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File: 77 KB, 700x700, chimera-cat-split-face-different-eyes-gataquimera-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8246541 No.8246541 [Reply] [Original]

how many expensive cats are you going to buy when you make it?

>> No.8246551


>> No.8246555

You fucking virign

>> No.8246563


>> No.8246568

I'd rather have regular cats than some genetic catastrophe.

>> No.8246579
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trips don't lie OP is a virgin

also checkem

>> No.8246583

well your mother wanted a regular son but she learned to love what she got too

>> No.8246589

I think I'll get a doggo desu, probably an english bulldog

>> No.8246596

Guy near me has a savannah that takes up half his couch and I want him bad.

>> No.8246600

zero because cats suck and cat owners have toxo parasites in their brains whee

>> No.8246614

Says the guy that wants to be a millionaire just to buy fucking cats.

>> No.8246686

read about this the other day,
my cat has infected me with a parasite, which has chemically altered my brain so I like the cat more.
fucking assholes man

>> No.8246708

man pussy aint cheap ya dig? except for your momma.

>> No.8246787

Did you rub his shit all over your face?
Unless you didn't, you probably don't have it, and just like cats cuz they're fluffy.

>> No.8246802

Well you don't have to own a lot, basically just a female. Then you can pay people with other expensive cats to impregnate your cat.

However, you'll have to cut a lot of corners to make real money; medicine, food and your own time. Which would basically make you an animal abuser if you're doing it for money.

>> No.8246823

what are some cool expensive cat races OP?

i wanna buy some later

>> No.8246833

roasties are getting agitated recently

>> No.8246852

You will never make it with this mindset

>> No.8246944
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grey british short hair with yellow eyes

>> No.8246962

my ex gf had two of those give me some real cool ones

what race is that in the OP

>> No.8246970 [DELETED] 


>> No.8246976

it's got two different DNAs. it's a chimaera

>> No.8246991

I really like Maine Coons but I'd be tempted to get a Savannah or some shit they big boys.

>> No.8247065
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>> No.8247086
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>> No.8247170
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looks dangerous

>> No.8247255

These cats a viscous bastards, it’s inherent in their DNA. Seen loads, all the same.

>> No.8247304
File: 90 KB, 630x630, D81F0C89-B923-46D6-833C-ACF0F824E911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maine Coons are nice natured and can grow massive. Problem is they are thick as shit. They sleep under car wheels and have no self preservation so generally die one way or another.

>> No.8247315

The absolute state of roasties being unable to afford designer cats.

>> No.8247351

Yea they're loveable and kinda dumb haha. I don't let cats outside unsupervised anyway so it works for me. The real problem is all that fluff. It gets everywhere.

>> No.8247354

Norwegian forest cats are big cats 4u too but aren't as intellectuslly deficient as maine coons.

>> No.8247372

i just googled maine coon intelligence and
>they Are Smart. The Maine Coon Cat breed has been known for its intelligence for many years

>> No.8247381

They really mirror the mentality of a Britbong eh :D

>> No.8247390
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>we want to assist you in acquiring crypto-riches

>> No.8247474

Norwegians are cool cats. They like humans a lot, don't have problems with babies and keep your household and atd free of pests because they are tough hunters. My family had a norwegian when I was little and the tough guy kicked the shit out of a brown hare that was eating the bark of a young apple tree sapling.

>> No.8247486

get a cat from a shelter senpai they need your help and it makes you feel good about yourself. + you can tell girls you rescued a cat and they will suck your dick. Also black cats are the shit and are statistically more likely to be mistreated and not get adopted.

Basically adopt a black cat you fucking nazi

>> No.8247521
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I'm more bullish on Siberian forest cats

>> No.8247532

That cat looks trippy

>> No.8247593
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>Not already having a brocat to swat away the red candles

>> No.8247640
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just one

>> No.8247717
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That's a beautiful cat, OP.
You guys suck, cats are awesome.
I agree, there's not really any need to buy pedigree cats. You can usually get cats for free on Gumtree from disgusting poor scum who don't get their cats spayed and are always having kittens.
You can get dogs and cats :)

Partial wildcats are morally wrong, anon. You took a beautiful wild cat and made it partially retarded... They will also wreck your furniture because they have primal urge to fuck shit up.

They are breeds, not races. Although I dunno what the difference is between cat breeds and human races, genetically...

Is that the same as Norwegian forest cat? Pic related.

When LINK hits $100 I'll get a cat and name it Sergey

>> No.8247748

I fucking love cats so much, I'm going to buy a thick Maine Coon from my crypto gains this year. I don't adopt but I donate to the animal shelter so my karma is cool I think

>> No.8247761
File: 186 KB, 800x1011, take-look-adorable-fierce-werewolf-cat-breed-lykoi-1-med.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only werewolf cats

>> No.8247797

You can get any forest cat breed or maine coons without feeling guilty because they don't have breed specific health problems. Norwegians are very healthy cats and live long

>> No.8247885
File: 28 KB, 400x356, norwegian112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bruh, look at this dude.

>> No.8247925

ill be a millionare though. ill be allowed to be a cunt and buy expensive cats only.

>> No.8247937

I had a beauiful white Norwegian forest cat. Def would buy/adopt another

>> No.8248024

I'd get fancy purebred cats then donate some gains to no kill shelters so I don't feel bad for not adopting

>> No.8248060
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Already got my Neva

>> No.8248074
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>> No.8248112
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Siberian forest cats also welcome?

