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File: 22 KB, 358x398, Suicide_pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8201613 No.8201613 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>24 year old, german, full time student who works at an engineering company at the same time because my boomer parents wasted all their money on mercedes cars and boats and now that they are retired I need to pay their rent
>workload 80 hrs per week
>never had vacation in my life, never was outside of germany because my parents traveled the world without me when I was a little kid (i had to stay with my grandma)
>suffering from keratoconus (a rare eye disease) since 6 months, everything is blurry, seeing a lens fitter every month who wants to provide me with scleral lenses so I can see near normal again
>the custom fitted scleral lenses he tested aren't suitable for daily use, so I have to wait and wait and wait..will I ever be able to see normally again?
>invested all the money that I could use into LINK
>if LINK wont do some crazy shit until EOY Im going to kill myself. not even kidding
>cant even shoot myself in the head because of german gun laws

2 Questions:
- What is the best way to kill myself?
- What is the possibility of LINK hitting 100$ EOY? What is the possibility to survive?

>> No.8201657

We don't give a shit

>> No.8201665

Vodka and Xanax (or any sleeping pills as long as it’s a benzodiazepine)
You’re welcome, OP.
The second option won’t be happening.

>> No.8201674

>german student working at an engineering company
you have no idea how good you have it, even if link goes to 0 you're set for life anyway

>> No.8201704

how the hell am I set for life if I cant even see properly?

>> No.8201730

The good old helium bottle + bag. Somebody post the pic

>> No.8201736

the german government will support you if you go blind. also, money isn't going to cure blindness so wouldn't you be fucked even if link didn't moon?

>> No.8201738

Chainlink will be way above 1000 usd in 2020, I sincerely hope you don't kill yourself by then OP. Just have patience, holding Chainlink is the biggest suicide prevention tool in the world right now.

>> No.8201749

this one? thanks for the advice!

>> No.8201753

did moon*

>> No.8201761

1) go into your garage, close all the doors/windows. start your car, sit back, and relax

2) 0

>> No.8201767

money can buy me the opportunity to travel so that I can see better lens fitters. because the only lens fitter in my area is incompetent as fuck

>> No.8201800

you are in the middle of europe, what the fuck? you have a choice of 30 different countries all a short train ride away.

>> No.8201814

yeah but I dont have the time and money right now. that what I need LINK for

>> No.8201817

Bruh, keep on holding man, u WILL make it, life might seem sucky right now, but u should never press the stop play button man, take care.

>> No.8201849

mein gott jetz hab dich nicht so
falls du tatsächlich blind oder fast blind werden solltest kannst du immernoch in irgendeine öffentliche behörde gehen die haben quoten zu erfüllen. Da machst du den ganzen tag nichts weil du behindert bist aber wirst trodzdem halbwegs gut bezahlt und hast ne menge urlaub. falls link tatsächlich durchstartet werden wir aufjedenfall einen trinken gehen

>> No.8201864

>in my life, never was outside of ger
Haha germans can be dumb as fuck too :D Instead of investing in quality and good projects like digibyte you invested in link and you dont even know what it is? oO

>> No.8201872

>need eye surgery or go blind
>spend your last money on literal meme bags in a bear market

>> No.8201886

unkündbar bist du auch noch

>> No.8201893

>parents wasted all their money on mercedes cars and boats and now that they are retired I need to pay their rent
>never had vacation in my life, never was outside of germany because my parents traveled the world without me when I was a little kid (i had to stay with my grandma)
Jesus Christ anon your parents sound like absolute Boomer scum. Just say fuck it and cut them out desu. Might also be worth moving - either somewhere else in Germany or some other country - for a fresh start.

Also: read some Houellebecq for relief - despite being a boomer himself he's absolutely full of contempt for boomers and eviscerates them in his writing.

>> No.8201916

Glaubst du echt, dass ich in ne Behörde reinkomme? Das klingt irgendwie zu schön um wahr zu sein.
Was das trinken angeht bin ich aufjedenfall dabei, falls Sergey uns zu Mäzenen macht

>> No.8201942

Warum bist du so dumm und setzt alles auf ein so riskantes Pferd? Wenn auch nur einer der vielen Konkurrenten das Oracle-Problem löst ist Link quasi wertlos. Verkauf den scheiß beim nächsten Pump und investier lieber weniger riskant. Und lass dein scheiß Auge behandeln du mongo.

>> No.8201954

We don't give a shit

>> No.8201957

Ich kann mit einem eierlöffel fledermäuse töten

>> No.8201959

Which book should I start with?
Little anecdote: I hated eReaders and always preferred real books but now that my vision is getting worse I really enjoy the backlight and big letter function of my Kobo Glo HD.

