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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 7 KB, 300x300, reqq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8246527 No.8246527 [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on this. Its decentralized PayPal 2.0 or something?

>> No.8246591
File: 29 KB, 340x515, 1518559044415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's dead bro.
Find something else.

>> No.8246609

Req is down over 80% from the ATH

it's dead

>> No.8246613

Its notgoingtobe Paypal 2.0

>> No.8246661

Lurk moar dumb nigger

>> No.8246878


Basically it's like a metaphor for trying to do something that no major company will let you do, you know.

>> No.8247933

>price being down means the project is dead

Are...are you fucking retarded? Do people actually think like this?

>> No.8248421


anON. PRICE MEAns things. PRIce we pay or buy for. PROject good or bad INDEED

>> No.8248480

No non-retarded person thinks like that. Using that logic ETH was once a shitcoin.

>> No.8248534

The fucking quality drop on /biz/ these past few months astounds me. It used to be fun coming here but lately it's just been draining because the level of brainless FUD and Shill on here has dropped the IQ of the board by like 100 points.

>> No.8248552
File: 16 KB, 352x382, 1520096125702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im going to do biz a favor.

Start accumulating this gem now. I do not want to hear "muh coinbase", "muh Paypal 2.0 wtf they outsourcing", "muh bought at .70 and now it's .27".

REQ is not competing with Coinbase's new shitty "pay with crypto" or whatever the fuck they're trying to do. REQ does not want to be Paypal 2.0. That was the only way Y-Combinator could think of to distill their incredibly ambitious road map down for retards and retard VC's. REQ will absolutely see $0.70 again and far beyond.

What REQ is doing is building an entire platform for payments and invoicing which will reduce costs & complexities for any and all payment and invoice providers using their platform. Unless a competitor comes about (there are none currently), REQ will save these companies billions if not trillions of dollars yearly. Pay $1 for a fraction of a REQ token to save $2 for your company.

They are already starting talks with profitable companies, though no deals have been struck yet. The team is legit and I guarantee 2018 is going to bring huge news less than 6 months after main net hits (which will happen within the next 30 days).

And yet for no good reason at all REQ has barely recovered since the epic BTC dip that just happened. This is a GOOD DEAL in the .20's. Take some money and start buying now. Watch BTC because we could be entering a new leg down, I wouldn't blow all your $$ yet, but you don't want to miss a good entry. Start accumulating now and accumulate more as BTC takes REQ further down or further up. Then just wait, and get rich.

>> No.8248557

Yeah it pretty much frustrates me. But I'm a masochist who falls for baits and FUD.

>> No.8248623

Was that picture necessary lmao

>> No.8248626

This is why I'm literally All-in on it. ETH was also a platform coin that fucking tanked and shitted around its ico price for months, and was FUDDED to oblivion. Guess what, people actually started using its platform, and those people that actually saw the uses for it early on got rich.

REQ is using the ETH platform to create a platform for payments.The value of its token is derived from the required burning of it in order to push transactions through the network, just like ETH needs to be used for gas.

We're ALREADY fucking seeing projects being built on the REQ framework cropping up, they said they already have 42 teams working on shit.

How anyone could not see the parallels, and what this means for the future, is mind-boggling to say the least.

>> No.8249164

Will 100k req make me a millionaire

>> No.8249438

Wtf dude just wtf this must be bait ....right... right biz tell me is bait

>> No.8250012


>> No.8250270

Reqshits never explain their coin. I’ve been looking for one reason I should buy this coin and can’t find it anywhere. They just spam nonstop and act superior with no explanation if you ask why a money request network is even close to as good as a decentralized Oracle or a global counterfeit prevention system. I think req people are easily the most cancerous community on /biz/. I am hoping this piece of shit fails so hard.

>> No.8250287


>> No.8250426

What happens is a seller never ships something I bought or sends the wrong item?

>> No.8250456


>> No.8250551

You dismissed 2 legitimate questions out of hand without explaining why they are wrong. I’d love to buy a few thousand req especially at current prices but crypto has a couple of time bombs that could hit the market at any time in the mt gox trustees and the tether investigation. Ethereum latched on to btc just like many other alts and rode it to a great 2017. No hate but in order to believe req is a great buy in a bear market which I believe we will be in until we sort out tether and mt. Gox it needs some kind of specific reason why it isn’t just a better PayPal or a better excel. Right now I just see req as a potentially nice derivative project but it’s very likely that it’s price will just follow the market. When a market goes 10x in one year it normally doesn’t just do the same thing again the next year. I’ll probably cop some req when it’s closer to 1 cent than 25 cents.

>> No.8250656


>> No.8250683

this will drop back to 10m once btc hits 4k this summer