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File: 47 KB, 640x752, 21296815_1945501675732812_4127916656145989632_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8212175 No.8212175 [Reply] [Original]

I don't get how you could feel safe with your money knowing BTC or ETH is constantly changing.

>> No.8212208

Fuck off fed. I don't want your stupidly inflated bags

>> No.8212217

>mommy I don't feel safe without my blankie

the absolute state of biz

>> No.8212251

Its a nocoiner from /r/buttcoin

>> No.8212279

I love asian thots

>> No.8212290

not shill or reddit, genuinely curious, bitcoin has had brutal crashes before

>> No.8212299

Nothing beats a thick asian.

>> No.8212336 [DELETED] 

I want her to shit in my mouth fuck muhhh dicccckkkk

>> No.8212377
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Yes, I had to look her up. Her other pics are even better.

>> No.8212376
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>> No.8212597 [DELETED] 

God watch her eat

>> No.8212666

Fuck being a woman is easy mode

>> No.8212890

I love asian bitches but this girl has way too much make up on, ruins it for me desu. Body is ace though.

>> No.8213322


>> No.8213352

Post more of the girl and I'll give you an honest answer

>> No.8213372

Fucking vapid sluts. Watching this fills me with rage but also makes my dick hard.

>> No.8213387

It's all just numbers. Bitcoin goes up in price and the dollar doesn't. Idgaf if I lose 50% tomorrow if I stay up in the long run. I'd rather lose every dollar to my name than miss out on a massive bullrun

>> No.8213481

Don't think there's a chance BTC gets fucked by kike mega corps? Or just looses it's value outright? Truly you don't feel any risk?

>> No.8213504
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>> No.8213505
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>> No.8213526

and she has the personality of a potato what a surprise

>> No.8213529

wow her face is super flat, wtf

>> No.8213544

Man those are veiny as fuck I love it.

>> No.8213558

>fake tits

>> No.8213559

i can guarantee you she looks 4/10 maximum without that layer of gunk on her face

>> No.8213565

How do you feel safe with USD knowing its value is constantly decreasing with inflation?

>> No.8213625

You think most people don't know that? It's obv af
You think most people still wouldn't dick her with no regrets?
USD doesn't have the risk of dropping into nothing overnight or making you completely broke

>> No.8213653

She looks like a 4/10 as is

>> No.8213658


>> No.8213668

She's 18 year old. I'm sure she looks decent without makeup.

>> No.8213716

girls that look good without makeup don't put on tons of make up

>> No.8213734
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Hello newfriend. The trick is to forget about it. You will learn to have iron hands here, after failing miserably at margin trading/selling before bullruns.
Enjoy your stay!

>> No.8213753

who cares idiet

>> No.8213787

nah man they do especially in this instagram thot era.
The girls who dont put make up on are the ones who just dont give a fuck and they can be pretty or ugly.

>> No.8213793

Fuck these two are disgusting and their conversation is even more disgusting. Why are these jungle gooks in the US?

>> No.8213805

Obviously there's risks. But who gives a fuck? If they crash it I just go back to life before this. If they don't I stay retired in my early 20's like a faggot

>> No.8213827

Cheap labor is profitable to the ruling class.

>> No.8213858

>he thinks chinks do labor and arent getting all the office jobs

>> No.8213883

Office jobs are labor anon

>> No.8213916

Yes USD probably won't sink to 0 in a night, but probably BTC doesn't either.
All I'm trying to say that there are no 100% safe bets on the world and the only certain way to fail at life is to not take any chances.

>> No.8213925

this jesus christ, you could use her face as an ironing board

>> No.8213949

or as cumshot target

>> No.8214034


I'm in it for the long run.

If you are putting amounts of money that make you feel uncomfortable you are either betting more than you can afford to lose, a poorfag or both.

ETH will be 10k by 2020 at minimum. Easy money.

>> No.8214052
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holy fucking shit, you massive faggot, virgin spotted.

>> No.8214445
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>> No.8214461
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Woooo my roastie with the big veiny tatas is spreading finally

>> No.8214490
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>> No.8214501

I make 60k gross per year

Ive invested 50k

If i lose 50k i lose one year of work

But im already up 4x

Also high chance i kill myself neway so who cares

>> No.8214510

its not a virgin
its a fag that wants you to think that all big tits are fake
all attractive skinny girls are traps
and that you're actually a fag all along

>> No.8214551

she must be a haba, latina/asian.

>> No.8214656

She's so beautiful I can't stop looking at her.

>> No.8214693

its called not being a pussy. try it sometime

>> No.8214714

Never cash out, except once in a while to rent pussy from hoes like this.

>> No.8214761
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a lot of girls in LA look like this.. fucking plebs

>there are people here who arent surrounded by thicc asians and asianthots

>> No.8214793

American asians are insufferable though. They act like dumb white girls in america.

>> No.8214796
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There is a balance anon, god makes them dumb and worthless so they depend on a man for their whole life, is only in plush Anglo countries they can banshee their way in to strong indepandant womyn who no need no man

Take them out of comfy welfare country and they be begging for a man to lock them up and keep them safe

>> No.8214817

America ruins asian's personalities but damn if they don't make them thick af.

>> No.8214891
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Please whites don't race mix with Asians, your hapa offsprings look like literal shit and there is like an 80% they'll have mental issues.

Let us spics brown them and wash away the crazy first, plus will make them thic just for you

>> No.8215081


The only ones without mental issues are if the women is white and the father is asian.

Probably because the asian man has to be alpha to get a white women.

Beta white males and asian gold digger whores = messed up children.

>> No.8215138

pretty sure most anons don't want to make mixed babies