>> No.8201983

Fick dich, du Inder.

>> No.8201991

ich kann dir nicht sagen wie das abläuft die haben aufjedenfall quoten zu erfüllen

>> No.8201998

>a German doesn't know how to gas himself

Hahaha wew

>> No.8202022

>Vodka and Xanax

You will die vomiting and suffocating.

Look up argon + bag over face. You go to sleep.

I'm with you, OP. If LINK doesn't moon in the next 12 months or so, I'm unironically checking out.

I can't do it anymore.

>> No.8202036

Wetten du hast das nur mit rechts getippt weil du dir mit der linken Hand dein arsch abwischt?

>> No.8202067

Ich Hamburger essen

>> No.8202094

these suicide bags seem to be more than just a meme.
just like LINK, kek.
lets commit suicide together, anon.
like Heinrich von Kleist and Henriette Vogel
(On November 21, 1811, the two traveled from Berlin to Wannsee. Prior to their departure, they both penned farewell letters, which along with an account of the final night they spent at the inn Gasthof Stimming, are now part of world literature. Upon their arrival in the vicinity of the Wannsee in Potsdam, Kleist first shot Henriette and then turned the gun on himself. They were buried together in a common grave at Kleine Wannsee (Bismarckstrasse), which has become a tourist attraction.)

>> No.8202102

meine sehr dich amerikana fruende

>> No.8202109

Guys wtf don't talk like that.
Let's build a community here and sort our problems out together.

>> No.8202128

Ich bin Apotheker in Amerika. Hate to break it to you, but it's hard to kill yourself without a lethal weapon. You're much more likely to vomit whatever you ingested and wake up a few days later in the hospital feeling mentally retarded.

I thought Europe gave away money to poor and old people. Shouldn't your parents be set without you working? And I thought the work week was only 28 hours or something retardedly low.

Don't believe in the MaiMai so hard, meine Kerle. It's much more likely for LINK to barely surpass $5 eoy.

>> No.8202168

Isnt helium tank painless?

>> No.8202169
File: 157 KB, 387x580, 1513100353551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much LINK do you have?

>> No.8202172

The state provides for my parents, but its not enough for them. they need more money cause they spend too much. and no the workweek in germany is 40 hrs (okay, I spend a lot of time surfing like now) but I'm studying for my engineering degree at the same time, that makes 80 hrs.

>> No.8202199

Has a decently high failure rate, if it works it's painless. Worst case scenario you end up retarded and miserable.

>> No.8202233

It would be painless, but how the fuck would you get your hands on a helium tank? Even if you managed to find one, they're very likely not 100% helium.

>> No.8202307

If you wanna kill your self, get some barbiturates, not benzos and alcohol like here retards are saying. Benzos rarely sedate last stage 3 p 2, so at best you’ll be have no pain, amnesia, slight respiratory depression, and no eyelid/ corneal relfex.

Get yourself some barbiturates, use an IV administration, and you’ll never wake up. You’ll love funcstion of your respiratory muscles and their accessory ones (intercostals) but you won’t wake up as your cns will be so inhibited it can’t “shock itself awake” via excessive glutamate excitation/ noradrenaline release.

Source: am anasthesiology registrar.

You can also use sodium nitrate, it’s otc, soluble, tasteless, and v low toxic threshold.

>> No.8202312

School doesn't count as work hours lol. And you've got a comfy job where you're sitting on your ass most of the day. Stop complaining. At least you're not some useless NEET on /pol/ or /biz/.

>> No.8202314

*lose function.

>> No.8202322

You don't need helium. You can use argon. You can buy argon from any welding shop. It's not expensive.

That's terrible advice. Who the fuck knows how to start an IV correctly? And how are you going to get your hands on (reliably clean) barbituates?

You people need to do your research.

Argon gas + bag over head = sleepy time.

Any time you kill yourself with drugs, you're risking something seriously going wrong.

>> No.8202391


You’re retarded. “Start an IV?” It’s a fucking intravenous injection you handicap; not a saline drip you handicap.

Considering OPies profession, he can no doubt learn how to fill a syringe and plug it into his cubtial veins. 2 mins on a YouTube tutorial. Go order some ethamidate or sodium thiopentyl online. Google the LD50, and go x 3 the dose of that. You’ll fall asleep in 10-30 seconds, and won’t wake up. No pain, no nothing.

