change. Spam them for more people jumping in.

>> No.8272550
File: 208 KB, 1310x916, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8272551

oh so some random arabs are going to be a better bank than all the current big banks and ALSO be a better crypto transfer problem than ripple and lumens?

All in a world where network effects exist... I get the risk return maybe, .0000001% of success for 10000% gains. But i'll take the 1-10% chance of success and 1000% gains potential with lumens.

>> No.8272598

I screenshot that, I'll be posting in a year when I've made a x1000 and you barely made a x2.

>> No.8272649

KEK. Yeah with that SJW coin. Good luck, they still have 5x their supply to distribute to niggers in Africa

>> No.8272670

why is jesus coin pumping

>> No.8272692
File: 11 KB, 236x253, 1512947583576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit i was fudding too early
looks the ride isnt over

>> No.8272717
File: 313 KB, 1200x1648, Mohammed ben Rachid Al Maktoum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some random arabs
They have partnership with Al Maktoum family:

>The Al Maktoum (Arabic: آل مكتوم Āl Maktūm, House of Maktoum) family is the ruling royal family of Dubai, and one of the six ruling families of the United Arab Emirates.

>> No.8272721

Jesus man. With this again? Sure, some Persians but let's not go all big tent.

>> No.8272730

Boi they will tokenize $250mm which will be straight added to the market cap of JNT. Ofc it's not over. Anyone smart enough understands this

>> No.8272777

They basically came out and said this coin will be 3 dollars minimum, why the fuck would this be over?

>> No.8272804
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>> No.8272848

This trips gets it

>> No.8272902
File: 138 KB, 911x377, 777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>angelic sign


>> No.8272904

and guess what happens when they sheikh withdraws his money? first the dao sells unneccessary tokens, then people find out about it and they dump even more themselves

>> No.8272984

Is this the whole purpose of your life? Keep fudding all day pathetic brainlet

>> No.8272998

good thing the shiekh isn't the only one who will be tokenizing anything

>> No.8273129
File: 130 KB, 634x514, 1516127667915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should i just sell my stupid shitcoins, buy this and then not have to look at crypto for the next 6 months
its all so tiresome

>> No.8273159

What im doing, my youth is more worth than the stress and sleepless nights of this fucking shit

>> No.8273203

that's exactly what i'm doing next week. eventually i'll get some nice amounts of ETH and other blue chip coins. but right now i'm buying JNT and getting the fuck away from the charts for a while as i don't plan to sell it before 2019 earliest.

>> No.8273205

>inconvinient truth is fudding
stay deluded

>> No.8273254

I am doing that. Low market cap with solid project, I doubt it's risky.
I still have other coins just in case.

>> No.8273340 [DELETED] 

going all in on this shit

>> No.8273389

>Everything i say is the truth and everyone else is wrong because i say so

>> No.8273415

show me how anything I said here is not true >>8272904

because that's what would happen in that case, you thin you bought a coin that will go up infinitely because that's what you wish?

>> No.8273418

Get in before he tokenizes then moron you have literally nothing to lose

>> No.8273690

I'm in a lot of different coins, this one seems like an easy choice for me after the announcement for the 250m, I researched around, the seed group is legitimate. Go look at their assets, they own mega structures all around the world.

>> No.8273855
File: 158 KB, 1000x1000, 1519930833098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do people here keep forgetting al-maktoum is just the tip of the iceberg? Talal in the discord said most of Jibrel's clients will actually be from korea

>> No.8273875

What discord are you talking about?

>> No.8273902

fuck, I meant telegram.

>> No.8273903

He means the telegram

>> No.8273932

This is the most comfy purchase I had made in a while. This is like a stock buy out, whereby a company says they will buy another company for X dollars and when the settlement happens, investors get their shares bought out for exactly $$$ dollars. In the real world, the stock would hit that dollar figure to the exact and remain there till the merger or sale occurs, but seeing as we're in crypto world filled with teenagers who have no idea what marketcap is, we see a massive under valued token still under it's real world price. JNT should be trading with a market cap of $250mill on this news.

>> No.8274066

Yep. I love the irrationality of this market

>> No.8274150

so I get you guys are all in since it's such a 100% sure bet right?

>> No.8274204

I unironically am, and I've never been all in before.

>> No.8274300


>> No.8274641

I'm always too much of a pussy to be all in, and my portfolio is too large to be risking that these days. But yea almost 50%-in now.

>> No.8274673
File: 3 KB, 384x170, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have about 2000 dorrars in it and Im gonna add on more and more as I can

>> No.8274927

i'm going all in next week the second i get my money.

>> No.8274935

throwing £1000 at this on payday PLEASE DON'T MOON ANYMORE UNTIL THEN



>> No.8275006
File: 1.56 MB, 540x501, 1517799580337.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

current marketcap + 250 million to be more correct

>> No.8275307

fuccccck i thought it was gonna stall at 40c but still pumping

>> No.8275432
File: 93 KB, 1280x720, GEqkyRH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

succ we gun make it brah

>> No.8275438

first time i've seen an announcement have an active effect on the price

>> No.8275587

volume is not high and is decreasing and it keeps rising .. how ?

>> No.8275612


There's a multi-year contract in place. This is a strategic partnership nibba, you are already talking about him withdrawing before it even happened. Literally nigger tier FUD, you are either really retarded or really desperate.

