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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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824578 No.824578 [Reply] [Original]

Today I'm going to show you a simple technique so save money on almost all purchases. This example, is to peruse the sellers TOS and find little loopholes to give you an edge. Normally you will only save a few pennies, but we are talking about jewing after all. Anyways I'll give you an example:

On amazon, you get free shipping if you spend over $35. This is cool and all, but if you spend less you have to pay ~15% on shipping. It's fucking stupid. So, if you are ordering less than $35 in stuff, split your orders between several. Initially, you will be charged the shipping fees for each order, and this is where the jewing comes in.

You wait until they ship the packages, and thanks to Amazon's policy, they will group your orders into a single package. However, said policy also states that when shipments are combined, you will only be charged once. So, now go on amazon support chat and complain, they will immediately refund you shipping fees on all but the most expensive package.

In my orders today, here were the costs:

Separate packages were:

If I had ordered them together, it would have been:

This means after refund, my shipping cost $5.55, instead of $5.85, saving me 30 cents. If you have methods, feel free to share below.

>> No.824579

>Spending 10+ minutes complaining to save under a dollar


>> No.824581
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>> No.824594

I'd rather walk around for 5 minutes raiding parking lot, ticket and snack machines for some return instead of doing this shit for 30cents.

>> No.824603
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>30 cents
>someone else has methods
Search the pavement?

>> No.824604
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You would save a lot more money by not having placed the orders in the first place.

>> No.824624

nice jew meme idiot

>> No.824641

>30 cent
that doesnt even cover the electric signal required to notify amazon servers of the new order
let alone the phone call that yo will be wasting on crying like a motherless bitch

>> No.824653

Nigga, you are supposed to use their live text chat. It took me about 30 seconds to get the refund.

>> No.824675

>buy laptop on amazon
>wait a few days after it says delivered
>complain it never arrived and there's niggers living near you

The Indians will most likely refund you the shekels. "Oy vey" indeed.

>> No.824681
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lol, its you again. The "nice jew meme idiot" meme-mister.

Well memed idiot. Your hasidim is showing.

>> No.824722

but that's not the indians tho

>> No.824728

>give good suggestion
>everyone ignores it because it saves more than a couple bucks

Why doesn't /biz/ just get closed? Such a failed board

>> No.824733

i go on it every day son

>> No.824772

>buy things that are many and get delivered in one package such as clothes
>claim either all or some of them didn't arrive
>get refunded by company

This will save you much more than those 30 cents.

>> No.824778

My girl works at Starbucks. I think it's funny the things that people will do to jew them out of 30 cents of caramel sauce, while still spending 10 dollars per day on shitty overpriced coffee drinks. I'll give you a couple of general tips as far as I understand that she's explained them to me.

One is that sauce pumps, half and half, etc. are all free add-ons but are upcharged in your basic drink. So the basic strategy here is to, instead of ordering the drink by its common name, ex. "caramel frappuccino", order the cheepest most generic frap and have them manually enter on the sauces and cremes and shit.

A second one I learned about is how people who, for some reason, drag themselves out of bed to go to starbucks and order decaf house coffee. If you wait until just after they pull the decaf house coffee and ask them why there's no decaf coffee available, they'll offer you a decaf Americano for the same price as the house coffee. If you don't know, Americano is basically an espresso shot with more water passed thru the filters, so this drink will easily run you double. This one sound stupid, but my girl says there are at least 3 groups of people who time their starbucks visits to pull this trick off on the regular.

These are just general strategies from a non-starbucks addict. So you have to take them as generalities and tweak them to make them work for you. Good luck! And enjoy reaping the .50-1.00 savings!

>> No.824788

Oh yeah, and while I'm at it, I'll relate an optimal return strategy. One time I really needed Ethernet line. There was no tech place in town except a shack that featured antiquated radio frequency transceivers. These assholes, whose shitty chain of shacks will remain nameless, managed to charge me 50 dollars for a 50 foot line.

Needless to say, I was pissed. But hell, at least it was a nice high quality piece of Ethernet wire. So I used it to connect to the web, went on eBay and bought 50 feet of white (the same color as the Shack's) Ethernet line for 7 dollars with ground shipping included.

I continued to make use of the Ethernet line for the next 2 weeks while I waited for the order to arrive. Then, I put the shitty white chinaman special Ethernet wire into the 50 dollar 'Shack wire box and returned it to the Shack.

The dumb sales guy who took my Ethernet line was too much of a tech incompetent to realize that there was chinaman special packed up into that box. Things like this has gotta be the reason that that un-named "Shack" chain is about to go bankrupt.

Anyway, so yeah. Buy the primo brick and mortar version, eBay an imposter and return the imposter to the brick and mortar.

A similar trick works for when you have to return something but it's too late. Say I bought the router that I plugged that Ethernet wire into 6 months before and it broke the following week. The store in question this time, known for its bright red "bulls eye" logo, will only accept returns for 30 days with receipt. So you just go and buy the same model again off the shelf, get your old busted version, put it in the new box, return it with the new receipt, and voila. You may not get the money back, but at least you can do in kind exchanges like this for any time frame where the big box still offers the same exact product.

