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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8211524 No.8211524 [Reply] [Original]

>Debate me.

Historically, price just keeps increasing. Real world use. Will always be in demand. Best investment. Better than precious metals, stocks, etc.

>> No.8211560

She fucking won.

>> No.8211570

Its harder to collect in civilized countries

>> No.8211580

Does ammo degrade over time?

>> No.8211587

Fuck gold. Invest in brass, lead, and steel.

>> No.8211601

it can last for decades, probably longer.

>> No.8211608

Only interesting if all hell breaks loose
And who wants to live then anyway

>> No.8211610

if not stored properly

>> No.8211614
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Actually, it is getting cheaper every year

>> No.8211629

thanks just fought 100k
kys faggot

>> No.8211634

Yes, but if stored properly it will last a very long time.

>> No.8211640

yeah thats not hard to store or anything. fucking kek

>> No.8211646

>Sell someone a bullet
>They shoot you and take the rest of your bullets

>> No.8211668

are reddit fags really this cringey or trolling?

>> No.8211670


>> No.8211679

>implying someone selling ammunition isn't armed to the fucking teeth
You must be retarded or an aussie fag.

>> No.8211691

Ammo degrades over time.


You might as well be buying canned food.

>> No.8211692

How do you sell?

>> No.8211701
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Fallout New Vegas

>> No.8211702

>Buy ammo
>Shit hits the fan
>Tell somebody you have ammo
>They kill you
>It's their ammo now
Good plan, OP

>> No.8211704

Sure if all hell break loose it can even be the new dollar and everything traded for bullets.

But do you really wanna live in a world where bullets is the country currency?

Imagine selling a bullet and being killed with it.

>> No.8211745 [DELETED] 

If all hell breaks lose im going to take over a carribean island. My /biz/ bros that stocked up on ammo can join me, itll be a fucking party.

I think alcohol is a good bet too.

>> No.8211766

how do ppl sell drugs?

>> No.8211784

If all hell breaks lose im going to take over a caribbean island. My /biz/ bros that stocked up on ammo can join me, itll be a fucking party.

I think alcohol is a good bet too

>> No.8211788
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>using ammo as currency
Every take a shot of whiskey? It's called a "shot" because in the old American west the cowboys would buy that amount of whiskey with one .45 cartridge.

>> No.8211818
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Anon, what are guns and ammo made out of?

>> No.8211889

>Armed teeth will stop someone else from shooting you
How that going for your schools

>> No.8211910
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Genuine question: Does ammunition go bad over time if kept in a cool, relatively dry space? Like talking 10+ years. I wanna know if I can just stock up a cabin in the woods and forget about it or if I should just plan on trucking everything with me when the flag goes up and I bug out.

>> No.8211948


Bong here, never purchased bullets in my life. I've just googled a box of 1000 9mm rounds and it's $200.

So are you saying you store hundreds of thousands of rounds of ammunition in your house...?

>> No.8211952

A good water source or land is more valuable than anything else, including ammo.

>> No.8211962

Schools are gun-free zones. Really makes you think...

>> No.8211981


Metallic cartridges will last around 100 years give or take a few percent of them having hangfires if kept dry and cool.

Will last indefinitely if kept air tight.

>> No.8211982

Why not? I've got over 15k rounds under my bed.

>> No.8212082


So that's about $3k of something to make a house fire a little more interesting a foot and a half below your body - nice.

>> No.8212145

If you are planning long term storage, worth investing in vacuum packing them. They last basically indefinitely that way.

As an investment though, terrible idea because as long as shit doesn't hit the fan, you won't be able to liquidise them very quickly if you do end up needing money. You would probably get into trouble with the law flogging 100k rounds.

>> No.8212149

Ammo is basically inert. In a fire it'll make a lot of racket but won't even penetrate drywall, and most of it is in cans anyway. There's a neat video on YouTube for EMTs where they simulate a fire in an ammo shop and some other scenarios to show that it's not dangerous.

>> No.8212751

And that was a very lawless and dangerous place. If you were rich you better hire your own body guards cause no one gonna protect you when 5 arm men come to get your shit

>> No.8212777

the good 'ol days

>> No.8212818

If Hillary won, she would've been the best gun salesman in American history.

>> No.8212869

Bonus is if it doesn't work out, you can kys easily

>> No.8212901
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It only cost $3k to buy 15,000 rounds of ammunition? Jesus Christ

>> No.8212907


I'm sure without the compression of the chamber of a pistol and the rifling of a barrel a bullet is not going to do the same thing as if it's set off by a fire.

But 15000 rounds of it under my bed would still make me feel jumpy.

>> No.8212936

Good if you live in some 3rd world warzone I guess

>> No.8212960

why would you need 15,000 bullets if 'shit hit the fan'
in reality, if you ever got into a gun fight, wouldn't you either die or kill the other guy within, lets say 20 bullets?

>> No.8212990

whats the best way to shop for bullets?

>> No.8213323

Bulk, there’s some websites with great deals.

>> No.8213424


>> No.8213509

"Full buy"


>> No.8213532

nice logic noguns nancyboy

>> No.8213606


If you buy .22 caliber (sorta wimpy but hey) you can get 85,000 rounds for 3K. You feel comfortable knowing you have 1,000,000 rounds at home

>> No.8213700
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That’s actually a damn good point. Too bad I enjoy BUSTIN SOME CAPS!!

>> No.8213855


>> No.8214115

.22 is gopher shooting calibre and not much more. Armageddon happens and .22 won't do much. I'm looking at getting a russian sks in the near future.

>> No.8214193

no bro it's Gamebryo

>> No.8214230

ammoseek.com fren

>> No.8214256

I can't stop shooting them, anon.

>> No.8214371
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Yes. I love the fact that Europeans can't do this.
>want 3000 rounds for the AK?
>click a few buttons
>3 days later an extremely pissed FedEx guy shows up with a package at the door
You will never know that feel.

>> No.8214441

shelf life?


>> No.8214627

Basically forever. I've shot Turkish ammo from 1942 and it's still as accurate as any of the modern stuff.

>> No.8214692

>zero(0)proof of historical price going up

>> No.8214801

>Historically, price just keeps increasing. Real world use. Will always be in demand. Best investment. Better than precious metals, stocks, etc.
So what about people who bought a few years ago when prices were 2-3x higher than now?

>> No.8214833

sgammo is a good one.

>> No.8215130

sgammo is amazing

>> No.8215494
