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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8225215 No.8225215 [Reply] [Original]

How much physical cash do you carry in your wallet?

>> No.8225236
File: 103 KB, 900x600, E93E4830-95D5-46F8-B628-8E0BED054564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None. I only need my phone because I pay for everything with $LTC

>> No.8225246

around $200 usually, a mix of 20s, 10s, 5s, and 1s. i always have a mix of denominations, as i visit my bank every few weeks to ensure i have a proper distribution

>> No.8225247

who needs that worthless paper

>> No.8225265

Now that is beyond retarded....you cant even pay with LTC...if you said DGB or something useful Id understand but ok..

>> No.8225271

>Having a wallet

>> No.8225287

Just one bill (can be any denomination) which I use to snort my coke

>> No.8225297

I used to carry maybe $20 as a backup in case they don't take credit cards.

Nowadays even cash shops tend to have Square, so I don't carry any cash on me.

>> No.8225304


I don't carry a wallet anymore because I live in China where WeChat Pay is everything. If only there was a coin like WeChat Pay.

Oh, what's NANO?

>> No.8225581

only debit card and coins

>> No.8225603


>> No.8225629

Just some coins for car parks

>> No.8225717
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>something useful

>> No.8225914

50 dollars cash and a debit card.
Thinking about getting a credit card for those sweet rewards.

>> No.8225933

I keep a $20 and maybe some 5s in my wallet. I use my credit card for mostly everything. I have used crypto for payments but not for stuff in RL. I pay for my VPN with LTC and 4chan pass with BTC

>> No.8225953

America is living in the dark ages, making you sign for everything. Just tap that shit. $0.00 in my wallet for months.

>> No.8225955

usually none, but if i do its around 50-100

>> No.8225968

Literally never have cash, it's so long, going to ATM every time

>> No.8225986
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Literally none, I have a card wallet.

>> No.8226809


>> No.8226866

At least $200. If you idiots don't use cash it'll disappear. No cash means the complete and total destruction of any remaining privacy.

>> No.8226894

Cash is already disappearing in first world nations though. All cash will be replaced with debit cards in 20 years.

>> No.8226921

between $600-$1400

>> No.8226931

Usually 2000 to 3000

>> No.8226932

couple k.

t. poker player

>> No.8226949 [DELETED] 
File: 3 KB, 698x1284, retardOP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you idiots don't use cash it'll disappear

If you idiots don't use horses to travel, they'll disappear.

>> No.8226955

Yes, I agree and It's a huge problem. 20 years is generous. I suspect less than 10. WIth no cash the state will have full control of your assets. Piss someone off and your value goes to zero instantly. It's unfortunate so many youngins fail to see that.

>> No.8226964
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one groat

>> No.8226975
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>If you idiots don't use cash it'll disappear

If you idiots don't use horses to travel, they'll disappear.

>> No.8226981

On one hand... Absolutely correct. On the other, isn't that what crypto is here for?

BTC/Monero, Vertcoin, pretty soon your mobile phone will be your wallet and you will have no need for cash. Aas soon as some proper libre OS mobiles become a thing anyway... it'd be a shit idea to trust the goog with your money and spending habits even more than you're already doing.

>> No.8227002

They didn't outlaw horses for travel or stop breeding them you false equivalency perpetuating dumbass. Wait till cash is no longer legal tender, nobody accepts it as legal tender, or they stop printing it because muh debit cards I'm so trendy cash is stoopid.

>> No.8227029 [DELETED] 
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>Wait till cash is no longer legal tender, nobody accepts it as legal tender

>> No.8227044
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>Wait till cash is no longer legal tender, nobody accepts it as legal tender

>> No.8227048

I carry enough cash to get home. Nothing more
My cards are empty
Assets off shore
Investments in growing business not the shit markets.

Don't worry about other sheeple, protect yourself

>> No.8227049


>> No.8227098

>isn't that what crypto is here for?
Yes, decentralized money can prevent the state from locking someone out of their assets. As long as there are people willing to accept it as currency I see the value in crypto (and hold quite a bit). There's also privacy associated with crypto. A credit/debit card, not so much. But you're right about goo and I'm no fan. The Free Software Foundation is also working on a free and open source phone OS for those looking to move away from android/apple.

>> No.8227111

A man carries at least his age * 10 with him at all times.

>> No.8227145


About £3 in change for the vending machines at work.

Pay for almost everything on card these days.

>> No.8227158


>> No.8227168

It's already happening, venture off /biz/ once in a while....

>There is an increasing trend in Sweden of shops,
>restaurants and museums refusing to accept cash
>payments. Sweden’s transport system also, for the
>most part, only accepts card or mobile payment in
>a bid to improve the safety of transport staff.

>According to Bloomberg, “no cash accepted” signs
>are becoming a common sight around the country.

>> No.8227187

In usd it is around 100$, I live in shithole eastern europe where most small shops and some pubs still use cash

>> No.8227188

I'm gonna start calling you 'vending machine'

>> No.8227202

Let's just hope it'll be longer lived than ubuntu phone, I really wanted that one to work.

Do you know if there are any very simple linux-based phone OSs that can just give you calls, camera control and internet browsing?

I'm looking for something very simple with just these three functions and I'm very surprised it doesn't exist yet.

