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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 287 KB, 1214x1611, SuperSat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8247236 No.8247236 [Reply] [Original]


Crypto futures market, called pyrmex.com, hasvseeded the pot with 1 eth initially to celebrate the success of project. The house normally seeds each round with less than .1 eth after each round starts again daily at utc + 5. Yes, that means this game will continue every day forever and we are pretty excited about that. Tonight counts as night 4 since launch.

what is pyrmex.com exactly?
>allows people to predict what the balance of the EthPhoenix.io smart contract will be at a specific future time. This project is currently live on the Ethereum Main Network. Futures settle once daily, at 5:00am GMT. After much discussion, it was determined that 5am GMT maximizes the number of participants who can be awake and view settlement each day worldwide

The daily futures markets that has established a tidal ecosystem with another smart contract called ethphoenix. These two contracts help perpetuate each other and operate on separate smart contracts and outside from any market other than eth, which its based on. The impact of pyrmex.com on the recent mooning of ethphoenix.io are undeniably related. Its also a prime place to keep eth when the market is fucked and you still need gains.


>> No.8247347
File: 133 KB, 929x644, Screen Shot 2018-03-09 at 12.51.03 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Onto the second element

Whats ethphoneix.io?
>Every time somebody buys or sells an EthPhoenix token, the price changes - 0.2% higher upon buy, 0.2% lower upon sell. If you keep your tokens where they are, you receive 10% from every buy OR sell transaction based upon your current share of tokens. You can convert your current token stash into Ether where it will sit in your dividends pool - your dividends are stored in ETH, not in tokens, so their value remains stable (as long as the ETH price itself remains stable.)

The more EPX one holds, the larger amount of the dividends they receive from the community pot. That also means you make a percentage off EVERY SINGLE TRANSACTION on the contract...buy and sell. All tokens are valued equally, so you can have 100 coins across 100 wallets if you would like without sacrificing any value; allowing you to partial sell too.

>how does this all work together?
Once the betting stops on pyrmex.com, the price multipliers are locked in place for 1 hour prior to settlement of the contract. Leverage over 50x is common. In this hour before settlement, the bog houras it has been called, encourages EPX users to manipulate the ethphoenix market in their favor buy buying or selling tokens. As people try to amnipulate ethphoenix.io to buy/sell in order manipulate the market in their favor, the community pot is caught in the middle of this flame war and showers dividends (free eth) onto people holding.
This is the most ideal form of passive income and now you can actively manipulate it further in you favor and bet on it while doing it.

This eth wave creates dividends out of volatility for token holders, and there is nothing more volatile than a daily futures market running 24/7 globally. Many user have returned night after night.

>> No.8247388
File: 10 KB, 120x120, 3f268e270397ab56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

upcoming pyramid withactual addictive gameplay at it's core, will revolutionize ether gaming and make **huge** gains...

>discord gg / ajsz8tn

don't miss out on the ground floor /biz/ this will have $20mil marketcap guaranteed once the normies get addicted to the gameplay

>> No.8247407

Too poor to make your own thread Pajeet?

>> No.8247422


won't be once this rocketship launches

>ur shit tier pyramids will be forgotten about in 3 weeks time

0 gameplay, 0 normie friendly, 0 volume.

>> No.8247451
File: 22 KB, 671x82, gg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post your proof of wiinings

>> No.8247456
File: 31 KB, 560x583, zerovolume.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're embarrassing yourself. EPX has much more in store than whatever bullshit you're peddling. Fuck off, please, and kys.

>> No.8247465

Infini Bull for life. Nobody is selling EthPhoenix right now so only way to manipulate it is up, and the bands are fairly narrow so infini bull it is.

>> No.8247494


>EPX has much more in store

lol wat, EPX is literally just a buy and sell contract...

on otherhand this next-gen pyramid wraps an actual game. like an app. onchain. even viterlik is gonna be tweeting it's tech out.

gonna have 100,000 users easy.

don't say i didn't warn you when our shill squad goes active pre-launch.

>> No.8247516


Oh anon, we aren't going to be in Kansas for much longer.

