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8211398 No.8211398 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that profit is immoral

>> No.8211454

>OP is upset that life isn't fair

>> No.8211572

>This is the kind of childish thinking that drives communists.
Grow up. The world isn't so simple and it will never be fair.

>> No.8211590

Daily reminder that high time preference is degenerate.

>> No.8211596

the only good commie is a dead commie

>> No.8211635

Except the product was made using the guy on the rights machines and resources

>> No.8211651

Why doesn't the plaid shirt man just not work for poopy head business man and make the value for himself

Oh right because the materials, tools, infrastructure, and logistic chain he used to make that isn't his

I mowed a marxist's lawn once and convinced him his grass was mine. lmao

>> No.8211666


Consumerism is immoral, but capitalism is fine since it allows anyone to decide how they want to live. If they choose not to live within their means, of course they get fucked. However if you want to live a minimal lifestyle and only work rarely just to get by, you can do that. Or you can start a business and make however much or little you want.

>> No.8211690
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Dude just turned 8 hours of value into 9. I'd say he earns a cut.

>> No.8211706

then dont sell your labor so cheap ya dangus

>> No.8211728

>manlet always win

Lanklets, when will they learn?

>> No.8211730

Found the wagie

>> No.8211734

Kek good catch

>> No.8211972


post again here with your ETH address. You have appeased Satan

>> No.8212033

That's not an excuse for the world to be unfair though.

>> No.8212063
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may your hearts be purified by his love, leave yourself behind to serve yourself

Praise Christ


>> No.8212115

There is no excuse, the world just IS unfair and you can't fix that. You have to deal with it like the rest of us and make the best with what you have. I've got small ass dick, manlet status, poor upbringing, etc. But I'm not trying to steal from people or promote communism to try and "level the playing field".

>> No.8212124

>Daily reminder that profit is immoral
Communist or Christcuck (is there a philosophical difference?) detected.

Profit is required to offset the losses risk brings.

>> No.8212136

It is though. Trying to force the world to be totally fair can cause more problems then it solves.

>> No.8212193

>That's not an excuse for the world to be unfair though.
Fact: The Universe is as it should be at this very moment [that you are reading in]. If that were not the case, then you imply that you know better the configuration the Universe should be rather than the configuration the Universe is in, that you are arguing against the natural laws themselves.

No, at all times the Universe is as it should be, as its current configuration is inescapable from the ordered sequence of all previous configurations.

>> No.8212200


The world has been unfair even before humans existed. IMO the system we have now is still pretty fair, there are just some issues to work out.

>> No.8212243

>da universe is as it shud be
What a fucking retard

>> No.8212476

Im not even commie scum but what you just said was insanely retarded

>> No.8212531
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>Company makes money
>Owner robbing employees
>Company loses money
>Employees robbing owner
Why didn't the people complain about corporations stealing from people complain about GM employees when GM was going under?

>> No.8212613
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>> No.8212616

Communists think things like morality and principles are spooks so they don't really care about them, they care about ends and that's it. They do however not hesitate to say they believe in them or use them against their enemies when it is convenient. Like when communists defend private property rights to kick out ebil nazis from certain spaces.

>> No.8212662

Thing that always pissed me off about that guy was that he was just a bourgeois larper who took money from his rich capitalist buddy and just riled up a bunch of desperte poor people and when they got fucked he left them high and dry and even bought stocks.

>> No.8212759


Why would anyone put capital up for risk if there’s no rights to future profit?

Innovation would completely dry up.

>> No.8212801

commies don't really care about innovation or improvement, they basically just want everyone to be able to survive.

>> No.8212805

>reality isn't how i think it should be
when you grow up, you'll see the foolishness and wastefulness of such thinking

>> No.8212858

For this stupid logic, whe should not even have developed medicine or laws.

>> No.8212866

The guy on the right is the government right?

>> No.8212903

>profit is immoral
>but taxation, yes goyim we do love that :^)

>> No.8212940


Capitalism kills the people physically and psychologically.

>> No.8212954

You're literally retarded if you think it works that way

>> No.8212972

you sound like a child

>> No.8212993

It's a side effect of it (worse when it becomes multicultural) but Communism does that also but it does it on purpose (re-writing history, famines, denile of nature, etc). And at least with Capitalism you can get private property that you can do your own thing on somewhat.

>> No.8213015

As opposed to what you faggot?

>> No.8213233

communism just replaces the guy on the right with a "planner" who takes ALL the value instead of just a portion.

>> No.8213261

the value excists only since the man in dress sell and create demand. so no he dosent take it, he creates value

>> No.8213304

>Im not even commie scum but what you just said was insanely retarded
>What a fucking retard

No it's not retarded, and no I'm not retarded. Your biases shield you from the realities of the Universe at its very moment. When you say "The Universe should not be that way," it's not because the Universe is incorrect, but because the Universe and your desires are incongruent.

>> No.8213471

>Capitalism you can get private property that you can do your own thing on somewhat.

>Capitalist Government can take your land at any point in time and not give an explanation why.

>> No.8213973


They did though. Remember all the hate unions got?

>> No.8214006

>taking profit is wrong
>let the state take your property

>> No.8214025

>implying government is capitalist

>> No.8214036

you're both retarded and should never propagate your genes, look again but actually count this time

>> No.8214151

This is bullshit logic. If nobody ever tried to make the world better or fairer, we'd still all be serfs working 12 hour days and paying tithe to feudal lords

>> No.8214253

Why are you capitalising "Universe" like it's an agent unto itself with free will and not more than a complex set of chaotic processes, totally and utterly controlled by the probabilistic and wholly unpredictable forces of quantum mechanics?

>> No.8214287

this is the dumbest fucking thing I've ever read. You are like that retard Pangloss from Voltaire's Candide.

>> No.8214454
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Dude's lifting 6 hours worth of work up to 9 hours. He's creating wealth with his effort.

>> No.8214508
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>> No.8214527
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So just to be clear - if someone makes something, they're not allowed to profit from it?

Basically everyone should just sit still until they starve/thirst to death because 'profit is immoral'?

