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8221692 No.8221692 [Reply] [Original]

If you don't primarily hold bitcoin you aren't going to make it. Seriously all of these garbage alts: Eth, neo, omisego, chainlink, ark, icx, iota, cardano. They're all fucking shit garbage. No one wants them.

If you haven't noticed by now that the name of the game is to stack more bitcoin then you aren't going to make it. 95% of the developers are on bitcoin and will never come over to your dumb fucking alts.

Why do you think all the FUD stories revolve around bitcoin? Because the smart people on wallstreet know this and are always trying to accumulate more so they use the media to scare you.

>muh bitcoin cash
>muh jihan segwit fud
>muh China bans bitcoin
>muh russia bans bitcoin
>muh futures contracts
>muh binance hack
>muh United States regulations before hearings
>MUH mount gox trustee

Fucking yawn yawn yawn yawn. The FUD will never stop. Its because old fags missed out and a bunch of nerdy autists are the new kings now who got in on the biggest achievement of mankind. New fags relax there's nothing to worry about seriously. As long as you dump all your alts and just hold bitcoin you'll be fine.

Alts can not survive the 51% attack. Their mining networks are not secure. They have not been tested and survived death like bitcoin. Proof of stake will never work that's why vitalitk has been pushing it off for as long as possible.

Lightning network will make it so bitcoin will become adopted as the world reserve currency. You can fight it and squak it all you want but it's happening. Large blocks don't work and bch will die a slow painful death. Ethereum can not and will not scale. Ever.

As long as you hold at least one bitcoin you will be apart of the new elite 4-5 years from now. You'll be able to live off the interest lending that one bitcoin. You just have to hold. It's really that simple.

I hope some of you new fags can learn some lessons from this. Enjoy your evening.

>> No.8221746
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>> No.8221752
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You're correct anon but you're missing out on two very important cryptos

>> No.8221762

The whole point of alts is to hold a shitload and then sell back to btc

Its a poor man's way of making it.....you're not gonna be elite with 1 bitcoin dude

>> No.8221786

In the world of cryptocurrency, bitcoin is not the "best tech"... its the only tech. The one everyone copies, the one everyone wants to destroy, the one every other value is referenced from.

OP is right.

>> No.8221794

KYS fucking pajeets. You have done enough damage already.

>> No.8221804

wtf does that picture even mean.

>> No.8221814

I'm stacking monero.

>> No.8221873

>Proof of stake will never work that's why vitalitk has been pushing it off for as long as possible.
I'm not even an ethereum holder and even I know that's bullshit. The intention with ETH was always to be proof of work until at least this year with it transitioning to proof of stake in either 2018 or 2019. Its not like they've been delaying things.

>> No.8221887

i wonder if ICOs are a net plus or net negative into the system.

do people buy more btc than devs cash out? i bet devs cash out more eth and btc than new buyers who want in on alts.

>> No.8221897

me too but my hands are starting to hurt

>> No.8221900

Bitcoin was never meant to be a currency, just a P2P store of value...and it has succeeded in serving it's use-case very well. The future of crypto is in smart contracts, not BTC...although holding BTC is not a bad idea.

>> No.8221936

Do you seriously think you can just rely on name alone forever, just because you're the first mover?

Corecucks keep repeating shit like this again and again like a cult, ignoring the fact that the technology is now outdated.

>> No.8222012

>bitcoin was never meant to be a currency
I want to murder every faggot that I ever see type this bullshit.

>> No.8222087

You're wrong OP. Monero (XMR) will permanently replace Bitcoin at the top. Bitcoin's only benefit is its first mover advantage.

History will repeat itself. (Google replacing Yahoo, Apple replacing Nokia, Facebook replacing Myspace)

>> No.8222168

Wouldn't that be ETH though?

>> No.8222184

Cashed out 100% of my BTC at ~10k USD. Never used it only held it on some exchanges. Was a pain in ass as i first transfered it from one to another to sell it. Took like ages (~1h) with all these blocks on top needed to confirm. Totally unacceptable, this is not the future. I think this shit will go down hard, the hype is about to end.