>> No.8247530
File: 111 KB, 915x383, itworks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol wat, EPX is literally just a buy and sell contract...
do you really think a community like that is just sitting on their hands?

pic semi-related
this is the ethphoenix contract 5 minutes before pyrmex settlement

>> No.8247538

I really hope /biz/ get behind this and really make super Saturday something special :D

>> No.8247563

I mention 100,000 users + viterlik

and u show me a screenshot of the same 5 users derping around with naïve futures.

not even in the same league, you're radio and i'm tv.

norsefire will wake up once he's heard the concept, guaranteed clones day 0

>> No.8247574


Oh I very much doubt that. But you have my curiosity, don't get me wrong. I hope it goes well!

>> No.8247588
File: 342 KB, 758x525, itoldyou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pot is over 2 eth already.
Still another 14 hours until settlement. Pot will be over 5 eth tonight easy

oh, did i mention ethphoenix.io was mentioned on Dapprader in their top ten list?
Its is listed in 6th place under the name ethpyrmaid.io, which is a matching front end to the same contract; twins.

>> No.8247591

Just stop. If it's such a good concept make your own thread. If anyone wants your scam they'll buy it.

It's also spelt Vitalik, Rajesh.

>> No.8247610
File: 13 KB, 1113x174, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't even try to beat me, you'll just fail miserably and land on your silly face. Stay home with your shitcoin losses. -75% incoming while I clean up dividends and futures winnings.

Now I got the money to say it - "fuck you"...haha lol, stay home. lel


>> No.8247742
File: 385 KB, 531x650, yogiboi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP has a story to tell. The story of a mad villain. OP did not write this.

" How PyrMex (and ETHPhoenix) Saved My Life (for now.)

>I found myself in a bad situation the other day. Wrong side of 30, living in the wrong place in the wrong decade, living with the wrong woman. It's an old tale, surely one you have heard before. My life flipped from one second to the next, like a damned coin spun from the fingers of Satan himself.

>Enough has been said about love and heartbreak by writers better than me. So to keep this story short, let's just leave it at "don't ever get married, because love is a China shop and trust is a bull". I was forced to leave my wife because I couldn't be in the same room with her anymore after the things she had done.

>This would have been the end of the story, some sad sack dead by his own hand in a shitty Midwestern basement, if I hadn't fallen into the great crypto-pyramid industry. I was broken, mere minutes from calling the reapers bluff. I noticed I had .666 eth available to me. I could either cash it out and spend it on some sort of fleeting happiness to make me feel better for a few fleeting moments, or I could let Satan take the wheel and throw it into Pyrmex in an attempt to give myself a buffer zone as I went into the great unknown of post-marriage bullshit.


>> No.8247762


>I bet the full .666eth on the bull.

>Norsefire and others weren't having that. Maybe it was because they didn't want that cloud over their head. Maybe they just had some sympathy for this fucking madman. Either way, the bet was forced up, up...

>I can't prove it, but I know it was someone in that chat. Someone in this wonderful community took pity on me and forced my win by slamming several ETH into the Phoenix. I didn't double my money, but I also didn't take my turn of fate for granted.

>It's hard to think that anonymous strangers all around the world wanted me to live, only after seeing me in Discord for a few weeks. That they cared even more than the woman who had vowed to. I don't know if I would have killed myself that night. It was close. Another doomed coin flip, really. I'll never know, because those dudes saved my life.

>I don't know what is next. I promised the chat I would use my winnings to buy a ticket to LA and pursue my lifelong dream of directing films. There's nothing much left for me these days...Besides the next PyrMex run."

>> No.8247862

"Bet your life on it"
But holy shit by if true

>> No.8247902


Sadly it *is* true. We're glad that he's okay, and frankly baffled that this is kicked him into gear to get his life back on track. We'll be using him for multimedia productions, as he's a talented man.

>> No.8247928

It's true - seriously. Guy's a fucking champ.

Additionally I've made an 18.45% return in a month in EPX just by holding with 0.6 ETH (up to 0.7010 rn). Yeah - people will say that I could have 100xed it. Fine. They're probably right. But I'm fucking awful at trading. Better to just sit with my ETH and collect interest on it.

