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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.44 MB, 3264x2448, AEE69751-1A0C-4FC6-AEC6-4E3EE00F7671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8260104 No.8260104 [Reply] [Original]

>btc tanking
>linkies safely locked away
>enjoying a nice brew and the company of a sweet woman

feels good brahs.

>> No.8260126

staring at gdax cuz it helps me cope with depression (i have no friends)

also ive been in fiat since last sunday so no pincc wojack here no sir

>> No.8260184


Buy Link before 3/14 my friend. Trust me.

>> No.8260212


crying in my bed

>> No.8260236

>seeking validation from biz

>> No.8260265
File: 1.13 MB, 1200x800, DAY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so good i have to check biz

>> No.8260269

Her arms are crossed. That means she’s nervous. Are you the awkward type, anon?

>> No.8260332
File: 100 KB, 1280x720, 895829319-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>swinging some shitcoin for ez eth gains, sell order inching closer and closer
>dragon ball on another tab

>> No.8260339

Fuck off Norman

>> No.8260452


She’s my ex. We dated for a year but we’re still good friends and hang/bang a lot. I’m a little intoxicated and ranting about how Americans can’t save money so she’s a little disinterested

>> No.8260539

cant keep my eyes open about to go to sleep

>> No.8260558

i wish i could describe to you in words how much of a fucking faggot you are

>> No.8260570

Watching Frasier

>> No.8260584

Wagecucking and slacking off

>> No.8260660

Yet I’ve felt the inside of a vagina and you most likely haven’t, how bout that


Buy Link and you’ll both make it.

>> No.8260704
File: 69 KB, 474x447, XRP Feels Great Man Cosmic Moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shilling XRP.

>> No.8260783


Dump that shit coin for Link my friend

>> No.8260817
File: 95 KB, 403x195, Huffing XRP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8260856

>the woman has a better beer taste than op

>> No.8260877

Since its sunday in the lamd of kangaroos
>sat at home playing overwatch because bored and no friends
>drank rum
>went to bed
Bruh, doesnt feel good

>> No.8260899

Are you so illiterate that you cant?

>> No.8261010


>cider is beer

Try again

>> No.8261089

>it's another link shill thread episode
Begone ya' creatura!

>> No.8261197


Maybe it’s the alcohol but im feeling generous. I have insider info on Link. Buy before 3/14 and hold through the end of the month

>> No.8261243
File: 230 KB, 240x170, 1520478041034.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Insider info" kek you dont even have to larp about chainlink being a good investment because of your "secret knowledge"

Klaus Schwab (founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum), mentions SmartContracts.com by name in his new book, The Fourth Industrial Revolution.

If you dont own chainlink by now you dont deserve money

>> No.8261314
File: 579 KB, 655x480, OP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go out to a club with a friend and his girlfriend
>she brings a friend with her
>they go off to dance
>awkward silence
>not sure what to do
>pull out your phone and tapping away, browsing biz, sneak a picture of your beer and post it
>h-haha g-guys im in the company of a g-girl right now

>> No.8261469

>A linkie with a gf

Bullshit. That's your caretaker.

>> No.8261505


>> No.8262145

You are correct sir, nonetheless I do ;)

I was worried about posting this picture, I knew some of you faggots would short circuit.

>> No.8262165

Sigh why am I so gullible.
Ok OP sell us your magic beans.
What info do you have

>> No.8262224

Anytime I get called out by a nerd with his science and facts and shit I just call him out on being a virgin and he shuts the fuck up everytime

>> No.8262257


In all honestly, I can’t tell. What I can say is to expect double digits ($xx) before the month is out, and probably $100-200 by 2019 depending on how btc is holding up.

The best info I can give is PLEASE don’t fall for the FUD. Tuck your Link away and come back the last week of March.

>> No.8262306

Lol mate we get a million wannabe assblasters every day. If youre not larping post a timestamp and come back in a month

>> No.8262342
File: 122 KB, 1764x1000, 4vvL5dR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watching anime and my short

>> No.8262372

Kicking it with a roasty in my car I bought in LTC. lit.

>> No.8262880

>short circuit
You're the faggot posting pictures of some other dude's girl's arm and then selling LINK dreams

>In all honesty, I can't tell.
KEK. nigger we actually get 100 guys just like you every fucking day and that's a conservative estimate.
end yourself.

>> No.8262901

dump it