Hope these help, jews.

>> No.824792

>But hell, at least it was a nice high quality piece of Ethernet wire.

You do realize that an Ethernet cable is an Ethernet cable, right?

It's literally copper wire covered by a plastic wrapping. It can't be "high-quality" or "low-quality", it either works or doesn't work that's it.

So really you just wasted that effort not really getting anything better than what you traded it for.

>> No.824794

I was thinking about that last paragraph already. Don't they ID their shit to prevent this from happening?

>> No.824796

nah bro you should also only buy cinch cables with golden connectors because these are the only ones offering "high definition" lol

>> No.824801

so basically you're saying fraud is a good way to save money?

>> No.824806

I liked the last trick. Thanks fellow Schlomo.

>> No.824964

>he has never broken a charging cable or headphones
Chinaman special cables are garbage.

Oh, and if you want fair priced cables, use monoprice.

Yeah, but what I did is legal. I could tell you about using drop houses, fake damaged boxes, etc to take advantage of warranties, but I'm a jew, not a nigger.

>> No.824974

>Not being a Nigger-Jew hybrid

My friend made quite a bit of money in electronic goods doing that, or so he's said.

But it's too bad because some people are sketched out when you're selling a monitor or something without any cables or original box.

They think it's damaged or some shit. Just buy the damn thing you fuckers, it's an amazing price holy cow.

>> No.824990

please return i want to discuss this further

>> No.824994

I'm lurking. I don't know what you want me to say. I am not a thief, I don't really care if your 'friend' got a good deal by stealing.

>> No.825007

>He wants to be rich but never piss anyone off or get a 5 finger discount

Bruh I sustained my NEET habit selling garbage electronics at wholesale prices.

This is THE "business" for /biz/ neets with no morals. Besides you're taking a small amount of money from very rich companies, it's not even that immoral. Think about how many times you've bought things that have been shit and didn't get a replacement for them. Now you're just making up that difference.

But anyway i wanted to discuss how to do it better in bulk and calm the worried fags who think it doesn't work because no box or cables or someshit. I swear that shit has been cutting into my profits so damn much when i have to sell it for 30% price to these fucking idiotic indian faggots

>> No.825010

'How to be a terrible customer who makes other people's lives a little worse for a few bucks of savings.'

>> No.825033

It's a dog eat dog world, anon.

You're either the Goy or you're the Jew in this world. And I know i don't want to be the Goy.

>> No.825042

>letting feelings get in the way of business
>back to reddit

>> No.825053

>he stops replying to me about how to make actual shekels instead of making a couple bucks by wasting 15 minutes

come on man, why don't you want to make serious dosh? I just gotta figure out a way to automate this a bit more/make it less tedious and do it bulk and this is a literal autopilot cashcow.

>> No.825063

Fine. Here's how to turn it into a turn key operation. Drive to your local niggerhood and find a couple outstanding citizens. Offer them decent pay *15 per hour to make bullshit calls to companies. You have them work out of a voip program that feeds them numbers constantly, similar to a call center. Give them an incentive to do a good job via commission %.

Use remailer services for the shipping address, always pay cash and change remailer on a regular basis.

Finally, find a way to fence the goods. Ebay is the easiest, but it's best to let inventory sit a few months before moving it. The risk here is that it can devalue if its something like an electronic. You can also try craisglist, but this is a great way to get set up in a sting. Local PDs are just dying for stings to explain their bloated budgets.

>> No.825071

Well i figured all that already(thanks though). But

I've run into a bit bigger of a dilemma... It seems whenever I mass shit, they catch on and start delivering it in sketchy ass ways, so I'm mostly getting just the device, with no box, no cables and it looks beyond sketchy to potential buyers. Also I've started getting much of my shit either lost in delivery or blacklisted(this is one of the biggest problems).

It's really pushing away a lot of customers, and even if I lower price an additional amount it's still a problem.

If i could just fix these problems, even without automating it would really boost profit margins. Maybe I should just choose different products.

>> No.825073

Yeah this isnt how jews make money, sorry bro. Hint: Think bigger picture.

>> No.825077

Ask any jew. A penny saved is a penny the goy cant have. You don't over pay on anything. Frivolous spending is stupid.

>> No.825080

holy fuck all this jewish vocabulary

I can really see becoming jewish getting a new ironic trend on 4chan.

Just like bronies who suddenly started to do their weird shit for reals

>> No.825085

Pls reply, solve my great dilemma, oh great rabbi.

My friend has a few blacklisted memes sitting gathering dust and some headsets(no one wants to buy this fucking shit).

How do I defeat the anti-semitic policies set by these antisemitic companies?