If it's 18.45% in a month with about 20 ETH volume a day (with the average increasing with ONLY PyrMex implemented and ETH tanking) I can't wait to see what my holdings will be in a year.

Unironically the best place to put your ETH holdings.

If anyone's interested I wrote an article on the subject of PyrMex today here: https://medium.com/@optimumregret/welcome-to-the-future-s-the-worlds-first-ethereum-dapp-within-a-dapp-616198ac5a5

>> No.8247934

i remember you from discord actually, thought you were bullshitting desu.. But this is good to hear! EthPhx is the best.

>> No.8248192

What the absolute fuck. And this shit is everyday?

>> No.8248446

It's going to be fucking legendary today. Making crypto history with this shit

>> No.8248589

double your money today https://2xmachine.surge.sh/

>> No.8248614


Get out

>> No.8248669

You’re correct, yes.

First we made the pyramid, and /biz/ said they would not buy.

Then we changed the name, and /biz/ asked for more volume.

We have given /biz/ more volume.

Whatever they ask for next we will deliver - and then some.

As one of the higher up members of the community (through accident rather than talent) I can assure you that we have only just started. There are some incredible - truly incredible - people behind the scenes here. No idea is too crazy and no challenge too hard.

We are going to succeed and drag /biz/ kicking and screaming into the light if necessary.

>> No.8248930

Why isn't this /biz/ coin? For real? Where did this shit even start?

>> No.8249077



But /biz/ loves to be contrarian, y'know. ;)

>> No.8249359

I ask myself this too bc this actually started right here on /biz/.
this dev team has gone above and beyond everything the community has asked for and it is succeeding. Your dont even see the POWH guys fudding this anymore bc they know whats up too.

What more could you ask for from a crypto?
>you earn passive income as eth from volatility
>dev make a futures market to create volatility
>Market has gone nothing but up since implementations
>open source and transparent, no one is trying to hide anything

AND the pot TODAY is already over 2 eth! They are giving you eth to win why dont you want it?

>> No.8249587

Just to summarise the gist of my article from an earlier post: I've received 18.45% returns in less than a month doing absolutely nothing beyond clicking 'reinvest' a few times.

I'm glad that people are finally realising the potential of spreading this idea. There doesn't really need to be a huge number of people coming in - just market manipulation from futures. This will generate ETH forever.

>> No.8249719

So this is more of a long term play?

>> No.8249857

pot @ 2.7 eth

oh boy we really going over 5 eth pot tonight!

>> No.8249883


*sweating internally*

We giveaway now

>> No.8250161

Can't wait to see the final pot!
People have been buying into Phoenix a lot today, surely getting the attention it deserves.

I already put some bets up on pyrmex, I'm gonna put my last bets the last hour.

Bulls or bear? What you guys think, bulls is looking like the winner but if some1 plays if they will win a lot on bear.

>> No.8250178

Price just shot up like 7 eth on ethphoenix.io already...is its already happening?

>> No.8250186

This is all true, Anon. The volume is real. The charts are real. The story is real and the excellent community and team are real. It is not too late for you Anon...it's still early. You at least owe it to yourself to dyor rather than listen to hollow words and blue sky. Will be best to do it now, because very soon things will seriously 'get real'.

>> No.8250233

Why would anyone sell EPX? From what I understand, it would be a loss of 20% and this shit has just gotten started! I expect Bulls to win for a long time until this thing caps out. But the truth is...no one knows. Which is the best part.
How about this, I pedge to pump .5 eth tonight. Who else is in? Let's just manipulate the shit out of it if that's the point right?

>> No.8250468

Holy shit pot at 2.9 eth, OP was right we going to 5 eth!

>> No.8250630

If they hold enough they might want to dump it all for a huge multiplier on zerobear that would more than make up for selling and buying back in.

>> No.8250645

Let's make teams then. Who's on team pump? Whose on team dump?