>> No.8227235

I'm gonna start calling you 'internet browsing'

>> No.8227309

>Do you know if there are any very simple linux-based phone OSs
Check out replicant

Might be what you're after. This is the Phone OS the Free Software Foundation (look up Richard Stallman/GNU) is working on. No personal experience with it but the FSF has a good track record.

>> No.8227422


It's all in my debit card.

>> No.8227449

Depends which country I'm in at the time OP.

>> No.8227470

It's called autism.

>> No.8227481

>4chan pass

>> No.8227636

>pay for my
>4chan pass

Worse than fucking Reddit gold

>> No.8228244

EE is fckn amazing, start appreciate it faggo that you can live in safety, nice culture, tradatitions and no shitskins, we just have to keep out the mus-tards. Huge influx of white western european real refugees in the next 5 yrs can be expected in the area

>> No.8228287

same, except I don't go out of my way to get an even distribution

>> No.8228521

expect for the times when I go out drinking, then $100-$200

>> No.8228542

nobody cares about privacy, it's all about the convenience

you probably hold xmr as well, don't you?

>> No.8228758

it's mostly to pay for food delivery and tipping for various services

>> No.8229099

Around $10k. low key flexing on man

>> No.8229125

100-300 rub

>> No.8229162

>nobody cares about privacy
Share your passwords for email, online banking, crypto wallet keys, etc. Hypocrite.

>> No.8229234

Around €800, I only use my bank account for rent and utilities, everything else is paid with cash which I keep at home.

>> No.8229305

Just when I thought they couldn't be any more cucked

>> No.8229331


Nice try yah thieving nigger

>> No.8229336

Здapoвa, Ивaн.

>> No.8229599

No more than 20$ + Bermudian 2$ note for good luck

>> No.8229618

privacy and drugs

>> No.8229632

bout tree fiddy

>> No.8229749
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ITT we fill out a mugger's questionaire

>> No.8229852

does anyone have horse population records to show a potential decline after automobiles? i assume breeding would die down as less people needed to buy them.

>> No.8229942


>> No.8229961

none. i have all my money in digibyte.

>> No.8229979

Usually less than 40 smackaroos

>> No.8230025


>> No.8230322
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>dgb bagholders still lurk this board

>> No.8230346
File: 5 KB, 228x221, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes anon, I see people riding horses everywhere I go
Feels good living in an amish town

>> No.8230469


>> No.8230495

a few hundred rupees

>> No.8230563

I don't see the point in carrying cash regularly. Unless I know I'm going somewhere where I'll need to buy drinks or tip. I use my credit card for almost everything since I get 2.5% cash back reward.

>> No.8230794

I have this same wallet but black. You can still carry some bills with it if u need

>> No.8231765

Vending machines take card these days

>> No.8232239
File: 24 KB, 300x249, hgh-boomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cash is gross and boomers are no doubt behind the phrase "cash is king". Idiots, sad.

It's like holding someone's used Kleenex or cleaning wipe and exchanging it for goods in the marketplace. Debit is dope xd

>> No.8232682

40-60 dollars. I almost never use debit nor credit cards, only for online purchases

>> No.8232706

maybe $200

to all the cucks using only plastic.... get a grip soyboys.

CASH is king. Fucking pansy ass bitches. You mean to tell me you don't have a side hustle where you're earning some hard-ass DOLLAS?

>> No.8232745

You understand that the government *wants* card to be easy. The Canadian government has been pushing the convenience of contactless payments forever now.

Why? To push physical cash out of the sphere, and have all fiat dollars digitally trackable by the governments.

If you're cool with that, fine by me... But I get a certain satisfaction using cash, knowing the government doesn't know anything about my purchasing habits

>> No.8232950

This. Only soyboys use card because of "much convenience."
But if you don't care that all of your questionable purchases can be traced back to you...
My father grew up in Communist Poland before coming to America and he said with the way everything is going now, it feels more Big Brother here than it ever did there during the red years

>> No.8232996

No cash but I do carry an autistic amount of quarters. Don't know why but I'm obsessed with physical coins in general.

>> No.8232998

DGB is better than bitcoin

>> No.8233260

Librem 5 comes out beginning of 2019

>> No.8233316


>> No.8233394

Somewhere between 50-100$. I pay with cash at small businesses so they can choose whether they want to report it or not. I use my cards for paying bills and paying corporations.

>> No.8233824
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I keep at least $60 on me at all times.

I don't understand people who leave the house without any cash on them whatsoever.

That $60 is "fun money". I can spend it on whatever I want without any guilt or accounting, because in my mind it is already spent. Sometimes it'll last a couple days, sometimes a couple weeks.

Feel like ordering in food bc too tired/lazy to cook? Fun money.

Would rather valet than look for parking (i.e. waste time)? Fun money.

Want to just get a drink from the bar and GTFO without closing tabs (i.e. wasting time)? Fun money.

Want to grab a refreshing beverage from the corner store on a sunny weekday afternoon? Fun money.

Having fun money makes life more fun. It doesn't have to be a lot. $60 is plenty at this stage of life desu. I just top it off whenever I run out or get down to below $20. It's also good to keep some cash handy in the house, never know when it might come useful.

Some people might know it as "walkin' around money" in the pimp vernacular. How much fun money do you carry?