>> No.825093

who the fuck makes these

>> No.825096

Ok we will go with a separate jewish method. First, go get a job in a particular companies customer service division. Once trained to work at a service agent, hire another outstanding monkey to call you for legitimate service. Then, call him every name in the book and act extremely prejudiced to him. Make sure he records the conversations/emails.

Next, it is his job to contact one of your cousins (assuming lawyer). He then threatens the company that he will be going to the NAACP unless they make restitution. You will lose your job, but its ok. Just do not contact your nigger or have any connections with him until the settlement is finished and NDAs signed.

This is how we got most of Palestine given to us. All it took was a false flag attack on the insufferable Ashkenazis

>> No.825101

>Finding a trustworthy black

You can't trust these niggers as far as you can throw them(not very far).

Come on mane help me figure out how to jew these Christian companies into sending shit that isn't blacklisted or actually comes with fucking cables and a box.

>> No.825103

slow night Sgt goyim?

>> No.825107

Since this is a scammy retail thread, here is what I have:

>buy item at Walmart in tax free state
>return item in sales tax state
>system automatically refunds you tax that you never paid

Also, you guys are poverty losers if you think you time is worth doing actual fraud for a few bucks.

>> No.825110

>few bucks
buy 50 HDTVs in tax free state and return in a state with 10% sales tax.

>> No.825114

I sell things online to make an honest living and scums like you is the reason so many small business owners can't even make it.

Fucking kill yourself.

>> No.825116

>Claim to be big company that purchased dozens of headsets
>Very big project coming up, need them to work, blahblahblah
>Somehow either get the serials or say they rubbed off or some shit
>Keep complaining, make it seem like you're big customer
>They send you 20+ headsets
>Find either a single or many faggots to sell them to


Why won't you help me man? All the forums dedicated to this discussion have mysteriously been taken down by Christians

>> No.825117

Ordering exactly what you want is actually the best method to also make sure you get exactly what you want. I don't go to Starbucks often but I often just get a couple shots and add milk myself. Those extras are also only free if you are a gold member. It is kinda stupid if a company makes some equal product at different prices.

>> No.825118

>I sell things online to make an honest living and scums like you is the reason so many small business owners can't even make it.

People don't do that to small business owners you dumb goy.(Some do maybe but I and many others don't)

Don't worry your shitty Christian wares are safe.

>> No.825119

He means that you undercut actual business owners by such a margin that they can't compete.

>> No.825122

You are either a dirty spic, chink, or Jew.

Do you have any fucking ideas how hard for some small business to make a buck? Try your fraud with larger rich companies like Apple Google or Tesla next time, leave the mom and pop shops alone.

This "if I don't steal from you I am an idiot" mentality is literally nigger-tier business mind. WTF, this is /biz/ where we are supposed to innovate and be business smart, not /Jew/ where we cheat and LITERALLY STEAL AND FEEL ENTITLED ABOUT IT.

>> No.825126

He doesn't represent the jewish ideals. We don't steal. We may levy all odds in our favor but its far different than outright fraud and theft.

>> No.825128

>Apple Google or Tesla next time, leave the mom and pop shops alone.


Like what gave you that idea?

>> No.825129

You obviously failed econ 101.

>> No.825130

Bring back astropid ;-;

Which new forum did everyone migrate to?

>> No.825133

Have some morals and integrity as a human being anon, money corrupts the soul and you are either born poor as fuck thus hard wired like a poor Mexican or you are missing empathy like some soulless assholes.

I already know you are both.

>> No.825136


Just because I want to borrow some money from a company that has shit tons in profit already doesn't make you immoral.

It's literally nothing compared to how much they make even per day.

>> No.825151


Why is this shitty board so dead now? A few months back people were discussing how to get revenge for the holocaust and show those Goyim and why we're the chosen ones but now it's dead as hell.

I mean Dear G*d, why aren't you people interested in making shekels? WE KILLED JESUS AND WE'RE PROUD OF IT, HAVA NAGILA HAVA NAGILA

>> No.825175

p-please response

Where have all the good jews gone?

>> No.825199

please respond why did thread die

We were having all this great, HYPOTHETICAL, FICTIONAL discussion.

>> No.825326


>> No.825685


>> No.825696

It's literally the same except we had a spike in good content that lasted a few weeks recently.

>> No.825763

Why won't anyone reply?

>> No.825768

this thread is dead bro, give up m9

>> No.827091


>> No.827102


you will be banned if you do this more than once

>> No.827104


>americans think this is how you save money

>> No.827118

Are you sure?

if anything could just open new account and use memezon giftcard

>> No.827135


>> No.827405 [DELETED] 


>> No.827439 [DELETED] 

anyone wish to discuss cuckoldry

>> No.827479 [DELETED] 

hello any cucks around

>> No.827497 [DELETED] 


>> No.827574 [DELETED] 


>> No.827610 [DELETED] 

any one have a hairy pussy here?

>> No.827639 [DELETED] 


>> No.827643

This. A good tip is don't spend your money like its 1999.