>> No.8250682

I'm on all six lmao

>> No.8250687

Why would anyone sell you ask? For money! It's a % game. The smart whale has 2 wallets in EPX and he's collecting divs on both. Regardless on whether he's up 20% (to basically break even on the buy and sell, he can make far, FAR more by dumping one of the wallets to force PyrMex into a 10x or 15x pool he has a sizable bet in. He can then recharge his second EPX wallet with more tokens while banking a very fat profit as well. Great game if you can afford to manipulate it.

>> No.8250739

This is the coolest thing I've read in a long time. Thanks anons. Will be betting tonight.

>> No.8251070

Sorry, I was away there.

Yes, this is a long term play. I can't trade for shit. Other people can, but I have no idea what I'm doing. I have a bot for that. I'm literally getting free ETH by holding and letting whales manipulate futures by buying in and selling.

This is, unironically, the best place to put your ETH long-term - if you believe in the future price potential of Ethereum, every dollar you earn in dividends now could very well be worth 10x that in the future. Not bad when it would otherwise be sitting in a wallet or potentially vulnerable exchange.

Please bear in mind that this 18.45% gain in less than a month is with what many would consider little to no volume. We're now picking that up and seeing the rewards.

>> No.8251412

Pot @ 3.0 ETH


>> No.8251438

Dude, I'm ready to join team dump. Sign me up baby. I'd love to take another 10x multiplier!

>> No.8251614

Yea thats an interesting idea...

So far 1 person on team pump, and 1 on team dump!
Choose wisely lads

>> No.8251680

Correction - my article is now out of date. Since the time of writing and due to the 0.2% token value increase on buys, my tokens are now worth 0.7214 ETH.

Did I forget to mention that it's not just dividends that provide you with more ETH, but your token value increasing too?

Feels good man. Getting ETH doing nothing.

>> No.8252272

Holy shit there has been over 10 eth put into ethphoenix since this thread started

>> No.8252492

>Holy shit there has been over 10 eth put into ethphoenix since this thread started

...which means 10%, a full ETH, divided up and raining down over all of us that have EPX tokens - sweet!

>> No.8252579

And thus did the wise and benevolent Divsnek shower the faithful with His blessings! Glory be unto His name!

>> No.8252629

This is getting out of hand -- who is pumping this shit!? You're gonna kill all my shorts assholes

>> No.8252655

( Though if they hit I guess I make 10x ^_^ )

>> No.8252685

holy shit that pump is so real

>> No.8252790
File: 215 KB, 540x540, 1519689158317.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Super Seed Saturday
>Already pumped

Awwww yeah, and it's already sitting in the infinibull pot. I doubt anyone is gonna let this pot go to the bears.

>> No.8252884

Make that an 11x if I win lol

>> No.8253052

has anyone else noticed these hex codes on the buy page and the house bets?



>> No.8253083

Ok, make that 12x if I win. Starting to think I'm actually fine with my bet lol

>> No.8253093

yup, thats norse's secret, figure it out and.. well im not sure what will happen.

>> No.8253094

Yes. Norsefire has left several clues as to one of the new releases just around the corner.

In other news the contract is now at 290+ ETH. Congratulations everyone - for those who stuck with EPX since we dropped to 130, your hard work has been rewarded.

Those in EPX are going to make it. Slowly and steadily, but we'll make it. Feels fucking good man.

>> No.8253127

damn it feels good to be a hodler
a real gangsta ass hodler plays his divs right

>> No.8253158

Remember that I said 'one of' - there are several projects in the works, none of which I am at liberty to discuss here.

>> No.8253393

15 minutes until the vig fee doubles

>> No.8253512

Pot @ 3.6 eth.

5 eth wall will be shattered!!

>> No.8253531

About to pass the previous ATH pot on PyrMex

>> No.8253544

Dude, it still pays double if infinity bull hits. I like these superseed days. We should do these every day lol

>> No.8253550
File: 97 KB, 616x694, BannerLogo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun.

>> No.8253581

I feel bad for all the guys who are gunna fomo in in 2 hours when the vig is 10pct

>> No.8253602

3 minutes until it rolls over -- wonder if there's a whale circling just waiting to dump in at the last second on the 5%

>> No.8253628

Folks gotta be careful here, they need to hedge more on infinity bear. I have a friend who’s a whale who I know would take this in a heartbeat and could profit on a dump here

>> No.8253755

Dude, great poem btw

>> No.8253782
File: 5 KB, 275x183, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The EthPhoenix twitter tweeted it out - they posted a bunch of other poems too, I think they might be related to the hex-code thing.

