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File: 62 KB, 700x442, Pharmaceuticals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8206209 No.8206209 [Reply] [Original]

Pharma industry insider here. Over a decade of R&D, sourcing/supply chain logistics, and clinical practice in endocrinology. I'll be here until grandpa stops shitting himself answering questions on anything related to the medical and pharmaceutical application of blockchain.

>> No.8206255


>> No.8206279


What, in your opinion, is the best use-case for blockchain in medicine, and are there any tokens/coins that accomplish this?

>> No.8206300

when moon

>> No.8206306

Will AMB take me to the promised land?

>> No.8206316

How much data supporting the use of, say, vyvanse, is manufactured and only published if the study is favorable to its use?

>> No.8206329


VeChain is going to be use for medical device logistics. Insulin pump manufacturing and whatnot. We would NEVER use a Chinese company for raw ingredients or manufacturing. The chinks are the problem to begin with.

>> No.8206343

Mod focuses on the pharmaceutical industry as a temperature regulating service. Is this really a problem which needs solving in the industry?
They stated that now everyone has to use expensive temperature regulating trucks.

>> No.8206342

Is there room for R&D startups in the industry? Particularly those that specialize in gene therapy?

>> No.8206349

Hi , what do you think are the biggest walls to break for blockchain to be used in pharma and what current problem could be solved with it
Thanks in advance

>> No.8206372
File: 216 KB, 1920x1080, zeusambrosuskimchi2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should know AMB is the real deal then

>> No.8206383


Supply chain and quality control. Tracing the quality control process of raw chemicals is going to be huge because the chinks are notorious for faking analytics. You have no idea how much money we spend on redoing the testing they've already done.

>> No.8206391

those pills must be full of concentrated immigrant semen.

>> No.8206407


Unfavorable data is always hidden. What you can do is check clinicaltrials.gov and see if the results of the study they started were published. If the results weren't published, the study ended unfavorably.

>> No.8206409

what about pajeets
they make tons of drugs, how is blockchain going to play into their med/pharma industry?

>> No.8206421

What's your opinion on your indian and asian counterparts?

>> No.8206467


Modum will fail. Their focus is too narrow and they won't be able to compete with bigger players who have a more grand vision. I view Modum as the weakest of the supply chain companies and it's the only one I haven't invested in.

>> No.8206482

Given that big pharma is so thoroughly vetted by centralized sources, i.e. big government, what actual practical value does a decentralization have to the industry?

>> No.8206502


I own AMB VEN and WTC. AMB is my largest holding by a factor of 10. I'll leave it at that.

>> No.8206545


HIPAA compliance and large scale integration into the supply chain. The real problem that needs to be solved is tracking the quality control process in a trustless way and counterfeit drugs in 2nd world counties like China and India

>> No.8206564


AMB is my largest holding. If they can do what they are promising we will use them.

>> No.8206603


Separating the good manufacturers from the shitty ones and making sure their population isn't pointed by cheap shit chink drugs. India had some great raw ingredient manufacturs and they make great generics.

>> No.8206626

Heres a big one:

Do you HONESTLY think government involvement in the approval of drugs is beneficial in any way?

>> No.8206635


Providing a trustless and immutable record of supply chain and quality control measures.

>> No.8206660


100%. It's the only way you have any chance of being assured the drugs you get actually work. The brass only cares about one thing and that's shareholder profits. Better than your lucky fucking stars for the FDA.

>> No.8206699

what is the advantage of blockchain in medical supply chain? why is blockchain a better alternative than other methods of collecting data?

>> No.8206791


It's better because it's trustless and can't be changed. When the chinks make a chemical for us they do testing for purity/potency and provide that information to us on a batch by batch basis. The problem is they either fuck up or outright fake that testing all the time. So we have to spent a metric fuckton of money to re-test -every single batch- of chemical we receive. If we could have that data recorded in a way they couldn't alter it would save us so much money.

When we reject a chemical it doesn't get thrown away. They shunt it into second world markets like China, India, Africa. Giving those markets the ability to ensure their drugs were real and unadulterated would save countless lives.

>> No.8206823

Thanks for sharing your knowledge OP, good stuff.

>> No.8206833
File: 159 KB, 800x633, e355cdcf-024e-4bae-bd59-3789d43ae154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8206865

How long should I hold AMB? I have savings for 6 months I could pull out 1k and put in AMB will it moon before I run out of savings?

>> No.8206889

One industry professional to another:

What would you say is the hugest problem with EMR solutions like MEDchain, simply vital, etc?

not complicated question

>> No.8206944

What is your specialization? What kind of R&D were/are you involved with?

>> No.8206948


I'll be holding AMB long term depending on how they look in 2019 re: meeting their roadmap and gaining some actual industry adoption. I expect them to have a marketcap at least as high as VeChain.

>> No.8206999


HIPAA compliance and interoperability with other EMRs. Everyone uses their own EMR and office to office, office to hospital, or hospital to hospital communication is an absolute cluster fuck. Getting HIPAA compliance for public facing information will be next to impossible. I don't see EMR as a viable area for blockchain application.