Barbs are ez to get your hand on. Lol at this retard telling me to do my research haha. It’s my fucking job to sedate people,

>> No.8202428

>alles in Link investiert
Besser du beendest es jetzt als in 9 Monaten

>> No.8202441

1. jump in front of a high speed train early in the morning
Your exit to life will sweeten the commuters day (“Fuck im late to work cause this asshole decided to off himself”).

2. Literally Zero. Crypto is dead for at least 2 - 2.5 years. And with Crypto i mean BTC and not some random shit like Link that does not even get a shot in the first place.

>> No.8202451

>It's a "/biz/ has an unironic thread about suicide methods" episode

>> No.8202457

>It’s my fucking job to sedate people,
You're retarded. Normal people cna't get their hands on reliable drugs like that without way too much trouble.

Normal people also don't know shit about dosing or anything like that. Using argon (or any other gas like it) is as easy as hooking up the tank, putting a bag over your head, and going to sleep.

It's 100% and fail proof. So much can go wrong with drugs.

You're fucking retarded.

>> No.8202473

All of you shit the fuck up.
Provide some encouragement you fucking animals. It's people like you lot who out me off this place. Fuck the lot of you.

>> No.8202505

Come on man, you're in fucking Germany. I'm on Venezuela, where people literally skip meals and spend all the money they earn wagecucking only on bus and getting something not to starve.

Keep working, and hodl.

>> No.8202554


>> No.8202564

why didnt the anti socialist movement suceed in your country?

>> No.8202569


>> No.8202570
File: 10 KB, 198x225, 9039032F-B06C-4783-B9F9-AFD73BE67444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NEIN NEIN NEIN faggot! Not the train, I can’t get late to work!

>> No.8202599

I am a kerataconus boi too. Scleral lenses phucking suck. Hold strong OP.

>> No.8202601

*explodes lung*

>> No.8202609

You’re legitamately handicapped. Literally google barbiturates online and you’ll pick them up no problem.

Argos has doesn’t depress your cns, it’s just an asphyxiant. What that means for your stupid dumb brain, is that when OP goes unconscious, his body will thrash itself around as it goes tries to compensate for lack of 02; possibly removing the bag in the process.

“Normal people don’t know shit about dosing”. You have to remember not everyone is retarded as you. If a dose is x mg/ ml for a lethal dose, and the drug is given in mg or g, it’s not hard to math a fucking 11 year old could do.

I’m gonna go ahead and presume you’re American, probabaly lower middle class/ working class. If you’re not, you should be ashamed of yourself for morn being able to basic division.

Jesus man, how stupid are people. “100%” success. The only thing that is 100% successful is to stop your brain from neural communication to keep the body alive, starving it of the body’s ability to INTAKE O2; not just trying to be a competitor anatagonist to O2 like argon would.

Stop being fucking stupid and read something, anything. Jesus Christ you’re thick. You’re most definitely not gonna make it lol

>> No.8202616

how long do you suffer from this?
its f*cking horrible, dude

>> No.8202621

The opposition party sucks, and the government has military and militia which don't hesitate about killing people if they need to. A lot of people have died, even in pacific protests. Google Geraldin Moreno or Genesis Carmona.

>> No.8202635

sich in DE die lichter ausknipsn ist schon sau dumm. Wenn du wüsstest wie gut wir es haben im vergleich zu den shitholes die es gibt. ohne scheiss, knast hier ist besser als in freiheit in afghanistan oder irak etc.
wenn alles den bach runter geht kannst immer noch easy life mit hartz xbox, fertigpizza und sixer bier machen. am bahnhof penise lutschen für nen 10,-. vieleicht gefällt dir das sogar als gay boy nutte. also: bleib am leben, in germania geht immer was.

>> No.8202657

Witnet wird chainlink töten..

>> No.8202713

so many still stand behind the government if they let it happen or is it a silent majority which is a bomb waiting to explode?

>> No.8202831

Silent majority. Most people are just fleeing the country. Specially young ones. I'm probably getting out this year as well.

>> No.8202880

Suicide : belt on door knob: cheapest and most effective. Most common choice by men and the likes of Robbin Williams , Chester Bennington and Chris Cornell ..end of year LINK $1000 USD will never happen .I love link but at best it will be maybe 750 to 850USD

>> No.8202899

This wouldn't kill you at all you moron . Just to show you OP, this guy has no clue about suicide or the fact that chain link won't be almost 995 USD

>> No.8202905

OP here
I had a girlfriend from venezuela 8 years ago, but she moved back and broke up with me (her father lives in venezuela, her mother lives in germany, her grandma lives in Madrid)
last year she finally fled the country and she lives with her grandma in Madrid now.
Its fascinating that it needs total starvation mode for her to move back to europe.
She did everything she could in 2010 to move back from germany to venezuela (maracaibo)

>> No.8202929
File: 247 KB, 1297x530, 1520402873478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

personally i think 100$ eoy is FUD...link can 10k EOY no doubt

>> No.8202952

no need to come up with elaborate sop story. just buy link, it'll probs do real well... 20k linky.