>> No.8222191

Also, BTC will die the moment everybody stops denominating shitcoins using it

But sadly I don't see BTC pairs going away any time soon, and every shitcoin will always be priced against BTC

>> No.8222243

> the 51% attack

THE attack? to which 'attack' are you referring?

what you really can't accept is that major tech cycles (like blockchain/crypto) get majorly upgraded every 10-15 years

if you really think we will be using bitcoin in 50 years you're a brainlet

plus, none of your retard 'muhs' have anything to do with the price of bitcoin, they affect all of crypto

also this:

> survived death like bitcoin

oh so its okay if shit like mt. gox happened, but any other coin is immediately a 'shitcoin' when stuff like bitgrail happens because it was trading only 'shitcoins'

what a bunch of shit, i love watching bitcoin's slow death

>> No.8222269

Sorry mate, nobody wants to buy BTC now when the ghost of mtgox floats over it.

>> No.8222286

This post have me cancer

>> No.8222512

Replace monero with verge and I'll agree. Monero is about to get dumped btw, get out now.

>> No.8222751

if 95% of developers are on bitcoin then how come its exactly the same as it was 8 years ago while every other coin has improved on every single feature it has

>> No.8222852

Because segwit wasn't landed until just recently.

Malleability fix was required for many of the upcoming changes in the pipeline, like :



BTW, the fact that it is so hard to land contentious changes on Bitcoin is a large part or what gives it its value. Centralized shit coins that can be forked at will by the dev team can also be attacked at will by any state that seems them a threat.

BTC has this advantage, while other coins do not.

>> No.8223196

Anon there's a tradeoff between agility and stability. It's almost like liberals vs. conservatives. Liberals want to move forward fast and make lots of breaking changes, being progressive and moving forward. Conservatives want to take a step back and say maybe we should stick with what we have, since it's not too bad - let's not make things worse, just in case. This is in the idealistic scenario on both sides

Bitcoin takes the conservative method by necessity, because that's the inevitable result when decentralization occurs. If you read Satoshi's writings, he pointed out that this is one of its primary strengths.

Yeah, Bitcoin will never get JumbleFlarnaps and Advanced Cumble Scrumble proofs as long as some random shitcoin whose devs implemented it in a couple weeks, but that's a good thing. When it gets something, you know it's good. Because decentralization halts all potentially negative progress.

Alts are liberal
BTC is conservative

I want a conservative crypto investment that I know will exist in 50 years - alts are short term moonshots

>> No.8223239

You can't get more Bitcoin from holding Bitcoin

>> No.8223245

Actually the name of the game is to stack more fiat

>> No.8223508

>As long as you hold at least one bitcoin you will be apart of the new elite 4-5 years from now. You'll be able to live off the interest lending that one bitcoin. You just have to hold. It's really that simple.

How much do you think 1 bitcoin will be worth in 4-5 years?

>> No.8223520

Saged for being BTC fan. This shit did break so many good and promising movements. Thx for digesting MTG for another time you piece of crap!

>> No.8223530

>muh lightning network (vaporware)
>Muh best developers (holy kek)
>Muh segwit
>Muh chink mining cartels
>Muh satoshi
>Muh store of value
Kys fag

>> No.8223540

don't be fooled by people who say: you are salty towards BTC because you are a late adopter and missed out on the massive gains. because you could have made more gains holding ETH from jan 2017 than someone holding BTC since jan 2015 or even jan 2013. so you made more in one year then someone who waited 3-5 years for this kind of gains. even if you sold BTC at top you wouldn't have done better than ETH or good altcoins(antshares, ripple,monero if you got in early last year. so my advice is to search for relatively cheap(sub 300M MC) which have a solid idea and don't serve a niche market, but big markets like fintech or logistics. and invest about 60-70% of portfolio in them, rest in about 2-3 top 10 coins (ETH, BTC, RPX, BCH, LTC).

>> No.8223559

maybe all the fud around bitcoin is because it tanks the whole market anyways lmao

>> No.8223637

What I want to know is , when is this fucking pathetic piece of shit going to finally die?

We need fiat pairs for all cryptos and let the best man win. Bitcoin IS centralisation. It’s the central point of failure for crypto. If we don’t kill off this menace it will take us all down.