>> No.8214535

>This is bullshit logic. If nobody ever tried to make the world better or fairer, we'd still all be serfs working 12 hour days and paying tithe to feudal lords
Exactly. There is nothing wrong with workers wanting to advocate for getting a larger slice of the pie. That is what the workers did historically before and after World War II and what we witnessed was the largest explosion of the "middle-class" in history
ITT: A bunch of classcucks

I used to be a wagecuck before I was a petit bourgeoisie crypto trader. I felt motivated to escape wage cuck slavery because I knew it was terrible and that the system was rigged. If it wasn't for the fact that my parents allowed me to live at home while I wage cucked, I wouldn't have saved the capital I needed to day trade crypto for a living

>> No.8214573
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if you are so asspained about it
start your own business where you, the worker, are the owner and you get 100% of profits that you earn yourself

once you get big enough and cant meet demand
I hope you're willing to give equal share to every single worker you "employ"
no matter that you fronted the capital, the hours to get the business up and running
that doesnt matter in the slightest!

fucking retard

>> No.8214584


Youre the type of moron that annoys me the fuck out. That style of writting and that self righteousness, while spewing absolute incorrect bullshit should have some sort of death penalty.

If everyone had that mindset, there would have been zero revolutionaries throughout history. You realize some of those revolutions had a highly significant impact on the way our society is built and how it functions right?

I can somewhat agree that the universe at present is the way it should be, but that present was built on the actions of revolutionaries that were not ok with how their respective present time was going, and wanted change moving on to the future (which is our present fucktard)

Anyways kys cringe brainlet wannabe intellectual

>> No.8214592

Also I decided to continue living with my dad during the bitcoin bull market in 2017. Which meant I didn't have to sell much of my crypto in order to pay for expenses since I was living rent-free. Which means I ended up making even more money off the bull market.

Privilege gives me you more advantages in life. Being born into a financially secure middle-class family that can support your NEET ass gives you a competitive advantage over other people when it comes to entrepreneurship.

>> No.8214610

The world doesn't owe you anything. It was here first.

>> No.8214616

>I am okay with being cucked out of my share, because that's life brah
Why not work for free then?

>> No.8214619

>muh determinism

>> No.8214672
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Then start your own business, faggot. create a good and / or service people actually give a fuck about, market it, fund it or find investors, then you can bitch about the "work" (((you))) did.

>> No.8214676

Can you guys imagine growing up so sheltered and pampered that you never learned the duality of life?

>> No.8214700

take it to /pol/, faggot

>> No.8214746

>take a discussion about business practices and structure to /pol/ because we're not commies

>> No.8214784

Start a business if you think it's so easy. Oh wait, you can't because the government you love so much imposed so many regulations that you'd have to be a millionaire to start said business. Also, your boss slipped the president some money and if you try to compete he'll just make new laws that will shut you down.

At least you can work for you boss, while you can make him some profit over the imposed minimum wage. If you cant, you're just condemned to roll up and die. That's where socialism got you.

Statists belong in an open grave.

>> No.8214898

>I am okay with being cucked out of my share, because that's life brah
Why not work for free then?
Exactly. lol.

The determinismfag is probably some NEET who was born into a privileged financially secure suburban middle-class family, which allowed him to get into crypto trading full-time. Like I was. The difference is that I'm willing to acknowledge my privilege. I'm just not willing to forfeit my privilege. Yeah I have it made more than most people on the planet. Why should I advocate against my own self-interests in the interest of fairness? At least I'm transparent about my motivations. I can't stand right-wing fags who get defensive whenever you point out that not everyone starts at 0 in the world and privilege exists.

And there is nothing wrong with pushing back against this if you are the one being cucked by society. If I was born to a poor family that kicked me out at 18 or started charging me rent at 18 because they couldn't afford to keep me around rent-free anymore, I probably would still be on /leftypol/ right now. When you don't have capital to begin with, it is harder to fight and claw your way up.

I'm largely content with my place in society now. I'd like to see the government cut taxes for people in my tax bracket (~$100,000) and below and to reform the capital gains tax laws. It's retarded that each trade is a taxable event. This means that I owe a lot more tax than I bothered to actually cash out.

>> No.8215008
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>> No.8215052

Reality is unfair. 80-20/pareto distributions are seem everywhere from insects to plants to the market. Saying it's a symptom of "da ebil capitalists" is just fucking wrong. It's double wrong when you also consider the fact that income inequality is at best uneffected by the government's political leaning, or at worst (for you) lowest in free market countries. If you think income inequality is bad in the West look at fucking Africa, where a few are fairly rich by US standards while the people at the bottom live in literal mud huts.

>> No.8215071

>some people
>woman in a suit and glasses

>> No.8215094

>muh ruh publuhcuns
The corporate circlejerk crosses party lines how the fuck do people not realize this?

>> No.8215147


Grow the fuck up bitch

>> No.8215177

yes we should idiot

>> No.8215200

I think it's debatable whether Ancapistan-esque anything-goes capitalism would actually make it easier for small business. The nature of capitalism is such that capital tends to accumulate into fewer and fewer hands.

But yes government regulations in their current state are stifling small businesses. As a crypto day trader, I'll buy crypto and then flip it on the same day for a profit. I keep most of my profit in crypto. I only cash out my profit when I need to pay for shit. And I live a frugal lifestyle. So I don't cash out much of my profit. Yet the government wants to tax me for the 2017 capital gain whether its in crypto or fiat. Even if the value of my crypto holdings went down considerably in January-February 2018. Government regulation at its current form is fucked as hell. How the fuck can the government tax me on profits that no longer exist? lmao. The government is a fucking parasite. If you re-invest your profits into crypto, which is essentially a lot of what day trading is, then you shouldn't have to pay tax on that shit. If I cash out my crypto to my bank account and keep it there or go buy goods and services with it or if I buy goods and services with my crypto gains, then sure I'll pay tax on that. But right now the system is fucked. Too much regulation. Don't get me started on Know Your Customer/Anti-Money Laundering regulation as well.

The solution is not having wild, wild west capitalism or having excessive regulation that kills entrepreneurship but a common sense medium somewhere in between.

>> No.8215252

There is absolutely nothing natural about our society. In natural law, a low-inhibition muscular ripped BBC would beat the shit out of you, fuck your girl right in front of your eyes and make you give him all your crypto at gun-point

>> No.8215279

Workers make wages.
Owners make profits.
This is the way of things.

>> No.8215331

Ok. That's not an argument though.

>> No.8215392

Found the normie

>> No.8215399

>The nature of capitalism is such that capital tends to accumulate into fewer and fewer hands.
The monopoly theory doesn't really hold water, since they only really maintain control when hijacking state power. The very "robber barons" that anti-trust laws were made to control were losing market share before the laws were even enacted.

In a highly fluid and dynamic economy where innovation is king, the notion that one or few groups could stay leaps and bounds ahead of their competitors indefinitely is complete nonsense.

>> No.8215425


Fuck off soiboy. Take your emotional and feeling shits anyother place but here.

>> No.8215431
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fucking commies.