>> No.8202971

Egal. Alle houllebecq Bücher sind großartig. Elementarteilchen wohl das beste

>> No.8202982

>She did everything she could in 2010 to move back from germany to venezuela (maracaibo)
Maybe she missed the place. It's kinda hard for us to go elsewhere, specially europe, since our weather is pretty warm all year. There's also the family and stuff. I would not flee if it wasn't for the fact everything is just slowly crumbling down.

>> No.8202988

100eoy is possible.

>> No.8202998
File: 53 KB, 500x1348, DwshIXo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought Germans like working hard

>> No.8203035

I just need it to hit $10

>> No.8203051

its not really the work thats killing me but the work+losing my vision. before i had keratoconus I was okay. but now work is getting harder and harder and I didnt find a cure by now

>> No.8203083

>his body will thrash itself around
You genuinely have no fucking idea what you're talking about.


Read a fucking book.


>> No.8203138

schweizer bank fag hier
arbeite unter anderem für die credit suisse
habe manchmal kontakt mit dem head of innovation und dem fintech lab
warte lieber noch 2 jahre

>> No.8203295

beweise wir hatten schon genug larper

>> No.8203343

Isn't that condition genetic?? How the fuck would it just randomly appear? Also don't kill yourself over meme money, that's just dumb.

>> No.8203351

Hitler hat nichts falsches getan.

>> No.8203405


When your life is this pathetic. Go crawl back under your bridge

>> No.8203427

Suicide is for cowards

>> No.8203517

Fuck off faggot. Suicide is bravery in its purest form.

>> No.8203518
File: 717 KB, 1000x581, 1518426293840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dump LINK
>he wants to kill himself
>activate quantum immortality

>> No.8203552


Start a gofundme or move to Canada. Not even joking, I've seen not one but TWO instances where students who attended my liberal arts college (tuition 10k+ a year) write up some entitled sob story about not having enough money to pay for their sex change. Fully funded within a month.

I feel for you OP, your road ahead may not be easy, but please don't kill yourself. You will make it.

>> No.8203572


Schätzen Sie nicht die Macht des positiven Denkens! BESONDERS KOLLEKTIVES POSITIVES GEDANKEN!



Alles ist Energie und Schwingung

>> No.8203591


>> No.8203610

Not true I have drunk a bottle of rum and popped 20 xanax 5mgs and woke up 18 hours later
also had 30 sleeping pills without the alchole woke up going wtf.

>> No.8203700

I love you anon don’t kill yourself. Not sure about link but things will work out for you.

>> No.8203701

Nice blog, faggot!

>> No.8203708

i wont kill myself op
you're just being a little bitch
ive been homeless before, went to jail on something i didnt do. and grew up with a serial killer who tormented me.
then fell in love with a girl who physically abused me (punched in the face, threw plates at my head. stabbed me etc.) but i was in love with her and she could be so sweet too.

then i ended up becoming a model, watched the sunrise on miami beach every day for months on end.
got a gorgeous fiance who pampers me like a king
the point is, you have to go through some bad waves before you ride the good one.
t. all in on link, cant be broken
and fuck whoever's playing games with the price. you're going to get swallowed whole one day. kek

>> No.8203802

did he stick it into your pooper?

>> No.8204148

one day he trapped me in a pillow case (i was really young) he talked me into seeing if i could fit in there then squeeezd the opening. i couldn't get out and thought i was going to die.
it was my step-dads son and one of the first things he said to me was
"my dad is fucking your mom"
i was 6 years old. i was such a sweet kid too.
i always told myself id beat him up once i got big enough. I'm 10 inches taller than him now and could rip his head off his shoulders. easy.
but he's living in a trailer park, broke and covered in face tattoos. the family doesn't even talk about him; he's already dead.
needless to say i grew very thick skin and i've never lost a fist fight. been in 4 where i got sucker punched before even knowing i was in a fight.

ive got a lot of cruel stories from my youth. thats how i got so beautiful. every boss, manager etc. ive ever had has been jealous of me and tried giving me bitch work, fuck w/me. they're all stuck at the same gigs.

