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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8233201 No.8233201 [Reply] [Original]

Did anyone else feel lied to watching 2049? How much longer will simulation physics rendered as proto bioshock aesthetic be praised as affecting art? (Especially when the only audience responding to 2049 are the neurotic vilenueve sycophants high on neo imdb idoltry?)
Vileneuve vandalises art to peddle pseudo avant garde video game hysteria, it appeals to the emasculated neuroticism of vileneuve sycophants, whilst 'pulling a fast one' on its aesthetic authenticity, result in a garish makeup of style over video game subterfuge.

>> No.8233221

thx just bought 10k

>> No.8233224



>> No.8233228
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>> No.8233233

Go fuck yourself retard

>> No.8233238

/biz/ - Business & Finance

>> No.8233253

op you're an idiot... your brain is mush. you must have been exposed to a college 'education' recently

>> No.8233265

Horrible analysis

>> No.8233287

You are right. Also, noticed how every important character beside the hero is a woman, and always some kind of ass kicker or genius?
The only good thing about this movie was the holo-waifu

>> No.8233309

Is it worth to watch if I did not seen previous 2048 parts?

>> No.8233322

This is some of the dumbest, most contrived 2deep4u criticism I've seen of Blade Runner. You need a sanity check, OP.

>> No.8233330

1340 was the best imo but you have to watch the rest to understand it

>> No.8233347

ok thantks for the tip. I am going tommorow to my loval VHS rental saloon

>> No.8233383

Is this the new 1000x OP?

>> No.8233405

stop pretending to be some kind of psudo intellectual. You're just regurgitating someone elses fucking ideas.

also wrong board fag

>> No.8233432

>not 1453

>> No.8233445

its fucking amsterpiece man. Watch previous one from 1982 and rigt after new one with gosling. I love the world that they created.
I love sci-fi movies and thos with fucked up timeline. Looper, Prometeus, Contact, Primer are one of my faveourites one but now netflix shows kick ass serials Alerted Carbon and Expanse.

Future is now boys and best way to predict it is to create it

>> No.8234068

First off you don't make any sense. Second, why the fuck are you posting this shit on /biz/?

>> No.8234665

Yeah mate but I clean toilets at McDonald's and make a solid $4 an hour. So you can take your "Salty No Coiners" meme and shove it up your ass and eat continuously at taco bell for a week while holding your shit in.

Then you my friend can pop into my Maccie D's and lower them britches in the cubicle furthest to the left when you enter the bathroom. You'll recognize it because on the back of the door there's a penis drawn on it in blue permanent marker with "Gary takes cock" scribbled underneath.

My friend, at this point I want you to call me in so I can witness you arch forward at a 45% degree angle with both cheeks spread wide. You can then spray the cubicle with shit. Watery green and brown taco bell meme coin trader shit.

When you have unloaded I want you to smear it all over the floors using my son Dave as a mop. Dave will submit being the salty nocoiner cuck that he is. Dave's cool like that.

Then once he's sent off to school I will gladly high five you.

You know why? You may have made millions of meme crypto money that you can't even cash out. . . but I will gladly clean that shit up, fuck it I'd lick that shit up until the bathroom is so fucking clean it could be used as the mirror in the Hubble telescope to see all the way to the alternate reality where alternate me will still be happy to clean up your crypto scat. I my friend will sit down after wiping your juicy excrement with 4 dollars of real hard earned cash and enjoy my big mac with a ten percent staff discount. Life is good.

>> No.8235040
File: 181 KB, 762x1039, C3949937-955E-428E-AF97-5F7C1A2D3772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luv best waifu

>> No.8235534

>Luv best waifu
I usually can't help myself with the bitchy types, so THIS.

>> No.8235611

movie was boring as fuck, i knocked out 20 minutes in

>> No.8235674
File: 37 KB, 1280x720, tumblr_nwumdympK21udwanoo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8235758

Congrats, you found the best way to sound extremely pretentious while saying almost nothing at all
