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8259602 No.8259602 [Reply] [Original]

We may never see 10k again.

>> No.8259610

Cuz it's gonna lay low for a long while then shoot straight to 100k

>> No.8259810
File: 5 KB, 228x221, 1518448851055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do people—not including dumbass nocoiners—actually believe this?
as long as the mining network is expanding and people are buying better miners (hint: will happen indefinitely), the value of bitcoin will increase
this is why $10m bitcoin isn't a meme

another hint, though: this is why bitcoin cash is better than bitcoin
they want to keep everything on-chain
the idea that this isn't sustainable is totally absurd; proof-of-work will not be held back in function by a lack of hashing power, but rather, proof-of work will be THE THING that DIRECTLY FUNDS the meteoric rise of computer technology
back on topic, though; bitcoin core devs have fucked core in the long run, sure—but, it won't be until the altcoin bubble actually bursts a few years down the road that most people realize, notice, or care
bitcoin will be AT LEAST $100k by the end of this year, without question
you sell the dip, you go to hell before you die. fuck everyone who tells you to sell. protect yourself from their fucktardation, for fuck's sake.

>> No.8259899


brilliant comment/insight. tell me a bit more?

>> No.8259918

We might never see 9k again.

>> No.8259931

Say goodbye to 8k in advance because I am assuming you will be asleep tonight

>> No.8259953

Can you form a single proper sentence?

>> No.8259964

can you give any good reasons why it should?

>> No.8259981
File: 43 KB, 650x650, 1491042866576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will you bet your life on it?; if it doesn't go to 100k this year will you kill yourself?

>> No.8259986

Almost believe this post until he mentions btrash.

>> No.8260016
File: 442 KB, 462x534, Woj1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you sell the dip, you go to hell before you die.

>> No.8260894

can you learn proper english, you lead-sniffing paintlicker?

well, no—but i would bet a good deal of my money on it.

once bitcoin core runs out of coin to mine, name a single reason why it would hold any hard value at all, and why anyone would run miners.
once it's realized that blockstream—with what amounts to complete and total control over core—is working on removing mining from the equation completely, tell me why bitcoin would be something that anyone would put their money or hashing power into. it's one of the efforts in the globalists' last shot at holding their control over global wealth, and when it totally fails because they're trying to go against something that, as a result of the ability to fork, CANNOT be stopped by hijacking, they're gonna be on their knees as we kick them in their fucking faces repeatedly for fucking us over for the last 100 years.
proof-of-work cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin cash and monero can only be stopped by destroying every computer and the knowledge of how to build computers and banning the ownership of computers. this would obviously be a fucking insane undertaking. the only way that i could see a situation like this working out is if (((they))) had the fuckheads in modern liberfuck silicon valley pushing for totally centralized, totally controlled cloud computer servers to handle all the computing; people would interact with them using mere interfacing devices that are little more than just that.
they'd probably use the guise that it's energy efficient and that this kind of approach to computing gives the users insanely long battery lives or something really nice-sounding, when the real reason behind this would be for them to totally police the usage of their hashing power for crypto mining.
make no fucking mistake; those who realize that proof-of-work crypto has the ability to fuck the corrupt elites royally probably know that something like this is probably on the table.

>> No.8261870

sorry to skimp on you. bitcoin's value comes from mining; the higher the network hashrate, the higher the difficulty, and the more of a monumentally challenging computational feat it is for anybody to mine a single bitcoin. because bitcoin mining burns such a huge amount of electricity and involves very costly purchasing and routine updating of one's computer hardware to mine, a great deal of investment is required to mine it—so much so that most miners take it very seriously, and would never, ever sell for anything less than what it cost them to mine. bitcoin exists to be valuable; there is no secondary function for bitcoin, and there are no two ways about the principal that if you want bitcoin, you have to invest in hardware and supply it with power, or you have to trade your funds for it. you simply cannot avoid this. when it comes to mining, if you want more bitcoin than what everyone else is getting, you have to get more powerful hardware. if you're using up way too much electricity, then you either have to get more efficient hardware, or you have to get cheaper power. this opens up a great deal of opportunity for profit, and is a phenomenal, extremely direct incentive for innovation.

>> No.8261930


>> No.8261959
File: 96 KB, 1542x594, proof-of-work_singularity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a pretty fun post i'd made on this
we live in an excellent time for profit, anons

>> No.8262069

>he doesn't own a solar powered gpu farm yet
get with the times you fucking goys

>> No.8262265

Yeah I've never looked at it like this. Now I've been looking up the scale of it's energy consumption. You're right the price is going to keep growing rapidly this year. Especially with all the groups jumping into mining. I don't hold any btc but I mean btc success is good for crypto as a whole.