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8240474 No.8240474 [Reply] [Original]

General ed classes are retarded.

"Being well rounded" is subjective. Your opinion of how to be well rounded is just that, an opinion.

Don't shove your opinion of how to be "well rounded" down my throat.

A class costs me 1500. Fucking rent right there. FUCK ges.

They make up like 51+ units of a bachelors so basically half a bachelor's degree. Stupid as fuck. And in this unforgiving economy, it just adds to the financial strain. So fucking stupid.

Why the FUCK aren't bachelor's just your major classes and why the fuck aren't they just offered at a CC?

The u.s. has gone full retard. Also, highschool is a joke.



If only I could have done it over. I would have gotten a ged, flipped off the highschool, and start college at age 14.

I am not going to lie. I have no idea wtf I want from life in terms of a career. Nursing? Amazing hrs and pay but I hate ppl so probably a bad idea. Business? Well I honestly have grown a disdain for them (even though that's what I'm studying... kek. Econ concentration. I wish I picked something a bit more math based but too late now). A trade? Well I did actually go to a trade school to become an electrician but that was kind of stupid.. maybe. Employers don't really give a shit about it it seems so I feel like I wasted my time. Honestly, I see no future in a trade unless you are able to join a union which is like what, 15% of all electrical jobs?

Well long story short, point I'm making is that schools are inefficient.

Long story short, fuck highschools and fuck general eds in college.

All they do is lower the graduation rates (even worse in an impacted school), increase financial burden, and waste your time you could have used to work or take another major class.

Also, the longer someone is in school, the greater the chance of them dropping out.

>> No.8240655

Ever heard of community college? Get your gen ed classes + AA out of the way for cheap then transfer out to get a bachelors.
That being said College is a scam

>> No.8241492

If you're doing something like comp sci, chances are if you're motivated you can be much more hireable than a comp sci grad in a year.

Pick up a comp sci book or online course, a data structures book, learn some programming languages (C#, Java, JavaScript, python, no NEET functional & lower level languages) and specific libraries and frameworks around your programming language that are used in the industry.

>> No.8241780
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After we win the revolution everything will be OK.

>> No.8241799
File: 69 KB, 474x447, XRP Feels Great Man Cosmic words little moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make sure you go all-in on XRP so you don't have to go to school or work except for your own entertainment.

>> No.8241899
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>If only I could have done it over. I would have gotten a ged, flipped off the highschool, and start college at age 14.
wanted to do this but boomer parents forced me to go to shit tier public high school
what a fucking waste of time
got me into a good university at least where I got a good job, just the way the game works I guess
they should just let kids that can teach themselves with google learn whatever they want instead of sitting through bullshit nobody cares about

>> No.8242165


Higher education is so stupid with their course work because the course work is mandated by government. And of course the government mandates extra courses because they are just doing it to make the universities more money by forcing you to stay in school longer. It's all a scam to screw over taxpayers and normal citizens to benefit a few select people.

>point I'm making is that schools are inefficient.

So is everything that is run by government.

>> No.8242399

I worked in Information Technology for years, then started taking classes at night and on weekends, then got laid off and went back full time as long as I could.

If you like some STEM subject which has a career, you can do well. I mean I know programmers can make money, this is what I know about (also devops, QA people etc.)

The thing the kids at school (I am older now) don't realize is how much work is involved. I study to get a very high GPA, especially in my major. If we are studying pushdown automata and I know that's important, I will spend hours reading about it beyond what is needed for homework or tests. Then I do consulting on the side AND have my own apps business AND I do open source projects. I am probably doing 10x the work these kids are doing. AND I KNOW, AND KNOW OF PEOPLE WHO DO 10X more than me! Read about John Carmack or Bill Joy's work habits.

If you spend year after year studying, learning etc., spending a lot of the time (not all) towards being employable, or even your own business, you WILL make money. But it is a hell of a lot of work, more than most people realize.

Everyone I know who really, really worked hard has had a lot of financial success - some even very wealthy (one guy hundreds of millions, a hard worker but no super-genius - some of it was timing, initiative and luck). But you have to do a hell of a lot of work before seeing the rewards.

>> No.8242414

>But you have to do a hell of a lot of work before seeing the rewards.

I should also point out - you have to do the work of yourself - learning, improving skills etc. This is the work.

Working 80 hours a week learning nothing for little pay at some company is not the work I mean. I mean the work needed to improve yourself.

>> No.8242484
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College is just an extension of the high school meme.

>"Alright, class, for the next two months this history class will be dealing with the precursors of the Civil War, the actual War, and Southern Reconstruction"
>includes a week dedicated to learning about the Holocaust, again

>> No.8242514

You're right. Wait until you figure out the reason WHY college is such a scam. Here's a hint, think about bronze age tribes that should have been wiped out 2000 years ago.

>> No.8242612


Agreed. So much time is wasted in university with the quantity of 'something (year level) non-degree related' courses you must do to fulfill degree requirements. Scammy scam. Stretching out two years worth of useful information in to four years for the tuition bucks. And that's not even getting in to some of the directly degree related first year stuff you should already know before you even set foot in a university.

>> No.8242646
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Don't worry, Anon, those Minoan fucks got their final recompense for their ill deeds