I call for all out war against bitcoin. All alts band together let’s show these gen x bitchcoin fagholders the meaning of pain

>> No.8223686

It describes the mental journey of all crypto investors. Starting off you think BTC is the only thing in the end you know it is.

>> No.8223788

Been following the market since 2014, got in with actual money in materia 2016 - what you said is absolutely fucking true

>> No.8223856

Is BTC core somekind of cult? Never before in any tech known to man has there been so much centralized circle jerking and satoshi ejaculation swallowing faggots.

>Muh 15yr old tech will always be best

>> No.8223911

>BTC private
>BTC gold
>BTC cash
>BTC red
>BTC Dark
>BTC Moon
>BTC talk
>BTC trash

It is BTC, not 'BTC core' you faggit, that is just trying to make it sounds like the shitcoins above. In the end everything in this market is about BTC as the current shitshow proves for the 100th time.

>> No.8224009

Dont care about btc or btc cash or gold or whatever pos coin with same fundamentals as BTC. Cannot stand hours waiting for transaction confirmation and 50$ fees

>Bu bu roger and coinbase conspired to spam BTC network and therefore fees where big

Exaclty. So how the fuck can something like this shit be future when retards like roger spam network and I cannot use it anymore? Fuck you, fuck chink mining cartels and fuck bitcoin. Shit needs to die as normies actually think every coin is fucking prahistoric pos.

>> No.8224042
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Thank you, I needed this laugh today

>> No.8224049

no one gives a shit about smart contracts, cryptocurrencies exist for a better form of money.

>> No.8224083
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>> No.8224088
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>> No.8224098

Everything you said is true. Netscape will always be the king.

>> No.8224101

Wow by your logic I have a perfect portfolio, I always thought I have too little BTC. You better be right.

>> No.8224132

Money is just the first obvious application, why would you stop with that?
And it doesn't really matter WHY Bitcoin was invented, it's just an inspiration for new advanced tech.

>> No.8224172
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>cryptocurrencies exist for[sic] better money
>nobody cares about smart contracts

You're really not going to make it

>> No.8224176

Blockchain is glorified excel spreadsheet you mong. Extremely inefficient one at that. Who needs use for anything decentralized? You think countries or big enterprise want decentralized, inefficient and slow shit like blockchain? No they dont. SQL database can do anything blockchain does (kek) and 100 times more without actually clogging itself at scale.

>> No.8224253

a punch is just a punch, and a kick is just a kick

>> No.8224277

You have no idea what you're talking about, are you actually a software engineer on distributed systems? You don't want central points of failure

>> No.8224283

feb '18


"It is however clear that it is no longer a question of whether DLT will reach maturity but rather when it will reach maturity."

>> No.8224358

Im actually sys admin and if you think "centralized" tech currently in use has one point of failure you are absolutely retarded.

I will repeat this to you...Blockchain is absolute shitshow of tech. It is in essence glorified excel spreadsheet. There is nothing impressive about it for enterprise use. Non. Zlich. You have been chinked.

>> No.8224381

lol mr. system admin explain us the world

>> No.8224439
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I give you a very simple example.
Uber can and will be replaced by a decentralized app. All Uber does is keep track of GPS locations and store rating of drivers and travellers. For that service they take 25% cut.
A dApp can do exactly the same functions and the driver's make more money even if the tx fee is 20%.

And who cares what governments and big corporations want, crypto is about dentralization and ignoring them.

>> No.8224477

>Blockchain is needed because it has no single point of failure like regular tech
>Being this retarded

What is there to explain? If you honestly think anything bar muh blockchain has single point of failure then kys.