Has anyone else found any other hex-codes?

>> No.8253874
File: 265 KB, 857x677, ethphoenix[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8253898

its happening isnt it.

>> No.8253962

anyone notice not a single POWH shill is in here?

>> No.8254042
File: 10 KB, 338x117, unknown (12).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

90% of them got banned for posting ref links

I miss this guy though

>> No.8254275

HAHAHA yea i 'member...
Dude got fucking REKT. Hope he comes back to be tho

>> No.8254727

bumpity bump for mah phoegroes

>> No.8254996

The more money that flows into max bear, the higher the odds for the other pools rise.

What's the chance someone is watching and gonna try a late bet to mid bull and then a small dump to get the extra ETH from Super Saturday in to that mid bull pool with the much higher odds?

There's probably 40 or 50 holders with enough tokens to make that play...

>> No.8255063
File: 102 KB, 768x364, 05onfire1_xp-master768-v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant lose again... Please don't bog me

anyway, this is the biggest pyrmex pot so far - 3.753 ETH is up for grabs

>> No.8255103
File: 930 KB, 750x775, 1519977065935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you changed that bear

>> No.8255119

What time does it end GMT

>> No.8255165

actually there were two made my different anons FYI. But your gay frog is all yours which is worse. Its this the best bullshit powh can muster now?

>> No.8255190

but i'm all in in epx

>> No.8255193

GMT is UTC mate...

and its UTC +5

>> No.8255284

You fucking gambling addicts

>> No.8255379

im not even involved in the futures and i love it, im reaping the rewards in ethereum dividends every night from these gambling addicts.

>> No.8255400

Indeed, tis gambling. Way more fun than etheroll though

>> No.8255593

Look, 4 pools with 10x multipliers means I could put .1 in each and if any one of them hits I walk away with 1eth... Jesus, I'll take those odds

>> No.8255632

Dude, or even for us non-whales .01 in each, walk away with .1

>> No.8255682
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>> No.8255716
File: 30 KB, 450x347, e211d1d11e2ded0002cd4983cce6421dba376babad32ffd22494ed5f8db0363e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this 16 hour pool has more volume in it than powh has seen in two days

>> No.8255889

why do you think i'm in powh dude?

>> No.8256158

The payout just keeps getting sweeter and sweeter. This is great!

>> No.8256190

pot at 3.88


>> No.8256352

Biggest pot yet bump

>> No.8256753

think this guys point is betting in every pot isn't always profitable, lol

remember though, you lose 100% of the bets you dont place

>> No.8257062

It's definitely hitting 5 eth tonight

>> No.8257316


>> No.8257426

>remember though, you lose 100% of the bets you dont place
i think this thread actually makes people more stupid with every post they make

>> No.8257469
File: 41 KB, 575x461, goo4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>discord gg / ajsz8tn

Goo gonna moon on launch for 100x returns

>> No.8257476

are you okay?

>> No.8257507

go advertise with your own thread, friend. literally nobody cares about your new game that you have no real info on

>> No.8257513

i'm not sure, posted too many replies here already
barely managed to solve captcha
fuck i think i'm gonna need a special care after i post this one

>> No.8257546

alright well keep bumping the thread and you can be as stupid as you want


>> No.8257572
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>> No.8257593

where do i buy those fucking sunglasses?

>> No.8257603

This shit’s gonna too 5eth tonight!

>> No.8257649
File: 39 KB, 480x360, hq1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8257679

Folks are still overweighting infinity bulll

>> No.8257707

I’m spread across everything but infinity bull. I win big if it’s literally anything else

>> No.8257837

think about it this way people have pumped a tons of eth for even less of a pot. This is the biggest pot yet so who knows. lots of time still

>> No.8258051

Dude i’m Betting on whale dump

>> No.8258199

the point is, the pot is at 4.3 eth

>> No.8258327


I'll prop up any whale dump. Bears be warned

>> No.8258416

Someone with over 7 eth in contract bet on bears... most likely team dump

>> No.8258494

The infinitybulls overbought, it’s not profitable for them to prop it up. DUMP IT!