>> No.8215436

>A communist tells anon to grow the fuck up because he says life isnt fair
are you deluded or what

>> No.8215441

stay poor faggot

>> No.8215472

What do you mean that's not an argument. You use natural law to justify "the way it is". Well if a low-inhibition nigger decided to just kill you and steal your shit, that's natural law. Your dead in a natural law world. What now faggot?

>> No.8215510

>You use natural law to justify "the way it is"
I'm not making a moral judgement about inequality. I'm saying that it's a problem that's rooted much deeper than the economic system currently in place, and alternative economic systems made specifically to counter inequality (i.e. communism) either have little effect or make the problem worse.

You also seem a bit fixated on being abused by niggers, do you want to talk more about that?

>> No.8215533

>implying that big business will want less regulation
They want more regulation as long as it kills competition. Also, democrats do this too. If there was no politician involved in this, there would be no one there for the billionaire to bribe and he would have to compete through regular market laws.

Trust me, I'm not an americlap. I'm from a country that has so many shitty regulations that some markets are limited to 3-4 corporations and whenever a competitor appears there's some new regulation to fuck them over.

>> No.8215561

My point exactly. Commies such as >>8215008
cant name ONE monopoly case in which there was no government meddling to support it.

>> No.8215705


>I’ve got overhead
>t. Rick Harrison

>> No.8215731

Well at least you're not a natural law-fag then.

The core problem with the way things are now stems from the fact that we have political representatives and political representatives are prone to corruption. Why do people even get into politics in the first place? To make the world a better place? No. To increase the amount of personal power they have for themselves and also their family and friends in their inner circle. Money can buy power to a great extent. So naturally politicians are going to accept bribes from the people with money - the corporations.

The only way to get around this is to elect people who can't be corrupted. Or to put votes on a blockchain and do direct democracy. So that the people vote directly on the issues. You don't have to entrust anything to a corruptible representative.

If we had direct democracy, American politics would be far more sane. Because no longer would you have to pick between two clusterfuck sides (there are things I hate about both the Democrat and Republican parties). You could just vote on an issue by issue basis. So if I'm pro-abortion but I also want a tax cut, that can be accomplished with two separate votes. Instead of having to choose between the "lesser evil".

>> No.8215745

In a natural law world this nigger would try it some times and get shot, most likely. More niggers gangbanging = more niggers dead = less niggers making babies = smaller problem overall

>> No.8215815
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>People "stealing" labor/wealth from others by free market means is immoral.
>Government should setup unconstitutional law and regulation to in effect socially engineer and redistribute wealth.
You really can't be any more fucking retarded than a filthy pajeet or a Commie, in your case, faggot.

>> No.8215847

>elect people who can't be corrupted

There is no such thing, though. Even the communist theory of "people can't be corrupted if there is no money" got busted, people will just want more power.
They will only stop being corrupt if they have no power to use as a trading chip

>> No.8215895

Riddle me this, OP.
>there is no company
>worker gets 10$/day doing whatever, he has no means of production
>future boss gets 100$/day doing whatever, he's qualified

>boss opens up a company and produces more
>worker gets $50/day
>boss gets $200/day now

Income inequality has increased by a lot. Who is at a loss here?

>> No.8215898

That's why anarcho-capitalism is the only form of society that deserves to breathe.

>> No.8215949

Your share is exactly what you agreed upon with your employer.

>> No.8215974

Correct. Not only because of that, but it's the only form of society without undue aggression (or at least without aggression that you can't defend yourself from).
Can't defend yourself from aggression if it comes from the government (i.e. prison if you don't pay taxes).

>> No.8216187
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Your example is bs. Wages have not been keeping up with inflation since the 1970s. lmao.

niggers have guns too you know. who is going to win in a fight?:
low-inhibition high-T Negro alpha male gangster
high-inhibition autistic alt-right /pol/ beta male faggot who whines about white women sleeping with niggers.

The reason why /pol/acks become /pol/acks is because they feel insecure in their masculinity seeing black alpha males fuck their women.

>> No.8216209

What a coincidence. Kind of alligns with the same time period the US went off the last vestiges of the gold stanrdard to fund its socialist programs. hmmmmm

>> No.8216231

If you include the Military-Industrial complex and the Prison-Industrial Complex as "socialist" programs, then sure

>> No.8216238

Capital is riskier than labour.. Capitalists provide capital, workers get paid regardless of whether profit is created.

>> No.8216258

productivity brought about by automation?


>> No.8216321

Doesn't stop a person from trying.
>boy is polio unfair, guess I'll do nothing
>flying is just a shitty bird thing
Every day we get closer to god.

>> No.8216403
File: 39 KB, 500x530, 20130214-graph-how-inflation-erodes-the-minimum-wage-and-why-its-time-to-raise-it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And cheap labour too anon
Wage cucks are getting absolutely fucked. That's why we call them wage cucks.

>> No.8216408

Because the Universe is the All Mighty. You are a part of the universe, we all are. It has more will than all of us combined.

>> No.8216434

Nice try, soyboys

>> No.8216442

And why is there so much inflation? Who's at fault for this?
The government itself has been increasing in size and someone has to pay for all those extra government workers. Do you REALLY believe that productivity shouldn't scale with purchasing power if government conditions stay the same?

You fell for the "ebil businessman" meme. Everyone wants their workers to feel rewarded. And if competition is allowed, businessmen who don't reinvest their profits will get left behind.

>> No.8216471

Also, the nigger can only get away with it so many times before he ends up in a ditch. Look up the number of deaths caused by guns Vs. the number of lives saved by guns.

>> No.8216490

isn't this already somewhat mitigated by employee stock ownership plans?

>> No.8216665

Collectivist programs, if not socialist.
Imagine the money saved if people didn't go to jail for dealing drugs or any other bullshit collectivist law like that.
Also, the military spends tons of money on offensive operations that shouldn't exist.

>> No.8216666


> build your own business then and give away all your profits to employees, commie
> move to Venezuela

pick one

>> No.8216675

Anyone with any intellectual integrity would, my friend.

>> No.8216784 [DELETED] 

Exactly. That guy still believes the army is in Iraq or Afghanistan to "fight for his freedoms" hahahaha
Point and laugh, folks

>> No.8216857

That guy still believes the army is overseas "fighting for his freedoms" hahahaha
Point and laugh, folks

>> No.8217058
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This huge increase in government spending and resulting inflation goes towards government employees (including the military and the prison-industrial complex) and workers subsidized by the government (ie. NGOs, Universities, hospitals, etc.). It doesn't go towards the working poor and it doesn't even really go towards men who don't work unless he's a refugee. This is why niggers are out there selling drugs. If a nigga can't get a job, he needs to sell drugs to survive. Because the government isn't just going to give an able-bodied man, even a black man, welfare.