"i went from first of the month money to waking up whenever i want money"

gg noob
get on my level

>> No.8204501

Hahaha! Thinking that money, job, wife or whatever will make up for the fact you are forced to live and forced to suffer the consequences of having no free will apart from postponing your visit to the shitter with a maximum of 72 hours!

Ha! 'Freedom' is a meme. Try to not breath for 30 minutes, not sleep for 144 hours, nor drink for 7 days, etc. There is no fucking freedom no matter how much money you got.

Don't fool yourself, you will die and not a single human is free.

>> No.8204749

Nice job. Sounds like you’ve been through some shit so you deserve the success you now have

>> No.8204787

What's shit this shitty board attracting retarded larp all the fucking time.

>> No.8204862

Free college and job in the field that is the best of thst field in the entire world yesh you should probably kys.. and people wonder why everyone hates millenials

>> No.8205098

Don’t kill your yourself over lost money OP, there will be many more good experiences for you in the future, life is invaluable so please don’t waste yours. And please don’t ever listen to the people on this board for financial advice, most of these people who come here have gambling addictions who think that they can still make money on a dying market. It’s over, everything is going to shit so stay as far away from it as you can right now.

>> No.8205151

It's not a fucking choice. The dealbreaker is the fact that we seem programmed to try and become 'happy'. Which turns us into spineless shits fighting for money, status, knowledge and power.

Free college and a job is a form of collaborating with the enemy. The enemy being evolutionary biology and selfish genes. The only honorable way out is to not reproduce, minimize your social interactions and trying to destroy life from within.

Don't be led by what makes you feel good. Hapiness is the reward life gives you when you do as it wants you to. Fuck your rewards.

>> No.8205196

Come up on some heroin and OD in ecstasy. Rope is boring

>> No.8205480

Fucking Germans, you kys at the first sign of distress, muh link didn't moon, muh russians surrounded berlin ... no wonder u were allies with japs... now i understand why ur women prefer nigs

>> No.8205690


somewhat treatable



worse case scenario is getting cornea implants done on you. So it makes sense why you are banking on chainlink to moon and help get your procedure done.

IF i were you i would just buy top tier looking hookers and fuck as many as you can before your vision whacks out

>> No.8205852

um..that hooker thing..i actually thought about it before. only problem is..i dont have money.

and yes, keratoconus is treatable with crosslinking. I'll visit Prof Seiler in Zurich (the guy who invented crosslinking, he was also the first to do PRK) in three months. He is in the process of inventing another surgery called "LIKE" which is pretty much a reversable form of LASIK, where before the laser burns tissue away, you get a cornea lenticel implanted, so its not your own cornea tissue being burned. smart guy, maybe he can help me. but he's 69 years old...hopefully he finds a solution before he retires

>> No.8205951


it sounds like that guy wont retire until after he succesfully produces huge results with the "LIKE" treatment.

>> No.8206029

why doesn't the rich-ass boggy have a fitted shirt?

>> No.8206081

i spoke to a patient of seiler (the patient is jewish btw, so i have to hide my jq awareness everytime i message him) and he told me that Prof Seiler isn't doing this for the money, he just loves to invent medical procedures, its his profession and he will probably do it until his hands are too shaky

>> No.8206357

i have corneal scarring myself. have you ever considered a corneal transplant?

>> No.8206519
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OP please check out other options.

>Stop paying rent, tell them you can't do it anymore. If they are mean to you about this leave them. As a parent you have a responsibility for your child not visa versa (I'm a dad myself).
>Find a cosy goverment job, work less.
>Try to get some exercise
>Listen to podcast/audio books
>Stop visiting 4chan/fb/reddit.
>Try to eat healty

There is so much to life for.

>> No.8206528

no because from the stories I read a corneal transplant isnt necessarily better, the transplant can have a very uneven surface which will result in higher order aberrations, just like the keratoconus does

>> No.8206681

I can't say I feel sorry for you if you actually bought LINK. Should have done your research on good coins.

>> No.8206754


I said this unironically yesterday on a LINK that if the singularity occurs and it hits $1000 in the next year or 2 /biz wil crash, and the media will report a plethora of suicides, heart attacks, 2nd degree murders, and possible spontaneous human combustion. I guess the same is true if it goes to 0 as well. lmao

>> No.8207171


>> No.8207177

The most philosophical /biz/ thread I ever read. I now know how to commit suicide. OP stay strong man. Our lives are different but you’re doing a great job. I’m trying to find joy in life’s tragedies

>> No.8207220
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