>> No.8207073


We develop analogues to plant based chemicals aimed at activating longevity genes like SIRTUINS. We originally were developing resveratrol analogues, but they were too weak. We have much stronger chemicals now. We are focused in lide extension and mimicing the effects of caloric restriction.

>> No.8207106

AMB are backed by the Swiss Government and have teams from EPFL and ETH Zurich, that's a level of backing that no other solution has. Just check what pharma solutions come out of EPFL and ETH Zurich. Half of Ambrosus team are from these institutes.

>> No.8207194

I'm getting a job at Cerner. Good corporation to be with or no? Please be gentle don't scare me too bad

>> No.8207202

Thoughts on a SGYP buyout?

>> No.8207225

I'm putting together a plan for ethereum smart contract ICO fund raising for a biopharmaceutical startup. The contract and fundraising plan has clearly defined milestones/tranches and hardcoded investor protections, with royalty/milestone payment dividends paid out through token burn, and will register as a securities offering with the SEC. The technology is a proprietary compound platform with multiple use indications. The science is great, but I have difficulty getting VC fun raising as it is still early stage.
Does this look like a viable plan now or say a year from now?


>> No.8207273


Good answer. You may be real

>> No.8207284



>> No.8207322


No. Plecanatide is shit compared to lubiprostone.

>> No.8207326

It would be the equivalent of a Seed+Series A with funds locked up based on time and multisig authorization of milestone completion.

>> No.8207354

what other projects besides supply chain are you invested in?

>> No.8207372


Trips checked.

By the way, how interested are manufacturers and medical companies in blockchain tech? Are they boomer-tier and don't even know about it or are they considering it but just waiting for the right player to come along?

>> No.8207399


Yes. If you can protect investor confidentiality. Ethereum might be a problem. You might look into something a bit more enterprise focused like Dragonchain.

>> No.8207434

I'm a pharma student in central Europe doing my bachelor, any advice what I should do afterwards?

>> No.8207454


The brass aren't blind to anything. They're not stupid. They're waiting for an industry ready product that doesn't come from chinks.

>> No.8207488


BTC ETH ICX and EOS when it bottoms out after coin dilution.

>> No.8207543


Develop strong ethics and a deep commitment to bettering humanity. Never put money above people.

>> No.8207561

Have you even looked into chainlink or just think it's still a meme? Pharmaceutical industry would definitely need a way to get outside data info onto the blockchain.

>> No.8207625


I haven't invested in link but an oracle solution that could communicate with legacy systems and especially instrumentation would be the holy grail.

>> No.8207649

How difficult would it be to micro-manage all of your own hormones on a daily basis if someone amputated your pituitary gland?

>> No.8207672


Kobe Bryant. You must know someone.

>> No.8207752


Hypophysectomy is complicated to manage, but you will be just fine. Its not that bad. Trust your team.

>> No.8207762

AMB has just announced partnership with Swiss Coffee Alliance. Pharma partnership next

>> No.8207810


>> No.8207851

Not crypto related but want do you think of Nova Nordisk? NVO. A bro got me in it good gains so far.

>> No.8208118

Ok fags I'm out. I'll be back.

>> No.8208204

Are the issues with Ethereum due to network transparency?
Until regulations pan out more (one of the reasons this is a year out at best), as far as I can tell the only way to make this work is a private placement <1mil$ to qualify under rule 504. Otherwise you cant advertise, investor info is registered, the securities is restricted (so no DEX), etc...

>> No.8208349

I work in the pharmaceutical industry and have made money on crypto but can't tie them toghether at all.
I managed to buy Mod low and sell it high knowing it would pump and dump and avoided DNA because it was a retarded idea but it pisses me off that that crypto runs off hype and partnerships and my knowledge of the industry doesn't help at all.

Off topic but I decided to learn Japanese thinking it would help my career since very few westerners speak it and Japan has such a big presence in the industry. Do you think this was a good call?

>> No.8209115


>> No.8209375

Thoughts on mTOR as a target and more generally metformin for otherwise healthy people?

>> No.8209930


>> No.8210801

Do you know anyone who works in Pharmacovigilance?

>> No.8210839
File: 213 KB, 1258x1391, 1510920265338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cetp inhibitors when and which company so i can make zillions

>> No.8210870

Yo PharmaPhag, PhD candidate in organic chem here. How fucked am I when I go job searching in a couple years?

>> No.8210894

How can a pharmacist get a non-community job?

>> No.8211607

All of the drugs are manufactured in China

>> No.8212422

Just search for entry level jobs in industry.

>> No.8213232

So you hold a lot of supply chain then? (I see you hold AMB, VEN, WTC)

Any thoughts on TRAC or are you strictly Pharma?

>> No.8213288

Thoughts on medibloc?

>> No.8213290

Is Martin going away for 15 yrs or nah?

>> No.8214176

Thoughts on medicalchain?