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[ERROR] No.821105 [Reply] [Original]

How did you make money while going to school?

>> No.821109

Worked at Walmart, substitute taught, judged high school debate, scholarships

There are probably better ways but that's how I did it.

>> No.821158

dick sucking

>> No.821160

sell drugs

>> No.821162

my GI bill pays be 1600 a month,

my weekend nat guard duty pays me 20 k bonus and 300 a month

and my part time job at a hedge fund pays me 600 a month.

and my private school MBA is also fully paid for

>> No.821164

I went to every class, never absent. I took neat, meticulous notes. I then photocopied and sold those notes for $10 a page, front and back.
I averaged $100 per school day.

>> No.821166

How did you market that?

>> No.821169

It was pretty easy. A lot of students skip their classes in college because no one's breathing down their neck like in highschool. I set up flyers listing the classes I was taking and how much my notes cost. I was surprised no one else was doing it.
That was 10 years ago. It might not work nowadays with easy internet sharing.

>> No.821178

That's pretty neat. What are you doing now?

>> No.821193
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carefully, with a scanner and scissors

>> No.821200

I work on computer vision systems for a defense contractor.
I did a research project on computer vision with a professor one summer. I kept in touch and he later hooked me up with an internship which became a job after I graduated.

That's all for now. Bedtime.

>> No.821236


I sold shit. In high school it was drinks, snacks, and porn (live in the South, lots of deeply Christian parents). I had an Asian kid who had white parents who wouldn't let him see any porn, and that gook gave me $100 a month for lesbian porn DVD's.

In college I sold everything from microwaves and TV's to game consoles to books. Basically, I'd buy your book for $5-10 more than the school book store and then either sell it on eBay or sell it to another student 5-10 less than the book store used book price.

That enterprise parlayed into my resell business today. In college I bought a run-down convenience store that was down the street from the school (for dirt cheap because it was run down and the dead owner's family wanted quick cash) and started a resale business. Then upgraded to a full-fledged convenience store by my senior year, yes, even legally selling smokes and alcohol and lottery tickets and gasoline.

When I graduated, I sold it. Turned a $8k investment and probably another $10k or so in renovations into a six-figure payout. All within three years.

The kicker? I don't even use my degree. I had full-ride so I paid nothing, no loans, and I just used it for networking, fucking bitches, and making cash.

>> No.821243

Can you elaborate on how you were selling things? Where did you get the merchandise?

>> No.821249

Tutoring for rich families mostly, made $35-$50/ hour for a few hours everyday during the school year

>> No.821262


A lot of things (and still to this day) comes from flea markets, yard sales, public auctions, storage auctions, estate sales, pawn shops, thrift stores, etc.

Big ticket items (unless very large like flat screens) have almost always went on eBay because that's where the most bucks can be made. Other things were sold locally, sometimes bartered, first year I lived in the dorm so that gave me some intro connections with people. And yes, at many times they'd knock on my door at 1-2am wanting something. I also sold condoms. Lots and lots of condoms, could order a bulk lot off eBay and then charge $10 apiece for them. You're wanting some pussy at 2AM and if she insists on a condom, you're going to give me $10. And these were the cheap ones you could get (back then) for a dime or so.

A couple of rednecks had a name for me: King Kike

>> No.821266

In college I became friends with the owner of a local record store and got to work there almost any hours I wanted. It was pretty cool.

>> No.821289

Mtg. I had been playing for a while so sold and traded cards. Admit 4k in two years plus work and managing my grants and scholarships. Dropped out with no debt a car and project jeep. 60k job. No degree though.

>> No.821313

what job?

>> No.821329

Buying second hand computers from this local company in my town where big companies would sell their old PCs in bulk. Install cracked Windows XP, MS office 2007, AV, other basic shit, sell with monitor/keyboard/mouse for double the price. Made a few thousand in a couple months, not bad.

>> No.821333

Labor. And sub arc operator. Vices new time to keep studying, and in about to pick up my first house, full disclosure, I slaved working at Walmart all trough hs

>> No.821436
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pic related pretty much

>> No.821438

i taught younger students after school and i had stocks

>> No.821456


I created a school currency, once everyone was using it for a medium for buying weed/smokes I created more of the currency and bought everything.

>> No.821461

Started buying young cattle lots as I was about 12 years old, with the help of my grandfather, who had farms and shitton of livestock. All money I earned in birthdays and chrismas I used to buy cattle. I sold all of them when I was 26. Had enough money to buy three warehouses in the urban perimeter of the industrial sector of my city.
I rent all three to this day, and I'm buying plot of lands accross my region in soon to de developed areas or areas where my networking indicates it's hot.
I'm 28 today and, technically, a millionaire.

>> No.821462


>> No.821464


High school was the best year for me. I smoked and fucked my way through it.

>> No.821466

Work weekends, 20 hr/week, @ 14.25/hr. + Penny stocks.

Penny stocks are actually paying for my school and paid off my car after 9 months.

The weekend job just takes care of living expenses.

>> No.821836

Where did you work?

>> No.821848


What do you use to buy the penny stocks?

>> No.821857
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Get a fucking job. Tutor, knee-pads and mouthwash, fastfood, anything. Just do something.

>> No.821864

Right now I work at an Amazon.com warehouse. I've been there for a while. I work Saturday and Sunday, 10 hour shifts.

An online broker, Scottrade

>> No.822015

Tell us how to get into penny stocks

>> No.822082

sounds like you didnt have to find your own food for your entire life, and grandpa fed you well into your early twenties

>> No.822083

and birthday and christmas money?! what the hell?! god dam 'murika man, i bet your family was well off as it was, and you didnt even need those damn warehouses and cattle

>> No.822084

you only lasted a year in highschool?

>> No.822091

high school was easily the easiest 4 years of my academic career so far

not even being edgy showing how sophisticated i am, high school in my area was just made to pass you, not to learn anything

>> No.823257

Tutor SAT or ACT if you go to a good school. People eat that shit up easily. Make so much in just an hour.