The funny thing about all this "socialism" is that this socialism doesn't actually go towards benefiting men unless
1) they work in the public sector
2) or their job depends on public subsidies
3) they are a refugee

Even here in Canada, when I was a NEET, what help did I get from the government? Jack fucking shit. I had to rely on my family (private welfare) to pick me up from the ground. Apparently Canada is "socialist". Where is all this wonderful Canadian socialism I hear Americans talking about? Because I ain't getting it. There is the public health care system. Which isn't even 100% "free". You have to pay for a lot out of pocket. When I go see the dentist, I have to pay out of pocket. When I get meds, I have to pay out of pocket. If you have to go in an ambulance instead of driving to the hospital yourself, you also have to pay for that.

If you want welfare, you need to be a woman and get knocked up by Chad/Tyrone. Or you need to be a refugee.

>> No.8217111

Socialism is the longest game.
The game to con the whole fuckin planet.
And its worked out very well for those who have used tyranny to "help" the world.

>> No.8217170
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Abuse of power should be stopped by reducing government power. The power of coercion is immoral, and should be limited as much as possible, not expanded but given to "the right people"

>If we had direct democracy, American politics would be far more sane.
It would be even less sane. The US gov't is hemorrhaging money like mad on dem programs. If the budget was determined by the mob it would get even worse, boomers and minorities would expand benefits even more.

These people think that real estate is a good investment, and buy jordans while living just above the poverty line. These people can't be fiscally responsible to save their lives. They should have NO voice in government. Anyone that takes more money than they give should have ZERO representation in government.

>> No.8217280

>selling investments you don't understand
>any business that degrades standards of service
>taxes, commissions, and other such benefits exceeding 30%
>non-origin taxation such as applies to gift giving
>abusing non-profit status
>hiding behind arguments such as 'market forces' or 'high demand'
But if you're not a jew you're probably OK

>> No.8217404

Boomers have paid into social security for decades. Why shouldn't they collect on their investment? If I invest into social security for decades and then the government just steals that money from me and doesn't pay out when I'm 65+, that is theft. Are you advocating that we just tell boomers who invested into social security for all these decades to go fuck themselves and take their money?

Medicare and medicaid are expensive because health care costs in the United States are out of fucking control compared to saner countries like say Canada. We have basic public health insurance here in Canada and the per capita cost of health care (including after factoring in tax dollar spending. I'm not talking strictly out of pocket costs) is lower than the per capita cost in the United States.

Pretty much all the government spending is driven by the large number of public sector employees and workers subsidized by the public sector. There is very little in terms of welfare unless you're a single mom or a refugee. Men receive jack shit from the government in terms of welfare.

>> No.8217589

Exactly. And these socialists are the same ones claiming to work for "the little man, oppressed by his employer who makes all the profits".
Here in Brazil it gets even worse, and people eat that shit up exactly because the left makes them fear "the ebil businessman". Opening a business here is suicide because of all the regulations and our extremely complicated tax system. More businesses have to shut down and people are fighting over the few jobs left, having to take what they can get. About 40% of our jobs are informal because it's so expensive to hire someone if you follow the law.
Meanwhile, there were even gibs for public college students (who are mostly rich because it's so difficult to get in one of those) to send them to study for 6 months in other countries, and it was easy as pie to get the scholarship. People who couldn't even speak english properly were being sent to the US lol

>> No.8217602
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>Boomers have paid into social security for decades. Why shouldn't they collect on their investment? If I invest into social security for decades and then the government just steals that money from me and doesn't pay out when I'm 65+, that is theft. Are you advocating that we just tell boomers who invested into social security for all these decades to go fuck themselves and take their money?
Social security is a fucking ponzi scheme. They shouldn't get a fucking cent, my generation shouldn't hold the bag for this ridiculous program they decided to expand. If you gave Madoff money you aren't entitled to a return. They got duped, too fucking bad, they should pay for it. Not children.

>Pretty much all the government spending is driven by the large number of public sector employees and workers subsidized by the public sector. There is very little in terms of welfare unless you're a single mom or a refugee. Men receive jack shit from the government in terms of welfare.

>> No.8217621


>> No.8217699

Just out of curiosity, are contributions to social security mandatory in the US?
They are mandatory over here, and the ponzi is just about to crash because retirements for government workers became too expensive. Can't even blame the poor working people because they had no choice other than "contribute".

>> No.8217720

Totally mandatory. And yes, the pensions are going to crash everywhere. Why do you think governments are so desperate to expand the tax base with browns?

>> No.8217810

The "non-evil business man" are exactly the ones who created this situation to avoid competition, but surely without gov the situation would be better, they wont need to bribe anyone and would just crush them.

>> No.8217820

Fuck. At least my country isn't the only one, I guess.
And yet people still defend social security as a means to "protect the poor elderly". Sad

>> No.8217856

The pensions don't just fuck up the budget, they fuck up the family too. Old people used to have to rely on their children, so they had material incentive to be good for them. Now parents can be complete shit heads and uncle sam will foot the bill.

>> No.8217862

Daily reminder the business owner is entitled to that value because it's his enterprise and he took all the risk. Why should the menial labor-monkey be entitled to more than his pittance when he's taken no risk and will just find another job if the current organization goes bankrupt?

>> No.8217891
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Social Security is not a personal piggy bank you fuckin mongo.

SS is the literal definition of a pyramid/ponzi scheme.

Generation A's old people are paid for by Gen B
Generation B's old people are paid for by Gen C
Generation C's old people are paid for by Gen D

You are never paying into YOUR retirement, you are paying into your parent generation's retirement. When it implodes because raping the young to pay for the old is immoral and the system, again, is a fuckin ponzi scheme, everyone will have been more fucked over than if the government instead instilled competence in the population by suggesting we save for our own goddamn retirement/future.

>> No.8217894

If you are offered a job and the 401k pension plan offered by your employer involves Bernie Madoff investments, what the fuck are you supposed to do? Decline that job offer and go unemployed for awhile longer until you get a job offer with a decent pension plan? A lot of Americans are desperate to get a job, any job. You right-wing cucks tell American workers all the time "don't be picky, pick any job offered to you."

Where is any of that money in the pie graph you posted going to me as a thirty-something male? lmao. I stand by my statement that you need to be a single mom or a refugee to get welfare in Canada. I as a man in his thirties isn't receiving any of this so-called glorious Canadian welfare that you Americans talk about. rofl. As a 30-something man in Canada, I'm basically a slave. Welfare in Canada is for single moms and refugees. Not men (unless you're a refugee).

