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8230474 No.8230474 [Reply] [Original]

Who else a december Newfag getting rekt?

>> No.8230509
File: 496 KB, 490x276, 1516957935979.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watching normies and you newfaggots getting your boipucci rekt is better than a two hour edging fap session.

>> No.8230552

>anime poster
Even if I lose it all it’s better than being an anime posting /r9k/ incel.

>> No.8230581
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If you lose it all I'll be the first to fap to your folio I promise you.

>> No.8230650

I know you will because that’s all you will ever be able to do is jerk off into your sock unless you buy a hooker you sad pathetic little man child.

>> No.8230695
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So um what else are you bagholding? Any other losses you're hiding from us or is this it and you went all in like a little slut

>> No.8230707

How could you be dumb enough to get in in December

>> No.8230708

You should unironically kys. OP may have lost his pocket change in crypto but he'll never be a sad sack of shit like you

>> No.8230797

>t. late december investor
How heave are those bags my dear?

>> No.8230810
File: 263 KB, 1280x800, 4335dd6e368ac4247822d4d9dce35d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ha ha ha fucking normans losing their meagre savings.

>> No.8230924

sauce me

>> No.8230931

I only invested 10% of my savings account Kek pocket change. I realize that’s like a year of NEETbux to an /r9k/ poster but those of us with real jobs and degrees can afford to lose some in the hopes of gaining, at least I’ve experienced the warmth of a woman who lusts and loves me instead of sobbing into my anime body pillow every night.

>> No.8230943
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Here. Your portfolio really is shit though.
I reconsidered all my positions during the January crash. At NYE my portfolio was half the amount and double the value than it is now ;_;

>> No.8230987

>all in on stinky linkies and req
>giving out advice
Anon I- you know what you are right many moons sir very good coins sir.

>> No.8231043
File: 279 KB, 535x562, 67102320_tr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easy come easy gone. I'm sure there's gonna be a bounce eventually. Sucks because I expected the whole thing to start crashing because having shittiest shitcoins 10x in few hours was obviously unsustainable. But I underestimated how long the downtrend would last and hard alts are gonna get hit. This is only something that, unfortunately, could be taught by experience.

Having more money that at any other point of your life was a cool experience, tho. Shame it couldn't last.

>> No.8231204

It’ll bounce back or maybe a 2 year bear market who knows, you won’t lose if you don’t sell at a loss so looks like I’ll just be bag holding for awhile.

>> No.8231303

Good thing you only put in play money

>> No.8231480

You're not getting to me, sorry.

>> No.8231534
File: 301 KB, 1068x1514, Screenshot_20180307-175841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got in 6th of February thinking we reached bottom. I was right, but I put it all on the wrong coins

>> No.8232090

Anon this isn’t what I think it is is it?

>> No.8232529