Here's mine

>> No.8248125

I actively try to run over cats when I see them darting across the road, I think I hit at least 10 so far.

Fuck cats.

>> No.8248146

you don't even have a drivers license you basement dwelling sociopath

>> No.8248177


shoo edgelord it's caturday

>> No.8248206
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Yeeeeeeeey itz caturdaaaaaaay

>> No.8248542

savannah cat

>> No.8248565

holy shit I love cats but doggos too
cant decide which to get
can I get both or are they gonna kill each other?

>> No.8248769

both you deserve it fagit

>> No.8248837

To be honest, I want to buy this rare cat.
It's like a diamond.

>> No.8248904
File: 1.65 MB, 4128x2322, 20171227_174749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my Bengal.
He's 16 years old now.

>> No.8248911

You know how I know you're a weed dude?

>> No.8248951

they can be best bros, if you're a good owner you know how to do this

>> No.8249019

is he still healthy and well?

>> No.8249048

main coons aren't dumb
you've clearly never owned one
you're the idiot

>> No.8249054

He lives at my parents.
He's kind of slower now and doesn't eat as much.

>> No.8249277

Every animal lover should know that you don't buy one, you adopt.

>> No.8249316

>Every animal lover
Buddy, we're not animal lovers.
We're animal investors.

>> No.8249331

Also cats are not really great investments.
Dogs give you ROI within the first year and everything after profits. While cats take at least 5 years to get ROI.

>> No.8249571

tfw no Vivec cat

>> No.8249614

Also, none, I'm just going to buy a biotech company that sells custom pets.

>> No.8249626


>> No.8249700


pets are a dumb hobby for people who aren't mentally or emotionally capable of cultivating a meaningful human existence

the only exceptions are people with exceptional special ability and relationship with animals. the kind of person per owners believe they are, but in reality are not.

>> No.8249761

all of it anon, all of it

>> No.8249811
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>> No.8249820
File: 60 KB, 945x531, 9B75CA32-2E34-4E9D-9370-7AFD58BAE9DB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying in getting a cat OR a dog
im getting a ferret. ferrets are bro-tier.

>> No.8249837

They live like 2 years

>> No.8249848

they smell like shit

>> No.8249860
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>> No.8249874
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>> No.8249890

t. muslim

>> No.8249917

>h-here I go guys haha look how cool I am

>> No.8249944

One fluffy white ragdoll, like the one I had last year. I miss that little guy so much.

>> No.8249989
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>> No.8250018
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>tfw my brothers got 2 cattos
>now I get laugh at him and tell him to clean a shit box

>> No.8250053
File: 93 KB, 1000x1000, ds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> cattos
> chinese cartoons

>> No.8250067

>not cades

>> No.8250085
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>> No.8250107
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>> No.8250142

None my cheap shelter cats are good enough for me.

>> No.8250329
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>> No.8250354
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Selkirk Rex

>> No.8250383
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American Wirehair

>> No.8250427
File: 32 KB, 520x348, expensive-cat-breeds-ashera-1-Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$125k cat!


>> No.8250670

not one expensive kitty. I will rescue every scared, sad and abandoned kitty i can possibly find and make sure they are warm and cozy and safe.

>> No.8250675

You think you can still make it?

>> No.8250731

I think there's a cat breed in Turkey that gets anxious if it doesn't get to swim

>> No.8250860

Goddamn that's a beautiful cat. That's like Star Trek level.

>> No.8250973

I'm getting a Russian blue

>> No.8251068
File: 45 KB, 500x667, bwcats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gotta love caturday
if i make it i want a white cat and a black cat
i'll name them tui and la

>> No.8251108

now thats what i call edgy

>> No.8251118

Zero because im not a soy boy or third worlder

>> No.8251331

Mate I don't wish to alarm you but thats not a ferret

>> No.8251359

0 because I'm not a homosexual or a childless women.

>> No.8251418
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>> No.8251457
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My cat almost died yesterday, it was painful to watch

>> No.8252137

This cuck is begging us to adopt the black ones hahahaaaa. Burn the coal pay the toll! Maybe if the cat wasn’t such a nigger the family would still love it!

>> No.8252255
File: 409 KB, 2448x3264, g4JclaC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went all in on Link

Gonna cop myself pic related

>> No.8252630

I just want a couples of cattes with medium-long silky fur

Maybe like this? http://cattime.com/cat-breeds/turkish-angora-cats#/slide/1

>> No.8252738

What happened? He/she doing ok?

>> No.8252783
File: 926 KB, 3264x2448, Photo Jan 29, 10 52 44 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does /biz/ keep fishies?

>> No.8252786

I’ll get a housekeeper to clean the litter box for me

>> No.8252791

i want an arowana

>> No.8252799
File: 1.67 MB, 3264x2448, month 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8252947

you're a true nigger, hope you never make it

>> No.8253000

what the hell happened to that cat

>> No.8253312

>not giving generously to the regional big cat rescue
>not feeding slabs of beef to tigers as the qt staff girls whisper to another about your riches
>not being able to come and go as you please with volunteers doing the dirty work
>not taking the donation as a tax deduction

make your donation contingent on the exclusion of emu and ostrich rescues, though. gigantic birds are an insult to God and punishment for our sinful nature.