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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 432 KB, 1024x768, Fairey_Albacore_ExCC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
821925 No.821925 [Reply] [Original]

So basically, I need 200 dollars to survive rent/food wise for the month of august. I have two weeks to get it, what should I do?

About me:

19 Year old male, Canadian

>recently laid off
>no real employment in area

>> No.821938

help pls

>> No.821939

dress up in you shittiest poor clothes, go to neighboring town, beg for money every day for two weeks. wash cars for people. go to a temp agency. it's not hard

>> No.821941

I have no transportation and there are no temp agencies here.

>> No.821944 [DELETED] 


For my idea you would need about $60 and customers.

>Go on deepweb
>Buy 10 tabs of 100ug acid for $55
>Sell for $20 a tab

This has made me quite a bit of money. Selling molly works better cost wise.

>> No.821945

offer to mow people's yards for them

>> No.821946
File: 18 KB, 478x351, Saw dat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Craigslist, Craigslist like a motherfucker.

>> No.821948

Not much, I'm a university student waiting for uni to start again

Tell about this deepweb stuff, it would get here in two weeks? It comes in the mail?

>> No.821951

Suck one dick a night for $14.29 everyday for two weeks.

>> No.821953

You can live without that much food, right? If so, just sell your blood/plasma. Sell some of your junk in ebay. Beg your family in return with a favor or with their money back and interest.

>> No.821956 [DELETED] 

Yep delivered right to your door like Amazon. Super safe. People have been doing this for years.

Here is a quick rundown of the steps to get you started.

>Download tor browser (deepweb browser)
>Download PGP encryption software
(This is to send sensitive messages like address and name through the deepweb and only the vendor can encrypt it. http://www.gpg4usb.org/ Here is the software I use.)
> Convert $$$ to Bitcoin. I use QuickBit because it's one of the fastest (only takes 3 hours)
>Set up account on Agora no email required

http://agorahooawayyfoe.onion/register/Bp5xEYgG8h (url can only be opened with tor)

>Send bitcoin to your agora wallet.

>Buy drugs. Most vendors will get it out to you within the week. Average 4-7 days.

You're lucky I'm on adderall. WOOOO DEEEP WEB BITCH.

>> No.821964 [DELETED] 
File: 183 KB, 1920x1080, 1pgp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only the vendor can decrypt it.*

Fucked that up.

It was hard to wrap my head around how PGP worked because no one told me directly how it works. But I figured it out and here is how it works:

Every vendor on Agora has a unique PGP public key on their vendor page. You then copy and paste the Key into your GPG4USB software as shown in the picture. You then write your message and hit encrypt. You then send that encrypted message to the vendor when you buy from him and only he has the private key which can decrypt it.

In short. Everyone can encrypt with public key. Only vendor can decrypt with private key.

Also here is my bitcoin wallet if you ever feel like thanking me. <3


>> No.821990

Sell drugs mang

>> No.822150

He lives in Canada. Part of free healthcare means you cant sell blood. Its a good trade.

>> No.822772

Go to the bar and get a job.

That's how it's done in Canada.

>> No.822886

Has no one here heard of payday loans? The interest rate is ridiculous of course but it's better than what anyone here suggests

>> No.822912

You can get $100 in two weeks easily by donating plasma

>> No.822918


Man my only experience with darknet markets has been with Evolution, I studied everything for a couple of weeks and then bought some cheap acid (which probably isn't even lsd..)

I miss them even if they've screwed a lot of people. Amazing UI and great customer support (bungie was always friendly and helpful on Reddit). Who's a reliable acid vendor on agora nowadays? Preferably in the EU

>> No.822949
File: 225 KB, 800x764, 1382671754944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>payday loans

Do this OP you won't regret it

>> No.823032

>Preferably in the EU
EU anon, how difficult is it to receive drugs from another member state?
Or across the Channel?

>> No.823889



Amazon Mechanical Turk is an option to get you through august.

Next step. Get an education and become office slave.

>> No.823929

I can vouch for amazon mechanical turk. I work on their all the time. obviously there are going to be pros and cons to a site like this.

-You get paid directly to an amazon payments account (mirror image of paypal). You can withdraw money to your bank account at any time for free.
- Vast range of work, you will never not have anything left to do.
- When you get qualifications (like a categorization masters) the pay is much better.
- Some hits are actually really fun (Tagging porn movies, rating funny pictures)

- It is hard to get good work until your hits approved/denied ratio and amount of HITs completed goes up.
- Better paying Hits require qualifications that are oftentimes granted at the providers discretion.
- Takes some time to get used to being able to know which hits are worth the time for the amount that they pay (For example I wont do an hour long survey if it pays 50C but I will do multiple 1 Cent hits if they take 5 seconds to complete.

I was going to write more but I think i'm going to go jerk off. Cheers from Maryland.

>> No.823956

Sell your plasma for $50. Get 30 more, grind it out at a poker table

>> No.824489

you can't do that in Canada

>> No.824500

Bro, that link is suspicious as fuck. Never use a .biz domain for something like this

>> No.824511

>posting super illegal shit with your vendors you use on a chinese image board

youre gonna get banned at best

>> No.824527 [DELETED] 
File: 71 KB, 854x567, obama-reschedule-marijuana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing drugs
>Super illegal
The only people who bother getting drug users are local cops. It's basically their main source of funding next to traffic violations. You really think local law enforcement has the tech know-how to link a 4chan ID to an IP address in the off chance that poster might be in their jurisdiction? Ayy Lmao. This board is for those over 18 kid.

>> No.824550

>Implying anyone gives a fuck about illegal content on 4chan outside of CP
We even have /t/, a board literally dedicated to piracy.