>> No.8275630

>implying btc is dumping

>> No.8275637


Noone is selling and people are reluctantly buying higher and higher on an already thin sell-book.

>> No.8275714

Are you guys quite sure that just because some client is going to represent 250mil of assets with these shitcoins, the price of your shitcoins you have on an exchange necessarily must increase accordingly? If that literally is how it works then pls explain, but I don't see why it would.

>> No.8275763

JNT is proof of solvency. If you represent 250M in assets the DAO or at the current moment the Jibrel custodian service needs to hold 250M worth of JNT.

JNT is valued at market value so the cap must at least be 250M. However as they will never get my JNT until the price is higher as well as others I am sure they won't have the entire supply. As a result the price will be much higher as whatever percentage they hold needs to be worth 250M.

>> No.8275788

its exactly how it works, its been explained in this thread and many others time and time again, read the reddit thread here, especially the long rundown post.You are basically being told the future, this coin will 6x minimum, how many times in your life do you get that chance.Stop being fucking idiots and just buy.Really what is there to fud?!


>> No.8275904

I am Dat Boi. Fuck outta here with your shit accusations. Provide screenshot or stfu

>> No.8275917


hmm, ok - so the next question, I suppose, is why were these tokens ever released for morons like us to buy, trade and maybe profit from? Couldn't it all work better being contained away from the peasants like us?

This question applies to nearly all token projects, of course - but the answer in that case is they needed to sell them to raise funds for the ICO. In this case, can't Mohammed Al Richest just slip them a few mil for biz dev?

>> No.8275946

Literally the most bullish scenario imaginable

>> No.8275965


Because morons like us will be able to buy their own jCash and will thus be providing their own JNT for collateral. It's necessary for retail investors to have access to JNT.

Also, it already happened. So why question it?

>> No.8275987

It actually makes more sense this way because the market can provide liquidity for buying and selling of JNT and for it to be used as solvency it needs to have a market value. The DAO always has speculators to sell to and to buy from when needed.

>> No.8275999

I'm a Victoria's Secret model and Wojak showed me his dick on telegram and it was like 12 inches long and really thick. Super impressive.

>> No.8276015

Nigga quit larping bitch there's only one DatBoi, that's me and I'm a namefag.

Eat shit boi

>> No.8276044

Fuckoutta here, I'm the real Dat Boi faggot

>> No.8276055

Prove it bitch

>> No.8276063

Suck my dick nigger

>> No.8276078

what dick nigga? you aint shit nigga gtfo

>> No.8276080

that's what they said about SALT "GUARANTEED $27.5" look what its at now.

>> No.8276081

How bout you prove it faggot, larping bjtch

>> No.8276088


>> No.8276096

look at my name nigga, there's only one DatBoi and that's me.

JNT $1k EOY check'em

>> No.8276107


well stay out then. It's gonna happen with or without you.

>> No.8276138

I can name myself anything too you autistic cuck. That doesn't mean shit.

>> No.8276147
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>> No.8276154

you can't name yourself DatBoi bitch.

>> No.8276170
File: 63 KB, 700x700, 1510494437264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not even close to my buy in price in eth and there are people calling this a moon

>> No.8276180

As someone who bought salt for $1.50 at the second presale ,it had a lot of problems. They said a lot of things that never turned out to be true and it had everything to do with them.

I knew the $27 was total bullshit because of the arbitrage opportunity would have bankrupted them and they abruptly changed from being able to pay your loan with Salt which they will honor at $25 or $27 to only being able to pay the interest with Salt valued at that level. Which naturally lead to a dump. Not to mention the fact it never got adoption because they changed the requirement on loans and basically made it business only with a few exceptions and only in some states. Which means that the price would never be affected by the people actually getting loans and paying them off for a fraction of the price.

Nothing about Jibrel has given me any problems so far aside from their problem with deadlines. Everything else has made sense to me.

>> No.8276205
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>> No.8276218

Nice larp, kys now

>> No.8276256
File: 146 KB, 671x519, 1501135190486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iktf bro

I managed to miss the bottom 3 times
first when it hit exchanges on feb 1st
second when btc crashed on feb 6th
and then yesterday

>> No.8276274

money will need 3 days till it arrives. Fuck me

>> No.8276359

Just use localbitcoin.com, I always do.

>> No.8276450

I'm just skeptical about anything thats a guaranteed 4x or 6x or whatever. My 6k VEN will probably do me fine by EOY. They actually have a working product.

>> No.8276514

how the fuck did teeka called that shitcoin lol he even raised the buy up to to like $20 or something.
Egghead is completely out of shape in this market recently

>> No.8276634
File: 87 KB, 800x600, jeb-bush-01-800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are they ok? the people on the motorcycle?

>> No.8276759

Should I wait a correction before adding more JNT to my stack or it will continue to pump ?

>> No.8276784

they're alive and without brain damage. they're not really ok though.

how fast is it anon? can i just transfer 10K from my debit card to someone in an hour or some shit?

>> No.8276802

It's funny you say that. I bought Ven back in December and dropped most of my stack to buy JNT. I'm only sitting on 20K Ven right now and planning to just eat the wait time on higher X nodes to buy back in with more later.

>> No.8276823

I see no reason why it would stop pumping.

>> No.8276862

usually I would say wait but I don't know
I think at this point the news will only spread

either way this is a pretty good price compared to what a lot of people paid last month