>> No.8224478

>ethereum will never scale
ethereum processes more txs than bitcoin, faster, and for a fraction of the cost. peak congestion on the ethereum network beats normal use of bitcoin
face it, you're the boomer version of crypto, worried your precious investment is evaporating as the world moves on to better tech. there's a reason you don't see eth threads with eth fanboys posting long rants about the superiority of eth. there's a reason you DO see cardano and eos and other threads with fanboys posting long rants about the superiority of their particular alt. bitcoin has already become an alt and you don't know it
keep your bitcoins, hold on to them tight and do not buy eth. we don't need you and we don't want you

>> No.8224490

don't be fooled by people who say: you are salty towards BTC because you are a late adopter and missed out on the massive gains. because you could have made more gains holding ETH from jan 2017 than someone holding BTC since jan 2015 or even jan 2013. so you made more in one year then someone who waited 3-5 years for this kind of gains. even if you sold BTC at top you wouldn't have done better than ETH or good altcoins(antshares, ripple,monero if you got in early last year. so my advice is to search for relatively cheap(sub 300M MC) which have a solid idea and don't serve a niche market, but big markets like fintech or logistics. and invest about 60-70% of portfolio in them, rest in about 2-3 top 10 coins (ETH, BTC, RPX, BCH, LTC).

>> No.8224521

Why post this twice

>> No.8224532

because people need to know

>> No.8225009

most alts are not trying to destroy bitcoin dumbass. there is only one toxic community whose life mission is to FUD bitcoin and those cock suckers have already failed. fail

>> No.8225045

>Alts can not survive the 51% attack. Their mining networks are not secure.
this is the stupidest fucking statement that you have made

>> No.8225109

>I will repeat this to you...Blockchain is absolute shitshow of tech. It is in essence glorified excel spreadsheet. There is nothing impressive about it for enterprise use. Non. Zlich. You have been chinked.
>being this stupid

>> No.8225193

I read vitalik said PoS is 18 months away so maybe 2020
but to be fair greg maxwell said full lightning implementation could be another year away
so both projects will take some time to figure out

>> No.8225210

Blockchain isn't that useful, it's overhyped. It's useful for immutability, but only if a huge amount of energy is put into it. That immutability, especially for that high energy cost, is only really useful for a decentralized application that absolutely requires it, and is much better off by not relying on a central authority that could be corrupt.

The only real valuable application so far for that is money. The best implementation of a blockchain backed currency so far is Bitcoin. It has the longest history, the most developers, the highest security, the highest immutability, the highest hashing power, and the most trust.

>> No.8225229

Lol if you hold any crypto you're NOT going to make it. Shits dead and its crashing like crazy.

>> No.8225384

bitcoin provided the market for you scammer scumbags to thrive
it's on you if you want to start your own thing

>> No.8225435

you're a moron lol
but for the sake of other biz/kids crypto has 3 qualities you need to balance
security, speed, decentralization
you can't have decentralization with unlimited speed because all nodes would have to hold the data of every transaction
there's trade offs for everything but I don't feel like getting into it

>> No.8225465

Bitcoin is only going to be $18k eoy. I guess if you buy in now, you can at least double your money. 2x is just a shame compared to the gains of yesteryear.

>> No.8225470

ethereum is still bloated and nodes cutting out old transactions presents a security risk
but security risks aren't really important in ethereum because they can just rollback the blockchain if the foundation decides

>> No.8225536

Use your fucking brain. There's not even enough for each person in the world to have ONE and many people have 100+

>> No.8225573

It's funny because the way I see it "corecucks" is mostly used by you cultish Bitcoin haters.

>> No.8225972

t. corecuck

>> No.8226232

Fucking this

>> No.8226241
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>corecucks are terrified because MtGox can _only_ dump BTC and is legally forbidden from making ANY trades except BTC -> FIAT

>> No.8226276
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>e-e-e-everyone has to run a full node

>> No.8226287
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this. 100% BTC holders are salty as FUCK about alt bullruns

ESPECIALLY becacuse arch-enemy ripple BTFO'd it in gains.

>> No.8226321

They dumped BCH as well.

>> No.8226334

if you don't understand then you really are new. The more you research you start to understand that everything that isn't BTC is either unnecessary, a scam, or literal vaporware. With every additional whitepaper I read I realize more and more BTC is king. Don't get me wrong, I'll still be looking for the next antshares, but once that shit makes me money I'm out.

>> No.8226338

Fair point, they can also dump fork coins because they become legal owners of them when they airdrop. however they are not allowed to trade anything they currently own for anything that isn't fiat

>> No.8226360
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>ask jeeves & dogpile will never die, they were first!!

>> No.8227066


>> No.8227683
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Nice fud my man. I take it you are still accumulating too?