Also employment insurance is not welfare. You have to pay into employment insurance. Or else you're not going to get it. lmao. If I am forced to pay into employment insurance by gunpoint from the state, should I not be allowed to get my money back when I find myself unemployed and need it? Are you saying that I should just give the government money and not expect anything in return?

>> No.8217901
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these goys have a point

>> No.8217919

Crush them how, exactly? Name one example of a cartel that wasn't enforced by the government and that wasn't broken by one of the cartel's members.
If you want to be the only competitor while offering high prices and low quality, you'd need to enforce it through violence. Not even that might help you, as you might be boycotted.

>> No.8217921

>low IQ chooses call of duty funs and goes out on the street without any thought and little cohesion with his tribe
>high IQ snipes the low IQ's whole tribe tactically and disappears like a ghost because HQ took the time to analyze situation
>this coming from a guy who lives and lets live to a certain point
>anon is only concerned about muh niggers and being edgy
If SHTF and things are forced to devolve, we won't be the ones that lose after they take the first few pot shots, and they won't be smart enough to do a proper first strike. Checkmate.

>> No.8217953

If I pay into my retirement fund or my employment insurance (Canada's PC term for unemployment insurance) fund, I expect to get that money back when I need it. Period. I don't doubt for a second that the government is mismanaging our funds. But I do expect to get what I put in. If the government just fucks off with our money, our politicians deserve to be sentenced to BBC anal gang rape

>> No.8217996

Seriously this.

Also, filthy fuckin commies act like not being likely to starve to death and reasonable wealth mobility is bread-crumbs.
They need to
>zoom out pajeet
and realize that not too long ago several superstates murdered countless millions of their own people under Communism's banner to enrich themselves through gang-rape levels of force and maintain totalitarian power.

>> No.8218040

Sure politicians are evil..

But the generalized stupidity of a free people necessary for gov to get that kind of strangle hold like they do is the main problem.

>Democrazy: The God that Failed

>> No.8218048

It also fucks up people's incentive to understand basic investing. They are happy to live hand-to-mouth spending on stupid shit.
I see young people over here becoming desperate because they believe their only option is working until they die if the government increases the minimum retirement age. Literal slaves.

>> No.8218051

Social security is not an investment. The money is not saved and invested. The government takes it from new tax payers and gives it to the old ones, the system requires infinite growth because pensioners need 3x their weight in tax payers, so it is quite literally a ponzi scheme.

Since the boomers are the ones who voted to expand it massively they should be left out to dry, not the children who had no say in the matter.

>Where is any of that money in the pie graph you posted going to me as a thirty-something male?
Cushy government jobs that literal retards can work for one. And as an abled bodied man you have even less excuse to be a leech.

And what difference does it make? The fiscal insolvency is going to crash this horrible machine, where the money goes is irrelevant. I'd rather the government blow it all on space rockets and giant gold statues than give it to single moms, foreigners, and old fucks. At least we'd have something cool instead of rampant dysgenics.

>> No.8218070

>Name one example of a cartel that wasn't enforced by the government and that wasn't broken by one of the cartel's members
Standard oil, you live in /pol/ and you don't know about the original Rofeller? What kind meme are you?

>If you want to be the only competitor while offering high prices and low quality, you'd need to enforce it through violence
Or you just can like bribe people to not sell other stuff, like Microsoft was doing to Linux and how Coke was in some poor contries, or just mix with the sucessful competitors and create one huge monopoly.

>> No.8218092

>I expect to get that money back when I need it
Keep believing that, bub.
Sooner or later the bubble pops. In Brazil it's already happening. We do have a ton of other problems, but Canada is moving in the same direction.

>> No.8218146

>Standard oil, you live in /pol/ and you don't know about the original Rofeller? What kind meme are you?
Was rapidly losing market share before trust busting even commenced. "Rofeller" and the other
"robber barons" did nothing wrong, except for creating the Fed.

>Or you just can like bribe people to not sell other stuff, like Microsoft was doing to Linux and how Coke was in some poor contries, or just mix with the sucessful competitors and create one huge monopoly.
Do you really think that a company can remain solvent while having to buy off everyone forever? Use your fucking brain.

>> No.8218170

because i was desperate and they took advantage of that
much like if i agree to fuck a fat old man for a few grand. it's n-not like i like it or anything!

>> No.8218180

Bother to tell us where the money to buy these machines and resources comes from?

>> No.8218181
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>If the government just fucks off with our money, our politicians deserve to be sentenced to BBC anal gang rape

Oh you sweet child. Your heart is in the right place though.

>> No.8218233

I've heard about Standard Oil, and it's the only example people can find. Predatory pricing can only get you so far because you are bleeding profits as you do it. As >>8218146 said, they were already losing market value.
And if people get their oil for super-low prices, then I fail to see a problem. These prices will have to rise eventually and competition will set in for better prices.
You only use S.O. as an example because the state broke them before they broke themselves.

And in the case of Microsoft and Coke: also didn't last so long, and the market corrected itself.

>> No.8218250

If capitalists are so greedy, why don't workers start their own collectively owned businesses and run things themselves?

>> No.8218280

Adding to my post:
For each example you gave there are dozens more where these cartels were aided by the state. If we have to pick a system with less cartels, mine wins.

>> No.8218281

That's what I was saying. Unless you're a refugee or a government employee, you're not going to get jack fucking shit from the government as a man. Unless you're an elderly man. And baby boomer men did pay into the system.

>> No.8218341

One can only imagine the infighting that would happen because Bob thinks he's already worked too much and started a riot.
Constant revolution (and endless poverty), this is what Trosky wanted lol

>> No.8218402

Free market "externalities" are killed overnight, practically.
Government externalities become hardcoded into the system.

I pick free market.

>> No.8218441

For Microsoft the "market" had nothing to do with it, they were hit with antitrust lawsuits which prevented them from maintaining a monopoly.

IBM is an even better example. A literal monopoly to the point that the only competition was literal copies.

>> No.8218452

literally SJW media cattle

>> No.8218569

Because the workers don't have enough capital to start their own businesses. Not everyone starts at the same position in life at birth. If you are born into a wealthy family, you have a built-in advantage. If I was born into a rich family, all I'd have to do is put my inheritance in the stock market and sit on it, live off the dividends. I'd have to be a fucking idiot to squander my inheritance.

Meanwhile if you are born into poverty, you have to fight for scraps on the way up. I owe a lot of my crypto trading success to having supportive financially secure middle-class suburban parents.

If you are born into more wealth than others, then yes you do have privilege. lol. Whether it is a SJW term or not is irrelevant.

If you work for a living, you have exposed yourself as a legit class cuckold. You have a complete lack of class consciousness.