>> No.8258510

Big HUGE money if you have the cajones to bet bear

>> No.8258547

We may hit 6 eth tonight baby!!

>> No.8258573

Anybody who bets bear tonight is gonna make $$$$

>> No.8258606

i know one thing, EPX will win

>> No.8258610

Look at the number of times in just this last week it went 11x

>> No.8258612
File: 128 KB, 680x652, changemymind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of bear talk....

Bull bogs, where you at?

>> No.8258628

money talks.

>> No.8258639

*coughs* eth talks

>> No.8258728
File: 34 KB, 540x378, 1520308114941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8258739

Gonna make a fortune tonight, I love all ya’ll sticking to infinitybull

>> No.8258761

Most high res crime wave cover i have ever seen

>> No.8258808

Literally a guy drew a picture showing how folks could make bank yesterday and still he made 11x

>> No.8258848

well most day traders lose for a reason, I guess.

solution: HODL EPX

>> No.8258889

Or day trade EPX and compensate for div losses with pyrmex wins

>> No.8258925
File: 242 KB, 1214x1611, 1519090234146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4 u

>> No.8258943

remember that one time the pot was like at 1.8 eth and then suddenly 10 eth came out of nowhere during the bog hour?
I do...I 'memeber

>> No.8258988


4 eth pot, most bets hit in the last hour.

wew lad

>> No.8259380

I’m excited, we gone hit 5 eth tonite

>> No.8259478

easy man, its like .5 away. I bet people wll be betting whole eth at the end

>> No.8259599

2 hours and 11 minutes to reach 5 ez

>> No.8259765

final hour of bets

>> No.8260174

Holy shit, tonight’s final hour is gonna be kray

>> No.8260185


it's going inifinity. these bears are gona get rekt again

>> No.8260255

I’m only right about bear about half the time it’s true, but the multipliers pay 10x, so I win in the end bitches!

>> No.8260274

pot at 4.9


>> No.8260291


>> No.8260295
File: 16 KB, 336x73, Screen Shot 2018-03-10 at 10.43.24 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8260341

Still 15 minutes to get in on these insane multipliers tonight!

>> No.8260349

My friend said he’s coming in for 1 eth at the last second! Let’s see if he’s good for it

>> No.8260382


>my friend


>> No.8260400


>> No.8260408

Kek, a poo in street simulation?

.......actually that's a fucking great idea for a game. Hmmmm. Thanks Raj. Off to exploit your race for Jewgold.

>> No.8260422

Oh yeah? We'll see about that kek

>> No.8260450


don't try me, kid

>> No.8260479

Here it comes!! About to close! 1 minute!

>> No.8260480

you both are fucked, I'm landing this dead-center so none of you win

>> No.8260519

minibull wins if it's dead center

>> No.8260528


>> No.8260542

The Bogdanoff Hour is upon is, mentlegen.

Prepare yourselves.

>> No.8260624

And.....you win this round anon!

Curses, foiled again!!

>> No.8260642


my hedge is dead center. drown, anon

>> No.8260698
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>> No.8260737

bogs are asleep infinibulls won again

>> No.8261312

>you waited 4 hours for this

>> No.8261336
File: 10 KB, 114x55, superseed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speak for yourself

>> No.8261348
File: 1.52 MB, 668x936, 1501882812363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ad so good its making me want to play this piece of shit again.

>> No.8261370

i really expected someone to pull 6 eth out and fuck infinibulls over but i guess not today

>> No.8261545

>he thinks we sleep
>surprise him

>> No.8262088
File: 1.43 MB, 1280x720, NOOOOOOO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is nothing going through for me, I'm putting the fees pretty high for each transaction, I know I lost almost half the money I put in because my bets didn't go through in time but now I can't even take what I bought out? Who shilled me this?

>> No.8263376

do you not know how to use metamask?