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8204752 No.8204752 [Reply] [Original]

This is why I hold BNB. x3 minimum.

>> No.8204764

we don't deserve cz

>> No.8204773

>comparing chinks to macaronis
no shit anon.

>> No.8204776

kill yourself

>> No.8204791

CZ based chink. I bet even if these fuckers cashed out CZ would use his stand Crazy Bugman to JUST the hackers and save crypto

>> No.8204792

>suffered a stolen
hearty kek

>> No.8204812

I genuinely think CZ might be the only smart chink on Earth

>> No.8204815

East Asians >>>> Abbos >>>> Shitalians

>> No.8205113


Italians are sub iqs anyways, the only shit they do is make pasta and pizza

>> No.8205241

Found the spaghetti nigger.

>> No.8205266
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>> No.8205283

On the top, avid capitalist
On the bottom, avid communist

>> No.8205291

hey based gook pls send yakuza to end Arthur hayes bye

>> No.8205444

fuck off ideologue

>> No.8205578
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The list goes on fuckers...

>> No.8205617
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>be me riding subway home through sketchy part of NYC
>4 niggers get on at the last stop before mine and immediately start eyeballing me and make me generally uncomfortable
>I shift in my seat as one of them edges closer, he opens his jacket so only I am able to see the glock in his waistband
>he mutters under his breath, "you gon give up the wallet homie?"
>fuck my fucking life
>I begin to reach for my back pocket to give the nigger my wallet when suddenly there is an explosion of glass from the side window of the subway car
>I cover my eyes from the flying shards as the lights of the car flicker overhead
>I open my eyes slowly and the first thing I see is the nigger that was threatening me is now slumped down against the wall and has a 9 inch piece of glass sticking out of his forehead, looks like it penetrated his skull and into his brain
>it's at this moment that I realize there is a new person standing in between me and the niggers, a small Asian looking dude with a huge fucking head wearing a grayish hoodie that says "binance"
>Jesus fucking christ it's fucking CZ what the fuck
>at this moment I notice he has the niggers glock in his hand, which he immediately lifts and fires three perfect shots into the dicks of the remaining niggers, who immediately collapse and begin making animal noises
>for the first time I open my mouth to speak but CZ quickly spins around and puts a finger over my mouth, "shhhing" me as he looks into my eyes
>he speaks very quietly:
>"Funds are safe."

>> No.8206038

>someoene actually took the time to write this wall of garbage


>> No.8206085

cz a real one.

>> No.8206089

Shitalians are the worst.

>> No.8206248

Italians are so goddamn stupid. They are literally the dumbest Europeans. If anyone has ever talked to an Italian for more then 3 minutes then they know how fucking stupid they are.

>> No.8206376
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yeh thanks for nothing literal fags

>> No.8206388


its a pasta newfag

>> No.8206596

100% Veblen goods, amazing

>> No.8206620

audible kek @ "Funds are safe."

>> No.8206695


ok I'll give you that one

>> No.8206708


>> No.8206891

>reddit meme

>> No.8206936

>Mutts being racist against the sole white race (and the creator of white europe) left on this planet
Colour me suprised.

>> No.8207001

Binnace definitely has a future, but a lot of strong competition coming out this year would put me off buying BNB. I'd rarer buy ICOs for future exchanges. Coinmetro will be a huge success this year, for the simple fact it's normie friendly and has fiat pairs.There's another ICO coming up this month which you don't wanna miss out on which will appeal to those concerned about exchanges being hacked.

>> No.8207033
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>> No.8207297

>tfw your country's biggest source of income comes from everyone thinking you know fashion because on the map it looks like a shoe
Kind of humiliating desu

>> No.8207371

Why won't you sociopaths feel bad for the russian hackers? Do you realize what their mafia boss will do to these poor guys?

>> No.8207439

nutella is a literal shit tier product
why would you eat a mixture of the cheapest oil and suger

>> No.8207770

Shitalians are one of the dumbest ethnic groups. They can't fucking do anything right except make Italian food. Completely useless

>> No.8207820

Don't give CZ too much thanks. His head will grow big and he'll start making decisions that you'll hate but he won't care because too many people worship him.

Don't say I didn't warn you

>> No.8207821
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>> No.8207889

thank you based CZ!

>> No.8207936
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