>> No.8218591

Didn't know that about the Microsoft case, thanks.
But again: with the advent of internet, do you really think Microsoft would be able to keep doing this forever? People can buy their PC parts separately nowadays and install whatever they want on it. And if MS increases the price of their product too much they create an incentive for people to do so.

And in the cases of both IBM and MS, they are protected by IP laws - which libertarians are against.

>> No.8218610

4chan doesnt want to hear objectivity. i would save your words.

>> No.8218626

>the Universe is the All Mighty
Are you trolling?

>> No.8218634

You literal Philistine.
You are thinking about it all wrong.
First of all, an employer/employee relationship is mutually beneficial. They both get paid, and the employee knows what he's getting into. He knows that money is being made off of his work. It's voluntary.
Also, employers don't make very much money PER EMPLOYEE. The amount of money that a company makes from a given worker is smaller than you would probably think. The reason the owners of these companies are rich is simply because they have a fuckton of employees. Ex: A corporation employs 500 people, and makes $1000 per worker. That's not a lot of money PER WORKER, but considering they have 500 workers, that money adds up quick ($500k).

>> No.8218641

>muh high T
Niggers are only alpha in blue states where whites have been disarmed.

>> No.8218663

more like the Businessman takes millions of dollars of equipment that worker could never have afforded, put them into a business, and calculated how much he should pay based off what the person's worth there is, and against other companies.

Still the worker is a cuck

>> No.8218682

>And baby boomer men did pay into the system.
And? The system is a scam. Someone will have to be cut off and hold the bag. Boomers expanded the system so they should be the ones. Kids today are paying into it, but had no choice in the matter. Better we cut the loss now and penalize the people that made such a dumb decision in the first place instead of pawning off the unborn.

>> No.8218730

Delete this anti-semitic propaganda

>> No.8218731

Tbh I think that guy has a cuck fetish, judging by how he describes black and white people.
Just my two LINKs

>> No.8218767

This is why I hate you.
I fucking hate wealthy Marxists because you see everyone without wealth as subhuman swine that need to be babysit to survive.
Go fuck yourself.

>> No.8218795

what a joke
you losers are just that
not everyone is a whinging faggot only interested in leeching

meritocracy is where its at
NOBODY SANE gives a fuck about "class consciousness"
you either cuck or get cucked
all aspects of life
wanting to be the business owner rather than employee = cucking those that want to be the employee rather than business owner

>> No.8218849
File: 245 KB, 960x960, B846FD5A-7557-4681-BDDA-004106D6D5DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>put up my own capital to lease a building
>purchase 35,000 in machinery
>create a product and a customer base that I spend 2 years developing and putting together
>hire a local man to press the buttons on my machines and clean them at the end of their production cycles
>pay him appropriately
>he thinks he created the value my company is producing by pressing buttons on the machine I own
>he posts this meme

Socialists are the fucking worst

>> No.8218871

people with drive or vision will live out of their car that they worked for to start a business they want to succeed at.

stop blaming others for something as simple as personal drive, motivation and genetic ability.

>> No.8218936

I'm not a Marxist. I am familiar with Marxist theory and I used to post on /leftypol/ and such. Marxism goes against my class interests. At least at present. I am not part of the proletariat. I am petty bourgeoisie. Or at least lumpen-proletariat if you can classify a NEET crypto trader as that. Lumpen-proletariat are not in the same class as proletariats.

If you are not fighting for your own class interests (ie. right-wing wage cucks working at McDonald's who voted for Donald Trump), you are a class cuck.

>> No.8218955

I have made a fair bit of money from this crypto trading gig and you're telling me to stop blaming others for non-existent misfortune? lmao.

Meanwhile you're probably some right-wing wage cuck loser who voted for daddy Trump instead of actually fighting for your own class interests. Idiot. lmao.

>> No.8218988

Yeah sure you have fuckwit
Whats really funny is that you would jump to gloat about riches while otherwise championing the fight for the working man

you're a joke and you know it

>> No.8219121

the problem is we're not a meritocracy and people aren't on a level playing field.

>> No.8219228

life isnt fair
nature isnt fair
people exist within varying degrees of competency
humans do not exist on a level playing field
brining people that rise above down to the lowest common denominator is a good way to fuck society
civilisation was made by domination
domination by man
high iq and competent man

>> No.8219229

i think the issue now is that barriers to market entry for small business and actual middle class entrepreneurs are so high. old money and market consolidation has fucked us right back to the mid 1800s.

so i guess im trying to say i agree with your sentiment and your post, it just seems that the person putting up their own capital was born into it and hired others to make a product, do the marketing, and push the buttons while reaping all rewards for themselves.

i think we can all agree this is a completely fucked system but it continues to live because theyve convinced everyone they can make it too while they hold all the cards.

>> No.8219296

>the problem is we're not a meritocracy and people aren't on a level playing field.
As compared to what?

>> No.8219306

>The only fairness in life is the fairness in being

>> No.8219356

>not having a skill in demand
If you've only got the one option for employment then you're retarded. I've only got a trade, no college education at all and I've got multiple offers from massive companies with 6 figure salaries.

Don't blame capitalism for your inability to develop a valuable skill.

>> No.8219361

I never claimed to be the champion of the working man. lmao. Marxists fucking hate me. They hate wage cucks who escape from wage cuck slavery more than they hate their boss who exploits them. I just said that privilege exists. Some people are born into wealth. Some people are born into poverty. And if you are born into wealth, you have a huge advantage in life. Unless you are a retard. You can literally invest your inheritance in the stock market and live off the dividends. Meanwhile the average citizen-slave is forced to wage cuck until 65+ in order to survive. There is nothing fair about the system.

This is a cuck or be cucked world. Look out for your own self-interests. If you are looking out for the 1% instead of looking out for yourself, you are a literal cuckold. The 1% spends millions and billions lobbying for their own interests. They don't need your help. You do you nigga. You look out for yourself. You right-wing cucks are collectivists in the other direction.


>nature isn't fair
Yeah nature is a big black dick up your fucking ass. You alt-right /pol/ack cucks wouldn't last 2 seconds under natural law. I would love to see you in a street fight with Tyrone. I'll set up an ethereum smart contract to take bets.

>> No.8219377
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>I've got overhead and multiple stocks
>That's why I earn $60 million annually plus a $2 million bonus every christmas
Fucking bootlickers I swear to god

>> No.8219379

Idiot ancap detected.

>> No.8219391

>Daily reminder that profit is immoral

Daily reminder that people who run smes well and generate employment keep th world turning unlike socialist butthurt faggots like OP who think that by making the rich power and the poor poorer so as their is less of a gap between them that somehow the poor are better off by being poorer. Why are milennials such comsocialist comsjw faggots?

