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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8208572 No.8208572 [Reply] [Original]

>there are real December buyers browsing /biz/ right now

>> No.8208622

nah they all killed themselves already

>> No.8208692

I'll tell you a secret, i'm one of them but i larp as an anon who made it and give troll advices that someone even take seriously

>> No.8208732

bought ETH in december
made 30k
didn't sell the top because greed
cashed out 17k so I should have around 15 grand extra after taxes
I think I did OK

>> No.8208744

Same here. Noobs are dumb enough to actually invest in Tether if you tell them it's a great deal at about $1 each

>> No.8208774


me too

except I was the one who sold at 6k

>> No.8208829

>losing money
>in the most bullish market to ever come

No way I share this board with people that stupid

>> No.8208903

i am 80% down

>> No.8208946

I'm from November, feels comfy

>> No.8208947

My buddy put 3 grand into Salt when it was $15 and he never sold.

I don't think it gets much worse than that.

>> No.8208961

19th december ask me anything, yes I will an hero soon

>> No.8208977

Started buying at 14k
Not quite breaking even

>> No.8208999

I started in december and im still 5x, how are the rest of you so bad at this?

>> No.8209006

>tfw I've been using BTC to buy drugs since 2013

fuck me, it never even occured to me that this shit might be worth investing in. I was only 16 at the time but still.

>> No.8209007
File: 126 KB, 1270x438, Mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people in this market lose money actually. Not too crazy to think the people autistically shilling chainlink are not becoming millionaires.

>> No.8209026

Bought a bunch at 14k.

Broke even with lucky alts and the selling at the 11k marks this year.

Buying in now again (only $200,more if it drops). This will decide my profit.

>> No.8209059


I'm on drugs right now. Feels pretty fantastic

>> No.8209074

totally brah, far out man super cooooool yeah hahahaha

>> No.8209097


So you started at the best time possible and this goes to show that even a retard can make 5x since you don't understand how ATH buyers arent 5x at this point

>> No.8209120

Of course, it's a zero sum game. For someone to make money, someone else has to lose it.

>> No.8209170


Awesome post there champ

>> No.8209205


>> No.8209214

same but I actually invested in good memes alts before BTC full crashed so I'm just a little bit under by initial investment even though I bought BTC at fucking 18k

feels weird man

>> No.8209217


Good advice two days ago tho

>> No.8209245

what you smoking? I can't do drugs these days because I had to move back home until this fall but I'm mostly a psychadelic kind of guy, mostly weed with some occasional LSD. MDMA is my favorite though, coupled with some nice psytrance.

>> No.8209746

I've been here since early 16, made a lot from eth and xrp. Quit my job and cashed out 50% to fiat, enough to live off forever. I post stupid shit like this all the time to get replies. I also post bull threads when the market stops bleeding for a second. And yes, I'm still unhappy.

>> No.8210009

Nice blog you degenerate, reddit fuck. Now gtfo

>> No.8210071

Dude 7t btc eoy lmao

>> No.8210168

put in about £400 and i'm down to like 300 now but i'm holding. Panic sellers never win, fuck that.

>> No.8210435


Late November reporting in. Could have entered one year sooner, fml

>> No.8210607

Bought in Dec, Jan, Feb and March. Dollar cost averaging

>> No.8210683

I bought in early January and my folio has literally never been fully in the green. I dont even care anymore

>> No.8211113

>there are post 2016 buyers browsing right now

>> No.8211553

i pity people who get joy out of the misfortune of others. they will never feel true happiness or peace, just anger and negativity

>> No.8211577

I bought in December, January, February, and March

>> No.8211618
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spotted the decemberfag, also.

>> No.8211686

Same I bought 1.5 ETH at 1100 a good 2700 FUN at .11 and 60 ICX at 8 dollars but LARP on here spreading FUD son my bags, shitting on successful coins and I shill my bags on other platforms like whisper and YouTube. I’m down over 1k right now on my original investment but LARP on all other boards as a young NEET that’s able to retire off my investment. All the money I’ve lost has almost been worth it for the memes and times with you autists, hope I can at least double my funds off this shit by next year.

>> No.8211762


>> No.8211809

Also could have entered one month later.

Kind of crazy to think the difference between being up quite a bit and being down a ton is only a month in some cases.

>august 2017 here

>> No.8211921

started in December and am still up 3k..

>> No.8211924

I bought in December and I’m still up, mainly because I sold near the high. Got in on TRX right before it mooned and then ICX the day it came out. Sold both near their ATH. Still down because BTC is down, but my sats are around x9. Thinking about reinvesting in ICX since it’s super low and way oversold.

>> No.8212120
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plox kys, you stick out like a nigger in an advanced maths class

>> No.8212513
File: 127 KB, 710x594, irvrysmartz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought in December and still up by 60%. Comfy.

>> No.8212772
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I bought in February but put it all on shitcoins because I thought Bitcoin was done. Bitcoin proceeds to go 40% up while my portfolio went sideways. And now they're crashing alongside it.

>> No.8213060

bought mid december still x3 up

>> No.8213101
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it's ok I'm only down 40%

>> No.8213109

Early January buyers got it worse desu.

>> No.8213120

>tfw invested in december
>made money because i always sold at all time highs
>watched coins crash and burn that i exited out of
Kek this is too easy

>> No.8213171

this thread shows why i dont take ANYTHING on biz seriously
I consider everything posted here shitposts and larps. no idea how anyone could take this cesspool seriuosly.