>> No.8219414

Delet this anti-semitic picture goy NOW

>> No.8219420

Wtf is wrong with you? Are you a Jew or something because you have an obsession with cuckholding. Also you can't have it bother ways Alt-righters are either dangerous terrorists that need to be shut down or harmless neets that couldn't fight there way out of a paper bag. Oh and yeah I doubt whites need to fear from blacks considering they don't think they would win. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7VqG_4ADFfQ

>> No.8219428

Power politics is sickening. You need to break out of these marxist axioms that the only way to prosperity is through wielding the cudgel of state power

>> No.8219439

>Less employees due to automation
>higher profits
>remaining employees still getting fucked with stagnating wages

>> No.8219462

>oh hey guys if you're poor and not a marxist then you're a cuck

you're a joke

>This is a cuck or be cucked world.
yeah I know:
>NOBODY SANE gives a fuck about "class consciousness"
>you either cuck or get cucked
>all aspects of life

>They don't need your help. You do you nigga.
You dont know me or who I am, I dont need your advice you absolute brainlet

you're obviously a black cunt that is so asspained over "racist white boys" that you ate up marxist faggotry up until you realised you were a joke to people actually making money and you wasted literally years of your life arguing with /pol/

and now you cant stop cuck posting like the brainlet you are :
>Yeah nature is a big black dick up your fucking ass.
>I would love to see you in a street fight with Tyrone.
you know why you're willing to put money down to potentially see me get beaten up? Because you're emotionally invested to the point that you are ASSPAINED AND TRIGGERED over not being smart enough to actually argue beyond KEK SPAM and racial FAGGOTRY

you are a brainlet
and you know it
keep crying about how privilege matters and that we must tackle it as a problem
the world will keep spinning, people will make money, and they will make sure IDIOTS like you end up FUNDING THEIR LIVES since you're so manipulable


>> No.8219478

why would their wages go up if they are remaining after automation? that means their job wasnt automated, or they are in a new job title with new responsibilities

>> No.8219567

Aight bro get tyrone I love boxing

>> No.8219573

Fuck right, it ain't about right, it's about money


>> No.8219591

The guy on the right

>> No.8219638
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>> No.8219653

I have some distant Jewish ancestry. I'm bisexual and might be trans. I haven't went through any physical transitioning though. I'm attracted to masculine men. And there is nothing masculine about men whining about black men having sex with their women. /pol/acks are obsessed with masculinity. soyboy this. soyboy that. Yet they have immense anxiety over black men fucking their women. Hence their cuck and blacked.com obsessions.

I am not a leftist. I'm an egoist. This leftist narrative that alt-righters are dangerous is a joke. Most alt-righters are harmless neets that couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag. And while some of them have got their hands on guns (ie. Elliot Rodger) or run people over with their cars, they are largely harmless and a group to laugh at, not fear.

>> No.8219672

natural order this, natural order that, go kill a nigger then. I dare you white boy. Bitch made faggot

>> No.8219690

>implying your not in an voluntary contractual relationship with your employer.
>implying you can choose your government.
Do you even Hoppe?

>> No.8219708

you are genuinely hilarious
btw you're the only one bringing up "men whining about black men having sex with their women"

you cucked yourself kek
always jumping at the /pol/ boogeyman
and actively giving people reason to dislike you from the get go


>> No.8219717

yes... voluntary vs compulsory

love making vs rape

cooperation vs extortion

understand fuck fag?

>> No.8219737

you mean like taxes?

>> No.8219742

Hoppe's vision gives me hope for a future worth a damn.

>> No.8219769
File: 70 KB, 435x667, Bundesarchiv_Bild_101III-Duerr-054-17,_Lettland,_KZ_Salaspils,_jüdischer_Lagerpolizist[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're one of the jews that gets thrown under the bus to power the agenda
like harvey weinstein

>> No.8219774

Taxes are rape. Sometimes it's hard to tell what is rape and what isnt, but fuck, if something is unconstitutional that's a gurantee its rape. Especially income tax.
The IRS can't even fucking point to the basis in law that requires Americans to pay any form of income tax.

>> No.8219818

>The IRS can't even fucking point to the basis in law that requires Americans to pay any form of income tax.

>> No.8219852

taxes can't be abolished because of globalism
you'd have to completely cut off immigration in order to abolish personal income tax and/or corporate income tax
Basically the way we pay for all of the shitheels that come into this country is by estimating the amount of taxes they'll pay and discounting that from their estimated cost to public infrastructure
And if we cut off immigration, the population will steadily decline and the gdp will probably drop. That's pretty much anathema to the ideals of anyone in power, even if they're liberal or conservative leaning

>> No.8219869

If we had natural law, the Chads and Tyrones would be running shit. The strong would dominate. And they'd be fucking all the women. Deep dicking your girl right now and legit cuckolding you. And you beta male /pol/ack faggots would be lined up and shot by the hulking alpha males. You wouldn't survive two seconds under natural law.

You /pol/acks are the ones who made cuck into a meme. You have immense sexual anxiety about black men fucking your women and taking over. Because you damn well know that they are the true alpha males. This is why you are so obsessed with masculinity. You know that you don't measure up to Chad and Tyrone. In more ways than one ;)

>> No.8219883

>politics can be bought from the inside & out.

No shit it's capitalist. That's why politics are corrupt.

>> No.8219893
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Surplus value isn't real

If the working class for back the full product of their labor it would amount to virtually nothing in real physical goods.

Marxism is a cult
Kill yourself

>> No.8219910

Imagine actually being brainwashed enough to be a marxist.
Imagine actually wanting to be poor and enslaved
Imagine supporting central banking

Kill them all

>> No.8219913

Kek changing your IP doesnt hide the fact that you're an intense cucklord
you are mentally insane, you have already proven this by stating that you might be trans
You are a joke
and you are triggered by the suggestion of personal responsibility
like the joke brainlet cucklord you are


>inb4 you switch back to wifi/ VPN

>> No.8219918

Natural law is not what you think it is you fucking mongo.

>> No.8219932

Call authoritarian evil by whatever name you wish.
Voluntary exchange > (insert bullshit)

>> No.8219934
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>wifi changes your external ip

>> No.8219943

>switching to wifi vs mobile data doesnt change your IP

>> No.8219946

>Wages have not been keeping up with inflation since the 1970s.

Because Nixon got us off the gold standard you absolute brainlet.

>> No.8219968
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>he was actually referring to his faggot phoneposting habits the whole time
fucking kys yourself

>> No.8220001

>he is asspained that people use mobiles to shitpost when they are away from the desktop
cry more about queerboy
you're defending the cuckposter why?
are you a marxist queer or are you just a provocative idiot that started a fight?

>> No.8220013

To compensate with inflation you stupid fuck, did you just forget the last few posts in this thread? Holy shit you are retarded

>> No.8220024
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>> No.8220031

kys faggot
cry more that the world isnt handed to you on a silver platter
cry even harder that for some people, it is

>> No.8220041

phoneposters are more despicable than any degenerate tranny faggot
you hate yourself so much for phoneposting that you project it onto the tranny fag when he samefags

>> No.8220043


Doesn't change the fact that the transactions of corrupted individuals who hold power are real.

>> No.8220049

More proof gov engineering is the problem but stupid American pajeets will still shill their shit ideologies.

>> No.8220065

>placebo selfmoderation
look at this pleb lmao

>> No.8220067
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so how did you end up in this thread then

>> No.8220068

ok I'm a big free market supporter but what you said is objectively wrong, Singapore has some of the least regulated markets of any country and also has some of the highest income inequality on earth
>muh correlation does not causation
no in this case it does, unregulated financial services, for example, also there's a reason so many ICOs from Asia are incorporated/headquartered in Singapore, the rich legit just make significantly more than the poor and even when average household income goes up as it did in 2017 the income inequality remains unchanged

>> No.8220069

I am not even phoneposting
just knowing that mobile data is on a different network to your home internet/wifi was enough to trigger you
and now you're defending a tranny because you're a queer yourself
all you have is misdirection and ad hom
typical beta queer

>> No.8220084

I saw it on my phone while I was in the kitchen making sketties.

>> No.8220106
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>One cannot fight the (((phoneposter))) by positive means. He is a negative, and this negative must be erased from the German system or he will forever corrupt it.
>One cannot allow the (((phoneposter))) the same means one would give an honest opponent, for he is no honorable opponent. He will use generosity and nobility only to trap his enemy.

>> No.8220126

>expand the base
>with more browns asking for gibs and being a net negative.
Either it's incompetence or an invasion by our own govt.

>> No.8220136

pretty retarded post so here's a retarded answer: the strongest make the rules - T.Rex is literally latin for "King Lizard" because it was the biggest so paleontologists imagined it bossing the other smaller dinosaurs around.
But guess what: in the current "modern ecosystem" the most powerful creature isn't some big muscular nigger, its the guy with the money and the guns.
> we are still animals living in the natural order of things but natural hierarchies change to favor different traits

>> No.8220141

100% reddit
knowing memes or terminology doesnt matter when you use them so out of context
whats really enjoyable about this whole thing is obviously you queers got really triggered about how this thread turned out because in came the cavalry, what happened, is the tranny ok? needed some time out? needed a little support from friends hmmm?
fucking kek you absolute brainlet queers

>> No.8220150

Go listen to some classical music and look at some Renaissance paintings and neo-classical cathedrals as a reminder of just how inferior you niggers are and just how far your people have dragged our civilization down.

>> No.8220162
File: 52 KB, 503x519, 1508105701893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are you saying

>> No.8220173


>> No.8220219
File: 174 KB, 460x276, mobilephoneslandfill[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that must be difficult to type

>> No.8220265

Singapore government is totalitarian in many other respects. "Free market" doesn't mean shit when every other aspect of life is chained.

>> No.8220281

Hitler killed millions of his own and redistributed their wealth like Stalin and Mao.
No fuckin' thanks we can do better anon.

>> No.8220285

Financial industry not being regulated was the key here

>> No.8220294
File: 241 KB, 1080x1316, 1517009733453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have a thot for your trouble, brainlet

>> No.8220373

Invasion because the concept of public property has been perverted. Main argument is that "Public" property that supposedly any pajeet from around the world is entitled to, is private of the union of individuals, militias, us Americans. There is no open land for non Americans to come take up. It is the birthright of our isolated population only. Whole point of government's founding was to protect the country, its borders, the people, and ensure their rights.

>> No.8220418

America is so important because a bastion of true freedom forces the rest of world to adopt it naturally. Filthy commies don't think ahead AT ALL.
>Imagine being a brainlet commie
I cannot, it is unfathomable.

>> No.8220584

cogent points worthy of consideration

>> No.8220897

I've got a quarter mil inheritance, bitch. It's not myself I'm lamenting for, it's the millions of people getting screwed by soulless corporate cocksuckers, who get praised on and have their boots licked by spinless little cunts like yourself

>> No.8221373

You're a faggot larping about not living in mommys basement with a bleeding heart for the poor working men and women of the west that enjoy a far greater income than the rest of the world combined :(
kys queer

>> No.8221848

My IP address on my proxy changes frequently. I have to refresh my pass often because of this. My VPN IP address is more sticky but my VPN is banned on the exchanges I trade on so I prefer to use a proxy

>> No.8221991

Whatever helps you justify your shitty personality sweety, but I ain't larping, and I ain't in mommy's basement. Sorry if I don't fit your narrative.
And less than 1% of the population in the west has more money than half the world combined, and more and more of your precious westerners enjoying a far greater income are still getting a measly income that keeps getting morw inaqequate for sustaining a basic quality of life. The days of ma and pa's invisible hand family business is over, and it's just feudalism with a new skin on it, and you're the cuck that worships the lord who stamps your face into the mud.
You're pathetic

>> No.8222013

>blah blah blah im a huge faggot
oh really, do go on
>You're pathetic
t. asspained enough to have started the fight to defend their tranny girlfriend to begin with

>> No.8222197
File: 68 KB, 597x313, Screen-Shot-2013-03-08-at-11.36.19-AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't choke on you ceo's doc martens there, wagecuck!

>> No.8222220

t. brainlet queer that needs welfare to survive

>> No.8222284

>right-wing cuck says that so-and-so poster needs welfare to survive
>right-wing cuck needs the state to protect muh property rights
If it wasn't for the cops (the state you hate oh so much) protecting you and your property from low-inhibition niggers, you wouldn't be surviving yourself. lmao. Private property rights do not exist without a state. This is why you Ancap cucks are retarded.

>> No.8222307

t. brainlet who gets triggered over personal responsibility

>> No.8222330

>personal responsibility
>relies on cops to protect him from thugged out niggers

>> No.8222507

>what is the 2nd ammendment
just because you're a little bitchboy cuck, doesnt mean everyone is :)

>> No.8222663
File: 191 KB, 620x400, dipsetwithguns_zpsa2b68fe9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

niggaz are from the streets. they know how to handle a gun better than you do